DSP Solutions PORT-ABLE Sound Release 4.0 Last Minute Notes This file contains important last minute information for installing and running the DSP Solutions PORT-ABLE Sound adapter. Please take a moment to read it. Note for Internet users: additional product information and support is available on DSP Solutions Web site: http://www.dsps.com 1) If you are installing the PORT-ABLE Sound on top of existing DSP Solutions Windows drivers, it is best to remove the prior drivers manually before attempting the install. While the PORT-ABLE Sound install properly handles re-installation over itself, due to file name changes it sometimes has problems removing old drivers. To remove an old driver: A.) The best way to remove the old drivers is to run "UNINSTAL" from install disk #1 version 2.0. Do a full uninstall from windows 95. Otherwise (no version 2.0 install disks) follow instructions starting with number 1). 1) If you have Windows 95 installed -- Manually edit the SYSTEM.INI file [drivers] section to remove the wave=DS301.DRV, midi=DS301.DRV, aux=DS301.DRV, mixer=DS301.DRV or wave=DS3XX.DRV, midi=DS3XX.DRV, aux=DS3XX.DRV, mixer=DS3XX.DRV. If you have Windows 3.XX installed -- Use Windows Control Panel 'Drivers' applet to remove the DSP Solutions Audio Driver. 2) Manually edit the SYSTEM.INI file [386Enh] section to remove the 'driver=VDS301.386' driver or driver=VDS3XX.386. 3) Exit and Restart Windows. 2) Even though the Windows install procedure loads all the DOS files, you must run DGSETUP, in DOS (NOT from a DOS box under Windows) prior to running any DOS Audio drivers (e.g. BMASTER, PDIGI) for the first time. 3) Our Windows and BMASTER drivers emulate the SB direct I/O playback mode. This mode requires a much greater percentage of CPU time to transfer sound data, as compared to the DMA mode playback. Some older Sound Blaster applications which use direct I/O mode playback instead of the DMA mode will work with PORT-ABLE Sound. However, the sound or the application may run slowly. 4) Our Windows and BMASTER drivers fully emulate SB recording in DMA mode. SB recording in direct I/O mode will not display an error message (unlike previous versions of the driver), but it will record only silence. If you cannot record sound using a Sound Blaster application, check to see if you can record sound using the Windows sound recorder. This test will indicate whether or not the problem is in the hardware. 5) The version of BMASTER included with the PORT-ABLE Sound requires a memory manager such as EMM386, QEMM386, or 386MAX. If BMASTER cannot be loaded due to insufficient memory, check to see if EMM386.EXE is configured with NOEMS switch in CONFIG.SYS. If so, changing NOEMS switch to FRAME=NONE may help to solve the problem. 6) The version of BMASTER included with the PORT-ABLE Sound (v2.07) may not work correctly with some very old version of EMM386. If your system 'crashes' when BMASTER is loaded, try running BMASTER with the /X switch on the command line: "BMASTER /X". If this does not correct the problem, please contact our Tech Support. 7) When installing or setting up Windows software packages that allow you to specify a sound card, select "MPC compatible board" or "Windows Multimedia Extensions" board if available. If neither choice is listed, select the AdLib board option, and then follow the procedure in note 9. 8) If you change the clock speed of your computer (e.g. Turbo button), you must re-run the DGSETUP program in DOS prior to running a DOS Audio driver and re-run PORT-ABLE Sound Driver setup in the Windows Control Panel if you are running under Windows. 9) If you have the EZsound FX Windows program and you cannot hear the synthesized sound effects, or if you have selected an AdLib board for a Windows program -- here is a way to make it work: o Add AdLib driver by running Drivers applet from Windows Control panel. Insert the Windows diskette(s) as required during AdLib driver installation. o Exit Windows. o Find the SYSTEM.INI file, which is located in WINDOWS directory. Edit the SYSTEM.INI file using any ASCII text editor, like EDIT (available in MS-DOS 5 and later). o The SYSTEM.INI contains several control sections. Find the section labeled [386Enh]. Search for a line which looks like: "device=vadlibd.386", and delete it. o Find the section labeled [drivers]. There will be two lines which read: MIDI=DS3XX.drv MIDI1=msadlib.drv Change the lines so that they read: MIDI=msadlib.drv MIDI1=DS3XX.drv o Save the changes and restart Windows. 10)This release of the PORT-ABLE Sound software contains several drivers that allow direct use of the PORT-ABLE Sound unit with certain DOS programs. DS3XX.SYS - This is an IBM Audio Device driver that is compatible with any IBM program using the AUDIODD standard audio interface. Known compatibilities are: IBM Linkway Live! v1.00 IBM Storyboard Live, v2.0 Stories & More II To use this driver, use the following steps: o Edit the CONFIG.SYS file in your bootable disk root directory. If you have installed the PORT-ABLE Sound files to C:\PORTSND directory, add the following line to your CONFIG.SYS: DEVICE=C:\PORTSND\DS3XX.SYS If you have installed the files to a different drive or directory , specify the full drive and directory name. o Reboot your machine after saving changes to the CONFIG.SYS. o Run the application and choose any of the IBM M-AUDIO boards when selecting an audio device. SOUND301.EXE - SOUND3XX.EXE - These drivers are used by many First Byte and Davidson programs. If the program contains SOUNDxxx.EXE files, where 'xxx' is any three character combination, such as BST, PWM, DIG, etc., chances are one of these two drivers will work. To use these drivers, execute the driver prior to starting the application. This will cause the driver to supersede any drivers that the application attempts to load. If the application uses a batch file to start, you may replace the existing SOUNDxxx batch file command with a new one that loads the SOUND301.EXE or SOUND3XX.EXE driver. The SOUND301.EXE driver will work with most First Byte and Davidson programs, but SOUND3XX.EXE may be required for the newest programs. The program NOSOUND.EXE removes the SOUND301.EXE driver from memory. The program NO3XX.EXE removes the driver SOUND3XX.EXE from memory. 11)For some model PS/2 computers, you must set the parallel port arbitration level to for proper operation of the PORT-ABLE Sound. This can be done using the PS/2 Setup program that came with your computer. 12)Novell DOS 7.0. Users of Novell DOS 7.0 that wish to use BMASTER must execute the command: BMASTER /I instead of the usual: BMASTER This parameter will allow normal operation of BMASTER with the EMM386 memory manager that ships with Novell DOS 7.