DSIBM.DRV PATCH A lot of people had asked me if I could patch AutoCAD (tm) version 2.17 so it would work on an IBM PCjr (tm). Well, after a few grueling hours of "Try and Try Again", I finally did it. The method I used was to copy the DSIBM.DRV driver to a file called DSIBMJR.DRV. I then proceded to look for certain key operations that take place in the program. Then I pached those areas that needed patching and PRESTO, AutoCAD (tm) 2.17c runs on an IBM PCjr (tm). I am providing a SCRIPT file and a batch file that will produce the DSIBMJR.DRV driver from the DSIBM.DRV driver. In order to run the PATCH.BAT file properly you will need DEBUG.COM and a COPY of the DSIBM.DRV file. I would advise just making a system disk using the FORMAT A:/S command and copying DEBUG.COM, PATCH.BAT, PATCH.SCR, and DSIBM.DRV onto it. This makes the whole process much simpler. After performing the above mentioned tasks, just insert the patching disk in drive A: and type: A>PATCH The batch file will do all the patching. When the batch file is finished just copy DSIBMJR.DRV to your AutoCAD (tm) Drivers disk. The next step will be to install the driver in the overlay file so it will work. To do this simply enter AutoCAD (tm) and select the configuration option which is selection 5 from the main menu. Now select the video display option, 3, and answer yes to the question. A listing of all the available display drivers is shown on the screen. Look down the list and lo and behold there is an option to select the IBM PCjr (tm). Select the number to the left of the new driver and answer all the questions associated with it. Save the changes and give it a whirl. If the program still doesn't work then it is possible that the version you have is different. In that case this patch will not help. If you do have the correct version though, it will now run properly on your computer. Happy CADDIN'. The originator of this patch is Jeff McKee. IBM and IBM PCjr are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation. AutoCAD is a trademark of AutoDesk INC.