JUST GIVE THE "UC -??" COMMAND TO GET INTERACTIVE ACCESS TO THE MANUAL. 0. WHAT IS NEW (overview of changes from version 2.3 to 2.4) ============================================================ This chapter describes all differences between UltraCompressor (tm) version 2.3 (the June 1 1995 release) and version 2.4. This chapter contains the following paragraphs: - A. Bug fixes - B. Enhancements - C. Known problems/issues When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. 0.A BUG FIXES ============= UltraCompressor --------------- The use of PCPs, can no longer erroneously causes fatal error 225. The size of the error logfile is no longer reported erroneously. !DTT (dynamic time travel) can now be used on all archives managed by VM (version manager). Optimize and SuperOptimize no longer cause 'out of memory' errors. Fixed rare unneeded 'out of memory' error during optimizing phase. Visual UltraCompressor ---------------------- Visual UltraCompressor now properly copies system and hidden files from disk to disk. Visual UltraCompressor no longer leaves temporary directories on disk if the current drive and the temporary files directory are on different disks. Visual UltraCompressor no longer complains that UC.EXE is not in the PATH if it is in the current directory. Visual UltraCompressor now properly handles filenames ending with international characters. Other tools ----------- UCRYPT no longer claims some correct passwords to be wrong. SAS no longer overwrites archives if they happen to have the same name as archive parts. Self extracting archives now properly detect that a disk is full. 0.B ENHANCEMENTS ================ UltraCompressor --------------- UC2 now stores and re-stores Windows 95 long filenames. Details on Windows 95 support are in chapter 16. Visual UltraCompressor ---------------------- Visual UltraCompressor has been adapted to cooperate better with braille equipped systems. VU now shows and properly handles Windows 95 long filenames. (use F11 to toggle the view mode) VU now handles Enter/Double-Click as VIEW instead of EDIT which makes it much faster inside archives. VU now uses internal logic to copy/move/delete files. VU now has a Make Archive command. Other tools ----------- UC2SEA now allows specification of volume size in bytes. UC2SEA now has a faster (-f) compression mode. 0.C KNOWN PROBLEMS/ISSUES ========================= UC2/UC2SEA/UCEXE and resident virus scanners -------------------------------------------- UC2 can "generate" executables (extraction from an archive), UC2SEA and UCEXE also generate executables. Some (resident) virus scanners detect that an executable is changed/generated and warn you a virus might be active. In many cases UC2 and UC2SEA are capable of avoiding this problem but not all virus scanners allow this. This problem is not unique, other archivers, compilers and executable compressors have similar problems. SuperOptimizer efficiency ------------------------- The SuperOptimizer could be made about 20% faster by eliminating redundant decompression phases. The SuperOptimizer currently uses a universal approach capable of handling all archive types. In the future some more specialized methods will be used for the SuperOptimizer. UC2 transaction processing and UNDELETE tools --------------------------------------------- To minimize the risk of data loss in case of e.g. power failures, UC2 always works 'transaction oriented'. UC2 often uses temporary files to achieve this. In some environments deleted files are not really deleted, but moved to a different location. This allows better recovery of deleted files. Examples of this are the OS/2 DELDIR setting and the Norton SmartCan program. Since these tools use a first in first out approach, intensive use of UC2 can 'take over' the deleted file space. DELDIR, SmartCan, etc. should be disabled before UC is executed if this is unwanted. 1. INTRODUCTION (how to get started, features, etc.) ==================================================== This chapter briefly discusses all the software included in the UltraCompressor package. For 'commercial' use the UC2 evaluation copy can only be used for a period of 30 days. More details on this are in chapter 2. Chapter 2 also contains the AIPNL license agreement. By using this package, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement. Please use ORDER.FRM to order a license for our products. This chapter contains the following paragraphs: - A. What is UltraCompressor? - B. Support, feedback, dealers, third party tools - C. Features, main - D. Features, business/corporate use - E. Features, developers - F. Features, BBS sysops - G. Included files - H. Credits - I. Acknowledgements - J. Press release When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. 1.A WHAT IS ULTRA-COMPRESSOR? ============================= UltraCompressor from AIPNL (Ad Infinitum Programs) is an archiver. An archiver is a file handling and compression utility. It will make most of your files significantly smaller and it can keep related files together. When you need the files, you can decompress them with the same UC2 utility. UC2 is very easy to use, thanks to its simple user interface and has support for all archiving needs. An archive behaves just like a floppy disk. It has a directory structure, you can copy from the archive with extraction and copy to the archive by adding. It is also possible to delete files from the archive. UC2 can also make such an archive DAMAGE PROTECTED (tm), so ALL files in the archive are safe, even if there are disk errors (within reasonable limits). With UC2 an archive can contain multiple versions of the same file. With a clear manual and a limited number of commands, UC2 will turn out to be very easy to use. Most of the options are configurable, so the commands are very simple and easy to remember. In general UC2 is very fast, especially when updating archives or extracting files from archives. At the same time it has superior compression. UC2 can handle near unlimited collections of files, in multi-gigabyte archives, even on a XT. For a detailed overview of the features of UC2, see paragraph C. 1.B SUPPORT, FEEDBACK, DEALERS, THIRD PARTY TOOLS ================================================= Contacting AIPNL ---------------- Mail : P.O. Box 1432, 3430 BK Nieuwegein, The Netherlands Phone : +31-30-2662107 FAX : +31-30-2616571 WEB : http://www.xs4all.nl/~aipnl Internet : desk@aip.nl We actively monitor the Internet newsgroup comp.compression. Up-to-date software is always available from: InterNet : ftp://ftp.nl.net/gopher/NLnet-connected/aipnl/... WEB : http://www.xs4all.nl/~aipnl When you have any questions, just ask us or any of our dealers. We will answer your questions as soon as possible. You can also contact desk@aip.nl to become a beta tester, to be added to our mailing list or to request uuencoded copies of our software. Feedback -------- Help us to make this product even better. Tell us what you want us to improve in UC2 and all our other products. Comment on the manuals in general, or on a manual in a specific language, is also very welcome. Dealers ------- USA, BMT Micro Mail : 452 Horn Rd, Wilmington, NC 28412-2411, USA Phone : (800) 414-4268 (toll free, orders only) (910) 791-7052 FAX : (910) 350-2937 BBS : (910) 350-8061 (direct link to AIPNL) Internet : thomas.bradford@bmtmicro.com CompuServe : 74031,307 FidoNet : 1:3628/11 France, SERMEDITECH Mail : 6 Rue Racine, 02200 Courmelles, France Phone : FAX : BBS : Internet : rfrey@sermeditec.win.net CompuServe : 100346,1161 FidoNet : 2:322/12 SparkNet : 74:322/1 FrancoMedia : 101:176/106 Singapore, Online Technology Mail : P.O. Box 0685, Bukit Merah Central, Singapore 9115 Phone : (65) 298-8634 FAX : (65) 298-1324 Internet : 71413.3330@compuserve.com CompuServe : 71413,3330 Israel, Magic Mail : 29 Etzion St., Ra'anana 43562, Israel Phone : 09-441-579 FAX : 09-984-945, 09-916-647 BBS : 09-916-647, 09-984-945, 09-918-533 Internet : tammar@chemsg5.tau.ac.il FidoNet : 2:405/52 Australia, GNXS Mail : P.O. Box 3075, Stocklands Mall, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164, Australia Phone : +61-2-757-3306 FAX : +61-2-757-3322 BBS : +61-2-757-3322 Internet : aip-nl@gnxs.com.au Fidonet : 3:713/611 FTP : ftp.gnxs.com.au/pub/aipnl Third party tools ----------------- For third parties AIP has implemented a third party interface in UC2 (UC2-3PI). For documentation and samples sources please contact AIPNL. The following tools have UltraCompressor support: (we list the lowest version number with UC2 support) ARCHIVE MANAGER PRO 1.0, Alexander Maltsev, archive manager, freeware Internet : Alexander.Maltsev@p29.f271.n5020.z2.fidonet.org FidoNet : 2:5020/271.29 Moscow Russia Available on any AMP Support BBS. Contact to become an Authorized User or Support BBS. ArcMaster 10.0, New-Ware, archiver shell, shareware $35 USD Mail : 8050 Camino Kiosco, San Diego, CA 92122-1820, USA Phone : (619) 455-6225 (Business hours ONLY please!) BBS : (619) 455-5226 AVIEW 4.5, Chris Buijs, archive viewer, freeware Mail : De Spil 22, 1507 CX Zaandam, The Netherlands BBS : +31-(0)75-704890 CompuServe : 100117,3242 FidoNet : 2:280/407.16 DOS Navigator(tm) 1.30, RIT S.R.L., DOS shell, shareware $35 USD Mail : str. Tudor Vladimirescu 18, Chishinau, 277024, Republic of Moldova Phone : +373 2 26-10-16 FAX : +373 2 26-14-16 BBS : +373 2 22-64-83, +373 2 22-85-77 Internet : AxoNSoft@silk.glas.apc.org FidoNet : 2:469/33 Morgul 1.00, Toni Nikkanen, music module player, free/cardware Mail : Kymenlaaksonkatu 7 D 45, FIN-48100 KOTKA, Finland BBS : +358 (9)51 3758236 Internet : tnikkane@clinet.fi, luovaa@freenet.hut.fi FidoNet : 2:221/18 MTA 15.56, DISP, archive converter, shareware $25 USD Mail : P.O. box 131, 1170 AC, Badhoevedorp, Netherlands BBS : +31-(0)1749-48422 CompuServe : 100120,1146 FidoNet : 2:281/904.5 REARJ 2.25, ARJ Software, archive converter, part of ARJ 2.41a Mail : 2606 Village Road West, Norwood, Massachusetts 02062 Internet : robjung@world.std.com CompuServe : 72077,445 SHEZ 9.7, CSD, archiver shell, shareware $39 USD Mail : P.O. Box 15248, Santa Rosa, CA 95402, USA Phone : (707) 575-9868 Internet : jim.derr@kandy.com CompuServe : 76266,2634 THD ProScan Version 11.0, File/Upload Tester/Convertor FidoNet : 1:259/423.0 If you are aware of a tool which has UltraCompressor support, but which is not included on this list, please let us know. The products included here are manufactured by vendors independent of AIPNL; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability. 1.C FEATURES, GENERAL ===================== Better compression ------------------ Up to 72% better compression than competing software. (See chapter 4 paragraph A options TF, TN, TT and the O commands; chapter 6 paragraph A.) Speed ----- Compression is fast and configurable to favor compression speed or archive size. Extraction is very fast. UC2 is also very fast when it UPDATES an archive, even if this archive is large, stored on a network server or stored on a slow (floppy) disk. (See chapter 4 paragraph A options TF and I; paragraph F 'smart skipping'; chapter 6 paragraph A.) Reliability ----------- Archives can optionally be protected against damage, allowing them to recover from most disk-errors without any loss of data. UC2 always works 'transaction oriented' allowing recovery from most crashes without any loss of data. It has optional double-verification, preventing data loss in case of hardware or software problems. (See chapter 4 paragraph A the P command; chapter 6 paragraph A 'reliability level'.) Powerful command line --------------------- Straightforward, yet powerful command line. If UC2 can figure it out, you don't have to specify it. The manual contains 4 separate sections on the command line to make sure you get only the information relevant for what you want. (See chapters 3,4,5 and 8). Easy to use graphical user interface ------------------------------------ Good looking, general purpose, graphical shell. VU is highly configurable allowing you to tailor it to your personal taste. (See chapter 12.) Integrated help --------------- UC2 has integrated help (with search) and an, easy to use, integrated configuration tool. Only a few commands are needed to manage archives with UC. UC can automatically deal with ARC, ARJ, LZH, ZIP, etc. archives as if they are UC archives. (See chapter 3; chapter 6.) Highly configurable ------------------- Many operation details can be configured by built in configuration tools and/or by directly changing the readable AIP-NL.INI file. (See chapter 6 and chapter 12.) Ultra-fast self extracting archives ----------------------------------- Self extracting archives can span multiple diskettes. Their operation is fully configurable. They work up to 3 times faster than competing self extractors. (See chapter 13.) Full support of Windows 95 long file/directory names ---------------------------------------------------- Both UC and VU properly store, restore and preserve Windows 95 long file/directory names. Full support of OS/2 2.x extended attributes -------------------------------------------- OS/2 2.x extended attributes (such as icons, WPS long icon names, WordPerfect 5.2 for OS/2 summary information, etc.) can be kept in an archive. They are managed automatically. (See chapter 6 paragraph A 'Store OS/2 2.x extended attributes'.) 1.D FEATURES, BUSINESS/CORPORATE USE ==================================== Advanced version management --------------------------- Multiple versions of file collections (projects) can be managed with the included 'Version Manager' (VM) tool. VM supports project level version labelling. Also included is UDIFF, an 'unlimited pass' tool to compare text files. (See chapter 8 paragraph A and chapter 15.) Scripts ------- A 'script' file can contain a large list of files (e.g. to be compressed). A script file can also be used as a substitute for multiple (complex) commands. Scripts can be nested, to allow the construction of 'building blocks'. Scripts can be very long (multi-megabyte). (See chapter 4 paragraph F 'scripts'.) Capable of heavy duty tasks --------------------------- There is almost no limit to the number of files in an archive or to the number of files processed in a single command. Where some other programs get into trouble with more than 10,000 files, UC2 can easily handle a much larger number of files. Even a simple PC-XT can (given time) handle this workload. (See chapter 7 paragraph A.) Error handling and logging -------------------------- UC2 has advanced error handling and logging. This is especially important when large collections of files are archived from shared (network) disks. In almost all cases UC2 allows you to solve severe problems and enables you to continue the operation. (See chapter 4 paragraph F 'superior error handling' and chapter 8 paragraph F.) Private compression profiles ---------------------------- This feature allows you to use UC2 as an optimized special purpose compressor for a specific kind of data (e.g. text files in a specific language). (See chapter 8 paragraph F.) State of the art encryption --------------------------- UltraCrypt can protect your data with heavy duty enhanced triple DES (Digital Encryption Standard) encryption. Faster encryption is included as well. (See chapter 9.) State of the art authenticity verification ------------------------------------------ UltraSeal and UltraSafe can help you protect your data against undetected changes (e.g. virus infections or data falsifications). They do not use 'security by obscurity', but they use digital signatures based on Lucas functions. (See chapters 10 and 11.) 1.E FEATURES, DEVELOPERS ======================== File version management ----------------------- Multiple versions of a file (e.g. the MAY 2 21:33:18 and the MAY 3 02:17:22 version) can be kept in an archive. UC2 version management is very simple to use. (See chapter 4 paragraph E.) Advanced version management --------------------------- Multiple versions of file collections (projects) can be managed with the included 'Version Manager' (VM) tool. VM supports project level version labelling. Also included is UDIFF, an 'unlimited pass' tool to compare text files. (See chapter 8 paragraph A and chapter 15.) Very fast updates ----------------- UC2 is very fast in updating large archives while maintaining superior compression and reliability. No complex commands or options are needed for this. (See chapter 4 paragraph A options TF and I; paragraph F 'smart skipping'; chapter 6 paragraph A.) Simple path management ---------------------- With UC2 it is very easy to copy any set of files from anywhere on disk to anywhere in the archive and vice versa. (See chapter 4 paragraphs A and B, the # option.) Filter on file contents ----------------------- Define a search string and only files containing this string will be printed, listed, extracted, added, etc. (See chapter 8, paragraph E.) Filter on anything else ----------------------- Filter on date/time, attributes, if a file is newer, query for each file, etc. (See chapter 8, paragraph E.) Compress dos executables ------------------------ UCEXE can make DOS executables MUCH smaller, while they remain working. On top of that UCEXE compressed executables check their own integrity. (See chapter 14.) 1.F FEATURES, BBS SYSOPS ======================== Multimedia banners ------------------ UC2 allows you to add multimedia banners (text, graphics, sound and music) to an archive, or to a collection of archives. (See chapter 5 paragraph B.) Easy conversion combined with virus scanning -------------------------------------------- UC2 can convert collections of archives of almost any kind with just one simple command. If preferred, UC2 will scan archive contents for viruses during conversion. (See chapter 5 paragraph A.) Get rid of viruses forever -------------------------- The industrial strength authenticity verification software can help you to get rid of viruses forever by protecting archives against unauthorized changes. (See chapters 9 and 10) Needs only 32kb free memory to run ---------------------------------- UC2 can be used together with other large programs, perfect for mailers and other (large) programs that need to call UC2. (See chapter 5 paragraph C.) Time stamp ---------- Time stamp (collections of) archives with the date/time of their newest file. (See chapter 8, paragraph E.) Private compression profiles ---------------------------- This feature allows you to use UC2 as an optimized special purpose compressor for a specific kind of data (e.g. email). (See chapter 8 paragraph F.) 1.G INCLUDED FILES ================== Please note UC2PRO.EXE has been protected with UltraSeal. You can use UltraSafe to verify whether you have an original version. General ------- U_MANUAL.TXT the manual ORDER.FRM order form USEAL.FRM supplement to ORDER.FRM for ordering USEAL FILE_ID.DIZ file for BBSes AIP-NL.INI configuration file UltraCompressor --------------- UC.EXE command line archive US.EXE install UltraStealth UUC.EXE use UltraStealth UC2 Tools --------- VM.EXE version manager SAS.EXE simple archive splitter UCDIR.BAT compress directory UEDIR.BAT expand directory UPROT.BAT protect archive ULOCK.BAT lock archive Other tools ----------- VU.EXE GUI archiver shell VU.PIF Program Information File to make MS-Windows run VU.EXE in full screen mode VU.REG File to add VU.EXE to the Windows 95 registry. UC2SEA.EXE convert UC2 archive into an executable DOS.SEA extraction module for UC2SEA UCEXE.EXE make DOS executable smaller and self checking UDIFF.EXE compare two text files UCRYPT.EXE UltraCrypt executable USAFE.EXE UltraSafe executable 1.H CREDITS =========== AIPNL would like to thank the following people for their involvement, work, support, ideas, testing, checking, etc.: Aarif Rashid Ad Nhn Ad Spijkers Allen Koberg Andrew Cadach Andy Hakim Arjan Bosse Arno Haket Arnold Jansen Bernardo Javier Siu Fabry Bruce Ray Bruus Antonides Charles Evans Charlie Negyesi Conny de Vries Damir Lukic Danny Bezemer Dejan Markovic Dirk Schreib Doug Lamb Doug Tooley Ellen de Vries Eric Morel Eric Veldhuyzen Eugen Woiwod Ewout de Klijne Fabian Meuller Forrest Aldrich Frank Leene Fred Snijder Fred Wijshoff Gary van Beeck Geoffrey Broadwell Glenn Evan Copeland Graeme Cross Graham Scott Greg Roelofs Gregory Flint Gudmundur J. Helgason Hans Klunder Hans Peer Helen Derks Ian Spenser Nelson Ingrid Foster-Dingley-Groot Itamar Even-Zohar Jacob Poon Jan Kalin Jan van Hees Jan van Leeuwen Jan-Pieter Cornet Jan-Willem Overbeek Janne Kankaala Jasmijn de Vries Jason Buchanan Javier Manero Jean-loup Gailly Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers Joe Emenaker Joe Fortser Joe Negron Joergen Hjort John Mitchell Joost Pruijt Juan Manuel Ruiz Lopez Juha Kivij„rvi Kai Uwe Rommel Kit Thong Kov cs Bal zs Leonid Yakovlev Leslie Klieb Marc Randolph Marco van de Wetering Marijke Hoytink Mark Adler Mark Kovarski Mark de Boer Markus Kaemmerer Marton Anka Michael Sumulong Mike Charnock Mike Davis Mike Laster Mike McCombs Morten Lejboelle Ned Crigler Nico de Vries Oleg P. Serdjuk Oliver Fromme Paul Kocher Peter Oudenhoven Piet van Oostrum Pieter de Ruiter Rafael Ramirez Reinier de Groot Rianne van Leur Richard Foster-Dingle Rick Hoorn Rob van Hoeven Robbie Vance Robert Lindeman Roger Burton-West Ronald Raymond Dippol Roy Alexander Ryan Oakley Ryan Watkins Sjuck Brongersma Soeren Fisker Stefan Hermansson Stefano Zamprogno Terry Chan Thaddaeus Kong Theo Boersma Thomas Wolff Timothy F. Sipples Tomas Hajny Udo van den Heuvel Victor T. Ng Vincent van Wichen Wes Nakamura Willem Verloop Wong Ling We especially want to thank YOU, the reader of this manual, for considering the use of our products. Help us to make this product even better. Tell us what you want us to improve in UC2 and all our other products. AIPNL applications are always designed in close cooperation with the people who use them. Comment on the manuals in general, or on a manual in a specific language, is also very welcome. 1.I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ==================== UltraCompressor is a trademark of AIPNL (Ad Infinitum Programs). Most mentioned brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. 1.J PRESS RELEASE ================= AIPNL releases UltraCompressor 2.4 with FULL Windows 95 support --------------------------------------------------------------- UTRECHT, The Netherlands, AIPNL today released a new version of UltraCompressor. Version 2.4 adds FULL support for Windows 95 long filenames. Both the command line and the GUI version now have full Windows 95 long filename support. Included with 2.4 are: UltraCompressor 2.4, a general purpose archiver - up to 72% better compression than competing products - up to 10 times faster archive updating than competing products - DAMAGE PROTECTION (tm) allows recovery from disk errors - capable of handling extremely large file collections - intergrated optimal file-version management - full Windows 95 long filename support - full OS/2 extended attribute support Visual UltraCompressor, a high speed general purpose shell - extremely fast graphical shell - fully customizable UC2SEA, converts UC2 archives into UltraFAST standalone executables - the generated executable can span multiple (floppy) disks - up to 3 times faster than competing products - a fixed fee allows unlimited distribution - source code availability allows full customization UCEXE, makes a DOS executable MUCH smaller and self-checking Version Manager, project level version management UltraDIFF, file compare tool with unique 'unlimited pass' method Requirements: DOS 2.1 or higher, IBM Compatible 8088 or higher, 640k RAM, 2Mb hard disk space. UC2 detects and utilizes EMS/XMS, 386/486/Pentium/P6, Windows 95, OS/2 Warp, DesqView, etc. AIPNL intends to keep improving its products at a high rate, keeping ahead of its competitors at following customer and market demands. UC2's open architecture has already enabled more than 50 third parties to add full UC2 support to their applications. CONTACT: USA : Thomas Bradford, BMT-Micro, (910) 791-7052 Europe : Nico de Vries, AIPNL, +31-(0)30-(2)662107 InterNet : desk@aip.nl CompuServe: 100115,2303 An evaluation copy can be obtained from InterNet FTP ftp.nl.net/gopher/NLnet-connected/aipnl/... World Wide Web http://www.xs4all.nl/~aipnl -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Benchmark --------- This is a benchmark made by AIPNL with 'Dean Cooper's comparer program, Version 1.02'. The benchmark compares UC 2.4 with PKZIP 2.04g and ARJ 2.50a. Of course, the user can perform the best benchmarks by comparing the tools in 'real life' situations. The test has been performed on a 486/33 PC with MS-DOS, QEMM and Norton Cache (flushed before each test) loaded. | Program Compression mode +------------------------------------------------------- | UC 2.4 (UC) O25 (SuperOptimize archive) | UC 2.4 (UC) -TT (type tight/multimedia) | UC 2.4 (UC) -TN (type normal) | PKZIP 2.04g (PKZIP) -EX (extra compression) | ARJ 2.50a (ARJ) -JM1 (faster Maximum compression) | Test Description Bytes Files +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | source Borland C++ 3.1 ..\CRTL\CLIB\*.* (C & ASM) 1,294,460 373 | exe+doc PKZIP 1.10 distribution package 302,272 17 | sound MS-Windows 3.1 *.WAV files 80,304 6 | UPDATE Add BGIDEMO.C to source.uc2/zip/arj (floppy) +40,382 +1 | Test Program Compress time Archive size % Decompress time +---------------------------------------------------------------------- | source UC O25 238,540 bytes 100% 29.8 sec | UC -TN 46.7 sec 264,550 bytes 111% 29.9 sec | ARJ 42.1 sec 399,111 bytes 167% 29.1 sec | PKZIP 22.0 sec 412,316 bytes 172% 23.5 sec | | exe+doc UC O25 111,134 bytes 100% 2.4 sec | UC -TN 8.8 sec 114,738 bytes 103% 2.4 sec | PKZIP 5.1 sec 127,753 bytes 115% 1.9 sec | ARJ 7.4 sec 128,188 bytes 115% 3.4 sec | | sound UC O25 36,824 bytes 100% 1.3 sec | UC -TT 6.9 sec 37,216 bytes 101% 1.3 sec | PKZIP 1.7 sec 41,143 bytes 112% 0.4 sec | ARJ 1.9 sec 41,658 bytes 113% 0.5 sec | | UPDATE UC -TT 14.3 sec 100% | PKZIP 66.5 sec 465% | ARJ 146.3 sec 1023% 2. LICENSE (the license agreement, warranty, etc.) ================================================== Some of the essential contents of this chapter: All rights are reserved by AIPNL (Ad Infinitum Programs the Netherlands). You are permitted to use the evaluation package for a 30 day evaluation period. You must buy it if you continue using it. You are permitted to use the evaluation package for longer periods provided all use is strictly non-commercial. Please note AIPNL strongly encourages you to buy the software. The package is supplied 'AS IS'. It is up to you to determine its usability. You may ONLY redistribute a 100% UNALTERED copy of the complete package through BBSes etc. as long as you make no money from doing this. You can (amongst other methods) use the UltraSafe program to determine the authenticity of a package distributed by AIPNL. You may not alter, reverse engineer, decompile, etc. the program(s) or parts of them in any way. This chapter contains the following paragraphs: - A. Limited warranty - B. Documentation - C. Non-commercial use license - D. Evaluation license - E. General license agreement - F. Distribution restrictions When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. 2.A LIMITED WARRANTY ==================== AIPNL (Ad Infinitum Programs the Netherlands) warrants the physical diskette(s) and physical documentation, provided with registered versions, to be free of defects in materials and workmanship, for a period of ninety days from the date of registration. If AIPNL receives notification within the warranty period of defects in materials or workmanship, and such notification is determined by AIPNL to be correct, AIPNL will replace the defective diskette(s) or documentation. The entire and exclusive liability and remedy for breach of this limited warranty shall be limited to replacement of defective diskette(s) or physical documentation and shall not include or extend to any claim for or right to recover any other damages, including but not limited to, loss of profit, data, or use of the software, or special, incidental, or consequential damages or other similar claims, even if AIPNL has been specifically advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will AIPNL's liability, for any damages to you or any other person, ever exceed suggested list price or actual price paid, whichever is the lower, for the license to use the software, regardless of the form of the claim. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by AIPNL. 2.B DOCUMENTATION ================= Information in the documentation is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of AIPNL. No part of the documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written permission of AIPNL. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by AIPNL. 2.C NON-COMMERCIAL USE LICENSE ============================== The supplied software contains NO public domain program(s). The software and all accompanying documentation is Copyright (c) 1991-1995 by AIPNL. All rights reserved. This software and accompanying documentation is protected by the Copyright laws of the Netherlands and also by International Treaty provisions. Any use of this software in violation of Copyright law or the terms of this limited license will be prosecuted to the best of our ability. The conditions under which you may copy this software and documentation are clearly outlined below under 'Distribution Restrictions' (see paragraph F). AIPNL hereby grants you a license to use this software for personal, non-commercial use. Personal use should always be "away from the office". Use by non-profit organizations (e.g. non-commercial bulletin board systems) is considered to be non-commercial use. Please note AIPNL strongly encourages you to buy the software. You shall not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by AIPNL. 2.D EVALUATION LICENSE (only valid during 30 days evaluation period) ===================================================================== The supplied software contains NO public domain program(s). The software and all accompanying documentation is Copyright (c) 1991-1995 by AIPNL. All rights reserved. This software and accompanying documentation is protected by the Copyright laws of the Netherlands and also by International Treaty provisions. Any use of this software in violation of Copyright law or the terms of this limited license will be prosecuted to the best of our ability. The conditions under which you may copy this software and documentation are clearly outlined below under 'Distribution Restrictions' (see paragraph F). AIPNL hereby grants you a limited license to use this software for evaluation purposes for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. If you intend to continue using this software (and/or its documentation) after the thirty (30) day evaluation period, you must make a registration payment to AIPNL. Using this software after the thirty (30) day evaluation period, without registering the software is a violation of the terms of this limited license. The only exception to this is when the package is solely used for non-commercial purposes in a non-commercial environment (see 2.C). You shall not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by AIPNL. 2.E GENERAL LICENSE AGREEMENT (not valid during evaluation period) ================================================================== This license becomes valid after you have received proof of license from AIPNL. The supplied software contains NO public domain program(s). The software and all accompanying documentation is Copyright (c) 1991-1995 by AIPNL. All rights reserved. This is a non-transferable license for use of the software within your home, your company or government agency. This allows internal use and copying of the software for as many sites/computers as are contracted for. (See ORDER.FRM for site license price schedule.) Distributing, repackaging, or reselling of the software to third parties is not allowed. All licenses are prepaid only. This software and accompanying documentation are protected by The Copyright laws of the Netherlands and also by International Treaty provisions. Any use of this software in violation of Copyright law or the terms of this limited license will be prosecuted to the best of our ability. The conditions under which you may copy this software and documentation are clearly outlined below under 'Distribution Restrictions' (see paragraph F). You shall not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by AIPNL. 2.F DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTIONS ============================= As the copyright holder, AIPNL authorizes distribution by individuals only in accordance with the following restrictions. The package is defined as the entire file either as 'self extracting executable' or an 'archive' as distributed by AIPNL. The authenticity of the package can be verified by contacting AIPNL, or by running the AIPNL UltraSafe program which verifies the digital signatures AIPNL ALWAYS adds to all its distributed software. If the package is changed in any way, distribution is forbidden. Please contact AIPNL to obtain a complete package suitable for distribution. You are hereby granted permission by AIPNL to copy the UC2 evaluation package for your own use or for others to evaluate, ONLY when the following conditions are met: The package - including all related program files and documentation files - CANNOT be modified in any way and must be distributed as a complete unchanged package, without exception. Small supplements to the package, such as the introductory or installation batch files, are acceptable. This should always be done by supplying EXTRA files, never by altering the package (file) as distributed by AIPNL. No price or other compensation may be charged for the package. A distribution cost may be charged for the cost of the diskette, shipping and handling, as long as the total (per disk) does not exceed US$ 15. In case ANY compensation is charged, the receiver should be notified, in writing, of his obligations concerning the Evaluation License. If you include the package on a distributed CD-ROM, diskette, magazine, book or any other item, you must give one such item for free and without further obligations to AIPNL. This must be done prior to other distribution of the item. AIPNL prohibits the distribution of outdated versions of the package, without written permission from AIPNL. If the version you have obtained is over six (6) months old, please contact AIPNL to ensure that you have the most current version. The package CANNOT be sold as part of some other inclusive package, nor can it be included in any commercial or non-commercial software packaging offer, without a written agreement from AIPNL. The package, program(s) or documentation cannot be 'rented' or 'leased' to others. If you wish to add any of our packages to a CD-ROM or other collection, please check the release date of the version you have. If the version is over six (6) months old then please contact AIPNL to ensure that you have the most current version. If you would like to distribute the package as a 'Disk-of-the-Month', or as part of a book, subscription or monthly service, then you must contact AIPNL in advance to ensure that you have the most current version of the software. Only current versions may be shipped as 'Disk-of-the-Month' disks. You may not list any of our products in advertisements, catalogues, or other literature which describes our products as 'FREE SOFTWARE'. This is evaluation software, it is not free! You are hereby granted permission by AIPNL to distribute executables which have been compressed by UCEXE, ONLY when the following conditions are met: You must own (have bought) the full UC2 package (with disk and manual) from AIPNL. AIPNL shall not be liable for any damages arising out of your use of this software, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages. You must indemnify, hold harmless and defend AIPNL from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney's, that arise or result from the use of files generated by UCEXE, or any modification thereof. You are hereby granted permission by AIPNL to distribute self extracting archives made with UC2SEA, ONLY when the following conditions are met: You must own (have bought) the full UC2 package (with disk and manual) from AIPNL. You must own (have bought) an 'UC2 Self Extracting Archive distribution license' from AIPNL. This license must specifically cover the 'extraction software' you include in the self extracting archive. AIPNL shall not be liable for any damages arising out of your use of this software, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damages. You must indemnify, hold harmless and defend AIPNL from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney's, that arise or result from the use of the files generated by UC2SEA, or any modification thereof. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by AIPNL. 3. UC2 BASIC COMMANDS ===================== This chapter describes the most essential commands of UC2. No special features are mentioned. UC2 is very easy to use. All details on ordering UltraCompressor are in ORDER.FRM. This chapter contains the following paragraphs: - A. Decompressing a complete UC2 archive - B. Compressing a complete directory(tree) into an archive - C. Making an archive damage protected - D. Verbose list of the archive - Z. Summary When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. 3.A DECOMPRESSING A COMPLETE UC2 ARCHIVE ======================================== Command: UC ES archive-name Put the archive where you want the extracted files to be, and type the command UC ES archive-name, where 'archive-name' is the name of the archive (e.g. UC ES newsoft). All files in the archive will be extracted. UC ES works cautiously. It will never overwrite files, create directories, etc., without first consulting you. 3.B COMPRESSING A COMPLETE DIRECTORY (TREE) INTO AN ARCHIVE =========================================================== Command: UC A archive-name All files in the current directory are compressed into an archive (e.g. 'UC A mydocs' creates mydocs.uc2). If the archive already exists, only new and changed files are (re)compressed. Command: UC AS archive-name The files in the current directory and ALL subdirectories are compressed into an archive (e.g. 'UC AS mydocs' creates mydocs.uc2). If the archive already exists, only new and changed files are (re)compressed. 3.C MAKING AN ARCHIVE DAMAGE PROTECTED ====================================== Command: UC P archive-name The archive will become damage protected and it will remain damage protected if you add files to it or delete files from it etc. A damage protected archive can recover from most disk errors without losing ANY data. (The disadvantage of making archives damage protected is that the archives become a little bit larger). 3.D VERBOSE LIST OF THE ARCHIVE =============================== Command: UC VS archive-name All files in the archive will be listed. The contents of all its subdirectories will be listed as well. 3.Z SUMMARY =========== UC ES name EXTRACT all files from archive name.uc2 UC A name COMPRESS all files in current directory into name.uc2 UC AS name COMPRESS all files in current directory AND its SUBDIRECTORIES into name.uc2 UC P name make name.uc2 DAMAGE PROTECTED UC VS name the full contents of the archive will be LISTED 4. UC2 MAIN COMMANDS ==================== One general issue about UC2 is that you can consider an archive in the same way as you would a disk. It has a root directory, sub-directories and so on. UC2 always stores the full directory structure. With UC2, you do not have to deal with 'match path', 'store full path', 'junk directory name', etc. The file extension of UltraCompressor archives is currently .UC2. In the future, if our file format changes, the extension will become .UC3. This means that there can be no confusion about which version of UltraCompressor should be used. While using UC2, the screen will indicate whether everything is working properly. When errors occur they are shown in detail on the screen and are also written to an error logfile (if active). When this error logfile grows over 25,000 bytes, UC2 will give a warning. In this chapter the commands and options in the examples are in upper case, and parameters are in lower case. In use, however, the case is never important. Any mix of upper and lower case can be used. This chapter contains the following paragraphs: - A. Commands/options summary - B. Adding files, listing contents - C. Extracting files - D. Other commands and options - E. Version management - F. Features and automatics - Z. Summary When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. 4.A COMMAND/OPTION SUMMARY ========================== General: UC command [option(s)] archive-name [files] Commands: --------- A D E ADD/DELETE/EXTRACT files to/from archive. (See paragraph B and C.) L V LIST/VERBOSE LIST contents of archive. P make archive DAMAGE PROTECTED (approx 1% overhead). Once an archive becomes damage protected, it remains damage protected, even if it is altered. The P command can be combined with other commands (e.g. AP). U remove damage protection (if present) from archive. T fully TEST archive. When it is damaged, UC2 will ask if it needs to be repaired. In force mode (see options), UC2 will repair without asking. If an archive is repaired 100% this is reported. If the archive cannot be repaired 100%, the problems (such as which files are still damaged, etc.) are reported on screen and in the error logfile. C CONVERT ZIP, ARC, ARJ, etc. archives to UC2 archives. (See chapter 5 paragraph A.) O OPTIMIZE archive can make an archive even smaller without deleting anything from the archive. Especially if an archive has been updated many times and/or contains many versions (revisions) of specific files, optimize can significantly reduce the size of an archive. O SUPER-OPTIMIZE can make archives even smaller than OPTIMIZE. SO takes a LOT of time, and it is not always capable of making the selected archive smaller. SO works by rebuilding the entire archive times, each time using a randomly chosen optimization strategy (part of this is changing the order of the files). Although SuperOptimize takes a LOT of time to make an archive smaller, decompression speed remains unchanged. Please note you can ALWAYS interrupt UC2 (by pressing Ctrl-Break) without risks. R REVISE archive comment. (See paragraph D.) Options: -------- Options can be concatenated to the command (UC ES arch) or they can be prefixed by a - or / (UC E -S arch). TF TN TT Type-Fast; Type-Normal (default) or Type-Tight/multimedia compression. In TT mode, UC2 will detect whether a file is a multimedia file. Special (lossless) multimedia compression will then take place. Please note multimedia compression is not able to compress already compressed files (e.g. *.GIF or *.JPG cannot be significantly compressed). TST Type-Super-Tight compresses a bit better that TT compression, but takes noticeable more time. Only recommended if time is not an issue. TST compression does not affect decompression speed, which remains very fast. S also process all SUB-DIRECTORIES. By default only the files in the current directory are processed. M MOVE mode, after addition/extraction the used source files are deleted. UC2 assures the addition/extraction completed successfully before it deletes the source file. F FORCE mode. Using this mode, the program will work silently. Almost nothing will be asked during execution. In all cases where a question would be asked, the program acts as if 'yes' was answered. When not using this mode, the program will often ask what you want in case of doubt. when NOT in force mode ---------------------- - UC2 will prompt you before overwriting files - UC2 will prompt you before creating directories - UC2 will optionally ask if hidden/system files should be processed - UC2 will optionally ask permission to convert archives - UC2 will optionally ask permission to show/play multimedia banners - UC2 will prompt you before repairing a damaged archive (T command) when in force mode ------------------ - UC2 will overwrite files without asking - UC2 will create directories without asking - UC2 will add hidden/system files (unless the configuration does not allow that) - UC2 will always apply auto-conversion - UC2 will show/play multimedia banners (unless the configuration does not allow that) - UC2 will repair an archive immediately, if the T (test) command finds a problem I INCREMENTAL mode, for FAST updates and version control. Version control is also called revision management. The original archive is not changed, changed files are appended to the archive. Previous versions (revisions) of a file remain accessible this way. (See paragraph E.) B BASIC mode (default unless UC2 is configured otherwise). This is the opposite of incremental mode. In basic mode UC2 overwrites files in the archive. No former versions of a file are kept in the archive. If there are multiple versions of a file only the latest one is overwritten in non incremental mode. ! EXCLUDE file(s). (See paragraph B.) ;n extract/delete OLDER VERSION of file (See paragraph E.) !DTT=YYYY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS DYNAMIC TIME TRAVEL, option for accessing older versions (revisions) of (large) collections of files. (See paragraph E.) # DESTINATION PATH of files in archive while adding or DESTINATION PATH of files on disk while extracting. (See paragraphs B and C.) ## Like #, but the specified source path(s) will be appended to the destination path. (See paragraphs B and C.) & CONCATENATION OF COMMANDS. (See paragraph D.) @ specifies a SCRIPT which substitutes part of the command line. (See paragraph F.) !@ like @, but puts '!' before all entries (useful to exclude a collection of files) !RELIA= These options allow (temporary) CONFIGURATION of many of !ARCON= the values one can configure with the configuration !SMSKIP= screen. The exact usage of these options is documented !BAN= in chapter 6. !VSCAN= !SOS2EA= Example: UC A -S !SYSHID=ON arch *.* !NET= !SYSHID= In this example hidden and system files are also added to the archive. 4.B ADDING FILES, LISTING CONTENTS ================================== Examples: UC A arch *.txt All *.txt files in the current directory are compressed into the archive arch.uc2. If the archive already exists, the files are added to the archive. UC A -TF docs *.* !*.bak All (*.*) files except *.bak files are (RAPIDLY) compressed into the archive docs.uc2. UC A -S a:\back c:\doc\*.* Create/update archive of complete directory with its subdirectories to archive back.uc2 in the root directory of drive A:. When the files to be added are specified with *.*, the command can be shortened: 'c:\doc\*.*' can be replaced by 'c:\doc\'. This also applies to the exclude file(s) option. UC A -S a:\back c:\doc\ !c:\doc\old\ All files in c:\doc and its subdirectories (except for files in c:\doc\old and its subdirectories) will be added to back.uc2. UC A -M arch *.bat All *.bat files will be moved from the current directory to the archive arch.uc2. UC A arch #\dir1 *.cpp Add all .cpp files from the current directory to directory dir1 in the archive arch.uc2. When a subdirectory does not already exist in the archive, UC2 will ask you if it has to be created in the archive. UC A arch tools\*.exe drivers\*.drv The *.exe files from the tools directory and the *.drv files from the drivers directory are added to the root directory of the archive. UC A arch tools\*.c drivers\*.drv ## The *.c files from the tools directory are added to the tools directory in the archive, the *.drv files from the drivers directory are added to the drivers directory in the archive. UC A arch tools\*.c drivers\*.drv ##specials The *.c files from the tools directory are added to the specials\tools directory in the archive, the *.drv files from the drivers directory are added to the specials\drivers directory in the archive. UC L arch List contents of root directory of arch.uc2 without subdirectories. UC V arch Verbose list contents of arch.uc2 without subdirectories. Not only the files are shown, but also all the versions of the files, with their date and time. UC L -S arch List contents of all directories and subdirectories in arch.uc2 When you have a file whose name starts with #, !, @ or & you have to let UC2 know that you are referring to a file (and not to something else): UC A arch .\#file Add #file to arch.uc2. The .\ prefix is used to ensure that the filename is not interpreted as destination path. Possible alternative ways to enter commands ------------------------------------------- Options can be put directly after the command or after the previous option (no space allowed) or they can be prefixed by '-' or '/'. Some example alternatives for 'UC A -S -TF docs *.* !*.bak': UC A -STF docs *.* !*.bak You can concatenate options. UC ASTF docs *.* !*.bak You can append the options directly to the command. UC -A -S -TF docs *.* !*.bak It is allowed to precede the command with an '-'. UC A /S /TF docs *.* !*.bak UC2 does not care whether you use '-' or '/'. UC A -S -TF docs !*.bak If no file specifications are present, UC2 uses *.*. If you want an archive with a name without extension, type a '.' just after the archive name: UC A sources. *.* The archive will become 'sources' instead of 'sources.uc2'. 4.C EXTRACTING FILES ==================== Examples: UC E docs *.doc Extract all *.doc files from docs.uc2 into the current directory. UC E backup \test\main.doc Extract main.doc from subdirectory test in the archive, into the current directory. UC E -S backup \test\*.* Extract contents of the archive's directory test and all its subdirectories, into the current directory. UC E -S backup \test\*.* #\dir1 Extract contents of the archive's directory test and all its subdirectories into the directory \dir1. UC E -M arch *.bat All *.bat files will be moved from arch.uc2 to the current directory. UC E arch tools\*.c drivers\*.drv The *.C files from the tools directory and the *.drv files from the drivers directory are extracted into the current directory. UC E arch \tools\*.c \drivers\*.drv ## The *.c files from the tools directory are extracted into the tools directory beneath the current directory, the *.drv files from the drivers directory are extracted into the drivers directory beneath the current directory. UC E arch tools\*.c drivers\*.drv ##\ The *.c files from the tools directory are extracted into the tools directory in the root directory, the *.drv files from the drivers directory are extracted into the drivers directory in the root directory. UC E arch tools\*.c drivers\*.drv ##\specials The *.c files from the tools directory are extracted into the \specials\tools directory, the *.drv files from the drivers directory are extracted into the \specials\drivers directory. When a directory does not exist, UC2 will ask you if it has to be created. UC D arch *.bak Delete all *.bak files from the archive. UC D arch *.* !*.dbf !*.ntx Delete all files except *.dbf and *.ntx files from the archive. 4.D OTHER COMMANDS AND OPTIONS ============================== Examples: UC O5 arch SuperOptimize arch.uc2 5 times. UC T arch Thoroughly test arch.uc2, and if it turns out to be damaged, prompt the user for reparation of the archive. In case the archive is repaired, a new archive is created with the name FIX_xxxx.UC2 (xxxx stands for the sequence number of existing FIX files), the original arch.uc2 remains unchanged. UC P arch Makes arch.uc2 damage protected. UC U arch Remove damage protection from arch.uc2. UC C arch.arj or UC C arch.zip or UC C arch.lzh etc. An archive made with another archiver will be converted to an UC2 archive. The extension (e.g. zip, arj) is optional; UC2 will read 'UC C arch' as 'UC C arch.*'. Note: be sure the other archiver you need is in a directory named in the PATH statement of your AUTOEXEC.BAT. UC A one *.bat & A -S world *.bak & E -S exec *.exe & A world *.cmd With '&' multiple commands can be given at once. In this command all the .bat files from the current directory are added to one.uc2, all the .bak files from the current directory and all its subdirectories are added to world.uc2, all the .exe files from the archive (including subdirectories) are extracted from exec.uc2 and all the .cmd files from the current directory are added to world.uc2. For long commands we advise you to use '@'. (See paragraph F.) UC R arch With the editor configured in AIP-NL.INI you can view or edit the comment file in the archive arch. 4.E VERSION MANAGEMENT ====================== When you want to keep the former versions (revisions) of a file in the archive, you can use the -I option to activate 'incremental mode'. You can use the -B option, to activate 'basic mode', when you do not want to keep the older versions of a file in the archive. In the configuration screen (see also chapter 6) it is possible to change the default mode from basic mode to incremental mode or vice versa. In the next examples the default mode of UC2 is basic: UC A -I -S a:\back c:\docs\*.* Incrementally update an archive (a:\back.uc2) UC E arch filename.doc Extracts the most recent version of the file 'filename.doc' from arch.uc2. UC E arch filename.doc;n Extracts the requested version of the file 'filename.doc'. 'n' represents the number of the version. Some explanation about 'n': --------------------------- Different versions of the same file in the archive get a sequence number. The most recent version gets number 0. The oldest version gets the highest number. Every time the same file is added to the archive in incremental mode, to remain consistent, all versions get a new number. There is no practical limit to the number of versions of a file you can keep in an archive. Now we will look at an archive arch.uc2 after completion of some operations: UC A -I arch test.doc The file test.doc is added to the archive arch.uc2. This is the first operation on the archive, so it contains only test.doc. UC V arch The verbose list of arch.uc2 shows us: TEST DOC 1234 MAR-17-1993 12:24:12 (name ext nr length date time) After changing the file test.doc, we again add it to arch.uc2: UC A -I arch test.doc The second version of the same file is added to arch.uc2. The archive now contains two files: UC V arch The verbose list of arch.uc2 shows us: TEST DOC;0 1245 MAR-17-1993 12:26:26 TEST DOC;1 1234 MAR-17-1993 12:24:12 (name ext nr length date time) After adding some more versions of the file TEST.DOC, the verbose list gives: UC V arch TEST DOC;0 1356 MAR-17-1993 14:02:00 TEST DOC;1 1349 MAR-17-1993 13:50:56 TEST DOC;2 1298 MAR-17-1993 13:28:32 TEST DOC;3 1280 MAR-17-1993 13:15:42 TEST DOC;4 1245 MAR-17-1993 12:26:26 TEST DOC;5 1234 MAR-17-1993 12:24:12 Now there are six different versions in the archive of the same file TEST.DOC. When you want to extract the most recent one, type the next command: UC E arch test.doc or UC E arch test.doc;0 The most recent version of TEST.DOC is extracted from arch.uc2. When you want to see another version you have to include the version number in the command: UC E arch test.doc;3 There are three more recent versions in the archive than the version extracted. (Of course the archive is unchanged after extracting a file.) Deleting a version from the archive is possible with the next command: UC D arch test.doc The most recent version of the file is deleted from arch.uc2. The verbose list will give the next information: UC V arch TEST DOC;0 1349 MAR-17-1993 13:50:56 TEST DOC;1 1298 MAR-17-1993 13:28:32 TEST DOC;2 1280 MAR-17-1993 13:15:42 TEST DOC;3 1245 MAR-17-1993 12:26:26 TEST DOC;4 1234 MAR-17-1993 12:24:12 Also an older version of the file can be deleted: UC D arch test.doc;2 The verbose list will give the next information: UC V arch TEST DOC;0 1349 MAR-17-1993 13:50:56 TEST DOC;1 1298 MAR-17-1993 13:28:32 TEST DOC;2 1245 MAR-17-1993 12:26:26 TEST DOC;3 1234 MAR-17-1993 12:24:12 When you want to remove all versions of TEST.DOC from the archive you type the following command: UC D arch test.doc;* When you want to remove all the older versions from the archive but keep the most recent one, you type: UC D arch test.doc;* !test.doc or UC D arch test.doc;* !test.doc;0 When the archive contains more files with different versions and you only want to keep the most recent version of these files, you type: UC D arch *.*;* !*.* or UC D arch *.*;* !*.*;0 As you can see in the examples, for the most recent version of a file, you can just type the file name without number, or the filename with ';0'. Dynamic Time Travel (!DTT=YYYY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS) ---------------------------------------------- Time travel simulates the status of the archive, as it was at the specified moment in the past. This feature is included for compatibility with older versions of UC2. Our new version manager (chapter 8 paragraph A) is a much better choice to manage collections of files. Time travel is only available for the extract (E) and the list (L and V) commands. Its syntax is !DTT=YYYY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS with YYYY being the year (e.g. 1993), MM being the month, DD being the day, HH being the hour (e.g. 21), MM minute, SS second. The year MUST be 4 digits, all other numbers MUST be two digits. You can supply only the left part of the arguments, UC2 will fill in the rest: e.g. !DTT=1993-03-17 will be expanded to 1993-03-17/00:00:00 !DTT=1991 will be expanded to 1991-01-01/00:00:00 !DTT=1992-01-22/18 will be expanded to 1992-01-22/18:00:00 Please note the -/:'s are optional, e.g. !DTT=19930317 can be used instead of !DTT=1993-03-17. (Actually UC2 ignores the -/:'s completely, their only purpose is to make the entered command more readable.) For the next two examples, assume the archive contains: TEST DOC;0 1349 MAR-17-1993 13:50:56 TEST DOC;1 1298 MAR-17-1993 13:28:32 TEST DOC;2 1280 MAR-17-1993 13:15:42 TEST DOC;3 1245 MAR-17-1993 12:26:26 TEST DOC;4 1234 MAR-17-1993 12:24:12 An example: UC E !DTT=1993-03-17/13:30 arch test.doc In this case a 'time travel' to 17 march 1993, 13:30 is executed. Since at that moment the 13:28:32 version of test.doc was the one last added to the archive, THAT version will be extracted. Another example: UC V !DTT=1993-03-17/13:20 arch TEST DOC;0 1280 MAR-17-1993 13:15:42 TEST DOC;1 1245 MAR-17-1993 12:26:26 TEST DOC;2 1234 MAR-17-1993 12:24:12 Note two versions have 'disappeared' and all other versions have got a new index. Please note Dynamic Time Travel NEVER alters the contents of an archive, it only creates a different viewpoint. Important notes --------------- Especially where an archive has been updated many times and contains many versions of specific files, optimize can significantly reduce the size of an archive. A just optimized archive, which contains multiple versions of files, will often be only a little bit larger than an archive which contains only the last version of all files. Move mode only moves the specified versions. If 6 versions of test.c are present in arch.uc2, then 'UC E -M arch test.c' will move test.c;0 and all other versions (5) will remain in the archive. 4.F FEATURES AND AUTOMATICS =========================== Many advanced features are automatic in UC2. The following topics are covered in this paragraph: - Smart skipping - Error handling - Control-break handling - Ensure mode - Crash management - Auto-Conversion of other archives - Virus scan during conversion - Scripts - Wildcards in archives specification - OS/2 2.x extended attributes - Multimedia banners Smart skipping -------------- Smart skipping means: do not do unnecessary things. While updating an archive, files can be changed or not. Unchanged files will be skipped, when smart skipping is on. This makes updating faster. UC2 compares name, size, time and date to determine if a file can be skipped. In the configuration, smart skipping can be on or off. Error handling -------------- UC2 allows you not only to notice the error but also to do whatever is needed (including going to DOS!) to solve the problem. UC2 does not just stop, undoing all the work it has already done for you. E.g. when a floppy turns out to be write protected, you can remove the write protection and continue. Control-break handling ---------------------- When you interrupt UC2, you do not just stop it, canceling all valuable work you have done. Instead, you are given the opportunity to go to DOS to do whatever you like (after which UC2 can continue where it left off). You can of course also abort the program. If you press control-break while UC2 is adding files to an archive, you get an extra option which allows you to skip all pending additions. All additions already performed, remain in the archive. (Since smart-skipping will automatically skip files which are already in the archive (when unchanged), you can continue the interrupted command later.) Ensure mode ----------- For those who need absolute reliability, e.g. mission critical data compression tasks, UC2 has an ENSURE operation mode. In this mode UC2 handles all updates to an archive as transactions. A transaction can only be confirmed if PROOF has been gathered that the transaction was completed 100% without problems. When a problem has occurred, irrespective of the cause, e.g. hardware failures, software conflicts, they will never get by unnoticed and the operation can be reversed. Crash management ---------------- When adding files to an archive in basic mode, crashes can do no harm, because UC2 works with a temporary file. Only when everything has been completed successfully will the temporary file, which contains the new archive, be renamed to the archive file. To prevent data loss while adding files to an archive in incremental mode, UC2 creates a new file with recovery information of the archive. This file is called arch.UR2 (UltraRecover). When everything goes right, this .UR2 file will be deleted automatically and you will never notice it ever existed, but when your computer crashes during adding files to the archive in incremental mode, this .UR2 file will mostly still exist after the crash. If you try to do anything with the archive now, you will get a message to repair the archive with 'UC T'. After the repair, the files arch.UC2 and arch.UR2 will still exist. The repaired archive is stored in the file named FIX_xxxx.UC2 (xxxx stands for the sequence number of existing FIX files). Before you can use the archive again, you have to rename FIX_xxxx.UC2 to arch.UC2 and delete the file arch.UR2. Now the situation is similar to the one before the crash. Auto-Conversion of other archives --------------------------------- Archives made by other archivers can be converted by UC2. The automatic conversion can be set ON in the configuration (see also chapter 6 paragraph A option D). Adding a file to the archive or any other operation on it, starts automatically with the conversion of it. It is important to know that, when using an archive made with another archiver, you have to type the archive name with the extension (e.g. arch.zip, arch.arj). Note: be sure the other archiver you need is in a directory named in the PATH of your AUTOEXEC.BAT. Virus scan during conversion ---------------------------- The archive to be converted can be optionally scanned for viruses. In the configuration this virus scanning can be switched ON or OFF. You can change AIP-NL.INI and use different virus scanners (see chapter 6 paragraph D). Scripts ------- A 'script' can contain a large list of files (e.g. to be compressed). A script can also be used as a substitute for multiple (complex) commands. Scripts can be nested, to allow the construction of 'building blocks'. Scripts can be extremely long (multi-megabyte). There are several ways to define a script. If you have entered '@exam' UC2 will look for: (1) an environment variable called EXAM_USC (2) the file 'exam.usc' (current or PATH directory) (3) the file 'exam' (current or PATH directory) UC @exam The contents of 'exam': A arch *.bat & V arch The .bat files are added to the archive arch.uc2 followed by a verbose list of arch.uc2. In this example multiple commands are concatenated by '&'. UC A arch @names The contents of 'names': *.bat *.cpp *.doc The .bat, .cpp and .doc files are added to the archive arch.uc2. In this example the files to be added are substituted by 'names'. UC @toback *.cpp The contents of 'toback': A c:\back All .cpp files are added to c:\back.uc2. UC @a arch *.cpp The contents of 'a': A -TST -SMSKIP=OFF -F This is an example of a 'personalized' add command. !@ works like @, but puts '!' before all entries. It can be used to exclude a collection of files. UC A arch *.* !@names The contents of 'names': *.bat *.cpp *.doc All files except .bat, .cpp and .doc files are added to the archive arch.uc2. In this example the files to be excluded are substituted by 'names'. Wildcards in archives specification ----------------------------------- Instead of adding a file or a group of files to different archives in different commands, it is possible to work with wildcards. UC V * Gives the verbose list of all the archives at once. UC A * filename The file 'filename' will be added to all the UC2 archives in the current directory. Using a wildcard is the only way to access more archives in one command. Only one archive description is allowed in a command. UC A * *.cpp *.bas Of course more wildcards may be used for the files to be added. All .cpp and .bas files will be added to all archives in the current directory. The commands P, U, T, O and C accept multiple archive specifications. Here the archive specification cannot be confused with the files specification because there is none. Also for all these commands the -S option can be used to include archives in subdirectories. UC C *.zip *.arj *.lzh All zip, arj and lzh archives will be converted. UC T -S C:\* All archives on drive C: (including those in subdirectories) will be tested. OS/2 2.x extended attributes ---------------------------- When the option 'Store OS/2 2.x extended attributes' (see chapter 6 paragraph A) is active, UC2 gets the capability to store OS/2 extended attributes. For example if you attach an icon to a file, compress it and extract it somewhere else, the file will still have its icon. Of course this is only possible on an OS/2 system. When you extract a file from an archive, the extended attributes will be the same as when you put the file in the archive. An archive optimized on a machine without extended attribute support (e.g. a plain DOS machine) will still contain extended attributes. Multimedia banners ------------------ Music, graphics and text banners can be added to an archive. (See chapter 5 paragraph B.) 4.Z SUMMARY =========== SYNTAX: UC command [option(s)] archive-name [files] COMMANDS: A D E add / delete / extract L V list / verbose list P U damage protect / unprotect T test (& repair) C convert archive to .UC2 archive O optimize (especially with many versions of files) R revise archive comment OPTIONS: (directly after command, or preceded by '-' or '/') TF TN TT fast / normal / tight-multimedia S include subdirectories M move mode F force mode (never ask, always yes) I B incremental mode (keep versions) / basic mode ;n specify version !DTT=YYYY-MM-DD/HH:MM:SS dynamic time travel !exclude files #destination ##+sourcepath & concat @script 5. UC2 BBS COMMANDS (special features for sysops) ================================================= This chapter contains the following paragraphs: - A. Archive conversion (with virus checking) - B. Multimedia banners - C. UltraStealth (run UC2 with only 32k free memory) - Z. Summary When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. 5.A ARCHIVE CONVERSION (with virus checking) ============================================ Conversion of archives to UC2 archives can be done fully automatic. Perfect for the event list of your BBS. Conversion includes the optional calling of one or more virus checking programs. Any virus checking software can be used. You can define any extraction, checking or processing software you would like, to be called by UC2. The convert command ------------------- Command: UC C archives C is the convert command. ARJ/ZIP/LZH etc. archives are converted to UC2 archives. Example: UC C *.ARJ *.ZIP *.ARC All ARJ, ZIP and ARC archives in the current directory are converted to UC2 archives. Command: UC C -S archives Include archives in subdirectories as well. Example: UC C -S C:\*.ARJ C:\*.ZIP C:\*.ARC All ARJ, ZIP and ARC archives on the C: drive (including all its subdirectories) are converted to UC2 archives. VOLUME LABELS, BANNERS, MULTIPLE VERSIONS OF A FILE AND COMMENTS ARE NOT CONVERTED. The original archive will be NEVER be deleted by UC2. This is different from previous releases of UC2. Customizing archive conversion ------------------------------ To convert archives to UC2 archives the original archiver's software will be used. AIP-NL.INI determines which archivers will be used. UC2 uses advanced swapping techniques to swap UC2 out of memory while execution of the other archiver takes place. This assures the archivers have enough memory available. Currently supported formats include: ARC, ARJ, LZH, PAK, ZIP and ZOO. UC2 conversion also supports the 'UCN' format. This format is exactly the same as UC2, but it denotes 'N'ew files. It can be used to mark files new to your BBS, allowing 'conversion' to UC2 archives. This is useful since conversion can also include virus scanning etc. *** WARNING *** Please note than conversion from UCN to UC2 will only keep the newest versions of all contained files, older versions will be removed. Virus checking during conversion -------------------------------- When you activate virus checking (see chapter 6 paragraph A item E) during conversion, the virus checkers defined in AIP-NL.INI are used. If you want another virus scanner to be used, or use more scanners in the check, you are free to change AIP-NL.INI. Just be sure the virus scanner called is available on your system. (See chapter 6 paragraph D.) Automatic changes during conversion ----------------------------------- The AIPNL [VARIOUS] AFTER-CONVERT command can be used to make automatic changes to archives contents during their conversion. Such a change could include the addition of multimedia banners. (See chapter 6 paragraph D.) 5.B MULTIMEDIA BANNERS ====================== UC2 gives you the opportunity to add (multimedia) banners to archives. Five file types are supported: U$~BAN.GIF GIF image U$~BAN.JPG JPEG image U$~BAN.MOD MOD music files (playable with e.g. Modplay) U$~BAN.TXT Standard text U$~BAN.ASK Special file (determines if UC2 asks 'Continue?' after showing/playing the banners. The content of this file is of no importance.) If you want to add a banner to an archive, you will have to specify the banner file explicitly. No wild cards can be used, e.g. 'UC A arch U$~BAN.*' will not work. Example: UC A arch U$~BAN.TXT A text banner is added to the archive arch. You can add multiple banner files (e.g. U$~BAN.GIF, U$~BAN.MOD and U$~BAN.ASK) to a single archive. The AIP-NL.INI file contains the default software to show or play banners. See chapter 6 paragraph D for more information on this file. The banners are shown/played when files are extracted from the archive. Under 4DOS ~ is sometimes used as 'compound character'. To resolve conflicts, you can change this with the 4DOS 'SETDOS /C^' command. 5.C ULTRA-STEALTH (run uc with only 32k free memory) ==================================================== With help of UltraStealth, you can run UC2 with only 32 kilobytes of free memory available. Suppose you have a huge program (e.g. a word processor or a mailer). When this huge program has the ability of starting another DOS program only a small amount of memory will be free. UltraStealth allows you to have this huge program call UC2. To achieve this you need to do two things: (1) the (huge) program has to be started with US (UltraStealth) --------------------------------------------------------------- Just put US in front of the normal command you use to start the (huge) program. So if the normal command is: bigprog /a /q You now have to use: US bigprog /a /q (2) use UUC instead of UC ------------------------- Instead of using UC from your (huge) program, you should call UUC. UUC behaves exactly like UC. The only difference is that US and UUC together solve the memory problem the (huge) program causes. It is also possible to start US with no command behind it. In this case the DOS command processor is started and UUC can be used anytime. The command processor (and US) can be stopped with the EXIT command. When UUC is called, while US is not active, UUC starts UC2 anyway. In this case there is no difference in the amount of memory needed for UUC and for UC2. US and UUC together use about 32k of free memory, most of this will be claimed by US. Due to the complex nature of UltraStealth, it is recommended you test-drive UltraStealth thoroughly in your specific environment before you start using it. 5.Z SUMMARY =========== UC C *.ARJ *.ZIP *.LZH Convert archives to UC2 archives. US Executes and installs UltraStealth (needed to use UUC) UUC ... Exactly the same as UC ..., but much less memory is needed. Will only work with a small amount of memory if UltraStealth is active. 6. UC2 CONFIGURATION ==================== When UC2 is started without parameters there is the option to configure UC2 (by pressing the 'C' key). General options are: A -> Default compression method B -> Default operation C -> Reliability level D -> Automatic archive conversion E -> Virus scan during conversion F -> Smart skipping G -> Amount of output/information H -> Show (multimedia) banners I -> Store OS/2 2.x extended attributes J -> Store system/hidden files System options are: M -> Video mode N -> Dynamic program swapping O -> Use EMS P -> Use XMS Q -> Use 386/486/Pentium features R -> Advanced networking S -> Location for temporary files U -> Error logfile Quick setup options are: 1 -> default 2 -> max speed 3 -> max compress 4 -> max safe 5 -> UNDO The configuration you choose here will be your default configuration when using UC2. All options are stored in the AIP-NL.INI file. Some of the options in the configuration screen can also be temporary set on the command line. The command line options are also described in this chapter. This chapter contains the following paragraphs: - A. General options - B. System options - C. Quick setup - D. AIP-NL.INI - E. Optimizing performance When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. 6.A GENERAL OPTIONS =================== A -> Default compression method ------------------------------- Equivalent command line options: -TN, -TT, -TST, -TF The compression type can be NORMAL, TIGHT, S-TIGHT or FAST. When installing UC2, the default compression type is normal. In TT and in TST mode, UC2 will detect whether a file is a multimedia file. Special (lossless) multimedia compression will then take place. B -> Default operation ---------------------- Equivalent command line options: -I, -B The add operation can be in BASIC MODE or INCREMENTAL MODE. In basic mode files that already exist in the archive will be replaced by a new version. In incremental mode more versions of a file can be kept in the archive. When an already existing file is added to the archive, the newer version of the file will be added. This mode increases the speed of the addition significantly, especially for slow disks and/or large archives. Another advantage of the incremental mode is the possibility of keeping multiple versions of a file in the archive. If, for example, you want to see what is changed in the file, just compare it to a previous version. C -> Reliability level ---------------------- Equivalent command line options: !RELIA=DETECT, !RELIA=PROTECT, !RELIA=ENSURE, !RELIA=CHECK The reliability level can be DETECT, PROTECT or ENSURE. Detect means errors will be reported, but no action will be taken. Protect means errors will be avoided, by using damage protection. Ensure mode means UC2 will make as sure as technically possible, everything will go perfect. First the existing archive will be tested. Then the command given will be executed. The third step includes a complete test on the new archive. When something went wrong, a 'rollback' will take place, and the original archive will be restored. To ensure correct storage on your hard disk, diskcache flush commands will be called at appropriate moments during execution of your command. (See paragraph D.) Check mode means the thorough testing from ensure mode will be used without making all archives damage protected. D -> Automatic archive conversion --------------------------------- Equivalent command line options: !ARCON=ON, !ARCON=OFF Automatic conversion of other archiver's archives can be ON or OFF. When automatic conversion is on, any operation can be done on other archiver's archives. UC2 will automatically start rebuilding the archive to an UC2 archive. After rebuilding, the command will be executed. When automatic conversion is off, UC2 will not automatically convert archives, but prompt the user, asking permission to convert the archive. E -> Virus scan during conversion --------------------------------- Equivalent command line options: !VSCAN=ON, !VSCAN=OFF Virus scan can be ON or OFF during the conversion of another archiver's archive (also see paragraph D). F -> Smart skipping ------------------- Equivalent command line options: !SMSKIP=ON, !SMSKIP=OFF Smart skipping can be ON or OFF. When smart skipping is on, unchanged files (already in the archive) are skipped during addition. This makes updating much faster. G -> Amount of output/information --------------------------------- The amount of output/information can be MINIMAL, VERBOSE or NORMAL. UC2 shows all kinds of information while it is executing your command. Minimal information mode only shows the filenames being processed, no progress indicators are given. Verbose information mode shows in great detail what UC2 is doing. For instance the file name in process is followed by blocks indicating progress. Normal information mode shows what UC2 is doing, but does not give undue attention to details which are not directly related to the given command. In some environments (e.g. Chinese/Japanese/Russian) the behavior of UC2 to print 'high ASCII' characters is unwanted. In those cases you can use the 'SET UC2_NO_HIGH_ASCII=ON' environment setting to disable high ASCII in UC2 output. Please note UC2 already uses an ISO 9241 compliant subset of IBM high ASCII to avoid conflicts with e.g. IBM OS/2 2.x XGA systems. H -> Show (multimedia) banners ------------------------------ Equivalent command line options: !BAN=ON, !BAN=OFF, !BAN=ASK You can choose if the banners added to the archives are shown/played automatically (ON), only when you agree (ASK) or never (OFF). I -> Store OS/2 2.x extended attributes --------------------------------------- Equivalent command line options: !SOS2EA=ON, !SOS2EA=OFF By putting this option ON, OS/2 EAs will be stored when UC2 finds any during compression, when this option is OFF UC2 will not store OS/2 2.x EAs. OS/2 2.x extended attributes (such as icons, WPS long icon names, WordPerfect 5.2 for OS/2 summary information, etc.) will be retained in an archive when the option is ON. Please note that OS/2 2.x EAs will ALWAYS be extracted, when present in an archive. Extended attributes are preserved by the optimize command, even if this is performed on a machine which does not run OS/2. J -> Store system/hidden files ------------------------------ Equivalent command line options: !SYSHID=ON, !SYSHID=OFF, !SYSHID=ASK You can choose if you want 'system' and 'hidden' files to be added ON, OFF or if you want UC2 to ASK you how to deal with them. 6.B SYSTEM OPTIONS ================== M -> Video mode --------------- If your card is not compatible with MDA, HERCULES, CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA, XGA, etc. (very unlikely but possible for some older computers) choose BIOS mode. If you have a monochrome monitor (or laptops etc.) choose MONO instead of COLOR. Please note that if UC2 detects DesqView (which prefers BIOS video on 286 computers) it will use BIOS video, even if UC2 is not configured to use BIOS video. N -> Dynamic program swapping ----------------------------- Dynamic program swapping can be ON (in which case UC2 will be swapped to EMS or disk if it invokes DOS) or OFF. O -> Use EMS ------------ In general '4.0+ ONLY' is the best option. Most modern EMS drivers behave in a reliable way. Some older versions can cause unwanted conflicts and this mode will not use those older versions. Switch EMS OFF if your EMS (emulator) is not compatible with the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft specifications. Switch EMS to 'ANY VERSION' if you have an EMS driver lower than 4.0, which you verified to work correctly with UC2. Compressing and decompressing a large collection of files is a good way to verify this. Default, UC2 allocates all available EMS. By setting the environment variable 'SET UC2_MAX_EMS=xxx', you can specify in kilobytes how much EMS UC2 should use. P -> Use XMS ------------ Switch XMS OFF if your XMS (emulator) is not compatible with the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft specifications. This is not likely since UC2 uses XMS very conservatively. Default, UC2 allocates all available XMS. By setting the environment variable 'SET UC2_MAX_XMS=xxx', you can specify in kilobytes how much XMS UC2 should use. Default, UC2 allocates all available UMB (upper memory blocks) from the UMA (upper memory area). By setting the environment variable 'SET UC2_MAX_UMB=xxx', you can specify in kilobytes how much UMB UC2 should use. It is also possible for UC2 to use "raw" extended memory (without a XMS driver). With the environment variable 'SET UC2_RAW_EXT=xxx' you can specify in kilobytes how much extended memory UC2 should use. Please note this option is VERY dangerous. We strongly advise you to use a XMS driver (like HIMEM.SYS) instead. Q -> Use 386/486/Pentium features --------------------------------- Switch off use of 386/486/Pentium options. AIPNL is not aware of any situation where this feature had to be disabled. UC2 does not suffer from Pentium processors with the infamous 'FDIV bug'. R -> Advanced networking ------------------------ Equivalent command line options: !NET=ON, !NET=OFF, !NET=AUTO-SKIP Network Support. If you have a version of DOS which does not support DOS network calls (e.g. 2.0), or if you have a network which behaves very differently from IBM, Lantastic, Microsoft, Novell or Vines networks, you can set this option to OFF. Sharing archives is then no longer possible. When UC2 attempts to compress a locked file, it allows the user to skip this file by hand. When auto-skip mode is active, locked files will be skipped automatically. A warning is reported and logged if files are skipped. S -> Location for temporary files --------------------------------- The location for temporary files can be configured. When everything goes well you will never notice the temporary files. Please make sure the directory configured exists on your disk. You can override this setting with the environment variable UC2_TMP e.g. 'SET UC2_TMP=F:\'. The temporary files location will also be used by the virtual memory manager. Default, UC2 will use up to 8192 kilobytes of virtual memory. This amount can be changed with 'SET UC2_VMEM=xxx' to a value from 4096 to 49192 (kilobytes). UC2 needs 1 byte of base memory for each kilobyte of virtual memory. U -> Error logfile ------------------ The error logfile will register all errors and warnings that appear while executing UC2. You can also disable error logging by specifying * as logfile. 6.C QUICK SETUP =============== 1 -> default ------------ The default setup changes the following settings: GENERAL OPTIONS: default compression mode into normal default operation into basic mode reliability level into detect automatic archive conversion into off virus scan during conversion into off amount of output/information into normal show (multimedia) banners into ask store OS/2 2.x ext. attributes into off store system/hidden files into ask SYSTEM OPTIONS: video mode into color dynamic program swapping into on use EMS into 4.0 and higher only use XMS into on use 386/486/Pentium features into on advanced networking into on all locations will be set to the same location as UC.EXE 2 -> max speed -------------- The max speed setup changes the following settings: GENERAL OPTIONS: default compression into fast default operation into incremental reliability level into detect automatic archive conversion into on virus scan during conversion into off amount of output/information into minimal show (multimedia) banners into off SYSTEM OPTIONS: video mode No matter whether the video mode is color or mono, this configuration will turn off BIOS usage use EMS into 4.0 and higher only use XMS into on use 386/486/Pentium features into on advanced networking into auto-skip 3 -> max compress ----------------- The max compress setup changes the following settings: GENERAL OPTIONS: default compression into s-tight default operation into basic mode reliability level into detect automatic archive conversion into on 4 -> max safety --------------- The max safe setup changes the following settings: GENERAL OPTIONS: default operation into incremental mode reliability level into ensure automatic archive conversion into off virus scan during conversion into on smart skipping into off show (multimedia) banners into off SYSTEM OPTIONS: video mode No matter whether the video mode is color or mono, this configuration will turn on BIOS usage use EMS into off use XMS into off use 386/486/Pentium features into off only if advanced networking was auto-detect: into on 5 -> UNDO --------- The configuration will be reset to the state it was before you started the configuration screen. 6.D AIP-NL.INI ============== All UC2 settings are kept in the AIP-NL.INI file. Please note the AIP-NL.INI file contains settings for ALL AIPNL products. All AIPNL products use the PATH environment variable (usually set in AUTOEXEC.BAT) to locate AIP-NL.INI, thus allowing multiple people to use the same executable file, while they each have their own configuration file. AIP-NL.INI consist of sections each containing a number of settings. EXPANDERS --------- This section specifies how archives should be extracted for use by the convert command. For example "ARC = ARC xzw % *.*/h/a, PKXARC % *.*, PAK e %" specifies that files with the ARC extension should be extracted by ARC, PKXARC or PAK. If more than one of those is available, the first one in the list will be used. UC2-GENERAL-OPTIONS, UC2-SYSTEM-OPTIONS --------------------------------------- These sections contain all settings from the configuration menu. VARIOUS ------- TEMPORARY-FILES specifies which directory UC2 uses for temporary files. PRINT-FILE specifies how $PRF prints a file. FLUSH-CACHE specifies how ensure mode flushes the disk cache. VIRUS-SCAN specifies how convert can check for viruses. AFTER-CONVERT specifies a command to be executed during archive conversion. VIEWERS, EDITORS ---------------- These sections are mainly used by Visual UltraCompressor. UC2 does use them for the R (revise comment) command and for showing multimedia banners. 6.E OPTIMIZING PERFORMANCE ========================== In general UC2 will automatically utilize available resources (RAM, microprocessor) in an optimal fashion. Please note UC2 does not stretch beyond the limits of your system to achieve this. It only uses officially documented methods to access XMS, EMS, DOS, Windows, OS/2, etc. In many cases the methods UC2 uses have been double checked with IBM, Microsoft, QuarterDeck, Novell and others. And of course everything has been extensively tested on many different environments. There are some tips to allow UC2 to work as fast as possible: - make as much base, EMS and XMS memory available as you can spare - (but) on systems supporting virtual memory (e.g. Windows NT and OS/2) you should not make TOO much memory available for UC2 (to prevent swapping) - select maximal speed in the configuration menu - or (e.g. if you prefer better compression) - enable advanced networking (when applicable) - enable EMS/XMS usage - enable 386/486/Pentium usage - set UC2 information to minimal - redirect the output of UC2 to the NUL device (e.g. UC X test > NUL) - install sufficient BUFFERS in your CONFIG.SYS and/or install a disk caching utility 7. UC2 TECHNICAL DETAILS (UC2 internals, design, benchmarks) ============================================================ Although many aspects of UC2 look simple and straightforward, UC2 is a very advanced program. This chapter contains the following paragraphs: - A. Inside UC2 - B. Compression technology - C. Damage protection technology - D. Benchmarking When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. 7.A INSIDE UC2 ============== Here a rough overview of the internals of UC2 is given. It can give those who are interested more insight into what is going on INSIDE UltraCompressor. If you want more detailed technical information (e.g. for making add-on tools) you can always contact us. Please note however we do not intend to supply the source code of UC2 to third parties. Sample add-on tools (including their source code) are available on request. UC2 is programmed in C++ and assembly language (for the time critical sections). It is devised in a number of modules which are briefly described in this section. Overview -------- GENERAL CONTROL main config command interpreter manager archive I/O SYSTEM SERVICES COMPRESSION SERVICES video dictionary manager low level I/O ultra engine memory manager virtual memory manager RELIABILITY SERVICES error handler OTHER damage protection lister guard viewer test General control --------------- MAIN The main module calls all initialization routines. CONFIG This module handles the interactive configuration screen. This module also uses and maintains AIP-NL.INI. COMMAND INTERPRETER The command line and script files are interpreted in this module. MANAGER Finds out what should happen (e.g. ask the command interpreter, scan the disk and the archive), and makes it happen (call the data compressor, etc.). This module is the most complex module of UC2, but it delegates a lot of hard work to other modules. ARCHIVE I/O Here the archive file format is managed. Conversion between external (compressed flat file) and internal (object database) formats, as well as all kinds of integrity checks are performed. System services --------------- VIDEO The keyboard, screen and output file (in case of redirection) are managed here. LOW LEVEL I/O Here low level file specifics and networking are handled. Also this module takes care of file caching, an essential issue in making UC2 perform fast on (floppy) disk and network access. MEMORY MANAGER (MM) This module manages base memory, XMS and EMS. The MM decides which components of the program can get memory, and how much memory they can get, to optimize overall performance. VIRTUAL MEMORY MANAGER (VMM) This module manages the 'persistent object database' containing the central directory of an archive and numerous links needed to make processing as efficient as possible. No matter the amount of data in the VMM, it can always work (fast) with only a small amount of memory. VMM uses the memory manager to optimize its performance wherever possible. The VMM also supplies pipeline services for decoupling translation (archive I/O) and compression logic. Compression services -------------------- DICTIONARY MANAGER This component makes dictionaries of collections of files. These dictionaries allow UC2 to use similarities between different files to compress all files even further. The analyzing phase of UC2 refers to the creation of dictionaries based on found files. The optimizing phase (which is different from the optimize command) refers to the compression of the dictionaries. One special dictionary (the 'master') is built into the compressor. This dictionary is used to improve compression of the other dictionaries. The master contains information about the general structure of common file types such as: documents, spreadsheets, databases, sources, etc. Private Compression Profiles (8.F) allow you to replace the master with you own dictionary. ULTRA ENGINE The bare high speed compressor/decompressor. Based on a dictionary the redundancy of a stream of data is analyzed and compressed. Reliability services -------------------- ERROR HANDLER The error handler traps DOS system errors and handles them in a neat and consistent way. It often allows the user to go to DOS, solve the problem, leave DOS and continue where UC2 has stopped. The error handler makes it impossible for the user to specify 'ignore', (an unfortunate option DOS offers if something goes wrong). DAMAGE PROTECTION This module handles damage protection, damage detection and damage recovery. GUARD The guard continuously checks the internal integrity of UC2. It is often able to prevent damage caused by e.g. software conflicts or hardware problems. TEST (only available in beta versions) Tests and interrogates various components of UC2 during execution. Other ----- LISTER Shows contents of archive in various formats. VIEWER Online help viewer. 7.B COMPRESSION TECHNOLOGY ========================== UC2 significantly outperforms older data compression technology. For those interested in background information, we will discuss WHY and HOW UC2 is capable of doing this. AIPNL would like to specifically thank Drs. ing. D. Bezemer, Prof. dr. J. van Leeuwen, Dr. P. van Oostrum and Drs. ing. N.E. de Vries for their significant participation in the design of the UC2 compression engine. To begin, we will give a brief explanation of AR002. Most modern data compressors (ARJ, LHA, ZIP, ZOO) are derivatives of AR002. AR002 was designed by Haruhiko Okumura. AR002, a two phase compressor ----------------------------- DATA <-> (#1, LZ) <-> (grouping) <-> (#2, Huffman) <-> COMPRESSED In phase #1 (the 'LempelZiv' phase) 'matches' are located. Matches are strings of data which are equal. The string 'hello there hello' can be converted to 'hello there '(-12,5) since 'hello' is matched. In general ARJ, LHA, ZIP and ZOO can find matches with a maximum distance of about 32700, and a maximum length of about 500 (rough estimates). In phase #2 (the 'Huffman' phase) the output of phase #1 is divided into blocks. For each block statistics are analyzed (for example the compressor notices the character 'e' is used much more often than 'q'). From this analysis an optimal translation table ('Huffman tree') is generated (e.g. 'e'=001 'q'=100100010). The compressed block then consists of the Huffman tree and the translated contents of the block. The storage of the Huffman tree, at the beginning of each block, is a complicated matter which we will not cover here. The number of different values phase #1 can generate is very large (e.g. all 256 possible values of a byte, and about 32700 * 500 different match descriptions). Since it is very inefficient to make a Huffman tree for all those possible values, the values are grouped, and statistics are gathered for the groups instead of the single values. LHA, ZOO, ARJ and ZIP all use different methods to realize this grouping. UltraEngine ----------- The UltraEngine is also an AR002 derivative, but with some fundamental enhancements. These enhancements can be divided into two major features: the core engine and the dictionary manager. The dictionary manager is the most significant enhancement. Ordinary data compression engines always start completely 'blank', knowing absolutely nothing about the data they are going to compress. The dictionary manager collects generic information about a group of files. For example a collection of *.DOC files will all have similar characteristics, and share common text strings like 'paper'. The dictionary manager collects this common 'knowledge' in a dictionary. This dictionary is used to make the core engine much smarter when similar files are compressed. UC2 has a dictionary (the 'master') built into the executable as well. This master contains information about common file formats. It contains, for example, information about spreadsheets, databases, word processors, programming languages and common words in: English, French, German and Dutch. This built in information improves compression. The core engine also has some enhancements over the basic AR002 engine. The match engine has been replaced by a completely new one. This new engine is capable of finding matches at a distance of 64000 and with a maximum length of 30000. Also the way in which blocks of data are gathered for further Huffman compression is completely different. Instead of looking at one block at a time, the core engine attempts to 'learn' from previous blocks so less information is needed to encode statistical information of a block. Alternative ----------- A collection of files can also be compressed more, with the often used TAR+COMPRESS 'trick'. First collect all files in a single large file, and then compress this single large file at once. Especially for large collections of small files, this improves compression significantly. This approach can be reached with ARJ as well, by first compressing with ARJ -m0, and compressing the resulting archive again with ARJ -jm1. It should be noted, however, that the UltraEngine approach works much better. First of all, the compression is better. The dictionary manager is much smarter than just a simple concatenation. This can be verified by compressing the output of ARJ -m0 with UC -tt. Also the core engine is fine tuned for optimal performance in cooperation with dictionaries. The 64000 byte match length is one of the essential enhancements. Another reason why the UC2 approach is much better, is random access. Try to delete a single file of a collection of 5000 C files when ARJ -m0/-jm1 has been used, or try to add or extract SOME files. UC2 will mostly do this much faster than ordinary archivers (this is a result of better caching and a better file format), and remarkably faster than a collect/compress (unit packing, solid) archiver. 7.C DAMAGE PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY ================================ When an archive is 'damage protected' with the P command, it becomes resistant to a certain amount of damage. This paragraph explains how UC2 achieves this. We will start with a mathematical operator called 'XOR'. XOR has the following properties: 0 XOR 0 = 0; 0 XOR 1 = 1; 1 XOR 0 = 1; 1 XOR 1 = 0 if a1 XOR a2 XOR a3 XOR a4 XOR a5 = xx then a1 XOR xx XOR a3 XOR a4 XOR a5 = a2 and a1 XOR a2 XOR a3 XOR xx XOR a5 = a4 etc. This exactly shows the essence of damage protection, a1..a5 are the bare data, xx is special (damage recovery) information which can be used to restore bare data if it somehow has been destroyed. In practice UC2 XORs groups of 512 bytes (sectors) instead of single bits. To determine if a specific sector is correct or damaged a checksum of all sectors is included in the damage recovery information. About 1% of damage protection information is added to an archive. For short files this is a single recovery sector (meaning up to 1 damaged sector can be recovered), but if the archive is longer multiple damage recovery sectors are added, for example one for odd and one for even sectors. 7.D BENCHMARKING ================ Benchmarking is a very complicated matter. It is always possible to create a legitimate looking benchmark which makes product A or product B look better. A nice example of this can be seen by just looking at some ads. We have done a successful attempt to optimize UC2 for daily 'real life' use. This means it compresses fast and it decompresses very fast. But when archives are used intensively, the bare compression/ decompression speed is only an aspect of the whole picture. What is also very important is how efficient updates are performed. Especially when 'the going gets tough', for example when a large archive resides on a floppy disk, or when the archive is on a network, UC2 can be much faster than other products. An unfortunate problem in benchmarking archivers is the 'Calgary Compression Corpus', which is often used to compare data compressors. Well, UC2 will do better than other compressors with this test, yet the real power of the compression engine is not used in this unrealistic test. When collections of 'real life' files (e.g. a large collection of documents, or sources, or the average archive one finds on a BBS) is compressed the difference between UC2 and other products becomes more significant. Of course, although performance is very important, it is only one aspect in the usability of a product. In general it is our opinion that you, the user, are the best person to perform benchmarks. Try the product the way you would actually USE it and see for yourself. 8. UC2 EXTENDED COMMANDS ======================== On of the toughest decisions to make, in designing a utility like UltraCompressor, is what option should and should not be included. The problem is, that different users have a different view on what should be included in the tool. Some users prefer simple and clean, other users prefer a tool which adapts exactly to their specific wishes. We decided to split the command line options into sections in order to solve this conflict: BASIC (3) This section aims at maximum simplicity. It only describes extraction of an entire archive, compression of an entire directory and viewing archive contents. MAIN (4) Several goals have driven this section: -> smart commands, not needing a lot of complicated options -> the entire command description must fit on one screen (UC -?) -> it should be simple, clean and consistent BBS (5) Special commands and options aimed at sysops have been put in a separate section. EXTEND (8) Simple is no longer an issue here, only power and flexibility count. Extended commands always start with $, extended options always start with !. Dynamic Time Travel and all options documented in CONFIG (6) are therefore extended options as well, although they are not covered again in this chapter. This chapter contains the following paragraphs: - A. Tools: version manager (vm.exe) - B. Tools: lock archive (ulock.bat, uprot.bat) - C. Tools: compress/expand directory (ucdir, uedir) - D. Tools: simple archive splitter (sas) - E. Extended command/option overview - F. Private Compression Profiles - G. Error messages - Z. Summary When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. 8.A TOOLS: VERSION MANAGER (VM.EXE) =================================== UltraCompressor allows you to keep multiple versions (revisions) of a file in an archive. This feature is, however, single file oriented. Version Manager allows you to manage versions of file collections (projects). It allows you to attach a 'version label' to a collection of files and to extract or list all file versions having that specific label. This is perfectly suited for marking specific stages of a project to allow simple reconstruction of those stages. Please note that version labels are case and space sensitive. Commands: --------- VM Mark "label" archive-name Attach "label" to the most current file versions (*.*;0). "label" can be anything you want, e.g. "REV 1.2.1", "Version for Acme Inc.", "LWV" (last working version) etc. One file version can have multiple labels. Labels are case sensitive and can be up to 80 characters long. VM Remove "label" archive-name Remove a specific label from an archive (only the label is removed, no files are deleted). VM LAbels archive-name List all labels present in the archive in alphabetic order. VM History archive-name List all labels present in the archive in chronological order. VM L "label" [options] archive-name [files] VM V "label" [options] archive-name [files] List/verbose list of all files having the specified label. All UC2 options can be used. VM E "label" [options] archive-name [files] Extract files having the specified label. All UC2 options can be used. 'Special' label names: ---------------------- If a label description ends with $, $$ or # then substitution takes place: $ The $ is replaced by the current date (e.g. "LWV $" becomes "LWV NOV-12-1997"). $$ The $$ is replaced by the current date and time (e.g. "LWV $$" becomes "LWV NOV-12-1997 22:34:04"). # The # is replaced by an automatic version number (e.g. "KQZ #" becomes "KQZ 1.2.6"). VM always searches for labels with a similar layout, finds the highest one, and increases the last number. For 'major' releases the new version number has to be specified. All labels get an index (e.g. @12) which can be used as abbreviation. The index for each label is shown by LABELS and HISTORY. Examples: --------- VM MARK "LWV $$" arch Mark the most current files as the current 'Last Working Version', e.g. "LWV NOV-12-1997 12:34:04". VM M "REV #" arch Mark the most current files as "REV xxx", where the new version number is automatically determined. VM E "REV 1.2.2" -S arch #c:\build Extract all files labelled REV 1.2.2 to c:\build. VM E @12 arch Extract all files with the label with index @12. VM Finger printing ------------------ Often an executable should contain its own version label. This version label can for instance be shown in the startup screen of the application. This allows technical support to determine which version of a program a specific user is running. VM can automate the maintenance of such a version label. It can do this by generating an include file which contains a definition for the version label. This include file will then be updated automatically when the VM MARK or the VM E commands are used. The generation of this VM include file is controlled by an environment variable. Example: SET VM_FINGERPRINT_CPP=mylab.h In this sample the version label is maintained in the C++ include file mylab.h. The following filetypes are supported: Environment variable Type Sample contents -------------------------------------------------------------- VM_FINGERPRINT_ASM Assembly db "..." VM_FINGERPRINT_BAS BASIC const VM_LABEL$ = "..." VM_FINGERPRINT_C C #define VM_LABEL "..." VM_FINGERPRINT_CPP C++ const char* VM_LABEL = "..."; VM_FINGERPRINT_MOD Modula II CONST VM_LABEL = "..."; VM_FINGERPRINT_PAS Pascal CONST VM_LABEL = "..."; VM_FINGERPRINT_RAW ... The file is always generated in the current directory (unless a full path is specified). 8.B TOOLS: LOCK ARCHIVE (ULOCK.BAT, UPROT.BAT) ============================================== Example: ULOCK arch The archive arch.uc2 is protected against all manipulative commands (e.g. add and delete). Please note that someone could bypass this lock by just expanding all files in the archive, and creating a new one. Example: UPROT arch All files in arch.uc2 will be protected against deletion. Incremental addition to the archive is still allowed, overwriting or deleting files not. Perfect for version management where older file versions should never be deleted. The ULOCK and the UPROT commands can only be reversed by extracting all files from the locked/protected archive and building a new one. 8.C TOOLS: COMPRESS/EXPAND DIRECTORY (UCDIR, UEDIR) =================================================== UCDIR This command moves all files from the current directory and below to the archive UCDIRDAT.UC2. If this archive already exists smart skipping will skip redundant work. UCDIRDAT.UC2 is always damage protected. UCDIR will make UCDIRDAT.UC2 read-only to avoid accidental deletion. UEDIR This command completely expands UCDIRDAT.UC2 (if it is present in the current directory). The archive is not removed to speed up the UCDIR command. UEDIR will make UCDIRDAT.UC2 deletable. Used together UCDIR and UEDIR allow you to keep data readily available on disk, while it takes significantly less space than uncompressed, or even when compressed with a transparent disk compressor. 8.D TOOLS: SIMPLE ARCHIVE SPLITTER (SAS) ======================================== Commands: SAS S arch 123 split arch.uc2 in 123kb pieces, 1kb=1024 bytes SAS B arch build arch.uc2 from those pieces When arch.uc2 is split into 5 pieces, those pieces will be named arch.p01, arch.p02, arch.p03, arch.p04 and arch.p05. SAS adds a little amount of overhead to each piece. SAS allows basic UC2 archive splitting. This can be used to allow archives which do not fit on a single floppy disk to be spread amongst more than one diskettes. For distribution of multivolume archives, UC2SEA (chapter 13) is a better choice. 8.E EXTENDED COMMAND/OPTION OVERVIEW ==================================== Extended commands always start with $, extended options always start with !. Dynamic Time Travel and all options documented in CONFIG (6) are all extended options as well. Add variants (can be used instead of A) --------------------------------------- $FRE FREshen files in archive (update files, but do not add new ones) Extract variants (can be used instead of E) ------------------------------------------- $EWP Extract Without Path (extract all files to the same directory, ignoring their original path). This command automatically activates the -S (include subdirs) option. $PRF PRint Files (how a file should be printed is defined in AIP-NL.INI) Example: UC $PRF arch *.txt Archive manipulation commands ----------------------------- $RED Remove Empty Directories Usage: UC $RED archive-name(s) $TSN Time Stamp archive with date/time of Newest file Usage: UC $TSN archive-name(s) Miscellaneous commands ---------------------- $GLF Generate List File (usable as script/list-file). Please note that this command does not automatically include subdirectories. The -S option is needed to include subdirectories. Usage: UC $GLF listfile-name [options] archive-name [files] Example: UC $GLF listfile.txt -S arch *.doc $DOS execute DOS command Example: UC $DOS del *.bak & A arch *.* Filter/selection options ------------------------ Filter/selection options can be used for add (A, $FRE), list (L, V, $GLF), delete (D) and extract (E, $EWP, $PRF). Please note these options only filter out files. They do not change the version number of files (unlike Dynamic Time Travel and VM.EXE). !CONTAINS="..." only allow files which contain the specified string, upper and lower case characters match for this option (e.g. Test matches tEsT) Note: the search string can be at most 40 characters. !EFA=HSRA Exclude Files with (Hidden/System/Read-only/Archive) Attributes !ARCA only include files having the ARChive Attribute bit set !ELD=YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS only include files with Equal or Later Date/time !EED=YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS only include files with Equal or Earlier Date/time !QUERY ask permission for each single file !NEWER (add and extract only) only add/extract a file, if the source file is NEWER than a (to be overwritten) destination file, or if there is no destination file !NOF (add and extract only) Never Overwrite a File Examples: UC E !EFA=HS arch Extract all files from arch, except files having the system or the hidden attribute. UC $GLF listfile !CONTAINS="#include " arch Create a file 'listfile' which contains all files in arch.uc2 containing the string "#include ". UC A !CONTAINS="main" arch *.cpp Add all *.cpp files containing "main" to arch.uc2. UC D !CONTAINS="old" arch Delete all files containing "old" from arch.uc2. UC VS !CONTAINS="check" * List all files containing "check" from all archives in the current directory. UC E -S !ELD=1992/07/28 !EED=1993/03/17 arch *.*;* Extract all files in the archive dated 1992/07/28 - 1993/03/17. Notice the *.*;* ensures all versions of a file will be considered, not only the newest one. UC $PRF !CONTAINS="echo off" !QUERY arch Try to print all files containing 'echo off', ask permission for each file. Miscellaneous options --------------------- !RAB Reset the Archive attribute Bit after adding a file !BAK keep BAcKup (.BAK) of updated archives !TSN Time Stamp archive with date/time of Newest file !VLAB add: copy Volume LABel from the first mentioned drive to archive extract: copy Volume LABel from archive to the destination drive !VLAB=X add: copy Volume LABel from drive X: to archive extract: copy Volume LABel from archive to drive X: !ASUB include Archives in SUBdirectories Examples: UC A -S !ARCA !RAB arch *.* Backup files having the archive attribute bit set and after that reset their attribute bit. UC A !TSN arch *.bas Add *.bas files to the archive, time stamp the archive with the newest file in the archive. UC C !TSN * Convert all archives in the current directory to UC2 archives, time stamp the resulting archives with the newest file in the archive. UC A !VLAB test d:*.cpp Add files and copy volume label from drive D: to the archive. UC A !VLAB test *.cpp d:*.cpp Add files and copy volume label from the current drive to the archive. UC A !ASUB c:\* u$~ban.txt Add u$~ban.txt to all archives (including those in subdirectories) on drive C:. 8.F PRIVATE COMPRESSION PROFILES ================================ This feature allows you to use UC2 as an optimized special purpose compressor for a specific kind of data (e.g. text files in a specific language). VERY IMPORTANT WARNING ---------------------- Private compression profiles (PCPs) are a very powerful but also a dangerous feature. If you build archives using a specific PCP and you somehow lose, change or damage the PCP ALL data in ALL archives you made using the PCP will be COMPLETELY LOST. How do PCPs work? ----------------- UC2 uses built-in knowledge to improve compression. The knowledge built into UC2 is a mix of common file formats. It contains, for example, information about spreadsheets, databases, word processors, programming languages and common words in: English, French, German and Dutch, etc. PCPs allow you to replace the knowledge which UC2 uses with different knowledge. This can be very effective in an environment where the data which is compressed is of a more or less similar kind. One example of where PCPs can be very effective is for two bulletin boards that exchange a lot of email. When a PCP is made for this environment compression will significantly improve, even for very small email messages. Another example is when a lot of archives containing sources in a specific language (e.g. C++) are maintained. A PCP for company specific C++ sources will again significantly improve compression. How do I create a PCP? ---------------------- PCPs work best when they are based on a single file type (e.g. sources). It is possible to make a PCP based on multiple file types but we do not recommend it. A PCP is just a file containing up to 58k of sample data. To build a PCP simply concatenate some sample files together until you have a file of about 58k. The more 'average' your sample files are, the better the PCP will work. How do I use a PCP? ------------------- A PCP is activated by setting an environment variable. This approach allows use of archiver shells (like Visual UltraCompressor) in combination with PCPs. To activate a PCP you should use: set UC2_PCP= to deactivate it you should use: set UC2_PCP= A sample batch for making backups: set UC2_PCP=s:\uc2pcps\sources.pcp UC A a:\backup h:\sources\*.cpp h:\sources\*.h set UC2_PCP= How safe are PCPs? ------------------ UC2 always verifies if a PCP should be used or not. This verification is also performed by older versions of UC2 (error 145). UC2 always checks if the correct PCP is used (PCP checksum). A PCP does not limit what can be stored in an archive. (e.g. if a C++ PCP is used you can still archive binaries) In all cases if something is wrong, UC2 will give a clear error message (215, 220, 225 or 230). If you use PCPs by accident (you forgot to disable them), your archives will be unusable for people not having access to your PCPs. UC2 always reports to you that it uses PCPs to limit the chance of such a mistake. If you somehow lose, change or damage a PCP ALL data in ALL archives you made using that PCP will be COMPLETELY LOST. There is no way your data can be recovered in such a situation. As always, keeping backups is very important. 8.G ERROR MESSAGES ================== When something went wrong, UC2 displays an error message. UC2 has three levels of error messages: Fatal Error something occurred which forced UC2 to stop Error something went wrong, but execution could be continued Warning something happened which might be unwanted All errors have a "level", multiple error messages can share the same level. This level is shown on screen and also returned to DOS (errorlevel). If multiple errors occur, the highest level is returned to DOS. For more details the error logfile (if enabled) can be consulted. Error message level explanations: --------------------------------- OK (0) ------ 0 Everything went OK. Warnings (1-49) --------------- 5 Internal error (UC2 beta versions only). 7 The archive is protected against changes in archive comment. 10 A device name has been mapped to a filename. 15 The archive's size did not change (optimize). 20 No file/archive found matching ... 25 The user chose to skip the rest of the ADD command. 30 Skipped file, AUTO-SKIP (network/locking related). 35 Skipped file, the user chose to skip the rest of the ADD command. 40 Archive has been made with cracked UC.EXE. Although all evaluation versions of UC2 have always been 100% complete and uncrippled, some people have made cracking tools to enter fake serial numbers into UC.EXE. Unfortunately most of these cracking tools severely damage the operation (and thereby the reliability) of UC.EXE. When UC2 detects an archive made which such an archiver it emits this warning. Please notify the source of such archives that their software is illegal and probably unreliable. Errors (50-99) -------------- 50 Internal error. 55 Failed to delete a file. This can be caused by a network (you do not have sufficient rights to delete a specific file) or by attempts to delete a file from a write-protected disk. 60 Failed to delete a directory. This can be caused by a network (you do not have sufficient rights to delete a specific directory) or by attempts to delete a directory from a write-protected disk. 63 Failed to rename a file. This can be caused by a network (you do not have sufficient rights to rename a specific file) or by attempts to rename a file on a write-protected disk. 65 The conversion of a specific archive failed. The archive has an unknown format, the file is not an archive, or the archive is damaged. 70 Failed to set the volume label. This can be caused by a network (you do not have sufficient rights to set the volume label), by attempts to set the volume label of write-protected disk or the volume label is not a valid DOS volume label (e.g. the original was made with the Norton utilities). 75 Failed to set OS/2 extended attributes. This can be caused by a network (you do not have sufficient rights to set extended attributes) or by attempts to set extended attributes on a write-protected disk. 80 Skipped a file (could not write to it). This can be caused by a network (you do not have sufficient rights to create a specific file) or by attempts to write a file to a write-protected disk. 85 Cannot create a directory. This can be caused by a network (you do not have sufficient rights to create a specific directory) or by attempts to create a directory on a write-protected disk. 90 The archive is damaged (use 'UC T' to repair it). 95 Conversion of the archive failed, due to the detection of a virus. Fatal errors (100-255) ---------------------- 100 The user aborted the program by choice or with Ctrl-Break. 105 Some problem with UC.EXE. (When trying to reconfigure) UC2 resides on a write-protected diskette or has been made read-only. (Other) The executable is damaged, obtain or install a new one. 110 Configuration problem (UC -!). You should reconfigure UC2 (the specific error message explains what you should change). 120 The command line is not correct. You have entered an unknown command or option. Consult the manual for more information on what you want to achieve. 123 A command/option is not allowed by the configuration (UC -!). If ensure or protect mode is activated (UC -! C) you can no longer use the unprotect command. 125 The archive is encrypted. You should use UCRYPT (with the proper password) to decrypt the encrypted archive. 130 Failed to access archive (e.g. archive does not exist). 135 The archive is locked, some other tool (like VM) is using it. 140 A command/option is not allowed by the archive. Archives can be protected against certain commands. For more details see chapter 8 paragraph B. 145 A newer version of UC is needed for this archive. 150 Cannot create file. This can be caused by a network (you do not have sufficient rights to create a specific file) or by attempts to write a file to a write-protected disk. 155 Failed to show banners. U$~BAN.* files are present on disk. You have to remove them, or execute the command from a different directory. 157 Failed to edit comment. The file U$~COMM.TXT is present on disk. You have to remove it, or execute the command from a different directory. 160 Out of memory. UC2 needs 520,000 bytes (460,000 if EMS is used) free memory for the add command. You can make more memory available by removing TSRs and/or installing a memory manager like EMM386, QEMM or 386^MAX (under OS/2 enough memory should always be available). If insufficient memory is available because UC2 was started from another program, you can use UltraStealth (see chapter 5 paragraph C). 163 EMS/XMS problem. UC2 encountered a problem with EMS or XMS. Please consult the manual of your memory manager to solve the problem, or disable EMS/XMS usage (UC -!). 165 Out of virtual memory. The drive containing temporary data is full, or the upper amount of virtual memory should be changed (see chapter 6 paragraph B option S). 170 System/critical error followed by user abort. 175 Failed to rename a file. This can be caused by a network (you do not have sufficient rights to rename a specific file) or by attempts to rename a file on a write-protected disk. 180 Failed to delete a directory. This can be caused by a network (you do not have sufficient rights to delete a specific directory) or by attempts to delete a directory from a write-protected disk. 185 Failed to change to a directory. The directory no longer exists, or you do not have sufficient rights to access the directory. 190 Conversion failed due to virus infection. 195 Failed to repair archive. 200 The archive is damaged, needs repair. 205 Conversion failed. The archive has an unknown format, the file is not an archive, or the archive is damaged. 210 Update/operation failed. The archive contained errors after an operation (it was verified because ensure mode is enabled). 215 Cannot read Private Compression Profile The file specified with the UC2_PCP environment variable does not exist. For more details see 8.F. 220 A Private Compression Profile is needed for this archive You have to activate the proper Private Compression Profile. For more details see 8.F. 225 This archive needs a different Private Compression Profile You have to activate the proper Private Compression Profile. For more details see 8.F. 230 This archive does not use a Private Compression Profile You should empty the UC2_PCP environment variable. For more details see 8.F. 250 Failed to write to error logfile. This can be caused by a network (you do not have sufficient rights to write to the error logfile) or by attempts to write to the logfile on a write-protected disk. The location of the error logfile can be changed with 'UC -! U'. 255 Internal/special error. This should not occur. Check if TSRs and drivers are installed properly. If everything seems to be OK consult AIPNL technical support. 8.Z SUMMARY =========== EXTENDED COMMANDS EXTENDED OPTIONS add filter/select $FRE freshen !CONTAINS="+" only files containing + !EFA=HSRA exclude files with attributes extract !ARCA only files with archive attrib $EWP extract without path !ELD=... only with equal or later date $PRF print files !EED=... only with equal or earlier date !QUERY query for each file manipulate !NEWER only overwrite if newer $RED remove empty dirs !NOF never overwrite file $TSN timestamp with newest miscellaneous !RAB reset archive attribute bit miscellaneous !BAK create backup of archive $GLF generate list file !TSN time stamp with newest $DOS execute DOS command !VLAB include volume label (first drv) !VLAB=X include volume label (drive X:) !ASUB include archives in subdirs 9. ULTRA-CRYPT (encryption, password protection) ================================================ After having archived a set of files with UC2, you might want to protect them from being accessed by others. To achieve this, you can use UCRYPT. UCRYPT protects the archive with a password, chosen by you. The password is case sensitive. This increases the amount of possible passwords. Those who wish to investigate that UCRYPT properly implements triple DES and MD5, and also that it has no hidden 'backdoor' or other weaknesses, can get the source code of UCRYPT from AIPNL. This source code can only be used to verify that the code is cryptographically correct. The source code can not be disclosed or used for other purposes. This chapter contains the following paragraphs: - A. Command summary - B. Encryption - C. Encryption with destruction of the original archive - D. Decryption - E. Export of cryptographic software - Z. Summary When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. 9.A COMMAND SUMMARY =================== General: UCRYPT command archive-name Starting UCRYPT with no command gives an explanation on screen about the use of UCRYPT. Possible commands are: C for protecting an archive with a password (enhanced triple DES is used here) E for protecting an archive with a password and destroying the original archive CF like C, but uses 'faster' encryption (a MD5 based one-time pad is used here) EF like E, but uses 'faster' encryption D makes an archive accessible again 9.B ENCRYPTION ============== Command: UCRYPT C archive-name With this command the archive will be protected with a password. The original unprotected archive still exists after the execution of UCRYPT. After having entered the command, the password will be asked. The password must consist of at least eight characters and at most sixteen. Every keystroke will be represented by an asterisk, so the password is never visible. When you are not sure about a keystroke, use and the keystroke will be undone. As usual with passwords, you will be asked to enter the password twice. When a difference between the passwords is detected, the encryption will be terminated and you have to start again. Encrypting an archive in another directory gives an encrypted archive in the same directory as the original archive. Command: UCRYPT C archive-name "password" This command has the same function as the former command. With this command the archive will also be protected with a password, but the password is entered on the command line, between double quotes. Now you will not be asked to repeat the password, but the protection will be done at once. Of course the password is visible, when entered on the command line. You can also use 'faster' encryption by using the CF instead of the C command. The normal encryption uses triple-DES (Digital Encryption Standard) encryption and has some enhancements crippling brute force attacks. This makes the normal encryption safe according to all common standards. The 'faster' encryption uses a less proven method, a MD5 based one-time pad. It is not as established as triple-DES, but for most practical purposes reliable enough. 9.C ENCRYPTION WITH DESTRUCTION OF THE ORIGINAL ARCHIVE ======================================================= Commands: UCRYPT E archive-name UCRYPT E archive-name "password" UCRYPT EF archive-name UCRYPT EF archive-name "password" The E and EF commands work the same as the C and CF commands, the only difference is the deletion. This deletion is not an ordinary deletion, but a real destruction of the archive. On systems with integrated datacompression (e.g. Stacker), or systems with a very slow deferred write caching, the destruction might fail. These systems do not allow destruction. On C2 compliant operating systems (e.g. Windows NT) it is sufficient to use the C and CF commands, since these systems already destroy deleted files. 9.D DECRYPTION ============== Commands: UCRYPT D archive-name UCRYPT D archive-name "password" The (encrypted) archive is decrypted. For decryption of the archive the password is required. After decryption the encrypted archive still exists. The way passwords are handled is the same as in paragraph 1.B. Entering a wrong password terminates the program with an error message. The time UltraCrypt needs to determine that a password is wrong is almost the same as the time needed to decrypt an archive with the correct password. This is necessary, since other approaches would allow someone to try passwords much faster (brute force attack). The UCRYPT data-encryption format has more specific features to make brute-force attacks much harder. A side effect of this is that there is a chance of 1 to 256 the archive will be decrypted into garbage after entering a wrong password, without an error message. 9.E EXPORT OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC SOFTWARE ==================================== UltraCRYPT is covered by the Dutch 'uitvoerbesluit strategische goederen 1963' (export regulations for strategic goods). The 19th version of 'handboek strategische goederen' (handbook strategic goods) has been published January 21st 1994. UltraCRYPT is covered by APN (3), 5D002 (5-10), 5E002 1.b (5-11) and "Programmatuur" (DEF-16). This specifically allows unlimited and unrestricted export of UltraCRYPT. For details or questions one can contact the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs at +31-(0)20-3798911. Please note this does in no way damage the reliability of UltraCRYPT. UltraCRYPT uses uncensored and unharmed enhanced triple DES technology to maximize the security of encrypted data. AIPNL is not aware of ANY feasible technology capable of breaking UltraCRYPT encryption. 9.Z SUMMARY =========== UCRYPT gives explanation about the use of UCRYPT on screen UCRYPT C name UCRYPT C name "password" protects archive, keeping the original archive UCRYPT E name UCRYPT E name "password" protects archive, destroying the original archive UCRYPT CF name UCRYPT CF name "password" like C but uses 'faster' encryption UCRYPT EF name UCRYPT EF name "password" like E but uses 'faster' encryption UCRYPT D name UCRYPT D name "password" makes archive accessible again 10. ULTRA-SAFE (authenticity verification) ========================================== An archive can be protected by one or more uncrackable, unbreakable and unforgeable UltraSeals. Checking if an archive has seals, and if these are intact, is done with USAFE. An archive with one or more seals cannot be changed without breaking these seals. This prevents virus infection, cracking, etc. Each seal contains information about who put the seal on the archive. Those who wish to investigate that USAFE properly implements Lucas function based digital signature verification and also that it has no hidden 'backdoor' or other weaknesses, can get the source code of USAFE from AIPNL. This source code can only be used to verify that the code is cryptographically correct. The source code can not be disclosed or used for other purposes. This chapter contains the following paragraphs: - A. The command - B. How secure are these seals? - C. Important - D. Error levels When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. 10.A THE COMMAND ================ Command: USAFE arch The archive arch.uc2 is verified. If the archive is protected by one or more UltraSeals, USAFE verifies if all these seals are intact. USAFE reports if seals are present, and if they are intact. If seals are broken this is reported as well. 10.B HOW SECURE ARE THESE SEALS? ================================ 'Authenticity verification' is not new. Many archivers are doing it, BUT most of these are based on 'security by obscurity'. They keep their method secret and hope nobody finds out how it works. For most of these archivers, some or multiple ways of cracking them are known. Sometimes even a program to automate forging is available! USAFE is NOT based on 'security by obscurity'. It is based on digital signature technology. The digital signature technology, USAFE uses, is based on Lucas functions. It uses prime factors of 300 and 400 bits, which is much more than the current industry standard safety limits. AIPNL is not aware of ANY feasible technology for faking these signatures. USAFE is slower than weaker authenticity verification methods, but this is the price you have to pay for real, instead of fake security. On a 386/33 machine USAFE needs about 7.5 seconds for each seal. 10.C IMPORTANT ============== ALL software AIPNL will ever ship, will be protected by a seal. This includes upgrades, etc. If you discover files which claim to be from AIPNL, but are not protected by a seal, DO NOT USE THEM, but report them to AIPNL immediately. 10.D ERROR LEVELS ================= USAFE returns an 'errorlevel' to DOS (e.g. for detection in batch files). The following levels are defined: 0 the archive contains one or more seals which are all intact 1 the archive does not contain any seals 2 the archive contains one or more seals, which are broken 3+ other errors 11. ULTRA-SEAL (preventing unwanted changes) ============================================ An archive can be protected by one or more uncrackable, unbreakable and unforgeable UltraSeals. Sealing an archive is done with your personalized USEAL program. An archive with one or more seals cannot be changed without breaking these seals. This prevents virus infection, cracking, etc. Each seal contains information about who put it on the archive. Since USEAL is a personalized tool, it is not included into UC2. Use ORDER.FRM AND USEAL.FRM to order your own copy of USEAL. Those who wish to investigate that USEAL properly implements Lucas function based digital signatures and also that it has no hidden 'backdoor' or other weaknesses, can get the source code of USEAL from AIPNL. This source code can only be used to verify that the code is cryptographically correct. The source code can not be disclosed or used for other purposes. This chapter contains the following paragraphs: - A. The command - B. Important When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. 11.A THE COMMAND ================ Command: USEAL arch Your personal seal is attached to arch.uc2. Please note sealing takes some time. On a 386/33 machine sealing takes 3.5 to 11 minutes. Checking the seal with USAFE is done much faster. After making any changes to a sealed archive you (of course) have to use USEAL again to attach your seal to the archive. 11.B IMPORTANT ============== Please make VERY sure before you seal an archive that it contains no viruses, and that it is indeed data that deserves your seal. Also make sure no one but certified people have access to your (unique) copy of USEAL, yet make sure you have a backup of your copy. 12. VISUAL ULTRA-COMPRESSOR (general purpose shell) =================================================== This chapter contains the following sections: - A. Introduction - B. Overview - C. Configuring VU - D. Command line options When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. 12.A INTRODUCTION ================= Visual UltraCompressor is a GUI (graphical user interface) for UltraCompressor (UC2). UC 2.3 or later is needed for VU to operate. VU is also very usable as a general purpose SHELL for managing, viewing, editing and processing files. Highlights of VU include: - four panels, each viewing a separate directory/archive - VU can remember the (de)selection of up to 2 million files - user defined commands can be added to VU - user defined commands can be interactive - files can be copied from archive to archive VU is highly configurable (see 12.C) allowing you to tailor it to your personal taste. VU uses a 'directory cache' to speed up access of UC2 archives (VU uses plain UC2-3PI to access UC2 archives). 12.B OVERVIEW ============= What is on The Screen --------------------- VU maintains four 'panels'. Each of those panels shows the contents of a directory. This can be a directory on disk or a directory residing in an UC2 archive. VU always shows the contents of one panel. At the bottom of this panel are tabs allowing you to switch between panels. You can switch between panels by clicking on the tabs, by using cursor keys or by pressing Shift-1 .. Shift-4. Right from the panel there is a set of push buttons which allows you to perform operations. On top of the screen there is an information line. If you move your mouse cursor to the top of the screen or if you press the ALT key a pull-down menu appears (you can also use the MENU push button). Changing the current directory ----------------------------- You can change to a different directory (or to an UC2 archive) by double clicking on a directory, or by pressing the ENTER key. There are some quick navigators available under the panel menu. How to select items (files/directories) --------------------------------------- Most commands (menu options/push buttons/keyboard) operate on selected items. The selection bar can be moved by pushing the left mouse button or by using the cursor keys. An item can be selected by pushing the right mouse button or by pressing the spacebar. You can start typing the name of an item at any time. While you type the name of the item VU will automatically jump to it for you. Ctrl+Enter can be used to switch between multiple files starting with the same letters. A collection of files can be (de)selected with the panel menu. How to execute commands ----------------------- Commands are executed by pressing a push button, by using the keyboard, or by selecting a menu item. All push buttons and menu items contain a clear indication as to which keyboard shortcut may be used in their place. Some commands operate on a single file (like VIEW and EDIT). The selection bar determines which file this will be. Some commands operate on multiple items (like TO DISK). Which commands are available ---------------------------- Just browse the menu to see which commands are available. Most commands are straightforward. For details on the ARCHIVE commands you can consult chapter 4. Some special commands/considerations which might save time: -> when using TO DISK to copy selected items to disk, a dialog will inform you where the files will go, and ask whether a copy or move operation should be performed -> use DRIVE to change to a different drive -> files can be copied and moved from ANY to ANY place (including from one UC2 archive to another UC2 archive) -> use ALT-1 .. ALT-4 to copy/move files between panels -> if your screen looks like a mess, select TEXT MODE from the panel menu (it should look great on EGA and VGA compatible systems) -> if you are running VU in a Windows or OS/2 window select TEXT MODE (full screen graphical mode will look much better) -> if you do not like something, reconfigure it! 12.C CONFIGURING VISUAL ULTRA-COMPRESSOR ======================================== There are two ways to configure Visual UltraCompressor. Some configuration options are available in the menu. ALL configuration options are present in the AIP-NL.INI text file. AIP-NL.INI can be edited with any standard text editor (e.g. EDIT, NOTEPAD or E). Please note the AIP-NL.INI file contains settings for ALL AIPNL products. All AIPNL products use the PATH environment variable (usually set in AUTOEXEC.BAT) to locate AIP-NL.INI, thus allowing multiple people to use the same executable file, while they each have their own configuration file. AIP-NL.INI consist of sections each containing a number of settings. ENTER-DOUBLE-CLICK, VIEWERS, EDITORS ------------------------------------ These sections allow you to specify what the VIEW, EDIT and ENTER/DOUBLE-CLICK commands do. All these commands are file extension dependant. For example "PCX, GIF = VPIC %, FV %" specifies that files with the PCX and files with the GIF extension should be showed by VPIC or by FV. If both programs are available, the first one will be used. When VU executes the command the % is replaced by the filename. VU will try to locate programs by looking for program files (EXE, COM, BAT or BTM) in the PATH (AUTOEXEC.BAT). If you do not want VU to try to locate the program (e.g. because it is a 4DOS alias) you can place a : before the command (e.g. "PCX, GIF = :VPIC %"). The line "* = ..." specifies what should be done if no viewer can be found for a specific file. If you want to make conversion of archives to UC2 archives simpler you might want to add "LZH, ZOO, ZIP, ARJ, PAK, ARC = UC C %" to the [ENTER-DOUBLE-CLICK] section. Please note handling of UC2 and UE2 files is built into VU, it can not be changed. VARIOUS ------- TEMPORARY-FILES specifies which directory VU uses for temporary files. DEFAULT-ARCHIVE specifies the default archive name. VU-UDIFF-PARAMS specifies the parameters used by VU to call UDIFF. XCOPY-PARAMS specifies which options should be used for XCOPY. Only options different from /E /S should be defined since these are build into VU. VU-OPTIONS ---------- This section contains the options which are also available in the menu. SORT-SHOW-PER-PANEL Determines whether each panel has its own settings or all panels share the same settings. FORCE-MODE Determines whether UC2 is used in 'force' mode. In force mode file will be replaced without prompting for confirmation. More details on force mode are in chapter 4. CONFIRM-DELETE Determines whether VU will ask for confirmation on file deletions. VIDEO Video mode can be GRAPHICAL (EGA and VGA systems) or TEXTMODE (other systems, Windows and OS/2 windowed sessions). SCREEN-LINES Determines whether 25 or 43/50 text lines are available. VU-USER-ITEMS ------------- The FILE, FILES, ARCHIVES and COMMAND menu can be extended by user defined commands. For the ARCHIVES menu you can define 5 extra options, for all other menus you can define 9 extra options. For each user defined option you need to specify the menu, the index, the text to display on screen and the actual command. Example: FILES-3-TEXT = UCEXE FILES-3-ACTION = ucexe % this example adds an options to the FILES menu to compress selected executables with UCEXE. Please note VU is very smart in handling user commands. If a command somehow changes a file, deletes a file, or generates new files VU will handle this in a very clean way. There will be no difference in handling files on disk or handling files in an archive. It is possible to specify multiple DOS commands for 1 menu option by separating them with the ^ character. It is also possible to make VU ask questions while executing a user defined command. Example: FILES-2-TEXT = rename FILES-2-ACTION = ren % ?"New name" this example will ask for a new filename FOR EACH SELECTED FILE. The ?"New name" part will be replaced by the answer to the question. VU-STATUS --------- These variables are used internally by VU. You can change them if you want, but mostly that will not be very useful. 12.D COMMAND LINE OPTIONS ========================= Visual UltraCompressor (obviously) does not need much command line options. VU Move to and start VU. VU Start VU, show the contents of . VU -R ... Return to the startup directory after VU is closed. VU -V Use the VU viewer logic to view . VU -E Use the VU editor logic to edit . VU -H
Handle with the program(s) defined in
should be structured the same way the VIEWERS and the EDITORS sections are structured. This command allows you to create user defined commands (e.g. COMPILE) which are file extension sensitive. 13. UC2SEA (creating UltraFAST self extracting archives) ======================================================== This chapter contains the following paragraphs: - A. Introduction - B. UC2SEA overview - C. SEA overview When you use the AIPNL manual viewer you can jump to a chapter or a paragraph by pressing the corresponding digit(s) or letter. WARNING: in some environments UC2SEA (NOT the executables it produces) fails to operate if the UC temporary directory (UC -! S) is located on a Novell network drive. 13.A INTRODUCTION ================= UC2SEA is a tool which converts an UC2 archive into a standalone executable, a self extracting archive (SEA). No separate extraction software is needed to extract the files included in this executable. Highlights of UC2SEA include: - the generated executable is extremely fast (especially from floppy) - less than 270k of free memory is needed to run a DOS SEA - all files in the SEA are protected by a checksum - the distribution license allows UNLIMITED distribution The datacompression engine of UC2SEA is different from the one used in UltraCompressor. UC2SEA uses a subset of the UltraFAST decompression engine which will probably be used in portable UltraCompressor III. In most cases a self extracting archive will be larger than the original UC2 archive. Due to the new compression engine used in UC2SEA the generated executable can be smaller than the original UC2 archive as well. Please note that the extraction module which UC2SEA includes in the executables it produces are Copyright 1995 AIPNL. A distribution license is needed for distribution of self extracting archives. (See chapter 2, paragraph F.) 13.B UC2SEA OVERVIEW ==================== Usage: UC2SEA [options] [archive] Options: -v[,size] Specify size(s) for multiple volume SEA -b Specify small text file to be used as banner -s Specify extractor (default is DOS.SEA) -f Use fatsre (less) compression UC2SEA arch Convert arch.uc2 to arch.exe (UC2SEA will never remove arch.uc2). UC2SEA arch -sWIN95 Create a native Windows 95 self extracting archive. For this you need to have WIN95.SEA. UC2SEA arch -v600,700 Split the executable up in 1 600kb file (arch.exe) and make all the other volumes 700kb (arch.002, arch.003, etc.). Please note volumes can never be smaller than 32k. UC2SEA arch -v123456,54321 Split the executable up in 1 123456 bytes file (arch.exe) and make all the other volumes 54321 bytes (arch.002, arch.003, etc.). UC2SEA arch -bbanner.txt Includes a banner into the self extracting archive. A good example of how a self extracting archive with banner should look is UC2PRO.EXE. If a file called SEASTART.BAT, SEASTART.CMD, SEASTART.EXE or SEASTART.COM is present in the root directory of the UC2 archive, then this program will be called by the SEA module as soon as all files are extracted. The SEA module passes the destination directory (for the extracted files) as a parameter to SEASTART. This can be an empty string if the destination is the current directory. After execution of SEASTART.* the file will be deleted by the SEA module. If the SEA module somehow fails to complete extracting all files, SEASTART will not be called or deleted. 13.C SEA OVERVIEW ================= Usage: SEA [-o] destination-directory The -o option makes the SEA module overwrite files without asking. Otherwise the SEA module will ask "Overwrite 'XXX' (Yes/No/Always/ nEver/Quit) ?" before overwriting a file. If the destination directory is not specified on the command line the SEA module will ask what it should do: Press Enter to extract files to the current directory Spacebar to extract files to a specified directory (prompt) Escape to extract nothing (quit) SEA -? will display micro-help for the SEA module. When SEA needs a new disk (volume) it will ask "Insert next disk and press [Enter], or press [Q] to quit...". 14. UCEXE (compressing executables) =================================== UCEXE makes DOS programs MUCH smaller and self-checking. Usage: UCEXE UCEXE will NOT delete compressed executables. The original executable will be renamed to .~XE. WARNING: Device drivers and self checking/modifying/reading executables should not be compressed. You can only distribute compressed executables if you bought UC2. (See chapter 2, paragraph F.) 15. ULTRA-DIFF (comparing text files) ===================================== UDIFF visually compares two versions of a text file. It shows you what changed between two versions of a file. This can be used to analyze changes to batch files, ini files and sources to solve problems like "why did it stop working". Unlike many other file compare utilities, UDIFF uses an "unlimited pass" method to analyze changes. This means UDIFF is capable of reducing the list of changes it shows to an absolute minimum. UDIFF is even capable of properly finding and reporting CUT + multiple PASTE changes. UDIFF can at most compare 5000 lines of text. The most common ways of using UDIFF, comparing two versions of a file, and comparing a file to its backup, have been built into Visual UltraCompressor. Usage: UDIFF [options] Options: -S smart mode (ignore layout, indentation and spaces) -A use only ASCII characters in output -V use VU viewer to browse results -M show source of moves (CUT) -L show context lines around changes (default=2) -W show whole lines Environment: SET TABSIZE=n (default 8) Output: MATCH unchanged line (used to show context of change) ADD inserted (new) line DEL removed line CUT moved line (destination is shown) MCUT line moved to multiple destinations (number of destinations is shown) PASTE line moved or copied from different place (source is shown) 16. WINDOWS 95 (long filename support) ====================================== In order to remain backward compatible with 16 bit DOS and MS-Windows software, Microsoft implemented a 'double filename' system in Windows 95. Each file gets 2 names, a short name and a long name. (Visual) UltraCompressor will preserve both the short and the long filename of files. UC2 does this completely automatic. No settings or options are needed to preserve long filenames (or long directory names). Visual UltraCompressor can show both the long and the short filename. You can use the F11 key to toggle between viewmodes. The UC command line needs short filenames (or wildcards like *.*) to operate. UC will (re)store long filenames, but the only way to directly view/manipulate long filenames is with Visual UltraCompressor. Included with UC2 is a file VU.REG. If VU.EXE is in the PATH (autoexec.bat) you can double click on this file from the Windows 95 explorer to register VU.EXE in the Windows 95 registry. You can also execute 'REGEDIT VU.REG' from the command line to achieve the same result. This will allow you to double-click on UC2 archives from the desktop or the explorer to access UC2 archives with VU.