This disk contains self extracting images for SCO, Openserver, UnixWare 2.x, and Banyan. ************************************************************************* The sco3401.exe file is a self extracting program which makes a 3.5" btld diskette. To make the diskette, place a DOS formatted floppy in a drive and type "sco3401 ". For instance, type C:\> sco3401 A: if the 3.5 diskette is in the A: drive. ************************************************************************* The mdac403.exe file is a self extracting program which makes a 3.5" btld diskette. To make the diskette, place a DOS formatted floppy in a drive and type "mdac403 ". For instance, type C:\> mdac403 A: if the 3.5" diskette is in the A: drive. ************************************************************************* THESE ARE INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING THE UNIXWARE 2.X DAC960 UTILITIES September 13, 1995 To convert this compressed DOS file into UNIX format: 1. Copy ux20tk.z onto a DOS floppy. 2. Go to a the UNIXWARE system with the DAC960 and create a /dac960 directory off the /usr subdirectory. Type the following: # mkdir /usr/dac960 NOTE: This directory is necessary for the DAC960 error log. 3. Copy the compressed file on the DOS floppy into this subdirectory: # doscp a:\ux20tk.z /usr/dac960/ux20tk.Z /*notice the uppercase Z*/ # uncompress ux20tk.Z 4. Go to the /usr/bin subdirectory and use the 'tar' command to copy the files to that directory: # cd /usr/bin # tar -xvf /usr/dac960/ux20tk This will place the utilities in the path of executables. To run the DAC960 Unixware utilities : 4. cd /usr 5. mkdir dac960 ( without this directory, user will get a core dump message 6. To run monitor utilities: dacmond 1 (for 1st dac960 in the system) dacmond 2 (for 2nd dac960 in the system) dacmond 3 (for 3rd dac960 in the system) dacmond 4 (for 4th dac960 in the system) all messages sent to the console are also saved in the /usr/dac960/dac0nlog file where n is the controller number. 7. To run administration\toolkit utilities : dac960sh ************************************************************************* The ban_620.exe file is a self extracting program which makes a 3.5" btld diskette. To make the diskette, place a DOS formatted floppy in a drive and type "ban_620 ". For instance, type C:\> ban_620 A: if the 3.5" diskette is in the A: drive.