AN_PAT01.ZIP October 30, 1994 16-bit sampled patches for the Gravis Ultrasound card. Patches created using MS Quick Recorder, MS Sound Recorder, Winsoft SoundStation and Patchmaker Lite. Hardware includes Roland LAPC-1 and Gravis Ultrasound Max. AN_ORCHT.PAT - Orchestra hit from Roland LAPC-1 card. Sampled at 44.1 KHz, 16-bit mono. (Patchmaker Lite doesn't support stereo yet.) AN_TIMP.PAT - Timpani from Roland LAPC-1. Sampled at 22 KHz, 16-bit mono. Standard GUS patch sounded a little lame to me, so I made my own patch. Tried sampling at 48 KHz, but there was not enough of a difference in sound quality to justify the higher sampling rate. Try these with SIMPSON.MID -- I think they sound far better than the stock patches. As a bonus, they're smaller than the corresponding patches in the ProPat 3.0 series. Akio Nagatomi 75070, 3312