FIXING DIGITAL SOUND (only) on "METALTECH: EARTHSIEGE" from Sierra/Dynamix ========================================================================== Basically had to make the same changes as I did for Aces of the Deep v1.1 you should take the RESOURCE.CFG file found with this text file and copy it over your existing RESOURCE.CFG file in the main MTECH game directory. If you have a GUS MAX you might want to change the second line of the file which currently reads "Driver#=E023" to "Driver#=E027". This is a guess, as I do not have a GUS MAX card myself.. YET!! [SoundFX] Driver#=E023 DMA=1 IRQ=11 PortAddress=220 range=0 [Music] Driver#=A002 <= Set these two lines to FM music PortAddress=330 <= support as shown here. [SoundSet] pathSoundPlay=.\sset\ pathDrivers=.\SOS\ digiFile=.\sset\soundset.raw digiName=On My Way midiFile=.\sset\soundset.hmp midiName=EarthSiege [Language] language=English