| Authorized Gravis BBS Nodes List | as of | April 19, 1994 | Name Location Node No. BBS Phone No. Speed ============================================================================= Advanced Gravis Burnaby, Canada *1:153/978 (604) 431-5927 V32bis | *13:900/3 | *94:850/103 | %gravis.com MIDI 1040 Vancouver, Canada 1:153/7040 (604) 732-4446 V32bis Infinite Dreams Vancouver, Canada 1:153/7042 (604) 733-6432 DS Home Hardware Vancouver, Canada 1:153/923 (604) 948-0275 DS | (604) 948-1175 DS WolfPack Richmond, Canada 1:153/811 (604) 275-3047 DS T-8000 Info. System Calgary, Canada *1:134/160 (403) 686-2236 DS16.8 | t8000.cuc.ab.ca (403) 246-4487 V32bis | ftpmail@t8000.cuc.ab.ca (403) 686-0816 V32bis Download Dungeon Ontario, Canada 1:229/318 (705) 749-3233 V32bis | (705) 749-2345 V32bis | (705) 749-9632 V32bis Super Sonic Ontario, Canada 1:250/722 (416) 225-2872 2400 | (416) 225-8942 DS QWERTY Quebec, Canada 1:167/625 (514) 473-9357 VFC28 Software Creations MA, USA 1:322/601 (508) 368-7139 V32bis | Voted #1 BBS in NA The Viper's Lair New York, USA 13:1200/0 (716) 787-1155*=DS The Sound Barrier New York, USA 13:420/0 (718) 979-6629 DS | (718) 979-9406 V32bis Music Connection Texas, USA (Plano) 1:124/3109 (214) 596-2827 =DS | 1:124/3110 (214) 964-3743 DS CyberSpace - The Matrix Texas, USA(Carrol) 1:124/6201 (214) 394-9339 V32bis | 13:100/22 PSyCHOTRON Texas, USA(El Pas) 13:110/100 (915) 592-6747 V32bis Contrailes BBS Texas, USA(Euless) 1:130/83 (817) 355-9252 V32bis JoyFul Noise Oregon, USA 1:105/5 (503) 335-9600 ZV32bis | 1:105/55 (503) 335-3053 &DS Whammy Bar BBS IL, USA 13:555/1 (708) 941-7551 DS QuadriPhonic Illusions Florida, USA 13:206/1 (904) 684-1272 V32bis Planet of Magrathea PA, USA 1:2607/105 (215) 820-9145 DS I can 'C' Clearly Now! Iowa, USA 1:290/102 (515) 472-3651 V32bis The AANThill California, USA 1:202/244 (619) 550-8168 DS BECSS Computers Washington, USA 13:650/3 (509) 735-8532 V32bis Zyllex BBS Belgium, Europe 14:1900/415 +32-54-568436 ZV32bis Open Access BBS Norway, Europe 2:210/18 +47-61-97945 V32bis The 1st Dutch MIDI BBS Netherland, Europe 2:281/610 +31-15-138754 DS | 2:283/222 +31-85-811892 V32bis Geniaal BBS 2 Netherland, Europe 14:1000/3 +31-2294-3154 V32bis | +31-2294-2959 V32bis New Age System Estonia, Europe 2:490/12 +372-6-316928 V32bis StarPort Finland, Europe 2:220/630 +358-0-804-4626 DS | +358-0-804-1133 V32bis Unreal (Malex Data) Sweden, Europe 14:1700/300 +46-8-59076168 DS StarFire Germany, Europe 2:2400/105 +49-9131-538303 V32bis WaveSpeed Germany, Europe 2:2445/107 +49-201-358726 DS | +49-201-350064 ZV32bis | +49-201-8343343 ISDN AWAX-CBL Moscow, Europe 2:5020/105 +7-095201-5115 ZV32bis Blaster Sound Spain, Europe 2:345/805 +34-58-293583 ZV32bis MultiMedia Singapore, Asia 6:600/408 +65-2521220 ZV32bis Paranoimia-Art of Noise Victoria,Australia 3:635/541 +61-3-379-7041 V32 | +61-3-379-3504 V32 | Files Only ============================================================================= UltraSound Connection Florida, USA (813) 787-8644 DS ============================================================================= NOTE(S): - All systems are No Parity, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop bit (N81) | - All systems are online 24 hours/day | - Speeds: V32bis - 14,400 bits per second (CCITT standard) | HST - 14,400/16,800 bits per second (US Robotics Prop.) | DS - 14,400/16,800 bits per second (HST/V32bis) | VFC - 28,800 bits per second (V.FC/V32bis) | - * - Files are File Requestable | - % - EMail Only. No FTP or Telnet. | - & - Does not accept >= 2400 baud calls | - Z - Zyxel (16.8K and 19.2K bps) | - = - DS 21.6k bits per second (HST/V32bis) About the Gravis Nodes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All nodes are independent BBSs', and are not run or sponsored by Gravis. As such the logon procedures for each BBS may vary. For instance, some give you immediate access, while others have a probation period which may last several days. All nodes are encouraged to offer all the Gravis files and messages to first time callers but this may not always be the case. If you are interested in becoming an Authorized Gravis Node you may file request or download GRAV-APP.ZIP from the Gravis BBS. Other Sources for UltraSound Files: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | CompuServe: GO PCVENB area #14 71333,350 | AOL: Adv Gravis | Genie: Games RoundTable Cat#1 Topic #6 Gravis | Apple Link: CDA0312 | Internet EMail: Tech Support tech@gravis.com | Sales sales@gravis.com | FTP Sites: archive.epas.utoronto.ca pub/pc/ultrasound | wuarchive.wustl.edu systems/msdos/ultrasound | archive.orst.edu pub/packages/gravis | theoris.rz.uni-konstanz.de pub/sound/gus | GUS Mailserver: mail-server@nike.rz.uni-konstanz.de | Internet: Daily Digest: gus-general@mail.orst.edu | Daily Music Digest: gus-music@mail.orst.edu | GUS SDK Digest: gus-sdk@mail.orst.edu | To post to tomorrow's digest | Request: Daily Digest: gus-general-request@mail.orst.edu | Daily Music Digest: gus-music-request@mail.orst.edu | GUS SDK Digest: gus-sdk-request@mail.orst.edu | To subscribe, unsubscribe, and request files ==============================================================================