An Easy, Low Cost Introduction To the Fun of Using Modems There’s an easy, inexpensive way for PCjr users to introduce themselves to the world of telecommunicating. The internal modem made for PCjrs is available for under $30. And JrTele, the easy to use software developed especially for PCjrs is now in our Software Store (Disk #86). With a modem your computer can receive and send data through the telephone line in your home or office. You can also set up an automatic phone dialing system, much more sophisticated and extensive than any automatic phone can handle. A modem connects you to the vast and varied world of Stock Market monitoring, computerized shopping, electronic mail, downloadable software, game playing, chatting with new-found friends, and other services from Compuserve, Genie, The Source, and others. PCjrs are compatible with any type of modem currently on the market that uses a standard RS232 serial port. When installing an external modem, a PCjr adapter is required for the connecting cable. But IBM made a modem especially for PCjrs, which plugs directly into an internal slot. This is the PCjr internal modem. The internal modem does not work well with most telecommunications software. But it works like a charm with JrTele. Even though the internal modem only operates at 300 baud, pretty slow by today’s standards, it’s adequate for most uses. With JrTele, it’s easy to explore BBSs, upload messages, download software, and do most of the things you’d want to do in the way of telecommunicating. The software has built-in commands for the PCjr internal modem, and runs well on PCjrs with just 128K. JrTele is also automatic for Hayes compatible external modems, and will check to see which type of modem you have, adjusting itself without any need for your input. This is clearly the easiest software for beginners to use. The user’s manual is on disk and consists of just 20 pages of instructions (as opposed to 75 or more for Procomm, Boyan, and other software more powerful than JrTele). Even though it’s easy to use, JrTele has many features and supports several uploading and downloading protocols. It operates at either 300 or 1200 baud, which means you can continue to use it even if you decide to upgrade from the PCjr internal modem to an external 1200 baud modem. JrTele V.2.1 is being added to the Software Store this month (Disk #86). It is shareware by Ueckert Software Systems, and this version was updated February, 1988. Registration fee is $20. Check with the PCjr companies advertising in jr Newsletter for those that carry the PCjr internal modem. Or, if you know other PCjr users, you may be able to get a used one for next to nothing.