COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 1 COMPACK 5.1 DOS Program Compaction Software USER MANUAL CONTENTS Page Installation 1 Distribution 2 Getting Started 2 Rationale 2 How COMPACK works 3 Real Time Environment 4 Some typical compression statistics 5 COMPACK Syntax 5 Command Line Options 6 Examples 6 Hardware and Software Requirements 7 COMPACK Error Messages 7 COMPACK Warning Messages 8 Optimising COMPACK 8 Using REPACK 8 Multi-Segment COM Programs 9 Single-Segment EXE Programs 9 Compacting BIOS Files 9 Compacting Device Drivers 9 Problem Cases 10 Known Anomalies 10 Answers to some common questions about COMPACK 12 Self Extracting Program Creator 14 Syntax 14 Example Use 14 Execution of the SFX 15 Using SFX programs on Single Diskette Systems 15 Minimising SFX Disk Size 15 Acknowledgements 15 Installation # INSTALLATION COMPACK is supplied as a self extracting file (created using COMPACK's -B option). To install the software select a suitable directory as the default and execute the program CPK51.EXE. This will automatically create all the files in the current directory (overwriting any files with the same name). (If you wish to extract files on a one diskette drive system, you may change diskettes after the opening prompt). Be sure to read the file README.CPK. COMPACK can be speeded up by setting the DOS envir onmemt variable TMP to a RAM disk. (ie SET TMP=D:\).& Prominence Computer Services Ltd. Strada Sottopiazzo 18, 14056 Boglietto di Costigliole (AT), Italy. Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 2 Distribution # DISTRIBUTION COMPACK is the copyrighted property of Prominence Computer Services Ltd., and is distributed as Shareware. As such, you are free to use and copy the software for non commercial purposes. The software may not be modified. If you find the programs generated useful, then a contribution of US $25 would be appreciated. If you send $40 or more you become a registered user and will be sent the latest version of COMPACK with printed manual. If you use COMPACK or COMPACKted programs in a commercial environment or government institution then registration is obligatory. Commercial distribution of COMPACKted programs requires a written agreement (not required for compaction of public domain software or shareware by 'not for profit' organizations so long as credits are given in the documentation or program). Commercial users wishing to distribute programs compressed by COMPACK should contact Prominence Computer Services Ltd. for further details. Getting Started # GETTING STARTED COMPACK transforms your DOS programs, both EXE and COM files, to load faster and take up less space on disk! You don't need to read this manual to start using COMPACK. Like all good software, COMPACK comes with help already built in. Just enter "COMPACK" at the DOS prompt for a summary of the syntax and available options. The rest of this manual is really only for reference. Rationale # RATIONALE Hard disk are always too small, modem bills too high, and network response time too slow. The classic solution to these problems has been to compress the data before transmission or backup. There are several archive utilities to compress files into "LBR, "ZOO", "ZIP", "ARC", "PAK", "LZH" and similar incompatible formats. These utilities work fine when the objective is archiving, but access to data, (ie running a program) requires an additional decompression utility and this adds delay and complexity. To hide this complexity many software distributors are obliged to create bulky installation procedures, somewhat counter-productive when the aim is to reduce media costs. In fact most archive expanders are not suitable for software distribution. First the expansion program itself may take up tens of thousands of bytes of overhead. Secondly file compression is compromised by the need to maintain the archive updatable. Neither of these "features" may of any use to the poor computer user who simply wants to use his software with the minimum of expense and delay. Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 3 COMPACK therefore is not an archiving program. It is a utility which simply compresses DOS programs. The compressed programs will run the same as before without the use of any extra software or hardware. This is an important advantage because it means that compressed software is portable. There is no risk that a program will not run because an essential utility is not available. Unlike other software, the expansion code does not disable interrupts for extensive periods (less than 10uS) and consequently compacted programs work correctly even in a real time environment (such as a network). Furthermore no messages are embedded in the code so foreign language programs can be compressed without problems. There are no DOS calls, so the software you compress today should work with future operating systems. In fact COMPACK can compress BIOS routines which will expand themselves at bootstrap time when DOS has not been loaded. With few exceptions COMPACK will compress programs smaller than the better archive utilities. As for speed, COMPACKted programs really load faster! COMPACKted programs running on floppy disk, CD-ROM, or over networks will typically respond in half the time of their bulky predecessors. At the other extreme, on a fast RAM disk, there may be a small additional delay (perhaps up to a few tenths of a second). Of course such delay is barely perceptible and is compensated by the ability to fit even more data in the RAM disk. How COMPACK works # HOW COMPACK WORKS In simple terms, COMPACK compresses the input program and sandwiches the result between header and trailer code. Under DOS 3.X and later the input file is opened DENY_WRITE preventing any other process (including COMPACK itself or other network users) from overwriting. (Your operating system may not offer this protection unless SHARE is loaded). The extra header and trailer code amounts to just a few hundred bytes and is responsible for recreating the exact image of the uncompressed program and passing control to it. The code to expand COM files is smaller and faster than the code to expand EXE files. The compression algorithm is based on Lempel Ziv's first proposal, a sliding window algorithm. (This algorithm is distinct from their second proposal, also known as the Lempel Ziv Welch algorithm.) COMPACK replaces repeated byte strings by shorter references to previous identical strings. This is called substitutional compression (as opposed to statistical compression). There is nothing original in this, almost all modern software or hardware compressors in the past few years have used a variation on this basic method. Common variations include a second phase of statistical compression whereby frequent references are encoded in fewer bits than less frequent ones. Statistical compressors have been applied successfully, for example, in the Huffman Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 4 encoding of LZH archives (hence the name) and Shannon Fano encoding of ZIP archives. Combined with the prior phase of Lempel Ziv substitutional compression, these techniques achieve excellent compression but are not suitable for compressing programs for several reasons. First the expansion algorithms are complex, adding a certain amount of overhead. Secondly they tend to be slow. Thirdly memory requirements can be high, and there simply may not be enough memory for both tables and a large program simultaneously. It would be a pity if large programs, which have the most to gain from compression, could not be expanded again! COMPACK manages to avoid these disadvantages whilst achieving even greater compression. There is no second phase of statistical compression. Memory requirements are minimised because there are no tables. The simplified expansion code takes up just a few hundred bytes adding little overhead to the COMPACKted program. Simplicity implies speed: the expansion code executes between 3 and 20 times faster than similar archive utilities. Disadvantages? Well, to achieve the superior compression COMPACK analyses the program to be compressed in some detail, and this takes time. We feel it is worth investing this time once and recouping the speed and space savings whenever the program is run. Real Time Environment # Real Time Environment Many PC applications are finding their way into networks, multi tasking platforms and real time applications. In these environments a program which disables interrupts for a significant amount of time is considered ill behaved. For example, disabling interrupts could cause a resident communication program to lose a character, (and probably the entire packet). If you are already having problems of this kind with programs compressed by other utilities, COMPACK may be the answer. COMPACKted programs have no additional interrupt latency. Newer operating systems (MS-DOS 5.0, DR-DOS 6.0) sometimes abort loading certain EXE style programs with the message, "Packed file corrupt". This problem is caused by a particular combination of CPU type (ie 80286 and later), relocation table address, and packing algorithm (EXEPACK, PKLITE etc). These problems do not apply to COMPACK. If you get this message try using REPACK (see later in this manual) to convert the corrupted program to COMPACK format. Some typical compression statistics # Some typical compression statistics using COMPACK 5.1 Original Compacted Reduction Size Size % CYCLONE.COM 5632 3644 35 Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 5 COPYWRIT.COM 34784 17534 50 TCC.EXE 179917 85292 52 TC.EXE 290249 156876 46 COMPACK - COM and EXE File Compacter program COMPACK Syntax # SYNTAX COMPACK \path\ \path\program.out [msg] [-options] The filename must normally be unambiguous (no '*' nor '?'). The third parameter is an optional message which is appended, uncompressed, to the output program. This might be used to include a serial number and or copyright notice. Messages embedded in the program code will of course be compressed, and therefore may not be visible unless displayed by the program. Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 6 Command Line Options # Command Line Options Options always begin with the "-" character and may occur in any order, even mixed up with the other arguments. The following letter may be in either upper or lower case. -r Forces program compaction to continue regardless of error conditions: presence of debug information, prior compaction. In addition the option supresses the internal conversion of multi-segment COM files, single segment EXE files. -o Displays the order form on the screen. (Print with PrintScrn key). -i Causes COMPACK to abort compaction if it can identify a possible optimisation of the input program. See section on Optimising COMPACK. -g Speeds up compression (by about 50%) at the expense of program size (about 1% larger). -h Most linkers produce EXE headers which are a multiple of 512 bytes so there may be considerable unused space. Using the "-h" option normal EXE program compression is bypassed and COMPACK simply attempts to reduce the header to a smaller multiple of 16 bytes. -v This option specifies that the input program should be unCOMPACKted. This works only with the current version of COMPACK and allows complete recreation of COM programs and partial recreation of EXE files. This option is designed to allow virus scanning and similar programs to check COMPACKted programs. EXE programs expanded in this way will be non-functional (having no program header nor relocation information). This non functionality is deliberate, as we do not wish to encourage unauthorised modification of commercial software. -b This specifies the BUILDSFX option used to create a single program which can create multiple data files when executed. Full details are explained further on in the text. Examples # Examples COMPACK bigprog.exe -g fastprog.exe for %q in (*.com) do COMPACK %q d:%q -r for %q in (*.exe) do COMPACK %q d:%q "Copyright (c) Fox 1993" COMPACK \DOS\DEVICE.SYS A:DEVICE.SYS Hardware and Software Requirements # Hardware and Software Requirements (Version 5.1) Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 7 RAM DOS CPU COMPACK.EXE 512 kBytes 2.0 or later 8088 65 kBytes None 8088 IO.SYS 65 kBytes None 8088 program.exe Extra 2k None 8088 device.bin Extra 512 bytes None 8088 device.exe Extra 2k None 8088 COMPACK Error Messages # COMPACK Error Messages Exit Code Insufficient memory 3 Error writing output program 3 EXE header too large at XXXX bytes 3 Unsuitable Overlay file 3 Unsuitable HIGH loading EXE file 3 Cannot open FILENAME 3 Insufficient Saving. Program not compacted. 3 COM file > 64k Bytes 3 EXE program contains excess debug info or overlays. 3 Invalid EXE header. Relocation overlap. 3 Input and output filenames must be different 3 COMMAND.COM should not be COMPACKted 3 Invalid EXE header. Actual length less than Reported 3 All the above error messages are fatal, causing the immediate termination of the program. Note the error message regarding excess debug information. This condition is noted when the DOS file size is longer than the file size registered in the EXE file header. It is possible that the excess data is an overlay or other essential information which is read from disk at execution time. This condition is considered a warning if the "r" (retain) option is specified. Naturally such programs may not function correctly when compacted so testing is essential. COMPACK Warning Messages # COMPACK Warning Messages Warning: Multi-segment COM file. Warning: File may have been already compressed with EXEPACK. Warning: It may be possible to convert file to COM format. Warning: No significant saving - new program created anyway. Warning messages are purely informatory and point out some format of the source program file which deserves attention. For example, the possibility of using PKLITE to convert compacted programs back into the original format. Similarly other Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 8 utilities may strip off debug information. These are usually included with the compiler or operating system. In all cases even greater execution speed and smaller programs should be possible. In the next section we will see how to transform these programs into a more simple and suitable format for compression. Optimising COMPACK # Optimising COMPACK COMPACK obtains best results when it compresses a program in its most simple format. By using the -i command line option COMPACK attempts identify what kind of program is being compressed and returns with a DOS error code. This is used by REPACK.BAT as outlined below. Exit Code Program Type 19 COM program already compressed by DIET 18 EXE program already compressed by DIET 17 COM program already compressed by PKLITE 16 EXE program already compressed by PKLITE 15 Already compressed by LZEXE 14 COM Device Driver 13 EXE Device Driver 12 Convertible to COM format with EXE2BIN 11 Already Packed by EXEPACK 10 Multi-segment COM program 9 COMPACKted EXE program 8 COMPACKted COM program 3 Error Using REPACK # Using REPACK To automate the process of converting programs into a more efficient format before using COMPACK you can use the batch command file REPACK.BAT. REPACK may use utility programs supplied by third parties to for the conversion. It is invoked in the same way as COMPACK :- REPACK bigprog.exe smallprog.exe Multi-Segment COM Programs # Multi-Segment COM Programs Many system files supplied with DOS operating systems use a so called multi-segment COM file. COMPACK automatically recognises this format whilst compressing a file and normally converts it internally to the smaller EXE format before compression. The conversion can be prevented by using the -r switch. Multi-segment COM files are small EXE files which have been converted to COM format by a proprietary utility. The format is used in various system programs supplied with PC-DOS and MS-DOS Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 9 (for example CHKDSK.COM). The purpose of this format is not clear because it results in larger COM files which load slower than their EXE counterparts. Single-Segment EXE Programs # Single-Segment EXE Programs You may be already familiar with the DOS utility EXE2BIN which can convert certain certain simple EXE files to smaller COM format. COMPACK automatically recognises this format whilst compressing a program or device driver and normally converts it internally to the smaller COM format before compression. The conversion can be prevented by using the -r switch. Compacting BIOS Files # Compacting BIOS Files IO.SYS and IBMBIO.COM may be successfully compressed by COMPACK even though strictly speaking they are neither COM nor EXE style files. COMPACK takes care of all the details without any special options. Neither MSDOS.SYS nor IBMDOS.COM may be compacted at present as there is no standard way of executing these modules. Compacting Device Drivers # Compacting Device Drivers COMPACK is able to compress most device drivers (usually specified in the CONFIG.SYS file). Recent versions of DOS are able to load EXE style drivers with headers specifying relocation tables. COMPACK recognizes a driver when the first 4 bytes of the image are all set to hexadecimal FF. This would be a nonsence code for a COM file which starts executing from the beginning of the image but might be permissable in an EXE program. In fact there are some very rare files which are both programs and drivers! COMPACK does not currently compact these appropriately! Some (all?) versions of DOS do not make appropriate checks when loading a driver that requires more space than the actual image size (even when the EXE header specifies that such space is required). This may cause problems when a driver loads into a physically small "hole" in memory and will probably cause the computer to hang. The same problem occurs with normal drivers that require more memory than there image size. This is both a design fault and a bug in DOS. COMPACK sets the EXE driver header information correctly. Problem Cases # PROBLEM CASES Not all executable files may be compressed successfully: COMPACK may (see messages) abort compression if:- - the .EXE file is an overlay. - the .EXE file is a high memory loading program. Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 10 - the .COM file is larger than about 65000 bytes. - the .EXE file contains overlays or debug information - the program is a also a device (eg CACHE.EXE in DRDOS 5). Executable files should be stripped of any debugging information before compression as this is not automatically removed, and cannot be used by a debugger in compressed form. Naturally inferior compression results by including inaccessible debugging information in a compacted file. COMPACK attempts to detect this situation and aborts compaction if the program size is longer than specified in the EXE header. However compaction continues if the -r switch is used. Programs which rely on re-reading themselves from disk or checking their own size such as COMMAND.COM and certain protected software programs may fail to execute correctly when compressed. COMPACK cannot always detect such programs automatically, so thorough testing is essential. Always maintain a backup copy of the original program. COMPACK aborts compression if COMMAND.COM is specified as the input program unless the -r switch is used. Using the /P parameter the SHELL command in CONFIG.SYS can load COMMAND.COM permanently in memory so it should never be re-read and therefore works in compacted form. Unfortunately this does not always work with some operating system and application program combinations so again, careful testing is essential. Example:- SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P Known Anomalies # KNOWN ANOMALIES 1) COMPACK aborts compaction of an EXE file with more than 12000 relocatable segment references. Few EXE files are this large. 2) COMPACK does not update the checksum field in the .EXE header. This field is not used by DOS, and consequently there should be no ill effects under compatible operating systems. 3) OS/2 and Microsoft (tm) Windows format files are not supported. 4) The BUILDSFX option does not check for duplicate filenames. 5) Some COMPACKted device drivers will not expand correctly if there is not enough memory. The same problem occurs with normal drivers that require more memory than there image size. Disclaimer Prominence Computer Services Ltd. hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this software, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Prominence Computer Services Ltd. will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages due to program Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 11 malfunction or any other reason. In no event shall the liability of Prominence Computer Services Ltd. for any damages exceed the price paid for the licence to use the software, regardless of the form of the claim. The person using the software bears all risks as to the quality and performance of the software. COMPACK has been tested on many thousands of files with successful results. Nevertheless the possibility of program errors can never be completely eliminated. Testing, of course, is the responsibility of the user. If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints, please contact us. We will endeavour to assist all registered users. Naturally we intend to continue development of COMPACK and feedback from users is an essential part of this process. Thank you for your cooperation. Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 12 Answers to some common questions about COMPACK # Answers to some common questions about COMPACK Q: How is it possible that COMPACK can compress programs better than the best archiving programs? A: COMPACK understands the contents of program files and is optimised to compress programs efficiently. For example COMPACK can realise that much of the space dedicated to an EXE file header is redundant. General purpose archivers apply general purpose algorithms, paying more attention to compression time and archive updating at the expense of compressed archive size and expansion time. Q: Will a compressed program always behave like the original? A: Apart from programs which attempt to read themselves, (such as COMMAND.COM, overlay programs, programs with debug information etc.) all programs will run similarly (probably faster) because the expansion code constructs an identical program image in memory just as if the program had been loaded in memory by DOS. Naturally there has to be a little extra memory for the expansion code to run but this is only a few kbytes. Unlike some other compressed programs, COMPACKted programs may be freely renamed because they do not attempt to read themselves. Q: However fast the expansion algorithm may be, surely it takes a finite amount of time and therefore compacted programs should take longer to execute? A: Almost all compacted programs execute faster because smaller programs load faster. The code expansion rate can typically exceed 10 Mbits per second on an 80386 and this is far faster than the overall throughput of a network or mechanical disk. Q: How can I be sure that COMPACK will work with my application program? A: If your application works with any other compacter such as Microsoft's EXEPACK, it will almost certainly work with COMPACK but with much better performance. Q: What programs are the best candidates for compression by COMPACK? A: The bigger the better! Small programs are compressed successfully but there will always be fixed overhead (about 300 bytes) of the expansion code to consider. This code becomes a smaller proportion of the whole for large programs. In addition the compression itself becomes more efficient for larger programs. Q. Much of our distribution software includes data files as well as programs. How can COMPACK be used to minimise distribution Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 13 media costs? A. Use COMPACK's -b option to create self extracting files. Q. Will my compacted application work on non-standard platforms? A. Almost certainly. COMPACTed programs make no extra DOS calls and access no DOS nor BIOS memory structures when expanding and so should be compatible even with non DOS operating systems which recognise standard EXE and COM programs. COMPACK does not support Microsoft's Windows format nor other formats which will not run under DOS. Q. Why does my compacted application not work? A. It is possible your application uses non-initialised variables. Check its execution when running in different memory configurations, when running under a debugger etc. Also check there is enough RAM available. As a final resort contact Prominence with sample program. Q. How much extra memory does a compacted program use? A. A COM style program uses the full 64K byte segment regardless of how big the original file was. This is a modest requirement as today most PCs come with at least 640 kBytes of RAM. An EXE style program needs an extra 0 to 16 kBytes (3k bytes is typical). You can find out the exact memory requirements of EXE programs using Microsoft's EXEMOD utility. Q. Why is it better to prefer COM files over EXE files? A. COM files contain no relocation tables and consequently relocation is not included with the expansion code, so compacted COM files are slightly smaller. Because all COM files must be smaller than 64 kBytes, the expansion code is faster as it is not necessary to cope with multiple segments. Q. Why does COMPACK think that my COM file is an EXE program (and vice versa)? A. Good question. An EXE file always starts with the signature bytes "M" "Z" and a COM file does not. The filename extension is ignored by both DOS and COMPACK in determining whether or not the program is EXE style. Q. How much does a licence cost to use COMPACK on software for corporate distribution? A. A $125 one time fee permits commercial distribution of up to 500 disks per year compacted by COMPACK. No licencing fee may be required for user groups, clubs etc who distribute software on a non profit making basis. Licensing of SFX is negotiable. Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 14 Self Extracting Program Creator # Self Extracting Program Creator Purpose The -b option concatenates multiple data files into a single EXE style program which re-creates the data files in the current directory when executed. This is a very efficient means of distributing all kinds of data and program files. Benchmarks show that creating files in this way is far faster than conventional self extracting files (up to 20 times faster) and file size is as good as the best archiving programs. It is often faster to execute a SFX file than to use DOS COPY command! Note that in this version of COMPACK there is no longer a separate BUILDSFX program. Syntax # Syntax COMPACK -b [-p] input-file(s) output-program The first parameters are one or more ambiguous file specifications, (ie they may optionally contain '*', or '?') defining the input files to be included in the program. The last parameter is the name of the output program which is created in COMPACKted EXE format. Both may contain pathnames. COMPACK sometimes creates a temporary file, CPK.$$$, normally on the same path as the output program. The temporary file is deleted afterwards. You may wish to speed up compression or avoid space problems on the output device by specifying the directory where the temporary file should be made. This is done by way of the DOS environment variable TMP, used also by many other PC applications. For example if you wish the temporary file to written to the RAM disk drive d: one could include the following DOS command in AUTOEXEC.BAT file. SET TMP=D:\ The optional -p switch indicates that the first file is to be extracted as a prompt to the screen when the SFX executes. This allows the software distributor to explain to the user, in the appropriate language, that he is executing a self extracting file. The prompt file is sent to the screen (standard output) and the program waits for any key to be pressed when file extraction commences. (^C or the BREAK key aborts file extraction). You do not need to specify -B if -P is specified. Example Use # Example Use COMPACK -B D:\TXT\*.?OC E:MAKEDOC.EXE COMPACK -p PROMPT d:\BIN\*.EXE d:\BIN\*.COM EXESFX.EXE Execution of the SFX # Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 15 Execution of the SFX When executed the SFX.EXE program will expand itself in memory and create its component data files (overwriting any files with the same name) in the current directory. Obviously there must be enough free memory available for SFX to run so care should be taken not to create excessively large SFX programs. If necessary multiple SFX programs. The SFX returns an error code of 0 if file creation is successful, otherwise a simple message is displayed and error code > 0 is returned. These error codes can be detected by a batch file or install program. Component files are created with their original attributes and date and time stamps. Using SFX programs on Single Diskette Systems # Using SFX programs on Single Diskette Systems One of the most frustrating problems using conventional archives is the need to access the archive file, the archive utility program and an empty destination diskette simultaneously. Single diskette systems may require laborious and error prone multiple diskette changes. Because the SFX programs created by COMPACK do not read themselves from disk, once loaded into memory, the source diskette is no longer required. Software distributors may wish to advise their users that it is safe to change diskettes by inserting the appropriate message in the optional prompt file. Naturally if it is intended that extraction is to be made to diskette, there must be enough free space on that diskette for all the extracted files! (A generic warning message is given if there is not). To avoid potential errors of this kind it is wise to limit the volume of files compressed into any one SFX program. In any case sufficient memory must be available to hold all the expanded files in memory. If insufficient memory is available the operating system will abort loading of the SFX program. Minimising SFX Disk Size # Minimising SFX disk size COMPACK works by compressing repeated byte strings so files which are likely to contain similar strings should be grouped together in the SFX. This can be done by reordering the files in the input directory. For example, it is often appropriate to sort the input directory first by filename extension, and then by increasing file size. Acknowledgements # Acknowledgements We would like to thank Mitugo Kurizono for placing the source code of UNLZEXE.C in the public domain. Some of his UNLZEXE Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993 COMPACK 5.1 User Manual Page 16 routines have been significantly optimized and incorporated into COMPACK. Copyright (C) Prominence Computer Services Ltd. 1990-1993