jRead Messages Menu 1 (RF) Forward - oldest first 2 (RR) Reverse - newest first 3 (RN) New - not yet read by you 4 (RM) Marked - messages for you 5 (RS) Search mode 6 (T) Return to Function Menu Enter selection or key #: 27275 S6/PC Junior 09-Jun-85 21:06:20 Sb: #PC-FILE Fm: BARRY MCMAHON 75136,1025 To: DON WATKINS Don, Hi! Yeah it's me again. Things are going a little better but I ran into another problem. When I run the PC-PRINT.EXE program I get a message Division by ZERO line 5230. Then it goes back to A>. so hhow do run the printing program on PC-FILE? Barry #: 27283 S6/PC Junior 09-Jun-85 22:29:21 Sb: #Questions re Racore Fm: Lindsy Van Gelder 70007,1416 To: All When the Racore folks say that with a flick of a switch one can run PC programs on Jr, what exactly does that mean? For instance, I own a bunch of games that were released pre-Jr, including Microsoft Decathlon, Sierra's Frogger, and Spinnaker's Snooper Troops series. Does anyone have these running on a Racore drive? Thanx -- #: 27284 S6/PC Junior 09-Jun-85 22:32:05 Sb: #Microsoft Booster Fm: Artificially Intelligent 74766,72 To: Bart Barker 70137,2151 (X) Bart--> Yes, if you have either the Racore memory filled or no memory inside the drive unit, the Microsoft jrBooster works fine with the Racore unit. By the way, does anyone out there know about the patches to DOS 2.1? I need to know EXACTLY what to do. What do dl, how to apply it, etc. Thanks! Long Name #: 27288 S6/PC Junior 09-Jun-85 23:54:18 Sb: PC-TALK & PCjr Fm: AL THOMAS 75746,33 To: Ron Dries 70014,2111 RON, Your dialing command should be ^N D IP. I've used that without any problems. hope it helps. Al Thomas #: 27289 S6/PC Junior 10-Jun-85 00:03:38 Sb: PCjr & Crosstalk Fm: AL THOMAS 75746,33 To: Barrie Martindale 75645,120 BARRIE, I have had nothing but good luck with the program. It can take pictures of the screen with just hiting function key, can also capture into your extra memory, which also shows you how many k you have free. Can also pause your capture with function key, also does a neet thing called retro-capture, and can write your own script files for custom commands. I happen to like it. Also has a program written for the IBM PCjr internal modem. works great !!! hope it helps, AL THOMAS #: 27296 S6/PC Junior 10-Jun-85 02:53:03 Sb: #pascal Fm: Lee Thompson 75076,245 To: all Alright you TURBO PASCAL fans out there. I've just joined your club. I got my copy of Turbo 3 this week. Now for the fun part... I'm looking for a good book on pascal. I would like to have one that will go through the logic of "large" programs...ie. logic games, natural simulations, ect. One book I found "Advanced Programing Techniques in Pascal" had what I'm looking for but was written in a form of pascal that is not fully compatable with Turbo for the IBM. In as much as I just got Turbo I dont know how to convert. What I'm looking for is a good book to learn pascal from. What do you say folks??....Any and all ideas will be apreciated! Thanks in advance... Lee #: 27333 S6/PC Junior 10-Jun-85 18:44:39 Sb: #27296-#pascal Fm: Allen Ueckert 74216,3642 To: Lee Thompson 75076,245 (X) Lee: I started with a book called "PASCAL for BASIC programmers" by Charles Seiter and Robert Weiss published by Addison Wesley. It used Microsoft BASIC and USCD Pascal. If you know BASIC, this may e a good way to help you relate. Borland also sells Turbo Tutor which is a tutorial for TP (as those on the Borland SIG - GO BOR call it). TP is somewhat different from USCD Pascal, but the above book and the TP manual each explain the differences from "standard" pascal. It the book you have is based on USCD Pascal (and I'll bet it is), these differences explanations will help. Allen #: 27346 S6/PC Junior 10-Jun-85 21:11:30 Sb: #27275-PC-FILE Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326 To: BARRY MCMAHON 75136,1025 (X) Barry: What sort of configuration do you have with your Jr? I ran into the same type of problems with PC-File. I have a 640K Jr configured with a RAM disk run under Tecmar software, which uses a non-device driver method to set up the RAM disk. As such, programs like PC-File do not know there is a RAM disk, and chew up all available RAM. Thus the file you try to use does not exist, its size is 0K, and you get a division by zero error. You have 2 solutions. (Or actually 3; you could move up to dBase 2 like I did.) Anyways, the first solution is to configure your system for one drive only. The second is to get your hands on some device driver software like that which comes with IBM's memory expansion units. Unfortunately, IBM will not sell you the software alone. Let me know if this helps you. Bill #: 27351 S6/PC Junior 10-Jun-85 21:20:38 Sb: #27284-Microsoft Booster Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326 To: Artificially Intelligent 74766,72 AI: The DOS 2.1 patches really make a difference. My PCJr has not crashed unpredictably since I applied them. You download the file DOSPAT.LBR and then use any un-library program to break out the individual files. I use LU.COM. You then take PATCH.COM and DOS21 and stick them on a disk that has the DOS system tracks on it. You then type PATCH DOS21 and an IBM message comes up. The program then proceeds to patch your DOS and tell you when it is done. If you are compulsive, like me, and want to verify that DOS has been patched, you take a program that shows hidden and systems files, such as SDL30 on DL1, and look to see that IBMDOS.COM has a new file date on it, different from COMMAND.COM. To create new DOS disks, you put FORMAT.COM on your patched disk, and type FORMAT /S, which will format a new DOS disk with the patched DOS. I know I have said a lot in a short space. If you have any problems, let us know. Bill #: 27370 S6/PC Junior 10-Jun-85 22:26:24 Sb: Racore Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310 To: All Does ANYONE know.... will the Racore (Rapport, Quadram) 2nd drive chassis run with an Impulse multifunction sidecar? Also... has anyone heard if the DMA card is available yet? Will this give close to 100% PC compatibility? Will it speed up the damned games??? Also, has anyone tried running Universe, Mindwheel, or an I Ch'ing program on a 256K jr? I'm dying to get some answers. P.S. I buy 90% of my software from PC Connection...good prices, good support, they ENCOURAGE you to ask questions on the 800 jr. line. Besides, I like the cutesy racoons. #: 27375 S6/PC Junior 10-Jun-85 22:38:03 Sb: #Mice Fm: Tom Nash 74676,3310 To: All I'm using a 1200/300 external modem (Smartlink II from BCN, good deal at $199). I also have a serial mouse. Not a big problem when all I used the mouse for was occaisional doodling with PCPaint. But I just got version 2.5 of PC-Write which supports a mouse and makes editing MUCH easier. Since my use of junior is both word-processing and modem intensive, this involves LOTS of screwing and unscrewing the mouse and modem into the serial port. A real pain!!!! Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated. I.m getting tired of this! P.S.: I LOVE PC-Write!! #: 27384 S6/PC Junior 10-Jun-85 23:22:17 Sb: Uploading Problems Fm: David Dodell 75226,715 To: All I am finding problems uploading in XMODEM using my PCjr with internal modem and communication packages of PC-TALK (modified for Jr) and the Junior version of Crosstalk. Occasionally when uploading, the file hits a "bad" block and keep cycling - I have caught Crosstalk at 280 blocks in a row sent bad! I have sent the format command to the internal modem telling it to switch to N,8,1 and this hasn't help. I have checked with the phone company - and line noise and levels are all well -- anyone have any suggestion. Crosstalk has already been back to Microstuf for one update since I bought it last month.. I have also swapped my modem for a new one at the dealer and that hasn't helped. No problem downloading - rarely if ever need a repeat on a block sent. Any one have any ideas? David Dodell #: 27385 S6/PC Junior 10-Jun-85 23:24:14 Sb: Uploading Fm: David Dodell 75226,715 To: All Concerning my last messages - I was not talking about uploading to Compuserve, I use a different program for this, rather I was talking about uploading to local bulletin boards. David #: 27449 S6/PC Junior 11-Jun-85 22:36:03 Sb: 2nd DISK DRIVE Fm: BILL CAMPBELL 70337,3171 To: Bill Hersh 71516,326 (X) Bill, The price is dropping on 2nd drives. The reason I'm interested in the Legacy II is the price.....$400 plus $300 to add 384K bringing my jr up to 640K. In addition Legacy claims complete compatability with my Tecmar board while Racore claims yes, but Quadram claims no and Quadrams unit is made by Racore. Very confusing!!! Bill #: 27464 S6/PC Junior 12-Jun-85 00:22:15 Sb: Uploading Problems Fm: David Dodell 75226,715 To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X) Don - have you tried sending a ffff for the 64K and what type of results does that obtain. I'll give it a try. I noticed it only happens on certain files and IBM was no help. Glad you noticed this and the thought of the ^N never occurred to me . Will let you know how this works. David #: 27466 S6/PC Junior 12-Jun-85 00:36:42 Sb: #27375-#Mice Fm: robert evatt 75146,2104 To: Tom Nash 74676,3310 (X) I am in a similar situation. I'm wondering if it is possible to turn the internal modem slot into just another serial port with the addition of the needed cabling (and logic?)... Seems possible in principle. Has anyone tried this? Is it possible? I assume the UART talks to the modem slot in essentially the same way it talks to the serial port. Any info appreciated! #: 27553 S6/PC Junior 12-Jun-85 22:38:31 Sb: #27466-Mice Fm: Charlie Dose' 75116,1164 To: robert evatt 75146,2104 (X) re: mouse & external modem conflict....simple solution is to buy a RS-232 switchbox. You can get them at your local Radio Shack, most computer retailers, or via mail from any number of sources. Two that come to mind are California Digital and Via West. Check ads in Byte, PC or PC World. Price is anywhere from $49 to $100, depending on where you buy them, plus the cost of the additional cables you'll need. #: 27560 S6/PC Junior 12-Jun-85 23:17:58 Sb: #PATCH Fm: robert evatt 75146,2104 To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X) Don, Maybe I'm dumb, but according to the docs for the patch to dos2.1, the patched file is IBMDOS.COM. What is this file and how is it created? Is it the same thing as command.com or what? I tried running the patch, but did not have such a file on the DOS disk and none was created. What gives? #: 27575 S6/PC Junior 13-Jun-85 02:05:15 Sb: Uploading Problems Fm: David Dodell 75226,715 To: Bill Hersh 71516,326 (X) Don already gave me that solution and will give it a try. Small little problem I guess I would have never solved on my own - but thanks to the solution on here all should go well - now what happens when the program is larger then 64K you want to upload? DAvid #: 27576 S6/PC Junior 13-Jun-85 02:08:06 Sb: #Uploading Problems Fm: David Dodell 75226,715 To: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 (X) I just got my modem this past January so maybe my model will handle the permenant mode. How old is your model? Any idea how to send the command in crosstalk? When I am on line - sending control commands seem to go straight out - I have even tried sending ^NH to disconnect and modem doesn't reconize it. Maybe I need to set up a function key to send the transparent command?? Any ideas in this area? David #: 27605 S6/PC Junior 13-Jun-85 16:30:18 Sb: jrMEMEXP Fm: GREGORY GRAY 75006,2327 To: ALL I recently purchased an Impulse Model 100 memory expansion for my PCjr and have configured it to have 384k of RAM (256k chips on the Impulse and the usual 128k of the jr. When transfering files from floppy to ram disk (using membrain.sys or vdisk.sys ram disk utilities) my screen fills with hundreds of pulsing and colored characters. The file transfer usually is not successful resulting in loss of data. Has anyone heard of a fix for this problem or at least know what the problem is? Any info will be greatly appreciated. . <> #: 27615 S6/PC Junior 13-Jun-85 18:25:48 Sb: NPCjUG BBS Fm: David Wollmann 72426,1663 To: ALL The National PCjr Users Group FIDO BBS is back up after a long time down due to Internal Modem failure. Give us a call... (918) 496-2055 300bps... 1200 coming in about a week or so. David Wollmann, NPCjUG #: 27625 S6/PC Junior 13-Jun-85 20:18:13 Sb: #27283-#Questions re Racore Fm: Lee Thompson 75076,245 To: Lindsy Van Gelder 70007,1416 (X) Lindsy, I have a Rappore/Racore with 256k. In order to switch from jr to Racore memory you flick the switch then you must boot the system {ctl-alt-del}. What you end up doing -as far as I know- is switch which memory board you are going to use. Try that and see if you can get your games to run. -Lee #: 27627 S6/PC Junior 13-Jun-85 20:27:41 Sb: #27333-#pascal Fm: Lee Thompson 75076,245 To: Allen Ueckert 74216,3642 (X) Allen, I've looked at a book { AVDANCED PASCAL PROGRAMING TECHNIQUES } that was in USCD and looked at the Turbo manual. I don't understand the differences....is it in puncuation syntax or is it more involved? How or what is the key to the difference. Oh, by the way the book I mentioned above is pretty well written. Don't let the name fool you, it is written for beginners. What the book does is go through large programs step by step and explaine just what you are doing and why as you go along. More so than the Turbo manual. I took the book back to the store because I couldn't figure out how to convert the USCD to Turbo. -Lee #: 27629 S6/PC Junior 13-Jun-85 20:30:33 Sb: #27560-PATCH Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 To: robert evatt 75146,2104 Robert - IBMDOS.COM is one of the "hidden" files created when you format a diskette with the /S switch (along with IBMBIO.COM). Some external directory programs will show it (I use SLD30) and CHKDSK will show it for sure as one of the hidden files. Best bet with the patches is to format a new disk with the /S(ystem) on it and apply the patches to that. These patches have proven to be shakey to implement, so a new disk is best. Don #: 27630 S6/PC Junior 13-Jun-85 20:38:48 Sb: #27576-Uploading Problems Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 To: David Dodell 75226,715 (X) David - Mine is a pretty old version; over a year old or so and one of the first ones off the line. Seems to have lots of quirks (at least more than usual). Humm, try leaving a space between the N and the H (or whatever) and see if that makes any difference; find my modem is picky about that, too. Don #: 27649 S6/PC Junior 13-Jun-85 21:42:02 Sb: #27627-pascal Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326 To: Lee Thompson 75076,245 Lee: The syntax between is UCSD and Turbo is the same. Turbo does meet all the standards. It is the extensions that are unique to Turbo, especially with strings and I/O. Turbo also allows relaxation on some of Pascal's rigidities, such as with parameter passing. All of this may cause fluttering in the hearts of computer science purists, but makes for Turbo to be a very practical language. #: 27687 S6/PC Junior 14-Jun-85 11:07:48 Sb: #27625-#Questions re Racore Fm: Lindsy Van Gelder 70007,1416 To: Lee Thompson 75076,245 Dear Lee, Thanks for your message. I haven't yet bought the Racore, so I can't follow your advice. I assume that when it gets switched into PC mode, it reallocates memory. My understanding of the Jr's set up is that certain blocks of memory are allocated for sound and graphics. Presumably a program written for the Pc would run on the Racore, but you know what they say about "compatibility" -it's the most misleading phrase since "one size fits all"! Is there *any* PC software that won't run on your Jr and won't run on the Racore PC mode either? #: 27688 S6/PC Junior 14-Jun-85 11:28:02 Sb: #Uploading Problems Fm: David Dodell 75226,715 To: Allen Ueckert 74216,3642 (X) Thanks for the info but the command only will handle 64K and usualyy send programs larger then that. David #: 27749 S6/PC Junior 15-Jun-85 00:47:04 Sb: #Racore & Microsoft Fm: JIM HARRER 75236,3312 To: All HELP! I have the Racore 2nd Drive fully populated to 512k. I have just purchased the Microsoft 128k Sidecar w/mouse and it doesn't seem to want to run in PC Mode. Also the Racore Mdisk Program doesn't do very well either, it keeps losing data. Any Experienced Racore folks have the same set-up? Can you save me a couple headaches please! Also, I have PC-Paint and can't seem to get the Microsoft Mouse to access it. Kind of dumb to keep both Mouses, plus I need the serial port for my new External modem. What am I doing wrong? Many Thanks.... .......Jim #: 27751 S6/PC Junior 15-Jun-85 07:47:00 Sb: #27687-Questions re Racore Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326 To: Lindsy Van Gelder 70007,1416 Lindsy: I am not sure what Racore does to get into the 'PC mode', but I can relate some experiences with my Jr expanded to 640K with Tecmar boards, along with Tecmar's reallocation software. From this set-up, I have successfully run Lotus, Wordstar, dBase 2, and Thinktank. The only program I have not been able to run (and I certainly have not tried anywhere near all of them) is dBase 3. For my second drive, I use a RAM disk, which is so much quicker than a floppy, especially when dealing with databases or other disk-intensive work. I have yet to forget to store my work, and the computer has only crashed on me, making me lose my work, a handful of times. A RAM drive is also cheaper. Bill #: 27752 S6/PC Junior 15-Jun-85 07:59:49 Sb: More Good News! Fm: Bill Hersh 71516,326 To: All It seems like DOSPAT.LBR is a cure for more PCJr problems than originally suspected. This patch is turning out to be a real panacea. I used to think (and pass along misinformation to all of you) that the reason programs like PC-File and Thinktank would not operate with a RAM disk set up by Tecmar software was due to the fact that these programs took all available RAM and overwrote Tecmar's non-device-driver software. (IBM memory expansion uses a device driver which I think obviates this problem) Apparently this is not so. When patching DOS 2.1 to correct the bugs, whatever problem caused by Tecmar software is fixed. Under the new DOS, PC-File and Thinktank run perfectly well on a RAM disk. This is a boon to me, as I previously had to have seperate DOS disks for these programs. I am surprised that more publicity has not been made about these bugs. When they are fixed, the performance of the Jr is significantly enhanced. I plan to fire off letters to the major computer magazines telling them about this. Bill #: 27773 S6/PC Junior 15-Jun-85 12:19:53 Sb: #27749-Racore & Microsoft Fm: AL THOMAS 75746,33 To: JIM HARRER 75236,3312 Well I don't claim to be an expert , there might be a couple of things wrong. Have you properly installed your mouse drivers onto your dos disk ? Did you set up your hex switchs correctly for the memory before your microsoft bus ? If this is not done right then your computer will not access the memory. Does your memory counter from a cold boot with the IBM logo goto 640 K ? If your mouse drivers are installed correctly you should see the messages "clock driver installed" "memory drivers installed" "mouse driver installed" If any of them are missimg you should see a message like "bad or missing memory"(or clock,or mouse) These messages should be seen when you boot your dos disk with drivers installed to your dos disk from your mouse booster disk. Hope this is of some help .....Al Thomas #: 27801 S6/PC Junior 15-Jun-85 16:59:34 Sb: Communications Fm: Richard Vautard 73016,270 To: all Hi. You all have been of help to me in the past, so I'll ask for another bit of advise. I have PCtalk III. I do not like it at all. Other communication programs that I have used for other types of computers have had built in buffer space, so one could review and selectively print or save to disk a portion of the communication. PCtalk III appears only to have a on or off save to disk option that does not work well at all. And it does not allow for very effective selection of what you save. Am I missing something? Or is there a terminal program available that would do what I ask? Thanks for your help! Rich #: 27823 S6/PC Junior 15-Jun-85 18:54:09 Sb: #27284-Microsoft Booster Fm: David Kline 74176,146 To: Artificially Intelligent 74766,72 I might have the answer to your question about the enhances to DOS 2.1 for the Microsoft Booster, if that is your question 74176,146 David Kline. #: 27827 S6/PC Junior 15-Jun-85 19:27:58 Sb: #27627-pascal Fm: Allen Ueckert 74216,3642 To: Lee Thompson 75076,245 The Turbo manual states upfront it is not designed to programming or Pascal. If you haven't checked with the Borland SIG members about Turbo Tutor, you might want to think about that. All the reports I've seen on it are good. #: 27830 S6/PC Junior 15-Jun-85 19:35:39 Sb: #27688-Uploading Problems Fm: Allen Ueckert 74216,3642 To: David Dodell 75226,715 Which message are you responding to? I thought I had deleted the first one after reading your subsequent messages. If it's the one about sending the transparent command before each block of data, I assumed from the messages you were either compiling PC-TALK or using it in the interpertive mode of BASIC. Each XMODEM block consists of exactly 132 characters. By sending the transparent command to the modem for 132 characters prior to sending each XMODEM block, you can upload a file of infinite length (or at least to the capacity of the sender and receiver) Plus your program's control of the modem is never lost. If I need to explain further, let me know. jIBM Novice Forum Function Menu 1 (L) Leave a Message 2 (R) Read Messages 3 (CO) Conference Mode 4 (DL) Data Library (Former XA) 5 (B) Bulletins 6 (V) View Member Directory 7 (SS) Set Sub-topic 8 (OP) Set User Options 9 (I) Instructions 0 (E) Exit from IBM Novice Forum Enter selection or H for help: 2 jMessage Sub-topics Menu 0 General Interest 1 Utility ToolBox 2 Applications 3 Programming 4 Telecommunications 5 Entertainment 6 PC Junior 7 SysOps' Desk 8 Group Projects 9 10 ALL Read all sub-topics T Return to Function Menu Enter sub-topic selection:4 jRead Messages Menu 1 (RF) Forward - oldest first 2 (RR) Reverse - newest first 3 (RN) New - not yet read by you 4 (RM) Marked - messages for you 5 (RS) Search mode 6 (T) Return to Function Menu Enter selection or key for additional commands:3 #: 27258 S4/Telecommunications 09-Jun-85 19:10:33 Sb: #use of printer Fm: Karen C. Hyland 72247,1546 To: Conrad Kageyama (IBMSIG) 76703,1010 (X) Connie, thank you for the suggestion. The question however reflects that like my equipment keeps leading me into blind alleys. When I come upon new experie pertinent , I try to at least get to the answer. I had used the keys you had s I I will keep trying. Thanks anyway. I know it is "cockpit" problems and I'll #: 27263 S4/Telecommunications 09-Jun-85 19:44:12 Sb: #27258-use of printer Fm: Conrad Kageyama (IBMSIG) 76703,1010 To: Karen C. Hyland 72247,1546 Karen... your message was truncated so I didn't get all of it... I still don't know what machine or comm program you are running.... Need to know that before I or anybody else here can get you fixed up... connie #: 27268 S4/Telecommunications 09-Jun-85 20:10:58 Sb: #AST Serial/Modem conflic Fm: Howard A. Cohen 72416,710 To: 70235,1337 (X) Howard, I have having a problem with both ATO and Xtalk 3.5, but not PCTalkB, Qmodem 1.4, and Mite 3.0, and not even Sidekick 1.11D, with a new Multitech MultiModem HC (100 percent Hayes 1200 compatible). The fault is not the modem, which was used for a week by my dealer on several machines without problems. I am using a 6 Pak Plus serial port, which I never used for a modem before. This same port, as COM2 (my Hayes 1200b was and still is Com1), runs my serial mouse fine and also is used for direct cable transfers with my Model 100. But with the modem I am having trouble. With Xtalk, I get an "already connected" message each time I try to dial. With ATO, I get an error (maybe 37, but I don't recall) whenever I or OTTO tries to dial. I did this wth and without the 1200b installed in the Compaq, that is, with the port as com2 and com1, respectively. I had to put the 1200b back to do this message with ATO. I tried switching the 1 swtich (DTR) from its default down (forced) to up, as Xtalk's manual says, but no help here (it fouls up the other programs though). The jumpers are set right on the AST for com2 (now) and were right for com1 when I tried that without the 1200b in. I am using a IQ Smartcable, which I shall try to replace tomorrow with a normal cable. Howard #: 27271 S4/Telecommunications 09-Jun-85 20:37:43 Sb: #27268-#AST Serial/Modem confli Fm: Howard Benner 70235,1337 To: Howard A. Cohen 72416,710 (X) Howard ... Can't help with Xtalk, since I don't have it, but if you can give me the error and line number for ATO, I probably can. At the risk of seeming obvious, did you reset the COM: port on ATO's O>ption menu? With Otto, the first SIG you access becomes the default, so all SIGs have to be reset. (Just went through the same thing installing RAMDSK). #: 27282 S4/Telecommunications 09-Jun-85 22:22:09 Sb: #Downloading and qmodem Fm: RICHARD COOK 74756,743 To: 76703,750 (X) Don, Although I'm not very new to this Sig, this is the first time I've intinteracted or asked questions on it. I've always been a bystander before. Anyhow, I'm sure you've had to answer this question hundreds of times, but I'd like to know how to download from cis with the xmodem protocol on my PC-TALK III,I've never been successful in downloading any of the programs from your library. Also, I downloaded Ver 2.79 of qmodem from a local bbs and I'm having a hard time running it. I have a IBM PC with a Smartmodem 1200b and every time I try to load qmodem, the program will either freeze while loading the config file or it wi give an error message saying that it cannot establish good connection between itself (the program) and my modem. About one time out of twenty the program will load and when I view the config file, I can find no good reason why it will not load Can you or any of the other members shed any light on this subject???!!! I would be most appreciative and I look forward to being more active with this sig in the future. Richard Cook #: 27311 S4/Telecommunications 10-Jun-85 13:04:11 Sb: BASIC TERMINAL Fm: DAN TROXEL 74076,1524 To: ALL I need a simple listing of how to use the COM() ON and OPEN COMn: Iwould appreciate it if someone could just show a small listing of how in basic I would write a simple dumb terminal package. Please Leave Email to 74076,1524. Thank you (dan troxel) #: 27312 S4/Telecommunications 10-Jun-85 13:17:21 Sb: #DOWNLOADING Fm: MIKE CARSTENS 72267,1126 To: ALL HELP !!! WITH THE SCOM 2 UNDER THE IBM PCXT I CAN'T DOWNLOAD THE COVETED ATO PROGRAM NO MATTER THE PROTOCOL I USE. I END UP WITH THE STANDARD 128 BYTES IN THE DIRECTORY WITH NO NEWS. ALSO, WHEN THE DOWNLOAD IS SUPPOSEDLY COMPLETE, THE ONLY WAY I CAN EXIT THE DOWNLOAD PROGRAM IS THE DREADED CTRL - ALT - DELETE. (I EVEN READ THE BOOK) OBVIOUSLY PILOT ERROR BUT I'M STUMPED. THANX -MIKE- #: 27313 S4/Telecommunications 10-Jun-85 13:19:14 Sb: #27282-Downloading and qmodem Fm: Tom Neff 75176,3532 To: RICHARD COOK 74756,743 (X) Richard, I suggest you get a newer version of Qmodem -- the November version you have is usable but 105B, the latest, is MUCH better. It's stored in the DLs here and also on many BBS's. The 2.x versions might seem more recent but they're not -- the author restarted his numbering scheme with the first Overlay version in January. As to the lockup problem, the first thing I'd check is that your modem is in COM1 and not COM2. If it's not, you simply *can't* use 2.79 -- it was hard coded for COM1. TMN #: 27327 S4/Telecommunications 10-Jun-85 17:32:34 Sb: #27271-#AST Serial/Modem confli Fm: Howard A. Cohen 72416,710 To: Howard Benner 70235,1337 (X) Howard, At my office (where I am now), I tried my straight 232 cable. I had no problems with Xtalk (!) but ATO still would not ork. Then I tried the SmartCable again--same result. I probably was not using the SmartCable right--this time I reread the docs, which are on the back of the fat part of the cable. ATO gives me error 57 at line 13140. I tried: setting the port to "COM2" in the first sig in my batch file. Then I tried using this sig alone. Same result. When I went to COM! the 1200b (still installed) worked fine. I want to pull the 1200b out, change the serial port to COM1 and try again, but I am reluctant to do so until you can trace the error, if possible. Howard #: 27332 S4/Telecommunications 10-Jun-85 18:38:44 Sb: #27327-#AST Serial/Modem confli Fm: Howard Benner 70235,1337 To: Howard A. Cohen 72416,710 (X) Howard ... I'm puzzled. I know that several are using COM2 for ATO, but the error you got is definitely a device I/O error in trying to "open" the modem. Is it possible that the 1200b does something during the boot to establish COM1 as the port? In any event, an asynch card defined as COM1, and connected to a modem, will work fine. #: 27347 S4/Telecommunications 10-Jun-85 21:11:55 Sb: #27312-DOWNLOADING Fm: SysOp Wes Meier 76703,747 To: MIKE CARSTENS 72267,1126 (X) Mike - I'm afraid I have bad news for you. From all we've recently heard about Smartcomm II, it is **very** iffy here on CIS. Your best bet would be to attempt an ASCII download of the program MAKCB3.BAS off our DL4 here. When run from Basic, MAKCB3.BAS will create a program called CISBUF3.COM which can then be run from the DOS prompt. CISBUF3 supports the CompuServe "A" protocol which is pretty bullet proof when it comes to error-free downloading here. Give this a shot and let me know if you have any problems. - Wes #: 27365 S4/Telecommunications 10-Jun-85 22:20:41 Sb: #27282-Downloading and qmodem Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 To: RICHARD COOK 74756,743 (X) Richard - Glad to have you! Think you'll come to find the message section a informative and useful place! First there is really a problem running "standard" xmodem on CIS. Xmodem just wasn't designed to work in a multi-user packet switching network and the CIS implementation doesn't often work as it would on a bulletin board or machine to machine hook-up; blocks get delayed too often and xmodem times out. Everybody has their terminal program favorites and there is a secial version of PC-Talk on the IBM Pro SIG on pcs-131 that has "relaxed" xmodem timings and will work much better. My personal preference is to use one of the CIS protocols ("A", or better yet "B"). It's easy to get started with "A" protocol by downloading the file MAKCB3.BAS in DL4 using the CIS ead command and PC-Talk's ASCII file capture feature (without the =x at the end of the file). Just run MAKCB3.BAS from BASIC after downloading and you'll get CISBUF3.COM. CISBUF is a simple program, but with it's "A" protocol you'll be able to do much more here in less time. This may sound a bit confusing (and it is!) so there's a longer explaination in the file DL.HLP in DL7. You can use the ead command to get it as well. It is a maze, so be sure and let me know if I was fuzzy on anything. Don #: 27397 S4/Telecommunications 11-Jun-85 11:28:09 Sb: #27312-DOWNLOADING Fm: Conrad Kageyama (IBMSIG) 76703,1010 To: MIKE CARSTENS 72267,1126 (X) Mike... I hate to disagree with one of my favorite gurus, but I have found that SCOM v. 2.x seems to work pretty decently here on CIS EXCEPT during excessively heavy periods... As a matter of fact, just to be sure, I came back on with SCOM to test, and all seems well... Let me give you a couple of pointers... Since you say that you only got the first block, 128 bytes with a file length of 0 bytes, this would generally indicate a "type switch" mismatch... Is your CIS parity set to PARITY=ZERO???... If you have not previously done this, then default is PARITY=EVEN, I believe, and you will have to do this at page CIS 9..... If you don't know how to do this, then there is probably a help file here on 129 covering it, or if not, then look at 8N1.HLP in DL8 of PCS 131 (my place)..... When you've done this, then you can log on at EITHER 8N1 or 7E1 with impunity... Keeep in mind, though, that CIS stores TWO sets of params for you: one at 300 baud, and one at 1200 baud. Ergo, if you plan to use both speeds, then you must log-on at each speed and make the change at each speed (and remember to make them permanent!!!).... Now that you have fixed up the CIS end, you gotta make sure about the SCOM end... Check to see that your params are in fact set to XMODEM, and that the block timing has not been changed from default (60 seconds). This done, you can now log on to CIS... After you've BROwsed ATO, then at the prompt issue the command: DOW/PROTO:XMODEM/TYPE:BINARY. This will insure that the CIS "type" switch is in the proper position... The command-line technique is alwasy preferred. If you use the menus, then whatever switch is set on your first download stays with you as long as you are in the DL's... For instance, if you use the menus to download ATO.DOC (which is ASCII), and then try to download ATO.BIN, you will not get the "type" menu, and you will still be set to ASCII. End result: blown download.... ** More ** #: 27398 S4/Telecommunications 11-Jun-85 11:31:37 Sb: #27312-DOWNLOADING Fm: Conrad Kageyama (IBMSIG) 76703,1010 To: MIKE CARSTENS 72267,1126 (X) cont... After you've entered the command line, CIS will now tell you that it is beginning the transfer... At this time, hit F1 to get the SCOM menu. Now hit F4 to Receive a File. Then select "1" Error-Checking protocol. SCOM will now ask you for a filename to receive. Give a name and hit . The transfer should now begin, as is evidenced by the bottom line of your screen. When the transfer is completed, you will have to get back into terminal mode (if you're not already there) by doing an F1. Hit to tell CIS that you're finished, and you should end up back at the BROwse prompt... Hope this helps!!.... Good Luck... connie #: 27402 S4/Telecommunications 11-Jun-85 12:41:54 Sb: #DOWNLOADING Fm: MIKE CARSTENS 72267,1126 To: [F4] Wes Meier 76703,747 (X) THANKS FOR THE "GOOD" NEWS WES. I DOWN LOADED MAKCB3 AND RAN IT SURE ENOUGH, IT CREATED THE COM PROGRAM. BUT NOTHING CHANGED. NOW YOU MAY ASK, IF I CAN'T DOWNLOAD IN THE FIRST PLACE, HOW DID I DOWNLOAD MAKCB3 ?. I USED THE XMODEM PROTOCOL EVERY TIME A PROTOCOL WAS ASKED FOR AND CHANGED THE SCOM PROTOCOL TO XMODEM TOO. IT TOOK 45 MINUTES OF CONNECT TIME TO DOWNLOAD IT, AND ITS A SMALL PROGRAM. CAN THIS BE THE NORM ? THANX, -MIKE- #: 27414 S4/Telecommunications 11-Jun-85 19:17:00 Sb: #27332-AST Serial/Modem confli Fm: Howard A. Cohen 72416,710 To: Howard Benner 70235,1337 (X) Howard, I don't have any commands in my batch files which have anything to do with the serial ports. I don't think the 1200b would do anything it if weren't accessed. But in any event the other programs use COM2 and the modem attached to it, so I don't see why ATO won't. Maybe I should pull the 1200b out and try again as COM1. Howard #: 27424 S4/Telecommunications 11-Jun-85 20:31:05 Sb: Xtalk Fm: Larry Wolfe 74106,357 To: Peter Colley 76012,27 (X) Peter -- Sorry about taking so long to get back to you but I have been switching from a PCjr to a PC. Tonight is my first night on with the PC. I am trying my script files on the PC and so far everything is working fine. Much quicker download with the PC. I see you have already got an answer for the Funct&on problem. I have a main menu that gives me access to Source and BBS. That menu sends me to the Compuserve menu then I can pick different sigs from that menu. If I pick the INF sig I get another menu for the activity I want on the sig. I am not sure I got all the titles correct when I uploaded. I will check them out. If you make any changes or want any changes let me know. I am going to try and join the ATO ranks again now that I have DMA and 1200baud capatability. Larry #: 27426 S4/Telecommunications 11-Jun-85 20:37:30 Sb: #Host Fm: Larry Wolfe 74106,357 To: Bart Barker 70137,2151 (X) Bart -- Had the exact same problem on a jr with a Hayes Smartmodem 1200. Never got an answer from Steve or a solution to the problem. As far as I know noone using a jr and a 1200 baud modem got Host to work. I have just switched to a PC and am going to try Host on it. Hope it works. If you ever find out what your problem is let me know. I would sure apprecited it! Larry #: 27435 S4/Telecommunications 11-Jun-85 21:20:54 Sb: #27402-DOWNLOADING Fm: SysOp Wes Meier 76703,747 To: MIKE CARSTENS 72267,1126 (X) Mike - Well, if you'll recall, I didn't say to DOWNLOAD MAKCB3.BAS, I said to capture it as an ASCII file. But, since it worked for you, all's well that ends well. MAKCB3.BAS, as I recall, is about 13K in length, but 45 minutes, even at 300 baud, seems a bit too much. It certainly isn't what I'd call normal. - Wes #: 27442 S4/Telecommunications 11-Jun-85 21:43:57 Sb: #ANSI.SYS Fm: Kevin Miller 71735,175 To: Comm Wizards I'm having trouble accessing a computer at one of our local colleges using PCTALK III. The ANSI control codes are showing up on the screen instead of controlling the cursor. I have ANSI.SYS installed in the CONFIG.SYS file and have tested it out successfully off-line. I suspect that PCTALK is writing to the screen via BIOS calls and bypassing DOS. Does anyone know if that's what's happening and/or what I should do about it? #: 27460 S4/Telecommunications 12-Jun-85 00:02:07 Sb: #27442-ANSI.SYS Fm: Tom Neff 75176,3532 To: Kevin Miller 71735,175 (X) Switch to Qmodem. Lets your ANSI.SYS do its job, and also beats PC-TALK feature for feature. The best user-supported comm pgm! TMN #: 27484 S4/Telecommunications 12-Jun-85 10:11:12 Sb: #THANKS Fm: MIKE CARSTENS 72267,1126 To: WES & CONNIE & HOWARD HEY GUYS, GUESS WHO FINALLY HAS ATO !! AND IN OLY 21 MINUTES. JUST WANTED TO SAY THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP. SOME OF US ARE JUST LITTLE SLOWER THAN OTHERS. AGAIN, THANKS. #: 27485 S4/Telecommunications 12-Jun-85 10:15:14 Sb: #27484-THANKS Fm: Conrad Kageyama (IBMSIG) 76703,1010 To: MIKE CARSTENS 72267,1126 (X) So what happened??? What was going wrong???... connie #: 27499 S4/Telecommunications 12-Jun-85 12:09:48 Sb: THANKS Fm: MIKE CARSTENS 72267,1126 To: CONNIE 1. I WAS DOWNLOADING AT 300 BAUD FIRST. (WRONG) 2. AT 1200 BAUD, MY LINE WAS SO NOISY THAT EACH BLOCK GOT AS MANY AS 10 TRIES BEFORE IT WOULD TRANSFER, OR IT WOULD ABORT. 3. USING DOW/PROTO:XMODEM/TYPE:BINARY AS YOU SUGGESTED DID INDEED GET ME ANOTHER PROTOCOL MENU. THE CHOICES WERE: 1. XMODEM, 2. B PROTOCOL, 3. A PROTOCOL, AND 4. SOMETHING CALLED DL2 CAPTURE DL4. NOTHING WORKS BUT THE XMODEM AND THATS OK WITH ME. NOW I GUESS I'LL SEE HOW MANY QUESTIONS I CAN GENERATE USING THE ATO. THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE. -MIKE- #: 27513 S4/Telecommunications 12-Jun-85 19:16:55 Sb: 1200 BAUD MODEMS Fm: Rick Kuhns 76703,447 To: BILL YEE 73145,1730 (X) Bill, I saw a message over on pcs21 from a guy who had a Hayes internal 1200 modem for sale for only $250. You might go over there and ask around. Rick #: 27519 S4/Telecommunications 12-Jun-85 20:42:10 Sb: PBBS Fm: SysOp Wes Meier 76703,747 To: Michael J. Burleson 70110,542 (X) Michael - I don't offhand recall the exact filespec, but we have a rather large RBBS phone list stored in our DL4 here. Try doing a CAT/KEY:RBBS and see what comes up. Please let me know if you can't find it. - Wes #: 27563 S4/Telecommunications 12-Jun-85 23:34:08 Sb: #27426-Host Fm: robert evatt 75146,2104 To: Larry Wolfe 74106,357 (X) Larry and Bart, I have a similar problem with host and 300 baud modem. Never get characters to screen. I'm not sure that port is on properly with comm set to 1 or to 2. Please let me know too if you find a solution. good luck! bob evatt #: 27628 S4/Telecommunications 13-Jun-85 20:30:23 Sb: #HOST Fm: Larry Wolfe 74106,357 To: ALL I hate to sound so dumb but I still can't get HOST.EXE to run. I can't seem to get the B protocal to work. I start the transfer but after 160 bytes I get the message "Cannot receive initial packet transfer aborted." Does anyone know what I am doing wrong that would might cause this? I answer the transfer question with no. 2 (B) and then when it asks me for file name, I type in file name and push enter. Then the screen goes to a transfer screen. What should I see here if everything is going right? I would sure like to use the B transfer mode. Larry #: 27632 S4/Telecommunications 13-Jun-85 20:42:15 Sb: downloading Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 To: SUSAN CORLISS 76314,1043 Susan - Downloading from CIS can be a very trying experience, no doubt about it. Since I don't know how far you've gone do you select Xmodem from the protocol menu and then use Xtalk's RX filename.ext function to receive the file? Sounds like you're on the right track and almost there, so let me know where it's dying and we'll figure it out. Don #: 27635 S4/Telecommunications 13-Jun-85 11:49:38 Sb: #data transfer Fm: LINDA SMITH 70137,263 To: [F1] All I am needing information on a data transfer from a Data General MV-8000 to an IBM-PC. The data will need to be imported into either Lotus or Symphony spreadsheets. Any information concerning this communication would be appreciated. Linda Smith #: 27640 S4/Telecommunications 13-Jun-85 21:02:21 Sb: xtalk Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 To: Peter Colley 76012,27 (X) Peter - For some unknown weird reason you also have to set option number 1 (Use menus) to NO as well as set number 2 (set brief) mode to ON. No problem, I've never been able to figure out the logic myself. Don #: 27644 S4/Telecommunications 13-Jun-85 21:17:25 Sb: XTALK CA Fm: James W. Swackhamer 70040,150 To: Les Freed 76004,302 Les, last November you suggested a method of turning CA on and off through a program running on a host computer. You also asked me to let you know how I made out. Well, believe it or not, I finally had time to try it yesterday! I used the Command: When "******" CA/| [filename]. I placed the ****** in the host computer program just before reading the file to download and again right after reaching the end of the file. It worked BEAUTIFULLY to turn CA on, but it didn't work turning CA off, so I ended up with a lot of garbage at the end of the file. Is there anything I did wrong or didn't do that I should have? #: 27650 S4/Telecommunications 13-Jun-85 21:46:33 Sb: #27628-HOST Fm: SysOp Wes Meier 76703,747 To: Larry Wolfe 74106,357 (X) Larry - It sounds as though you're doing everything right but that you just have a noisy phone line. After you type in the filename, you *should* see the file transfer screen. You should also see the bytes received field increasing as the transfer proceeds. Are you calling CIS at 8/N/1? - Wes #: 27662 S4/Telecommunications 13-Jun-85 22:37:53 Sb: #27635-data transfer Fm: Earl Hall 72746,3244 To: LINDA SMITH 70137,263 The MV-8000 is a DG mini computer, right? If so, the best bet would probably get a terminal emulator on the PC connected to the DG and just list the data, while doing a capture to disk function. 2nd thought would be to see if you can get a version of the Kermit file transfer program for the mini and transfer the data (with error correction using this method) to an equivalent program on the PC. 3rd thought would be to contact one of those companies that will transfer data between different magnetic media formats ( in this case from ???? to 5.15" - I mean 5.25" - floppies). See the back of any issue of InfoWorld for a lot of ads from companies that do this sort of thing. #: 27695 S4/Telecommunications 14-Jun-85 12:03:53 Sb: #ATO343 Fm: MIKE CARSTENS 72267,1126 To: HOWARD BENNER HI HOWARD.... I JUST WANTED TO KNOW IF THERE WAS A WAY TO BLANK OUT THE PASSWORD BLOCK ON THE AUTOSIG.CFG OPTIONS. THANKS, -MIKE- #: 27713 S4/Telecommunications 14-Jun-85 17:59:05 Sb: #27695-ATO343 Fm: Howard Benner 70235,1337 To: MIKE CARSTENS 72267,1126 Mike ... The blanked password was part of the very early versions, and I guess it's not a bad idea to bring it back. Easy enough. To answer your question directly, there's no way to do it with the compiled code that you're running. #: 27722 S4/Telecommunications 14-Jun-85 20:39:20 Sb: #Rotary dialig Fm: RON LEWIS 70426,1412 To: Don Watkins Don, Well, I'm in Dayton, Ohio right now. My parents and I hauled my PCjr up here and I'm going to work for two months this summer with my brother-in-law in the computer database office on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. I think it will be great experience! It's an opportunity of a lifetime. I don't even have a degree and I'm already programming for a company. I will be writing mainly in COBOL. I learned that this year in school. Anyway, the main reason I'm writing is to ask you, how can I command the Internal Modem to do rotary dialing instead of touch tone. There is a local RBBS here so I'm going to feast on their public domain programs, but our phone only dials rotary. #: 27723 S4/Telecommunications 14-Jun-85 20:51:10 Sb: COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE Fm: SysOp Wes Meier 76703,747 To: RALPH FETSKO 73155,633 Ralph - While I'm not overly familiar with Perfect Link, I do know it doesn't work well with any of the error checking protocols used here on CIS. Your best bet would be to turn on a capture buffer (assuming PL has some way to allow you to capture incoming data to disk) and capture the file called MAKCB3.BAS on our DL4 here. This won't be error checked, but with a little bit of luck and a reasonably clean phone connection, it should go OK. Once you have MAKCB3.BAS on disk, you might have to use a word processor or text editor to remove any lines which DO NOT begin with a BASIC line number. Once it's clean, run it from BASIC and it'll create a communications program called CISBUF3.COM. CISBUF3.COM should be run from the DOS prompt and supports the CIS "A" error checking protocol. Later, you should use CISBUF3.COM to download HOST.BIN (.EXE) off DL4. HOST supports the more bullet-proof "B" protocol. I know this is kinda like pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, but it's do-able. You might also want to glance at the file DL.HLP on our DL7 database. It'll go a long way toward answering most of your downloading questions. Give us a yell if you need more help. - Wes #: 27735 S4/Telecommunications 14-Jun-85 19:35:45 Sb: NEW BBS Fm: BOBBY BALLARD 73135,255 To: [F0] ALL ********* NOW ON LINE ********* **THE ELECTRONIC CALL BOARD** A NEW BBS IN NEW YORK CITY FOR ARTISTS AND THE PERFORMING ARTS FILES COVER THEATRE LISTINGS IN MAJOR CITIES + CASTING NOTICES + ART NEWS, MAGAZINE, SOFTWARE, EMAIL & ELECTRONIC ROLE PLAYING! CALL **718-499-1633** & SIGN UP! *IT'S FREE!* ENJOY, BOBBY #: 27736 S4/Telecommunications 14-Jun-85 21:34:55 Sb: #27722-Rotary dialig Fm: SysOp Don Watkins 76703,750 To: RON LEWIS 70426,1412 (X) Ron - Alright! Working in a large programming shop can be a great experience. A whole different world. Think you will enjoy it. Try a dial command of Ctrl-N D I nnnnnnn for pulse dialing and see if it doesn't do the trick. Enjoy! Don #: 27763 S4/Telecommunications 15-Jun-85 10:45:27 Sb: USR 2400 offer-sysops Fm: Ward Christensen 76703,302 To: all This is the offer USR is putting on various BBS's: /Ward C --- "USRobotics has arranged a special deal that allows SYSOPs to purchace the USRobotics Courier 2400 baud modem for the price of $350. This is a $349 savings over the retail price of $699 and is a limited time offer for SYSOPs ONLY. For more info on the modem, see the May 1985 issue of PC-Tech Journal or the May 20, 1985 issue of FIDONWS. Many BBSs are currently running with the Courier 2400. If you are interested, please call USRobotics at 1-800 DIAL USR with the following information and ask for Virgil. Inside IllinOis call 1-312-733-0497. Name Shipping address Phone number (voice/bbs data) Computer type/Host program The shipping terms are as follows. We ship UPS/COD ONLY. We accept cash, money orders or a COMPANY check (sorry, no credit cards). We would appreciate a little message on logon stating that you are using the USRobotics Courier 2400. Thank you, Donavon Kuhn, Firmware Design Engineer, USRobotics. #: 27791 S4/Telecommunications 15-Jun-85 14:47:47 Sb: HELLO, FROM JAPAN Fm: SysOp Wes Meier 76703,747 To: SOUHICHI NAKATOMI 72247,10 Souhichi - Welcome to the wonderful world of CompuServe and the IBM PC! That's one heck of a long distance phone bill you must be running up! The two most well thought of spreadsheets are Lotus 1-2-3 and SuperCalc 3. I don't know much about available accounting packages, so let's hope someone else answers. As far as games go, you should take a look at our DL5 here. We have well over 150 different games and most of then are pretty good. Let Don, Chris or myself know if you need any further help. - Wes #: 27795 S4/Telecommunications 15-Jun-85 16:01:55 Sb: #HOST 1.7 Fm: Vern Buerg (HamNet) 70007,1212 To: Steve Wilhite 70003,1326 (X) I've had a problem after eXiting HOST. Ctrl-Break no longer functions, or it hangs the system (PC DOS 2.1). #: 27796 S4/Telecommunications 15-Jun-85 16:26:48 Sb: PCjr. internal modem Fm: robert c. sargent 70077,2340 To: All Has anyone any experience with programing the PCjr. internal modem or the INS8250 chip on which it is based??? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You. #: 27824 S4/Telecommunications 15-Jun-85 19:13:50 Sb: Modem help? Please! Fm: SysOp Wes Meier 76703,747 To: JOHN MCCARVEL 71725,715 John - Whew! That's a tough one! When it comes to electronics, my speed is at the level of changing a fuse. Have you checked your RS-232 cable? I've heard of situations when one machine works OK with a given cable, but another won't. Appearantly, different boxes use the lines differently. I dunno. I sure hope one of our hardware gurus here can be of some help. (Are you listening Ward??) - Wes #: 27832 S4/Telecommunications 15-Jun-85 19:46:21 Sb: #27795-HOST 1.7 Fm: Steve Wilhite 70003,1326 To: Vern Buerg (HamNet) 70007,1212 I thought I restored that INT before terminating, but I will look into it. I can not get to it for a week tho... jIBM Novice Forum Function Menu 1 (L) Leave a Message 2 (R) Read Messages 3 (CO) Conference Mode 4 (DL) Data Library (Former XA) 5 (B) Bulletins 6 (V) View Member Directory 7 (SS) Set Sub-topic 8 (OP) Set User Options 9 (I) Instructions 0 (E) Exit from IBM Novice Forum Enter selection or H for help: