ARJ version 2.78 Open-Source June 18th, 2004 INTRODUCTION To meet the data archiving needs, ARJ Software Russia delivers a range of its own products based on the code of original ARJ. From the beginning, our goal was to retain the functionality and compatibility with the original ARJ for DOS, but we also provide features and enhancements that are a must for certain tasks or certain platforms where no ARJ has been before. NEW FEATURES AND DIFFERENCES FROM THE ORIGINAL ARJ ("-" indicates a missing feature, "*" - a different operation and "+" stands for a feature unique for our implementation) - There may be a significant performance drawback when accessing files on volumes with no write-back cache. * The "-hm" options are compatible with their ARJ implementation hence a temporary swap file is created if the file list exceeds 3000 files. To keep the entire list in memory, use -hm65000. This is useful if you are running a non-DOS version, have an adequate amount of RAM and therefore are not constrained with RAM occupied by file lists. * The ARJ display program, ARJ$DISP, has been renamed to ARJDISP. If you are using a custom display module, you have to rename it as well. * "-t1g" can really be used as a shortcut for "-t1gf", as documented but not implemented in the original ARJ. * Parameters accepting numeric quantities (such as "-v" or "-2i") tolerate both decimal and hexadecimal values. To denote a hex value, place "0x" in front of it, as in "-2i0x1000" (equal to "-2i4096"). The multipliers 'K' and 'M' have been supplemented with 'G' (giga-) and three currently reserved quantities: 'T' (tera-), 'P' (peta-) and 'E' (exa-). All modifiers imply a decimal power, so "-v1G" is equivalent to "-v1000000000" or "-v1000M". These two changes may require a review of the existing ARJ setup, as marshalling certain switches together ("-jd0x1") may no longer have the desired effect ("-jd0", "-x1"). This does not affect the parameters like "-m4" or "-a1" where the digit is a modifier, not a free-form value, and thus will go unnoticed for most of the practical configurations. * Comments specified with "-jz" or "-z" will retain their original layout in the archive, without replacing their last character for newline. + "ARJ a -d1" will delete files without asking for permission, as "ARJ m". "ARJ a -d2" will truncate files, rather than deleting them, which is usually suggested for keeping hard links. + The "-_" option can be used to convert filenames into lower case. When adding files, the filenames stored in the archive are folded down into lowercase. When extracting files, a similar conversion is carried out for filenames being restored. No checks for duplicate filenames are made. On case-sensitive file systems, the "-jt1" switch is not operable in conjunction with "-_". + The "-h#" option has been improved to allow custom date/time formats. A custom format is specified by putting a format sequence right after the "-h#". The following characters represent date/time macros: Y = year, M = month, D = day h = hour, m = minute, s = second N = day of year (note that these are case-sensitive) All other characters, as well as those going beyond format limits (4 digits for year, 2 digits for all other fields), are treated as delimiters. Examples: ARJ a project- -h#YYYYMMDD (project-19991022.arj) ARJ a backup- -h#MM-DD_hh-mm-ss (backup-10-22_23-57-16.arj) ARJ a specs -h#YY (specs99.arj) ARJ a logs_ -h#NNN (logs_295.arj) ARJ a test -h#YYYYYYYY (testYYYY1999.arj) + The "-ha" has been improved. Now, when used in conjuction with an archiving command, it does not mark read-only files as such in archive. This simplifies archiving from CD-ROM media where virtualized read-only attribute is forced by respective IFS driver. + The "-2a" option is implemented in ARJ due to a popular demand from FidoNet system operators. Basically it acts like "-jo", with the exception that file names, and not the extensions, are "serialized". Consider having a file called "FILE995N.TXT" and an archive that contains the same file. If extracted with the "-2a" option, the file will be written to "FILE9950.TXT", if you extract it again, it'll be called "FILE9951.TXT", and so on up to "FILE9959.TXT", then "FILE9960.TXT". And after "FILE9999.TXT" ARJ will start with "FIL00000.TXT". This option allows you to extract one file to 100000000 unique names. It's essential to system operators since multiple mail packets with the same name may come from different systems. NOTES: 1. It'll be wise to include this option in the script that unpacks the ARCmail packets and NOT in ARJ_SW environment variable. This option is a security measure for systems running in unattended mode, and will only confuse you if enabled by default. 2. There's a security hole: a file called "9999.XXX" or so, will not be overwritten. However, all subsequent writes will be redirected into file "0000.XXX". So, files with 9s in the beginning have less chances of being preserved. Hopefully such situation is unlikely for FidoNet systems. 3. There is another option, "-jo1", to serialize filenames, however its operation is different. The volume must support long filenames in order to use this option, moreover, it's not suitable for dealing with FidoNet ARCmail. + "-2d" enforces the header compatibility mode. In this mode, the archive header format corresponds to the original ARJ specification, besides this, "MS-DOS" is stamped as the host OS, to prevent the "Binary file from a different OS" warning messages when unpacking the archive in DOS. "-2d1" retains the enhanced header format, but makes the archive comment display correctly in DOS. + "-2f" can be used to apply the archive comment to the first volume only, and to strip it out for subsequent volumes. + "-2i" is akin to "-jx" but acts on the .ARJ being processed. It skips unconditionally the given number of bytes at the beginning of the archive. Its primary uses are to recover severely damaged archives or extract ARJ files contained within some raw file system. Only the first archive being processed is affected by this switch; subsequent archives (e.g. multivolume) assume -2i of zero. + "-2k" option forces 2-digit display of year in lists. This can be helpful if the 3-digit year format used for dates beyond 2100 is confusing. Alternatively, "-2k1" uses a non-ambigous format that is both easy to read and information-packed. The dates are represented by two digits if the year is 1970 to 2069, and in three digits if it's 2070 or beyond. Examples: 15.07.1990 15.07.2040 15.07.2090 15.07.2103 Default: 90-07-15 40-07-15 90-07-15 103-07-15 -2k: 90-07-15 40-07-15 90-07-15 03-07-15 -2k1: 90-07-15 40-07-15 090-07-15 103-07-15 + "-2r" tells ARJ to store directory attributes first, then store its contents. This is the order that was used by default in ARJ prior to 2.76. It is useful when the archive is to be extracted in an older version of ARJ to avoid directory overwrite prompts. Upon extraction, it forces ARJ to ask if directory attributes are to be overwritten (by default, ARJ will always overwrite the directory attributes without asking for confirmation). + With no ARJ_SW specified, ARJ looks for a file named ARJ.CFG in its home directory. If found, this file will be parsed and used as a standard ARJ configuration file (see manual for details). For UNIX platforms, this has been changed to search in certain standard locations instead of home directory, see the ARJ for UNIX notes for further reference. + REARJ v 2.42.05 and higher accepts the "T" modifier in REARJ.CFG, which means that it should take care to delete the output archive itself if rearchiving fails. EXTENDED ATTRIBUTES HANDLING Beginning with version 2.62.10, the extended attributes (also referenced to as EAs) can be backed up and restored without needing any external utilities. This is achieved by compressing and storing EAs as a part of file header. ARJ supports SAA-style EAs under OS/2 and Windows NT. Restrictions on EA support: * The multivolume restart feature (-jn) will not work if EAs are enabled. You'll have to disable EAs with -2e prior to using -jn, or to recreate the archive if the EAs are precious. * Hollow mode archives do not support EAs. * Under Windows NT, extended attributes cannot be overwritten. That is, if the EA data is appended to a file which already contains EAs at the time of unarchiving, the file will retain its original EAs. A set of new options has been introduced to let the user control EA handling: * "-2c" restricts EA handling to critical EAs only. Archived non-critical EAs will not be restored. When an archive is created, only critical EAs will be saved. * "-2e" specifies EA inclusion filter. With no parameters given, it disables EA handling at all. Otherwise, an expression that follows it is interpreted as a wildcard that limits EA inclusion to a particular EAs. Multiple options can be entered to represent a set of EA names but list files are not allowed. Examples: ARJ a test In this example, all EAs will be preserved. ARJ a no_eas -2e ARJ x no_eas -2e EAs will neither be packed nor restored. ARJ a documents -2e.LONGNAME In this case, only .LONGNAME EAs will be handled. ARJ a test -2e.CLASSINFO -2e.ICON* .CLASSINFO and .ICON* (i.e. .ICON, .ICON1, .ICONPOS) EAs will be be packed and restored. It's wise to specify "-2e.*" when backing up your OS/2 desktop or configuration files. The system EAs start with dot (".") while application EAs start with application name. * "-2l" allows to convert .LONGNAME extended attributes (these represent icon titles used in WPS) to file names, when possible. This feature simplifies moving document files away from an OS/2 system installed on a FAT volume. If the icon title (and so the extended attribute) contains line breaks, wildcard characters or other symbols, real filename will be used instead and the .LONGNAME EA will be preserved. This option is ignored during extraction. "-2e" and "-2x" have no effect on this option (but .LONGNAME EAs are not saved if .LONGNAME EA handling is implicitly or explicitly disabled). * "-2x" specifies an exclusion filter. It must be followed by an exclusion EA name specification. The rules are the same as with "-2e". Also, the two options may work together, providing both an inclusion and an exclusion rule. For example: ARJ a backup_ -r -p1 -h#2 -2e.* -2x.FED* c:\projects may be used to create regular back-ups of your work directory, including all system EAs but excluding EAs created with FED (Fast Editor Lite, an editor written by Sergey I. Yevtushenko, - that program does not follow traditional EA naming conventions and uses system-alike EAs for anchor position marks. Extended attributes are also supported in ARJSFXV self-extractors where they are stored using the same technology as with usual ARJ archives. The presence of EAs is indicated by a "(EA: ...)" message when a file is packed. Note that this size may differ from the one given when the file is unpacked - the former is the EA structure size and the latter is the space allocated for EA storage. The number of EAs and the size of EA structure is also displayed when the archive is listed with "ARJ v" command. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: Third-party applications can't handle ARJ for DOS archives! A: Try to disable extended attributes (-2e), DTA/DTC storage (-j$), hard links (-2h), and enforce the DOS mode (-2d). Many applications are incapable of handling new archive format (although this format is fully compliant with the documented guidelines). Known examples of such applications include File Commander v 2.11, Norton Commander v 5.00 and WinRAR v 2.60. Q: Extended attribute sizes reported by InfoZIP and ARJ differ. What's the cause? A: As we have stated earlier, ARJ reports the size of its internal EA storage structure as the EA size when archiving files. Across various platforms (OS/2-16, OS/2-32, NT) there are various EA structures. The system is questioned for the actual EA size during archiving. Q: How can I back up my OS/2 Workplace Shell folders, preserving the icons? A: Since folders are represented with directories, you'll have to enable directory storage with -a1 or -hbfd. Q: The EAs have vanished after I used ARJ/DOS to update an archive. A: Current versions of ARJ/DOS and ARJ32, as well as ARJ/2 prior to 2.62.10, strip the extended headers when any kind of archive update occurs. Q: I want to create single-volume self-extracting archive that supports EAs but ARJ/2 uses ARJSFX instead of ARJSFXV. A: You need to force use of ARJSFXV/2. The best way for it is to specify an arbitrary large value for volume size, e.g. -va. Q: How can I create an installer for my OS/2 product with ARJ? A: ARJSFX/2 is able to run OS/2 commands after unpacking archive. Try this: create a script you want to to be invoked after the installation completes. e.g., INSTALL2.CMD: ======= /* REXX */ if RxFuncQuery('SysLoadFuncs') then do call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs' call SysLoadFuncs end say "Installation has completed, creating desktop object..." call SysCreateObject .... ======== and so on... Now create an archive comment with the first line as follows: )) \InstallDir\ -b -x -y -!INSTALL2.CMD Call it, for example, CMT.ANS. Now create an ARJSFX archive: ARJ a PACKAGE.EXE -je -r -a -jm -zCMT.ANS -xCMT.ANS You'll make a self-extracting archive with an automatically invoked installation program. Q: How can I distinguish between ARJ/ARJZ/ARJ32 archives? A: Use the ARJ V command. The "Host OS" field contains the type of host OS. The "Revision" field may be used to determine the archiver version that added the file: 1 = ARJ versions earlier than 0.14, ARJZ compatibility mode (-md is less than 26624) 2 = ARJ v 0.14...0.20 3 = ARJ v 1.00...2.22 4 = ARJ v 2.30, X1 5 = ARJ v 2.39a, 2.39b 6 = ARJ v 2.39c...2.41 7 = ARJ v 2.42a...2.50a 8 = ARJ v 2.55...2.61, ARJ/2 v 2.61 9 = ARJ v 2.62, ARJ/2 v 2.62, ARJ32 v 3.00 10 = ARJ v 2.70 and higher, ARJ/2 v 2.62.10 and higher 11 = ARJ with UNIX support (2.77/3.10 and higher) 50 = ARJZ with maximum distance up to 32K 51 = ARJZ with maximum distance up to 64K 100 = ARJ32 v 3.00b...3.01 101 = ARJ32 v 3.02 and higher Notes: 1. ARJ versions that created the Revision 1 header have used a different method 4 compression. Support for it was dropped in versions 1.xx. Such archives may be incorrectly processed by ARJ. 2. ARJ v 2.76.07 and higher can read the newer UNIX time format of ARJ v 3.10/2.77. The intention was to make the stable versions compatible with it. INFORMATION FOR DEVELOPERS The new UNIX time format can be identified by "Host OS" equal to "UNIX" or "NeXT", and "arj_nbr" greater than or equal to 11. In this case, all of the time fields in the corresponding header are in the UNIX time format, i.e. 4-byte value specifying number of seconds passed since 01/01/1970, 00:00:00 UTC. By other means, the header format is 100% compatible with standard ARJ format, but we utilize the extended header fields. Here is a brief overview of this technology. The extended header layout is as follows (all values are little-endian): Bytes Description ----- ----------- 1 Extended header ID. 1 Continuation flag. If set to 0, marks the end of block chain so the header data can be concatenated and processed. Also it provides a way of checking for trashed blocks. ? Header data. A standard CRC32 of the whole header, including the ID but excluding header size field, is appended to it. It is strongly recommended that the CRC is verified before any further processing occurs. ID 0x45 ('E') == Extended attributes ------------------------------------ This is only valid if the arj_nbr (header revision number) is 10 or greater. The packed EA block is a complex structure that can span over multiple volumes. In case of such spanning, separate parts of the block are stored in separate extended headers on different volumes and they must be joined together when the last block is read (it's recognized by EXTFILE_FLAG being clear). The layout of the packed block follows: Bytes Description ----- ----------- 1 Compression method (0...4, may differ from the one found in the file header) 2 Unpacked EA data size in bytes 4 CRC32 of unpacked EA data ? Raw packed EA data The raw packed data may be decompressed using the original ARJ algorithms. In the case when the file is encrypted, the packed block is also encrypted (but the garble routine is reinitialized when compression of the EA occurs). The password modifier is the same as for the first file section. After decompression, the following EA structure will exist: Bytes Description ----- ----------- 2 Total number of EA records ? Extended attribute records The extended attribute records are merged altogether. They should be processed sequentially. A single record represents a single EA, and no EA can be represented twice. The layout is as follows: Bytes Description ----- ----------- 1 fEA byte (may indicate a critical EA) 1 Size of extended attribute name 2 Size of extended attribute value ? Extended attribute name (not ASCIIZ) ? Extended attribute value (binary data) Even if the file is a text one, the EAs must be handled as binary data during compression and extraction. When EAs are spanned over multiple volumes, neither the packed block header is repeated nor the compression is restarted (actually, the whole block including its header is created in memory and later split to volumes). ID 0x4F ('O') == Owner information ---------------------------------- Contains the owner information, and possibly, group information, in character form. Valid if arj_nbr is 11 or greater. Bytes Description ----- ----------- 1 Owner's name length. ? Owner's name (non-ASCIIZ) OR Owner's name (ASCIIz), followed by ? Group name (non-ASCIIz) ID 0x55 ('U') == UNIX special files ----------------------------------- The UNIX special file entry is a complex freeform structure, valid if arj_nbr is 11 or greater: Bytes Description ----- ----------- 1 Special file descriptor: Bits 0...4 = data size (0 allowed, 31 has a special meaning) Bits 5...7 = type: 000 = pipe 001 = hard link 002 = symbolic link 003 = block device 004 = character device ? If the size field in descriptor contained 31, then two bytes here contain the size, otherwise there is no area between the descriptor and data. ? Raw data. Size is reported by the descriptor or the dedicated size field. Format: Pipe: Empty (size is zero). Link: Target file (non-ASCIIZ). Device: The dev_t structure in the host OS' format and endia order. ID 0x6F ('o') == Owner information (numeric) -------------------------------------------- Contains the owner's UID and GID. Valid if arj_nbr is 11 or greater. Bytes Description ----- ----------- 1 Data length (must be 8 for the current implementation). 4 Owner's UID (little-endian). 4 Owner's GID (little-endian). COMPATIBILITY ISSUES ARJ has been briefly tested on the following platforms and file systems: DOS (FAT) MS-DOS v 2.11, 3.20, 3.21, 4.01, 5.00, 6.00, 6.20, 6.22 PC DOS v 6.30, 7.00 Windows 95, 98 Windows NT Workstation v 3.51, 4.00 OS/2 (FAT, HPFS, Ext2FS, JFS, NTFS) Microsoft OS/2 v 1.21 IBM OS/2 v 1.30, 2.00, 2.10, 3.00, 4.00, 4.50 OS/2 subsystem in Windows NT v 3.51, 4.00, Windows 2000 Win32 (FAT, HPFS, NTFS) Windows 95, 98, ME Windows NT v 3.51, 4.00, Windows 2000, Windows XP Linux (UMSDOS, HPFS, Ext2FS, Ext3FS, JFS) Linux v 2.2.13/19-20, 2.4.5/18-23, 2.6.3 glibc v 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.3 FreeBSD (FAT, UFS, HPFS) FreeBSD v 3.4/STABLE QNX (QNX4FS, FAT) QNX v 6.2.1/PE Patch B End of document