Numslot   4

AdapterId 0E3FEh


AdapterName "Built In Features"


NumBytes 27











        io 03f0h-03f7h 1dc0h-1ddfh

        int 6

        mem 0fffc00h - 0ffffffh

IBM RF9553a


AdapterId 0E3FEh


AdapterName "Built In Features"


NumBytes 27













        pos[20]=100000XXb  (ATA Pri/Alt)

                          io 03f0h-03f7h 1dc0h-1ddfh 3540h-3547h

                          int 6 arb 2

                          mem 0ff0000h - 0ffffffh


sysmem 1024 24


address 24



   NamedItem Prompt "Serial Port"

      choice "SERIAL 1, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX0000b

         io 03f8h-03ffh 083f8h-083ffh 4620h-4620h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 2, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0001b

         io 02f8h-02ffh 082f8h-082ffh 4621h-4621h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 3, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0010b

         io 3220h-3227h 0b220h-0b227h 4622h-4622h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 4, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0011b

         io 3228h-322fh 0b228h-0b22fh 4623h-4623h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 4, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX0011b

         io 3228h-322fh 0b228h-0b22fh 4623h-4623h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 5, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0100b

         io 4220h-4227h 0c220h-0c227h 4624h-4624h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 5, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX0100b

         io 4220h-4227h 0c220h-0c227h 4624h-4624h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 6, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0101b

         io 4228h-422fh 0c228h-0c22fh 4625h-4625h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 6, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX0101b

         io 4228h-422fh 0c228h-0c22fh 4625h-4625h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 7, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0110b

         io 5220h-5227h 0d220h-0d227h 4626h-4626h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 7, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX0110b

         io 5220h-5227h 0d220h-0d227h 4626h-4626h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 8, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0111b

         io 5228h-522fh 0d228h-0d22fh 4627h-4627h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 8, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX0111b

         io 5228h-522fh 0d228h-0d22fh 4627h-4627h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 9, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1000b

         io 3a20h-3a27h 0ba20h-0ba27h 4628h-4628h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 9, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1000b

         io 3a20h-3a27h 0ba20h-0ba27h 4628h-4628h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 10, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1001b

         io 3a28h-3a2fh 0ba28h-0ba2fh 4629h-4629h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 10, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1001b

         io 3a28h-3a2fh 0ba28h-0ba2fh 4629h-4629h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 11, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1010b

         io 3a30h-3a37h 0ba30h-0ba37h 462ah-462ah int 3

      choice "SERIAL 11, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1010b

         io 3a30h-3a37h 0ba30h-0ba37h 462ah-462ah int 4

      choice "SERIAL 12, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1011b

         io 3a38h-3a3fh 0ba38h-0ba3fh 462bh-462bh int 3

      choice "SERIAL 12, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1011b

         io 3a38h-3a3fh 0ba38h-0ba3fh 462bh-462bh int 4

      choice "SERIAL 13, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1100b

         io 3a80h-3a87h 0ba80h-0ba87h 462ch-462ch int 3

      choice "SERIAL 13, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1100b

         io 3a80h-3a87h 0ba80h-0ba87h 462ch-462ch int 4

      choice "SERIAL 14, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1101b

         io 3a88h-3a8fh 0ba88h-0ba8fh 462dh-462dh int 3

      choice "SERIAL 14, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1101b

         io 3a88h-3a8fh 0ba88h-0ba8fh 462dh-462dh int 4

      choice "SERIAL 15, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1110b

         io 3a90h-3a97h 0ba90h-0ba97h 462eh-462eh int 3

      choice "SERIAL 15, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1110b

         io 3a90h-3a97h 0ba90h-0ba97h 462eh-462eh int 4

      choice "SERIAL 16, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1111b

         io 3a98h-3a9fh 0ba98h-0ba9fh 462fh-462fh int 3

      choice "SERIAL 16, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1111b

         io 3a98h-3a9fh 0ba98h-0ba9fh 462fh-462fh int 4

      choice "Disabled"  pos[4]=XXX0XXXXb



      "The built-in serial port connector can be assigned as Serial

      1 through Serial 16, or disabled.  Use the Plus and the Minus

      keys to change serial port assignments. Conflicting

      assignments are marked with an asterisk and should be changed."


Begin Device 6 0 0ah DynArbAlloc

   NamedItem Prompt "Serial Port"

      choice "SERIAL 1, IRQ 4"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX0000b

         io 03f8h-03ffh 83f8h-83ffh 4620h-4620h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 2, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0001b

         io 02f8h-02ffh 82f8h-82ffh 4621h-4621h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 3, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0010b

         io 3220h-3227h 0b220h-0b227h 4622h-4622h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 4, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0011b

         io 3228h-322fh 0b228h-0b22fh 4623h-4623h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 5, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0100b

         io 4220h-4227h 0c220h-0c227h 4624h-4624h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 6, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0101b

         io 4228h-422fh 0c228h-0c22fh 4625h-4625h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 7, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0110b

         io 5220h-5227h 0d220h-0d227h 4626h-4626h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 8, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX0111b

         io 5228h-522fh 0d228h-0d22fh 4627h-4627h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 9, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1000b

         io 3a20h-3a27h 0ba20h-0ba27h 4628h-4628h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 10, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1001b

         io 3a28h-3a2fh 0ba28h-0ba2fh 4629h-4629h int 3

      choice "SERIAL 11, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1010b

         io 3a30h-3a37h 0ba30h-0ba37h 462ah-462ah int 3

      choice "SERIAL 12, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1011b

         io 3a38h-3a3fh 0ba38h-0ba3fh 462bh-462bh int 3

      choice "SERIAL 13, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1100b

         io 3a80h-3a87h 0ba80h-0ba87h 462ch-462ch int 3

      choice "SERIAL 14, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1101b

         io 3a88h-3a8fh 0ba88h-0ba8fh 462dh-462dh int 3

      choice "SERIAL 15, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1110b

         io 3a90h-3a97h 0ba90h-0ba97h 462eh-462eh int 3

      choice "SERIAL 16, IRQ 3"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX0b  pos[5]=XXXX1111b

         io 3a98h-3a9fh 0ba98h-0ba9fh 462fh-462fh int 3

      choice "SERIAL 4, IRQ 4, CUSTOM"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX0011b

         io 3228h-322fh 0b228h-0b22fh 4623h-4623h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 5, IRQ 4, CUSTOM"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX0100b

         io 4220h-4227h 0c220h-0c227h 4624h-4624h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 6, IRQ 4, CUSTOM"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX0101b

         io 4228h-422fh 0c228h-0c22fh 4625h-4625h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 7, IRQ 4, CUSTOM"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX0110b

         io 5220h-5227h 0d220h-0d227h 4626h-4626h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 8, IRQ 4, CUSTOM"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX0111b

         io 5228h-522fh 0d228h-0d22fh 4627h-4627h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 9, IRQ 4, CUSTOM"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1000b

         io 3a20h-3a27h 0ba20h-0ba27h 4628h-4628h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 10, IRQ 4, CUSTOM"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1001b

         io 3a28h-3a2fh 0ba28h-0ba2fh 4629h-4629h int 4

      choice "SERIAL 11, IRQ 4, CUSTOM"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1010b

         io 3a30h-3a37h 0ba30h-0ba37h 462ah-462ah int 4

      choice "SERIAL 12, IRQ 4, CUSTOM"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1011b

         io 3a38h-3a3fh 0ba38h-0ba3fh 462bh-462bh int 4

      choice "SERIAL 13, IRQ 4, CUSTOM"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1100b

         io 3a80h-3a87h 0ba80h-0ba87h 462ch-462ch int 4

      choice "SERIAL 14, IRQ 4, CUSTOM"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1101b

         io 3a88h-3a8fh 0ba88h-0ba8fh 462dh-462dh int 4

      choice "SERIAL 15, IRQ 4, CUSTOM"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1110b

         io 3a90h-3a97h 0ba90h-0ba97h 462eh-462eh int 4

      choice "SERIAL 16, IRQ 4, CUSTOM"  pos[4]=XXX1XXX1b  pos[5]=XXXX1111b

         io 3a98h-3a9fh 0ba98h-0ba9fh 462fh-462fh int 4

      choice "Disabled"  pos[4]=XXX0XXXXb



      "The built-in serial port connector can be assigned as

      Serial 1 through Serial 16, or disabled.  Standard usage of

      interrupt levels are IRQ 4 for serial 1 and IRQ 3 for any

      other serial level. If you are in the 'Change Configuration'

      window, you can change the setting.  Use F5 and F6 to scroll

      through the choices, the Up and Down arrow keys to move from

      field to field. If a setting conflicts with another, an asterisk

      (*) appears next to the conflicts.  You must fix conflicts before

      you use the device. (If you are not in the 'Change Configuration'

      window and you need to change the setting, return to the 'Set

      Configuration' window then select 'Change configuration'.)"





   NamedItem Prompt "Parallel Port"

      choice "PARALLEL 1"  pos[0]=X001XXXXb  io 03bch-03bfh 1278h-127bh int 7

      choice "PARALLEL 2"  pos[0]=X011XXXXb  io 0378h-037bh int 7

      choice "PARALLEL 3"  pos[0]=X101XXXXb  io 0278h-027bh int 7

      choice "PARALLEL 4"  pos[0]=X111XXXXb  io 1378h-137bh int 7

      choice "Disabled"    pos[0]=XXX0XXXXb



      "The built-in parallel port connector can be assigned as Parallel 1

      through Parallel 4 or disabled.  Use the Plus and the Minus

      keys to change parallel port assignments. Conflicting assignments

      are marked with an asterisk and should be changed."


Begin Device 5 0 02

   NamedItem Prompt "Parallel Port"

      choice "PARALLEL 1"  pos[0]=X001XXXXb  io 03bch-03bfh 1278h-127bh int 7

      choice "PARALLEL 2"  pos[0]=X011XXXXb  io 0378h-037bh int 7

      choice "PARALLEL 3"  pos[0]=X101XXXXb  io 0278h-027bh int 7

      choice "PARALLEL 4"  pos[0]=X111XXXXb  io 1378h-137bh int 7

      choice "Disabled"    pos[0]=XXX0XXXXb



      "The built-in parallel port connector can be set as Parallel 1

      through 4 or the port can be disabled.

      If you are in the 'Change Configuration' window, you can change

      the setting.  Use F5 and F6 to scroll through the choices, the Up

      and Down arrow keys to move from field to field.

      If a setting conflicts with another, an asterisk (*) appears next to

      the conflicts.  You must fix conflicts before you use the device.

      Use the Up and Down arrow keys to move from field to field.

      (If you are not in the 'Change Configuration' window and you need

      to change the setting, return to the 'Set Configuration' window then

      select 'Change configuration'.)"



   NamedItem Prompt "Parallel Port Arbitration"

      choice "Shared 7"

         pos[3]=XXXX0111b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 7

      choice "Shared 6"

         pos[3]=XXXX0110b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 6

      choice "Shared 5"

         pos[3]=XXXX0101b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 5

      choice "Shared 4"

         pos[3]=XXXX0100b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 4

      choice "Shared 3"

         pos[3]=XXXX0011b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 3

      choice "Shared 1"

         pos[3]=XXXX0001b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 1

      choice "Shared 0"

         pos[3]=XXXX0000b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 0

      choice "Dedicated 7"

         pos[3]=XXXX0111b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 7

      choice "Dedicated 6"

         pos[3]=XXXX0110b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 6

      choice "Dedicated 5"

         pos[3]=XXXX0101b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 5

      choice "Dedicated 4"

         pos[3]=XXXX0100b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 4

      choice "Dedicated 3"

         pos[3]=XXXX0011b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 3

      choice "Dedicated 1"

         pos[3]=XXXX0001b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 1

      choice "Dedicated 0"

         pos[3]=XXXX0000b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 0

      choice "Disabled"

         pos[3]=XXXX1111b pos[0]=1XXXXXXXb



      "The built-in parallel port connector can be assigned any one of the

      available arbitration levels. Selecting a shared level allows other

      devices with shared levels to use the same value. Selecting a dedicated

      level allows only this device to use the value. Select <Disabled> to

      use the parallel port in compatibility mode. Use the Plus and

      the Minus keys to change arbitration level assignments. Conflicting

      assignments are marked with an asterisk and should be changed."



   NamedItem Prompt "Parallel Port DMA Arbitration Level"

      choice "Shared level 7"

         pos[3]=XXXX0111b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 7

      choice "Shared level 6"

         pos[3]=XXXX0110b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 6

      choice "Shared level 5"

         pos[3]=XXXX0101b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 5

      choice "Shared level 4"

         pos[3]=XXXX0100b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 4

      choice "Shared level 3"

         pos[3]=XXXX0011b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 3

      choice "Shared level 1"

         pos[3]=XXXX0001b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 1

      choice "Shared level 0"

         pos[3]=XXXX0000b pos[1]=XX1XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb SharedArb 0

      choice "Level 7"

         pos[3]=XXXX0111b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 7

      choice "Level 6"

         pos[3]=XXXX0110b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 6

      choice "Level 5"

         pos[3]=XXXX0101b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 5

      choice "Level 4"

         pos[3]=XXXX0100b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 4

      choice "Level 3"

         pos[3]=XXXX0011b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 3

      choice "Level 1"

         pos[3]=XXXX0001b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 1

      choice "Level 0"

         pos[3]=XXXX0000b pos[1]=XX0XXXXXb pos[0]=0XXXXXXXb

         arb 0

      choice "Disabled"

         pos[3]=XXXX1111b pos[0]=1XXXXXXXb



      "The built-in parallel port connector can be set to any one of the

      available DMA arbitration levels.  If the level selected is shared then

      other devices can be set at the same level.  If the level selected is

      dedicated then only this device can be set to that level.  Select

      <Disabled> to use the port in compatibility mode.

      If you are in the 'Change Configuration' window, you can change

      the setting.  Use F5 and F6 to scroll through the choices, the Up

      and Down arrow keys to move from field to field.

      If a setting conflicts with another, an asterisk (*) appears next to

      the conflicts.  You must fix conflicts before you use the device.

      (If you are not in the 'Change Configuration' window and you need

      to change the setting, return to the 'Set Configuration' window then

      select 'Change configuration'.)"




   NamedItem Prompt "AT IDE Interface"

      choice "Primary"     pos[16]=1XXXXX11b io 1F0h-1F8h

      choice "Secondary"   pos[16]=1XXXXX01b io 170h-178h

      choice "Disabled"    pos[16]=1XXXXXX0b 



      " The on-board AT IDE interface can be configured as Primary or

               Secondary. If you select Primary, the interface will be accessed

               at port addresses from 1F0H to 1F8H.  If you select Secondary, the

               port addresses will be from 170 to 178.  If an assignment has an

        asterisk (*) by it, it is in conflict with another assignment and

               the port address must be changed.  If a               conflict continues to exist,

               you may have to change the assignments for other adapters or

               options that are in your computer to resolve the conflict. If you

               don't have AT IDE fixed disk, you can select Disabled to avoid a

               conflict with other devices."


Begin Device 0 0 0 NoDMA

NamedItem Prompt "ATA Fixed Disk"

        choice "Enabled"

                pos[20]=XXXXXX11b io 1f0h-1f8h int 0eh

;       choice "Alternate"

;               pos[20]=XXXXXX01b io 170h-178h int 0eh

        choice "Disabled"



         "This field shows the setting for the ATA fixed disk(s).  Normally,

          the field should be set to <Enabled>.  If you are in the 'Change

          Configuration' window, you can change the setting.  Use F5 and F6

          to scroll through the choices, the Up and Down arrow keys to move

          from field to field."


Specia; Sauce Reply



   NamedItem Prompt "   Drive 0 Translation"

      choice "Standard mode"    pos[20]=XXXXXXX1b 

      choice "Reply Mode"     pos[20]=XXXXXXX0b



      " Translation mode determines how physical drive parameters are

        translated to logical ones. Translation is necessary for drives

               larger than 512 MB.  If the drive is formatted then Automatic

               Configuration finds the correct mode.  CAUTION: A drive formatted

               with Standard mode cannot be used with Reply mode, and vice versa.

               Translated Standard mode Reply ³

                parameters 0-512MB 512M-1GB 1-2GB 2-4GB 4-8GB mode

               Sect p/track native 63-63-63-63-32

               Heads p/cyl native 32-64-128-255-64


   NamedItem Prompt "   Drive 1 Translation"

      choice "Standard mode"    pos[20]=XXXXXX1Xb 

      choice "Reply mode"       pos[20]=XXXXXX0Xb



      " Translation mode determines how physical drive parameters are

        translated to logical ones. Translation is necessary for drives

               larger than 512 MB.  If the drive is formatted then Automatic

               Configuration finds the correct mode.  CAUTION: A drive formatted

               with Standard mode cannot be used with Reply mode, and vice versa.

               Translated Standard mode Reply ³

               parameters 0-512MB 512M-1GB 1-2GB 2-4GB 4-8GB Mode

               Sect p/track native 63-63-63-63-32

               Heads p/cyl native 32-64-128-255-64


   NamedItem Prompt "   Drive 0 Multi-Sector mode"

      choice "Disabled"    pos[20]=XXXXX1XXb 

      choice "Enabled"     pos[20]=XXXXX0XXb



      " When Multi-Sector transfer mode is selected, more that one

               sector of data can be transferred for each interrupt generated

               to the system.  This can greatly increase the throughput for

               certain drives."


   NamedItem Prompt "   Drive 1 Multi-Sector mode"

      choice "Disabled"    pos[20]=XXXX1XXXb 

      choice "Enabled"     pos[20]=XXXX0XXXb



      " When Multi-Sector transfer mode is selected, more that one

               sector of data can be transferred for each interrupt generated

               to the system.  This can greatly increase the throughput for

               certain drives."


   NamedItem Prompt "   Drive 0 shutdown time"

      choice "Disabled"    pos[21]=00000000b 

      choice "1 Minute"    pos[21]=00001100b 

      choice "2 Minutes"    pos[21]=00011000b 

      choice "3 Minutes"    pos[21]=00110000b 

      choice "4 Minutes"    pos[21]=01100000b 

      choice "5 Minutes"    pos[21]=11000000b 



      " Some AT IDE drives can automatically spin down after a specified

               period of inactivity.  This can greatly reduce power consumption

               in the system at the cost of a longer delay when the drive has to

               come back up to speed.  If you would like to use this feature,

               select a time out period from this menu."


   NamedItem Prompt "   Drive 1 shutdown time"

      choice "Disabled"    pos[22]=00000000b 

      choice "1 Minute"    pos[22]=00001100b 

      choice "2 Minutes"    pos[22]=00011000b 

      choice "3 Minutes"    pos[22]=00110000b 

      choice "4 Minutes"    pos[22]=01100000b 

      choice "5 Minutes"    pos[22]=11000000b 



      " Some AT IDE drives can automatically spin down after a specified

               period of inactivity.  This can greatly reduce power consumption

               in the system at the cost of a longer delay when the drive has to

               come back up to speed.  If you would like to use this feature,

               select a time out period from this menu."


   NamedItem Prompt "Cache enabled at startup"

      choice "Yes"  pos[24]=XXXXXX0Xb 

      choice "No"   pos[24]=XXXXXX1Xb 



      "  Cache memory, if present, can be enabled or disabled after startup."


   NamedItem Prompt "Boot device order"

      choice "A: then C:"  pos[24]=XX0XXXXXb 

      choice "C: then A:"  pos[24]=XX1XXXXXb 



               " The order in which the system looks for a boot device

                 can be selected to be either the Floppy disk followed

                 by the Hard disk OR the Hard disk first then followed

                 by the floppy disk."