The unofficial

(Last update 26.02.2001)
- denotes an addition
or change
This Page deals with the following Cornerstone ImageAccel Cards:
(if you have
about others, e-mail me)
SQS - The stupid questions section (Help me to
this page)
(blue handle on left side removed)
The MC1608C is a secondary video adapter for Microchannel systems.
it plugs into an AVE (auxiliary video extension) MCA slot and uses
systems primary video subsystem for text and low-res graphics. (It
to have a built-in base video, which by default is disabled, but
can be enabled with a special utility available from Cornerstone.
you know more, e-mail me.) Hardware accelerator
functions are
BitBlt (?), line drawing (w. patterns), decompression, image
rotation (90°,
180° and 270°) and scale to gray (16 levels). Video memory is 2
1024 X 764
1280 X 1024
1600 X 1200
1600 X 1280
Lower resolutions (down to 400 X 300) are provided by the drivers
feature (6 levels, up to 4x). Color depth is always 8bpp (256 colors
of 16.7M).
Monitors and Refresh Rates:
The card only supports non-interlaced display modes. The minimum
rate required for multi-frequency displays is 64 kHz!
The card is capable of 1600 X 1280 @ 76 Hz refresh (~120 kHz
rate, ~211 MHz pixel clock), so be EXTREMELY careful or you will fry
Explicitly supported displays:
Cornerstone: Color 21/80, Color 21/75, Color 20/72, Color
Color 21, Color 21/76, Color 17, Color 19, DualPage 120 Color
IBM: IBM 6091-16, 19, 21, IBM 9521/9527 (supported by
the C/11 and C/12 only)
on Image Accel MC1608C/11 driving an IBM 6091-19 monitor by Helmut
P. Einfalt
U1...U8 |
TC528257J-80 (Toshiba) |
X1 |
50 MHz TTL oscillator |
U9 |
Cornerstone 1212288-200 (1670F0029) |
U10 |
MC1608C/11 12660-003 MYF (BIOS EPROM) |
U11 |
U12 |
ICS1562AM PLL (Synthesizer for pixel clock) |
U13 |
BT471KPJ80 (RAMDAC for base video) |
J1 |
JP1 1..4 jumpers (monitor type selection) |
D1 |
green LED (what for?) |
CN1 |
15 pin VGA connector |
JP12 |
JP12 artefact (soldier dots for jumper) |
JP30 |
JP30 artefact (soldier dots for jumper, shorted on PCB) |
JP1 Jumper settings
JP1 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Display Type: |
Autosync |
on |
on |
on |
on |
Cornerstone Color 19 1 |
off |
on |
off |
on |
IBM 6091-16 and -19i |
on |
on |
off |
on |
IBM 6091-19 |
on |
off |
on |
on |
IBM 6091-23 |
on |
off |
off |
on |
Cornerstone Color 20/70 2 |
off |
off |
on |
on |
Cornerstone Color 21/76 3 |
off |
on |
on |
on |
1 Not supported for ImageAccel 1280
controller |
2 ImageAccel 1600/70 and 1600/76 controllers
only |
3 ImageAccel 1600/76 controller only |
Experience (or what I have tested):
MC1608C/11 (JP1-1..4 shorted) in PS/2 Server85 (9585-0XT, 486 DX/2
66MHz), XGA, XGA-2 or SVGA/A base video,
ESCOM 78kHz autosync monitor (DEC clone) connected to MC1608C,
self made terminator plug for base video (75Ohms 1-7, 2-8, 3-9,
All XGA 16bpp modes don't work (Limitation of BT471 RAMDAC or MCA
Base video refresh rates can be changed without a problem
Video modes available on XGA base video (obviously) depend on
ID delivered by terminator plug.
SVGA/A and XGA-2 don't require the terminator plug at all.
DOS 6.22: |
Drivers for 1280 X 1024 @ 64HZ refresh work OK |
Black screen with drivers for 1600 X 1200 @ 64Hz refresh |
WfW 3.11 |
Drivers for 1280 X 1024 @ 64HZ refresh work OK |
Black screen with drivers for 1600 X 1200 @ 64Hz refresh |
OS/2 2.11, 3.0, 4.0 |
Drivers for 1280 X 1024 @ 64HZ refresh work OK |
Drivers for 1600 X 1200 @ 64Hz refresh not yet
tested |
Black screen: No whispering "can't sync" sounds from my monitor.
Can exit windows back to the DOS prompt via shortcuts. Same for IA
DOS driver test screen.
64Hz @ 1600 X 1200 equals 78.1kHz. This is the slowest refresh for
this mode the drivers offer, but 100Hz beyond the limit of my
Will try a faster monitor soon.
I Used the cable that came with my monitor. Does the MC1608C card
out some sort of monitor ID like the XGA, XGA-2 and SVGA/A cards?
One of the driver READ.MEs mentions a special 15pin VGA - 5 BNC
that came with the card, but which I don't have. Any clues?
P. Einfalt uses an Image Accel MC1608C/11 with an IBM 6091-19
monitor under
Windows NT4. View his Report.
Base Video
SVGA/A, XGA and XGA-2 base video cards were tested with their VESA
VBE DOS drivers and VBETEST (from Scitech's Display Doctor).
256 color modes (including the XGA's 1024 X 768 interlaced mode)
via AVE and the ImageAccel, all 64k color modes do not work via
the ImageAccel.
Windows drivers for the base video (except 640 X 480 X 16 colors)
not work via AVE and ImageAccel. (Why?)
If you have any question, suggestions or clues, let
me know!
SQS - The stupid questions
Do you have the maual of the MC1608C? Please send me a copy!
What are the DOS drivers (CTIDRVR.SYS, CTITSR.EXE) for? (Except
that they
are needed by CTICONF.EXE -B)
What are the entries in the IAxxxxxx.INI files? (Tweak rates and
The files look a bit like XF86Config...)
Is the monitor cable that comes with the ImageAccel any special?
(I don't
have it)
Is the monitor ID of the terminator plug really '1000' or
something different
to fool XGAs?
Does the ImageAccel itself read the display ID?
Do you have a copy of the "IBM PS/2-XGA BOOT DISK for
or know more about it?
Any ideas about J12 and J30?
Why do the 256 color modes of the base video work in DOS but not
in Windows?
What are the signals on the MCA AVE and BVE connectors? Do you
have any
documentation on that?
Do you have a data sheet of the BT471KPJ80 (NOT BT481 etc.)
for base video signals?
A BT481 instead of the BT471 might enable base video @ 64k
colors, if the
AVE can do it. Any ideas?
Do you have a data sheet of the BT467 RAMDAC (it's not avalable
from Bt's
If you have a question about the ImageAccel or know the answer to
one of
the questions above, please e-mail
Contact Cornerstone:
Customer Support in the USA 800-562-2552
Customer Support in Europe 49-89-744-15499
Internet: E-Mail
World Wide Web
Links to many MCA related Pages can be found on Peter Wendt's
D isclaimer:
All information on these pages is accurate to the best of my
but there is no guarantee that it is correct.
Therefore I am not responsible for any kind of direct, indirect or
consequential damage, loss of profit or anything else.......
All Trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Cornerstone, Cornerstone logo and ImageAccel are trademarks of
Imaging, Inc.
IBM and OS/2 are trademarks of IBM corporation.
Windoze, Virus95, Windoze did'NT work (for Germans: eNTe) are
spread computer viruses I'd remove from my HDD....
Copyright (c)2000 Ulrich