Extension list -------------- Below are listed possible extensions and additional features for CuteMouse in different categories. Not all of them will be implemented, but they may give hints for other ideas. Please, express your opinion about this list - this may help in CuteMouse's further development and enhancement. Mice support: ------------- - Support for Bus, InPort and other mouse types. Currently there is not enough information and no available hardware/mice for testing. - Mouse reset and/or switching between serial mouse modes on the fly if the received mouse data flow has errors. [proposed by Alain Mouette] - API to access wheel rotation information. - API to send mouse-like information to driver. Useful for emulating a mouse for nonstandard hardware. [proposed by Matthias Paul] Video support: -------------- - Support of all possible text modes, including VESA. Currently only standard modes 0-3 and 7 are supported, although with any screen size. - Direct video adapter register reading in the EGA RIL API for VGA and newer adapters. - Scaling cursor movement according to current screen resolution (mouse movement should move the cursor the same distance on the screen rather than the same distance in pixels regardless of the current resolution). [proposed by Jason Burgon] Hardware handling: ------------------ - IRQ8-15 support. Currently only IRQ1-7 are supported. - Auto detect IRQ assigned to a COM port. Currently IRQ is determined by COM port number only. Command line: ------------- - Hyphen as the switch char in the command line. Currently only the slash is accepted for this. - Option to specify UART base address. - Option to reorder all mouse buttons. - Option to specify movement orientation (with 90 or 180 degrees step). - Option to reverse wheel orientation. [proposed by Matthias Paul] Miscellaneous: -------------- - Remove code for all unused handlers from resident part. - Completely reuse the PSP area in resident memory block. - Use DPMS and HMA to further reduce conventional memory footprint. [proposed by Matthias Paul] - COUNTRY settings may determine displayed messages coding. Utilities: ---------- - Utility to install a handler for secondary mouse. This would be especially useful for notebooks with both built-in and external mice.