\\; \\; E_OOPS_TXT \\1 You did something that we weren't expecting. Whatever it was, you don't need to do it to finish the game. Try taking a different approach to the situation. Error %d. SCI Version %s \\; \\; E_OOPS \\2 Oops! \\; \\; E_NO_DEBUG \\3 Debug not available! error #%d \\; \\; E_NO_AUDIO_DRVR \\4 Can't find audio driver '%s'! \\; \\; E_NO_AUDIO \\5 Unable to initialize your audio hardware. \\; \\; E_NO_CD_MAP \\6 Unable to locate the cd-language map file. \\; \\; E_INSERT_DISK \\7 Please insert Disk %d in drive %s and press ENTER.%s \\; \\; E_NO_LANG_MAP \\8 Unable to locate the language map file. \\; \\; E_INSERT_STARTUP \\9 Please insert Startup Disk in drive %s and press ENTER.%s \\; \\; E_NO_KBDDRV \\10 No keyboard driver! \\; \\; E_NO_HUNK \\11 Out of hunk! \\; \\; E_NO_HANDLES \\12 Out of handles! \\; \\; E_NO_VIDEO \\13 Couldn't install video driver! \\; \\; E_CANT_FIND \\14 Couldn't find %s. \\; \\; E_NO_PATCH \\15 Couldn't find PatchBank. \\; \\; E_NO_MUSIC \\16 Unable to initialize your music hardware. \\; \\; E_CANT_LOAD \\17 Can't load %s! \\; \\; E_NO_INSTALL \\18 Can't find configuration file: %s Please run the Install program. \\; \\; E_RESRC_MISMATCH \\19 Resource type mismatch \\; \\; E_NOT_FOUND \\20 %s not found. \\; \\; E_WRONG_RESRC \\21 Wrong resource type! Looking for $%x #%d \\; \\; E_LOAD_ERROR \\22 Load error: %s RETURN continues ESC quits \\; \\; E_MAX_SERVE \\23 Maximum number of servers exceeded. \\; \\; E_DISK_ERROR \\24 Disk Error: %s. ENTER to retry. ESC to %s. \\; \\; E_CANCEL \\25 cancel \\; \\; E_QUIT \\26 quit \\; \\; E_DISK_ERROR_MSG \\27 Disk is write protected \\28 Unknown unit \\29 Not ready \\30 ? \\31 CRC error \\32 ? \\33 Seek error \\34 ? \\35 Sector not found \\36 ? \\37 Write fault \\38 Read fault \\39 General failure \\; \\; E_NO_DEBUGGER \\40 No Dubugger Available. \\; \\; E_NO_MINHUNK \\41 Your config file must have a minHunk value. \\; \\; E_NO_MEMORY \\42 You do not have enough memory available to run this game. If you have any resident software loaded please remove it and try again. \\; \\; E_CONF_STORAGE \\43 Out of configuration storage. \\; \\; E_BAD_PIC \\44 Bad picture code