ROL to MIDI ROL to MIDI Player - ROL to MIDI.png Creator Dale Glowinski, Ad Lib, Inc. Released 1990-04-09 Platform DOS ROL to MIDI, or ROL2MIDI, is a simple command line DOS program that converts AdLib Visual Composer ROL files into MDI files. It comes along with MIDI Play program. Contents 1 Parameters 1.1 /B 1.2 /O 2 Downloads 3 Links Parameters The ROL2MIDI program has two optional parameters: /B This parameter will use the ROL file's instrument bank file to write proper instrument data to MDI file. Do not put a space between the option flag and the file name. For example, if you have a ROL file named JAZZ.ROL and it's instrument bank file is STANDARD.BNK, the command line would look like this: ROL2MIDI.EXE JAZZ.ROL /BSTANDARD.BNK /O By default, the converted MDI file's name will be the same as the ROL file with an MDI extension. This parameter will allow you to specify a different name and extension for the MDI file. Do not put a space between the option flag and the file name. For example: ROL2MIDI.EXE JAZZ.ROL /ONEW.MDI