3Com Corporation EtherDisk Diskette for the EtherLink 16 Adapters Installing Adapter and Network Drivers The EtherDisk diskette provides the necessary software, utilities, and documentation to use 3Com's EtherLink 16 adapters with various network operating systems (NOSs). The diskette also includes the diagnostic program and additional files containing user information. The adapter guide packaged with the adapter gives important information on adapter installation and use. It should be used together with the EtherDisk diskette. Before you install the network drivers, make sure that you: - Install your adapter - Configure the computer (if applicable) - Run the diagnostic program - Connect to the network Refer to the adapter guide or use [F1] for more information. NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, the term "EtherLink 16 adapter" refers to both the EtherLink 16 (3C507) and EtherLink 16 TP (3C507-TP) adapters. Either of these adapters must be selected as an EtherLink 16 adapter in your setup program (for example, Novell's WSGEN) during the installation procedure. Installing/Updating Network Drivers ----------------------------------- The EtherDisk diskette contains updated versions of the network drivers for the EtherLink 16 adapter. The update procedure searches the target drive for all occurrences of the drivers to update. The utility will show the source file date at the top of the screen and also the date of the target driver. Be sure to keep the driver with the most recent date. - If you are installing your operating system for the first time or if you need to reinstall your operating system, load the original drivers that came with the software. Then update the drivers by choosing the menu items on the EtherDisk diskette. - If you are only updating the current drivers, insert the EtherDisk diskette and follow the instructions in the Menu Program. - If you are installing a new 3Com adapter in the current network, choose the menu items on the diskette to update the drivers that are in the operating system. - If you are installing a new 3Com adapter in a computer that was configured for another network adapter, first reinstall the original drivers from the operating system and reconfigure the old drivers to run with the new adapter. Then update the drivers by choosing the appropriate menu items on the diskette. (%VER Installing Adapter and Network Drivers v3.4c)