The DOS Dir Command - Do You Know The Switches? One of the first things most of us learn to do is use the DOS dir command to display the directory of files on a diskette. There are a number of "switches" you can use with the dir command which are handy, but often overlooked. For example, if you have a lot of files on a disk, you can use dir/p to stop at the end of each screen full of file names, rather than scrolling through to the end of the list. You can use dir/w to print the list of files in five columns across your screen. This also makes it easier to read a long list of files on a disk. The /w switch eliminates the file size and date, whereas the /p does not. You can also combine the switches by typing dir/w/p, which will give you five columns across the screen and pause when the screen is full. Wildcards can also be used with the dir command. For instance, if you just want to display only the files with .txt extensions, you would type dir *.txt.