UNSIT -- StuffIt Archive File Disassembler ------------------------------------------ INTRODUCTION: UNSIT is a simple utility for PC users to extract files from a StuffIt file. StuffIt files usually appear with the ".SIT" extension. StuffIt is a program for Macs similar to ARC for PCs. It collects several files in a single file and also compresses the data using run length, Huffman, or LZW compression. Unfortunately, this means Mac files are frequently inaccessible to PC users as they are now "stuffed" to save transmission costs and disk space. UNSIT does not handle PackIt archive files which usually appear with the ".PIT" extension. An extract-only utility called UnPackIt is available for the PC. UNSIT does not handle Compactor archive files. I'm not aware of a PC program to handle Compactor files. UNSIT does not handle any of the growing number of Self-Extracting Archive (SEA) formats. VERSION: UNSIT Version 3.0 2 May 1991 PURPOSE: List files in and extract files from a StuffIt archive file on a PC. COMMAND OPTIONS: unsit [l|v|x|e|xb|eb] StuffItFile[.SIT] l, v = list directory of files x, e = extract all files with CR to CR LF translation on text files xb, eb = extract all files with no translation t = test archive integrity Mac files have two parts, the resource and data forks. UNSIT can extract each fork as a separate file or as a single file with a MacBinary header. The normal EXTRACT options, 'x' or 'e', will automatically convert Mac text files to PC text files. The only difference appears to be Mac text file lines end with only a carriage return (CR) while PC text file lines end with carriage return (CR) and line feed (LF). If the translation causes any problems, use the EXTRACT BINARY options, 'xb' or 'eb' to turn off the translation. Non-text files are always extracted without translation. NOTICES: (C) Copyright 1988, 1991 by Brian K. Uechi. Portions of this program written and copyrighted by Raymond Lau. You may copy and distribute this program freely, provided that it is distributed ONLY in its original, unmodified state. DISCLAIMER: No warranty of any kind is made with regard to this program. The Authors shall be not liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with furnishing, performance, or use of this material. Brian K. Uechi GEnie: B.UECHI CompuServe: 72330,155 Internet: brian_u@verifone.com VERSION 3.0 2 May 1991 Add processing of Mac folders. Folders are similar to directories on PCs. Folders may contain files and (sub-)folders. The lack of support for folders caused most of the reports of problems with older versions. The folder name is now appears before the file name. VERSION 2.4 10 Feb 1991 Added "t" option to test archive intergrity. This is a fast way to check for corrupt or incomplete files. Fixed bug resulting in machine lockup when decompressing large files. If the decompressed file size was greater than about 2 Megabytes, various counters and buffers overflowed. Still no support for encrypted files. However, encrypted files are flagged with a lowercase E before the compression type in the file directory display. For example, "LZW" means LZW compression while "eLZW" means LZW compression but also encrypted. VERSION 2.3 23 Nov 1988 Earlier versions always assumed the archive file started with a MacBinary header. This is not always true. UNSIT refused to process these files. This version can handle zero or more MacBinary headers on the archive file. VERSION 2.2 27 May 1988 Older versions reversed LZW and Huffman compression types on the file directory listing. Decompression was always done correctly; problem only affects report. VERSION 2.0 26 Feb 1988 UNSIT 2.0 now has an option to add a MacBinary header. Some DOS program require this header for proper operation. An extracted file with the MacBinary header should now exactly match the file uploaded directly from a Mac. A MacBinary header is added to Mac files when they are transmitted by almost all Mac terminal programs. The header contains information from the Mac directory entry for that file such as file name, file type, and attribute flags. A Mac file with a MacBinary header contain a resource fork and a data fork, either of which may be empty. Some DOS programs do not work correctly if the Mac file contains a non-empty resource fork so there is an option to extract just the data fork even if both forks are present in the SIT file. It is also possible to extract both forks into a single file. No new option flags have been added. You will have the option to put a MacBinary header or not when extracting each file. This makes it easier to extract a binary data file with a header then extract a text file without a header in one pass through the Stuffit file.