JR3DRV.TXT -- UPLoaded 4/1/87 ========>> NOTE: TO USE THIS FILE, YOU MUST ALREADY HAVE JR2DRV.TXT <<======== !!!WARNING!!! **\ This modification will void *any* warranty that may be left on your /** ***\ machine--the WHOLE machine, I'd guess--not just the controller card! /*** ****> But since the warranty was for one year, and since only about <**** ***/ a dozen or so new jr's have been sold in the last year or so, it's \*** **/ probably not even worth mentioning--but thought I would, "just in case!"\** ### This file assumes you have already downloaded JR2DRV.TXT, and completed the controller card modifications detailed therein. This file will continue that modification so you can connect 3 floppy drives to your PCjr! If you have *just completed* the modification for TWO drives--be sure THAT modification works before continuing here. There is another gate in the 7410, and two more flip-flops in the 'LS175, so there's *plenty* of "room"! You'll need a jumper from pin 14 of the 34-pin header to pin 12 of the 7410 (be sure to follow same precautions outlined in the NOTE below Item 3[7] in JR2DRV.TXT for this connection!) Pins 1,2 & 13 of the 7410 should then go to pin 10 of the 'LS175. Now tie pin 8 of the FDC to the 'LS175's pin 12. Then, change the lead going to pin 4 & 5 of the 7410 so it only goes to pin 4 (or 5), and run a wire from pin 5 (or 4) (the one you just disconnected) to pin 11 of the 'LS175. NOW all you need to do is make up *another*, longer 34-conductor cable, with FOUR connectors on it instead of three! You also will have to make a slight change to the ML routine in MODBOOT.BAT--change the "40" in the OR BY [410],40 line, to "80": so that it will read: OR BY [410],80. If you had found another second-floppy driver file to use instead of MODBOOT.BAT, and it doesn't have a provision for adding *more-than-one-added* drive, you may have to go back to MODBOOT unless you can change the driver's code somehow. Following the jumpering example in JR2DRV.TXT, Item 4, the third drive's jumper must connect finger #14 of the edge connector to the input gates. If you have any problems (or in case I've left something out), let me know, & I'll try'n help! Have *more* fun! --George Peters 71330,200