The germ of a MindCandy demo disc was planted long before we started our project; here are my earliest experiments at capturing demos from way back in 1996. I eventually abandoned the idea at that time when: - I couldn't exceed 320x240 capture resolution - I couldn't exceed 30fps capture framerate - The video capture codecs available to me dropped too much detail Still, these are neat to watch, if simply to see how far desktop video has come in the last decade. Some notes: - There is no sound in any of the clips - The CUBES.AVI came from a Capacala demo, don't recall which one - Early attempts at noise filtering are either spectacular (AMIGAEX2.AVI) or terrible (2NDREALV.AVI) In February of 2000, I finally got my thoughts together and emailed the Hornet guys with "I'm giving serious thought to producing a Video CD (VHS-quality MPEGs) of demos; maybe a two-volume set. What do you think of this idea?" I sent along some rough HTML outlining the idea, which you can read in the demompegs_project.html file. The rest is, literally, history. --Trixter