WELCOME TO PCJR TOOLKIT This diskette contains instructions for performing many useful modifications and repairs on PCjrs. They are provided for you to use at your own dis- cretion. You must be the judge of whether or not you are qualified to perform these modifications and repairs. Some are quite easy, but others require considerable skill and experience. Jr Newsletter will not accept responsibility for any damage that may occur to your computer, or any injury that may befall you when attempting any of these procedures. ** ALWAYS BE SURE TO UNPLUG YOUR COMPUTER FROM ITS POWER SUPPLY BEFORE WORKING ON IT ** Also, be sure you know how to avoid static electricity damage to your computer befor you start. We know of several cases of trashed motherboards caused by inadequate precautions against static electricity. The instructions provided on this diskette have been written by many PCjr enthusiasts, not by professionals. Although we believe them to be accurate, we do not accept responsibility for any errors. After reading the above, we hope you are not so terrified that you won't be able to use the information on this disk. Just be careful. The following files are included on JR TOOLKIT: JR2DRV.TXT - Upgrade to 2nd disk drive 2NDDISK.TXT - Complete mod for adding 2nd disk drive (by Paul Crumley) JR3DRV.TXT - Upgrade to 3rd disk drive 3RDDISK.TXT - Complete mod for adding 3rd drive (by Paul Crumley) 3INCHD.TXT - How to make 2NDDISK.TXT work for 3.5 inch drive DRIVEBOX.DOC - Description of do-it-yourself box for external drive GATE.DOC - Diagnosing gate array chip problems INSTAL35.PCJ - How to install and run a 3.5 inch disk drive JACK.DOC - Keyboard fix JRDIAGS.DOC - Explanation of power-on diagnostics JRREPAIR.DOC - Variety of PCjr repair tips JRSERIAL.DOC - Build a serial port JRXTPWR.DOC - Replace power card with XT power supply MONITOR.DOC - PCjr Color Display repair tips JRMS64.TXT - Upgrade Microsoft jr Booster to 512K PCJR256K.DOC - Upgrade IBM sidecars to 256K POWERMOD.DOC - Upgrade 7 Inch power supply PRETANDY.TXT - Precautions to take before performing Tandy Mod. ** The above is recommended reading for anyone doing any type of modification IT COULD SAVE YOU FROM DISASTER ** RESET.DOC - Install a reset button on PCjr RODCLEAN.DOC - How to clean your disk drive's rods for quieter performance ROMSIM.DOC - Troubleshooting and repairing PCjr Color Display units RWCLEAN.DOC - Keyboard fix RWDEMAG.DOC - Last ditch disk drive fix SPEAK.COM | SPEECH.DOC | SPEECH1.EXE -- Instructions and examples for Speech Attachment SPEECH1.PAS | WORDS.TXT | * IF THIS INTRODUCTION SCROLLED BY TOO FAST FOR * * YOU TO READ, TYPE GO AGAIN AND USE THE FN * * PAUSE KEYS TO STOP SCROLLING. THEN HIT ANY * * KEY TO RESUME. *