UNSQZ.DOC - preliminary documentation Thu 1998-02-05, jhammarberg@compuserve.com UnSQZ is for SQZ what PkUnZip is for PkZip. This is a pre-release of UnSQZ 1.09.x so it's free of charge. Release 1.09.x will always be free of charge, Release 1.10 is a completely different thing. * UnSQZ require 80286 and above. * UnSQZ doesn't support compression methods 1, 2 or 3. * UnSQZ doesn't support comments created with SQZ 1.08.2 or earlier. Content ~~~~~~~ 1. Commands 2. Switches 3. Help page (UnSqz /?) 4. Multiple archives and list of files 5. Wildcards 6. INI-file 7. New SFX 8. Contact 1. Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~ E Extract files from archive, ignoring stored path X Extract files from archive using stored path information L List the content of a archive. The following values are displayed; name + extension original size compressed size percent squeezed from original (a high value --> good compression) modification date/time flags; M compression method P if path is stored ASHR archive/system/hidden/read-only crc-32 The last line gives number of files and totals. ---------------------------------------- List A.SQZ Filename Original Compressed Sqz'd Last modification MPASHRG CRC-32 ANVHBOK.DOC 1504768 204480 86.4 1997-10-13 09.56.08 4.A...1 CB6E1189 1 files. 1504768 204480 86.4 1997-10-13 10.04.24 V Verbose listing of the content. The following values are displayed; modification date/time original size full path The last line gives number of files and total original size. ---------------------------------------- List A.SQZ Last modification Original Filename 1997-10-13 09.56.08 1504768 ANVHBOK.DOC 1997-10-13 10.04.24 1504768 1 files. 2. Switches ~~~~~~~~~~~ N.B. Use correct switch-char O overwrite /O0 - overwrite if the target file are older then the one stored in the archive. DEFAULT /O1 - overwrite even if the target file are younger. /O2 - overwrite if permission is granted from user @ create a list file. Every file that are extracted/tested/listed will appear in this file. Only names, including path, will be stored @ Create @+ Append to S Labels and directories does not show in listing, unless this switch is used. D Date range DA - after this date DB - before this date Format for date: CCYYMMDDhhmmss Century Year Month Date Hour Minute Second X Exclude files /X*.bak - don't extract/test/list *.bak Another way of achiving the same result is by prepending a '^', eg. ^*.bak will have the same result as above. I INI-file Normally UnSqz loads SQZ.INI from; current directory startup directory given by PATH Here you can either turn it off or specify a file /I - turn it off /I[=] use . The '=' are not needed. Z Extended switches 0 - Show elapsed time from start to finish in seconds and hundreds of seconds. 1 - Minimal output If used with commands L or V only sums will be displayed 7 - Total. Gives the total for all archives specified 8 - Careful reading. Can rescue part of bad archives. A Require attributes Upper case - attribute must be set Lower case - attribute must be cleared To perform the operation on all read-only files /AR To perform the operation on all except read-only files /Ar The codes are; A archive S system H hidden R read-only 3 Don't use 80386+ optimized routines. Don't even check the cpu - Don't use XMS if available + Don't use EMS if available 3. Help page ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------- Usage: unsqz command [/switches] arc-spec [basedir\] [[^]file-spec] Commands; E: extract files w/o path from archive. L: list content of archive. Default T: test archive. V: verbose list of content of archive. * X: extract files w/ path from archive. Switches; O: Overwrite * 0 - new files only. 1 - allways. 2 - confirm. @: Create a list file. @test.lst creates 'test.lst'. @+test.lst appends to 'test.lst'. S: Show label and directories. Z: 0 - Show elapsed time. 1 - minimal output. 7 - total. 8 - For corrupted archives. D: date range {After|Before}. CCYYMMDDhhmmss. X: Skip file spec. X*.bak excludes *.bak from operation. file spec starting with '^' will be excluded. I: [] INI-file. I - don't use INI-file. 3: Don't use 386+ optimized routines. -: Don't use XMS. +: Don't use EMS. Default: All marked with '*'. Requires a 286+. To contact author or registrate the SQZ-package(US$30) Jonas Hammarberg Compuserve: 100417,2002 Pl 529 Internet: jhammarberg@compuserve.com S-244 91 KˇVLINGE, SWEDEN 4. Multiple archives and list of files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UnSQZ can work on several archives in sequence. You has allways been able to give wildchars when giving archives. The new is that where ever you give a file you can give a list instead. UnSQZ T @archive.lst @files.lst @^skip.lst /X@skipmore.lst Test all archives given in archive.lst. Test all files in files.lst excluding them in skip.lst and skipmore.lst. You can used wildcards in lists. --- \sys\* \dos\[123]* \dev\c* @\arc\more.lst and even exclude files (not archives) --- *.c* ^*.cpp Only memory and file-handles restricts the nesting level --- @\arc\more.lst @\zip\zips.lst 5. Wildcards ~~~~~~~~~~~~ UnSQZ has taken a step upwards from the DOS-type of wildcards. * - any or none character ? - one character [SET] - the character must be in the set [^SET] - the character must not be in the set Examples All files in a archive: * Test all files SFX-files *SFX* Test all units *TP? or *TP[UWPuwp] Well, play around 6. INI-file ~~~~~~~~~~~ Every command has a block, eg. the values used when testing a archive are [t], [l] is used when listing etc. The following keys are available; name switch values careful /Z8 0/1 subdir /S 0/1 time /Z0 0/1 xms /- to turn off 0/1 ems /+ to turn off 0/1 386 /3 to turn off 0/1 output /Z1 0/1 overwrite /O 0/1/2 Example: [t] careful=1 subdir=1 time=1 xms=1 ems=1 386=1 output=0 Be careful, include subdirectory, display time, use every resource available and display all tested files. 7. New SFX ~~~~~~~~~~ Included in this package are two new SFX's. The difference from the old ones included with SQZ1083* are; Smaller Faster Doesn't support methods 1..3 SQZSFX - 1.09.2, 16kB SQZSFX supports the same commands as UnSQZ. Default command are X - extract SQZSFXjr - 1.09.1, 10kB Can only extract files. 8. Contact ~~~~~~~~~~ I can be reached by mail and e-mail. I don't include phone-number anymore due to that I doesn't like to be awaken 4.00 in the morning... internet: jhammarberg@compuserve compuserve: [100417,2002] mail: Jonas Hammarberg Pl 529 S-244 91 KˇVLINGE SWEDEN