F15III Initialization Strings Practical Peripheral PM14400FXSA and other PPI 14.4 Baud Modems and Twincomm 14400 Baud Modems From INTERCEPT Magazine: Set F15III's Modem Baud Rate to 19200. Results in 14000 Baud Data Transfer Smoothly. +++ ATE0V0X0&Q6 ATA ATS0=1 ATD ATDT ATH BOCA 14.4 INTERCEPT Magazine's modified ini string. Set F15III's Modem Baud Rate to 19200, to attain 14000 baud data transfer rate. +++ ATE0V0X0&Q6S37=11 ATA ATS0=1 ATD ATDT ATH Infotel 14.4 Modems +++ ATE0V0X0Q0&Q6S36=3S48=128 ATA ATS0=1 ATD ATDT ATH USR Sportster 14.4- From the WRECKING CREW (God's gift to the MPS BBS). +++ ATE0V0X0&Q0N0S37=0 ATA ATS0=1 ATD ATDT ATH ZOOM 14400 Baud Modems +++ ATE0V0X0&Q0 ATA ATA AT&Q6S37=9DT AT&Q6S37=9DT ATH Practical Peripheral 9600 +++ AT&FE0V0X0Q0L3&Q6S36=3S37=9S48=128 ATA ATS0=1 ATD ATDT ATH0 OTHER 9600 Baud Modems +++ ATE0V0X0&Q0S37-9N0 ATA ATA ATD&Q6S37=9N0 ATD&Q6S37=9N0 ATH USR 2400 Baud +++ ATE0V0X0M1&M0&N0&K0 ATA ATA ATDT ATD ATH Dear Quentin, I read "all" of your promises that "The Team" was working on a modem patch for F15303.ZIP, only to find out four months later that if I wanted to get it to run I'd have to buy a second Practical Peripherals Modem, and that there would be no further revision. I purchased a PPI 14400 FXSA (which I am very happy with) modem to find out that the graphics are highly choppy in comparison to a Null Modem Connection at 38000 Baud, using the MPS Default 9600 Baud setting which at the time there was no alternative, which is entirely unlike Falcon 3.0's modem communications and due to a no compression in the data transfer. Also for the last nine months all I've seen in help from MPS is please refer to F15MOD.ZIP, which did me and I'm sure hundreds of others no good at all. In my next message to you is a compilation of modem ini files from having searched thousands of BBS Flight Sim Related Messages in the last nine months, please refer it to "The Team", and those individuals needing assistance in the future. Also the list will increase the number of different type modems communicating with each other, in this application. While we're on the subject, reliable reconnaissance intelligence sources have heard from a Spectrum Holobyte Employee that, Spectrum Holobyte offered to write Microprose a communications package for the upcoming F-14 Fleet Defender and Microprose turned them down until they become coowners in November. A combination of Microprose Graphics and Spectrum Holobyte's advanced modem communications mode could/would be an incredible combination. Progress getting delayed? Any Comments on this?