десктоп╝нотепадс B░÷÷Ъ "',16;@EJЪЪЪЪ░0000800073I000060000600066B000010000100001#SAMPLE NOTES: _____________ This is a example notepad file. You can create any number of notepad files, each containing up to just under 64K of text. You can press the ALT or F10 key to activate the pull-down menus at the top of the screen. Press the highlighted letter of each menu to see the various options. Several common short cut keys are also defined at the bottom of the screen. These allow you to quickly load and save files, find and replace text, and cut and paste blocks using the clipboard. Don't forget that you can move and resize most of the PC Tools Desktop windows easily - press ALT-SPACEBAR (or select the Window command from the top menu bar). You can also customize the appearance of Desktop to suit your tastes by picking the colors to use for each window. The best way to learn PC Tools Desktop is to experiment! Remember, help is never more than a single keystroke (F1) away. Or you can go right to the main help index by pressing F2. Enjoy!