WARNING!!!! IF THIS KILLS YOU OR YOUR COMPUTER OR DAMAGES YOU OR YOUR COMPUTER IN ANY WAY THAT'S TOO BAD BECAUSE IT MIGHT. I DO NOT GURANTEE OR WARANTEE ANYTHING. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY! DO NOT TAKE NASALLY. Patcher version 0.9 beta One of the limitations that I'm working on is that this program expects the ultrasnd.ini file to be in the \ultrasnd directory, otherwise it checks the ini file for your patch directory and will get its list of .pat files from there. If you really like lots of documentation then you probably won't like my software. I don't like writing it, and I really hate reading it! I try and write the program so that its almost compltely self-explanatory. I also don't spell very well so don't bother to tell me. The program is very simple. The top left column is the patches available from your patch directory. The bottom left column is the patches available from your drum directory. The top right are the melodic patch locations. The bottom right are the drum patch locations. Simply select a patch on the left and a location for it on the right. If there is already a patch there, it will be replaced. You can also delete patches from the two right lists. The + and - buttons increase or decrease your current bank number. If there isn't a setup for that bank yet, it will prompt you for a directory. I'm making it easier, but this works OK for now. I wrote this because I was very frustrated with having a hell of a lot of patch files and having to hand edit the ultrasnd.ini file every time I wanted to use a patch in windoze. To register, do nothing. It's freeware (or whatever). At least send me a note or something. I'm doing this primarily as a help to all those windoze users who hate notepad. Thank you... copyright 1993/1994 by J. E. Christgau cchriss@cyberden.sf.ca.us +1-415-472-5527 v32 GUI cchriss@netcom.com