Reader Expands jr Above 640K And May Add Two 3.5 Inch Drives I wish I had known about your newsletter long ago! When IBM abandoned us shortly after we bought their machine, our first and last IBM, I’ve been looking for a source of information. Our jr has 786K installed, 128K original, a Microsoft sidecar booster with clock and mouse, and the Racore add-on with 512K, clock, DMA and second floppy, plus an NEC V-20. When I first installed the Racore (post MS booster), the screen showed a successful test of all 786K. As I could not address it all, I reconfigured the DIP switches as recommended and ‘lost’ the top 128K, which I’d like to add to my RAMdisk. Hopefully disk #52 will help me do this. I’d like to replace both floppies with 3.5 inch drives, as the jrs are too slow and a hard disk seems a waste given the price and the computer’s speed. Is this easy to do? Michael Hay, Temecula, CA EDITOR’S NOTE: Yes, jrconfig, which is on both disk #52 and #65 will allow you to recognize memory over the 640K limit. As far as replacing both floppies with 3.5 inch drives, we know plenty of jr users who have either replaced one of their original drives with a 3.5 inch, or they’ve added a 3.5 inch drive to their original drive (or drives), but we don’t know anyone who has replaced both. We don’t see a problem, though, as long as you have the right controllers and the right version of DOS.