PCjrs Run Faster With More Memory You will find that a 128K PCjr will run faster after its memory has been expanded. The speed increase is quite noticable, particularly if you add enough memory to allow software to run in the "higher memory" above the lower 128K. This is easily done by filling the lower 128K with a small ramdisk, thus forcing software to operate in the expanded memory. Additional memory also allows you to use a ramdisk, which is not really a disk, but rather a portion of the computer’s memory set aside to act like a disk. When you do this, disk access is actually faster than it would be if you owned a hard disk. This is many times faster than using a standard "physical" disk drive. You can also speed up your stock PCjr just by replacing its 8088 chip with a V20 chip, which costs about $19 and plugs right into the 8088 chip’s socket. The fastest results seem to come from both increasing your memory and adding the V20 chip. Test results we’ve seen show that this combination will make the PCjr considerably FASTER than a PC, and in some cases faster than an AT or XT.