The other file in this archive is called DRIVER.SCR. If you are a user of the Prodigy service on a PCjr, this file will give you the service in 16 color (Tandy 1000) mode rather than the monochrome shades of grey that Prodigy uses with an IBM CGA (Color Graphics Adapter). To install this module, simply copy it onto your Prodigy Personal Disk B. It will replace the module that was placed there during the Prodigy installation process. If, you ever need to go back to the original driver, just copy the file called CGA640.SCR from your Prodigy Installation Disk 2 to your Personal Disk B under the name DRIVER.SCR. (That's what the original installation process does.) The only other thing you need to do is change the line in your CONFIG.SYS that specifies how big your video buffer will be. If you are using PCJRMEM.COM, then you should use the /C switch. If you are using JRCONFIG.SYS, use the -v96 switch (and I suggest using the version that does NOT create a ramdisk. The screen driver actually only needs a 32K buffer, but its position seems to be critical. Using 96K appears to maximize the chances of success. This file was created by changing one byte in the Tandy screen driver that is supplied with the Prodigy software. Without this change, using the module on a PCjr produces color, but the display appears to be missing about one of every three scan lines. Although Prodigy does not currently support the IBM PCjr, they are attempting to locate the incompatibilities, and create a release of the software that is compatible with the Junior. This driver was not made by Prodigy, nor do they endorse it. Original Author: Unknown Updated 3-27-89 -- Antal Herz If you have any questions about Prodigy and the PCjr, I can be reached on the National PCjr Echo Conference as well as the following BBS. San Francisco PCjr Users Group BBS (415) 997-4874 Paul Rau's jrBlue (209) 745-9284 (5p-8a, and weekends) jUMPIN (408)) 394-8842