USING PRODIGY V3.1 ON A PCJR Some people experience a problem when first trying to use Prodigy with a PCjr when the Prodigy software attempts to dial using your modem. This is because Prodigy software tries to determine the modem type and then reconfigure its software for the modem. In some cases, you will see an error message and Prodigy will not dial out. Here's the solution: Using a word processor capable of saving text in pure ASCII format (most word processors can do this, but you may have to check your manual to see how), edit the file on Prodigy Disk B (after you have completed the Prodigy installation process) called CONFIG.SM. Add this line modem type:1 Write this line before the line starting with modem_str Doing this will cause a delay before your PCjr dials out. DO NOT USE EDLIN TO PERFORM THIS MODIFICATION BECAUSE IT CANNOT HANDLE LINE LENGTHS WHICH CORRESPOND TO THE PRODIGY SOFTWARE. If you have made the PCjr to Tandy 1000 modification to your PCjr, you don't need to use a patch. You should be able to use Prodigy in 16 beautiful colors. If you do not have the Tandy mod on your PCjr it is necessary to modify the DRIVER.SCR file, which will be on your Disk B after you have completed the Prodigy installation process. To make the change, copy DRIVER.SCR (from Disk B) and DEBUG.COM (from you DOS disk) to a blank formatted disk. With this disk in Drive A:, type at the A> prompt: DEBUG DRIVER.SCR Then, in response to the prompts, and pressing Enter after each line, type the following lines: -e 1BAE XXXX:1BAE B8.18 -w -q Then copy the debugged version of DRIVER.SCR to the Prodigy Disk B. If the disk you've been working with is still in Drive A:, just type: COPY DRIVER.SCR B: This will copy the revised version of DRIVER.SCR to Drive B: (where you should have Prodigy Disk B). Or, if you have only one drive, you will be prompted to insert the disk for Drive B: Now you have a PCjr modified Prodigy Disk, which should allow you to enjoy all the fun and excitement of Prodigy in 16 colors on your PCjr!