04-Dec-88 Randy Pratt [73047,2312] KQ4 / LSL2 on the PCjr ---------------------- The following are patches which allow the 512K versions of King's Quest IV and Leisure Suit Larry II to work on a 640K PCjr. While the speed will be slower than other Sierra games, it will certainly be acceptable to most. The basic approach to making the games functional is to modify two files on Disk 1. First, the Tandy graphics driver must be changed to work with the PCjr. Second, the SIERRA.EXE file must be changed to not automatically stop when it encounters a PCjr. The following is known to work on TANDY320.DRV files dated 09-15-88 at 4:29 pm. The patch to SIERRA.EXE is smaller but, because of the different number of versions around, is a little more complex to perform. It should work on any SIERRA.EXE file which tells you "Can't run on a PCjr!" when you invoke it. Good luck, and if you have suggestions, improvements, or additional versions, please upload them here. First, place the following lines in a file called JR320.DBG (except for the identifier lines with all the equal signs): ====================== JR320.DBG ===================== E 10A 6A 72 33 32 30 20 20 20 E 113 50 43 6A 72 20 E 118 77 69 74 68 20 52 47 42 E 120 20 6D 6F 6E 69 74 6F 72 E 128 20 2D 20 31 36 20 63 6F E 130 6C 6F 72 73 20 20 20 20 E 138 20 20 E 449 E8 24 03 E 770 B4 05 B0 80 CD 10 8A DF E 778 32 FF B8 00 04 F7 E3 C3 R CX 0680 W Q ====================== end of JR320.DBG ===================== Then, place the following lines in a file called JR320.BAT (again, leave out the lines with the equal signs): ======================== JR320.BAT ======================== if not exist jr320.dbg goto noSourceCode copy tandy320.drv jr320.drv debug jr320.drv copy SIERRA.EXE SIERRA.XXX (it is important that the file not have a file extender of EXE when using DEBUG) debug SIERRA.XXX (the following are DEBUG commands. Do not type anything in parens) s 100 ff00 FE FF 80 FB FD 75 08 (this searches the file for those bytes) (count to where the FD is and display that offset - this requires counting in hexidecimal up from the first number displayed on the resulting line) d ??? ??? (the FD offset - ex. d 49A 49A - this should respond with a display of the single byte at that offset - if it's not FD then check your offset and retry the "d" command) e ??? (ex. e 49A - prepares you to change the byte at that position) 00 (this circumvents the ID check by replacing the FD with 00) w (this writes your changes back to the disk) q (this leaves DEBUG) copy SIERRA.XXX b:SIERRA.EXE (copy the file back to its original name on your PLAY copy of disk 1. Do NOT overlay your original SIERRA.EXE file.) ======== Lastly, you should run the customization program on your play disk 1. Follow the instructions included with the game to do this. You will find a new option on one of the selection screens that will let you choose the PCjr in 16 color mode. Because programs run faster on the PCjr if they are run in memory above the initial 128K on the system board, it is a good idea to create a small (64-128K) ramdisk in low storage to "eat up" the rest of this low memory. If you are using the IBM memory sidecars and their accompanying software, you can use the following lines in a CONFIG.SYS file on your DOS start-up disk to make this all happen: device=ramdisk.com 128 device=pcjrmem.com /e files=20 (Be sure to use the FILES=20 line as this seems to get rid of a number of problems with saving games and recognizing disk changes.) Having done all of this, you're ready to go. Remember to boot with the DOS disk containing your new CONFIG.SYS file. Regards, Randy