DOS 3.3 Solves Problems With Reader’s New 3.5 Inch Drive I think your jr Newsletter is a great publication and I find it especially useful. I would like to tell you about installing a 3.5 disk II from PC Enterprises. It took me almost three months of trials and errors before I finally tried ATT MS-DOS 3.3 and used the DRIVPARM.COM to solve the problem. Now I have full compatibility. Aside from the DOS itself, the new DOS help disk is fantastic. Besides the DRIVPARM.COM, my CONFIG.SYS file has to include DEVICE = PCJRMEM.COM for the 640K RAM and then a complete spec for DRIVPARM = /D:1 /F:2 /H:2 /S:9 /T:80 for the 3.5 disk as A: and B:. DEVICE = DRIVER.SYS /D:1 /F:0 /H:2 /S:9 /T:40 for the 5 1/4 as an external C:. This now allows formatting the 3.5 disk with Format B: and using both disks as they should be able to. The original patches and drivers with DOS 2.1 and 3.2 never gave complete flexibility. With this arrangement I can now run MS-Word, Symphony, WordPerfect, Beyond Word Writer (fantastic word processor) and many more. I thought this info might help someone else who is limping along with software that came with PC ENT DISKII. Daniel J. Ryan, Westchester, PA