ATI Technologies Windows Drivers (as of November 5, 1992)


The purpose of this text file is to serve as a method of determining if the
Windows 3.1 drivers currently in use on your system are of the current
version. Listed below are the drivers for the ATI sound cards. To
determine if you have the most up to date files, compare the file dates listed
below to the ones you have in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory or your own
personal Windows directory if Windows is on a network. With this information
you can determine whether your need to update your Windows 3.1 drivers.

Below is shown the contents of WIN31SFX.ZIP from Compuserve:

W31SFX.ZIP����� install.bat      4744   8-14-92  16:47
             �� readme.1st       3911   8-14-92  16:29
             �� sfx31.exe       33399   8-14-92  16:34

SFX31.EXE above expands to:

SFX31.EXE���� atifm.drv       23280   5-05-92  10:58
           �� oemsetup.inf      389   4-22-92  14:35
           ��          8879   7-08-92  12:40
           �� sfx.drv         29536   5-04-92  13:17
           �� vatifmd.386      5542   2-06-92   3:10
           �� vsfxd.386        5648   4-29-92  11:44

DAT31.EXE and SFX31.EXE are self-extracting archives. The INSTALL.BAT and
INSTDAT.BAT will use this to automatically extract out the above files.

If you have any problems or questions please contact ATI Customer Support for

             ATI Customer Support: (416) 756-0711 9am-5:30pm EST
                              FAX: (416) 756-0720
                       Compuserve: GO ATITECH