TANDY MOD PRECAUTIONS If you aren't VERY careful when performing the PCjr to Tandy 1000 Modification, you may ruin your systems board or other components. Here are suggested precautions: * Make sure to unplug all equipment from wall outlets. ALL! * Make sure that the installer is grounded before touching the PCjr or the Tandy Mod chip. Use a grounding wrist strap. * Lift your feet from the floor and keep them up. Example: Put them on the rungs of a chair, or kneel on a chair. * Keep your fingers off the 64 pin expansion buss pins on the right side of the computer. * Remove the internal memory board, disk controller card, disk drive and power supply. Touch these internal cards only by the EDGES. * If you have a socketed 8088 chip, remove it and set it aside. Remember to replace it when the mod is complete. * Use only a low wattage soldering iron - 20 watts maximum. * Be sure that you are working in the correct area of the motherboard as per the orientation illustration. * Be sure to replace everything you removed.