Reply Planar Files
These files were retrieved off of the Internet Archive on 26 Feb 2017.

Either thanks or curses to Lorenzo Mollicone for asking about some Reply planars... which made me revisit some Reply planars and look for supporting files.

Credit is due to Reply, because they had the good sense to actually have a website in 1996 with all of the files in a www site (not ftp!) and not password protected...

Contact me if there are missing files or messed up links HERE 

BIOS Data Files

111-56.EXE -- Model 56/57/76/77 PowerBoard v1.11
108CPQ.EXE -- Compaq Deskpro PowerBoard v1.08 (Compaq system)
117-PB.EXE -- Model 50/55/70 PowerBoard v1.17
109-30.EXE -- Model 25/30 TurboProcessor v1.09
102-30.EXE -- Model 25/30 PowerBoard v1.02
119-70.EXE -- Model 70 32-bit TurboProcessor v1.19
131-80.EXE -- Model 60/65/80 TurboProcessor v1.31
140-50.EXE -- Model 50/55/70 16-bit TurboProcessor v1.40
225-32.EXE -- Model 32 System v2.25 (Reply system)
T226.DAT -- Model 32 System with DX4/100 v2.26 (Reply system)

Reference Disk Images
REF346.EXE -- Ref Disk for Reply Systems v3.46
REF367.EXE -- Ref Disk for all PS/2 Reply Motherboard Upgrades v3.67
71G1447.IMG IBM PS/2 50/50Z/55 System-Board Upgrade Ref Disk Ver 1.01 ©1993

User Diagnostic Disk Images
DIAG1_02.EXE -- User Diags Model 25/30 TurboProcessor v1.02
DIAG1_05.EXE -- User Diags Compaq Deskpro PowerBoard v1.05
DG108720.EXE -- User Diags Model 25/30 PowerBoard v1.08 (720KB)
DG108144.EXE -- User Diags Pentathlon Boards v1.08 (1.44MB) (???)

ADF Files
@6094.ADF -- Reply System 16/32 IDE
@8182.ADF -- Reply MicroChannel Video Adapter
@5137.ADF -- Reply MicroChannel Sound Card with SCSI
@5138.ADF -- Reply MicroChannel Sound Card without SCSI
@8FEB.ADF -- Windsurfer Card when Video Card is present

System Compatibility File Library
WARPFIX.EXE -- Floppy Driver Fix for IBM OS/2 Warp (needs new BIOS!)
                                This patches the ibm2flpy.add device driver.
IDEDISK.DSK -- NetWare IDE Driver for Compaq Deskpro PowerBoard
NOV_IDE.EXE -- NetWare IDE Driver for MCA SystemBoard Upgrades
                                Load AT IDE driver, then SCSI driver, then everything works
NT_IDE.EXE -- WinNT 3.1 + IDE Driver for MCA SystemBoard Upgrades
                            ABIOSDSK.SYS update
NTVIDFIX.EXE -- CIrrus Logic Video Driver Fix for WinNT 3.5x
SBPDMA.EXE -- SoundBlaster MCA Driver for MCA SystemBoard Upgrades
XLOAD.ZIP -- NetWare XLOADER Patch for PS/2 keyboards
LSUP135.EXE -- LAN Support Drivers (12/15/93) v1.35
DOSUP9.EXE -- Novell DOS Drivers
CPUMHZ.EXE -- Utility to determine Processor Complex Type on PS/2 90/95 boards
BI.EXE -- Utility to enable/disable parallel port bi-directionally

Video Driver File Library
1_32DSK1.EXE -- Video Driver for 50/55/60/70/80 TurboProcessor Boards - Disk 1/2
1_32DSK2.EXE -- Video Driver for 50/55/60/70/80 TurboProcessor Boards - Disk 2/2
1_33DSK1.EXE -- Video Driver for 25/30 Boards - Disk 1 of 1
1_10DSK1.EXE -- Video Driver for PowerBoard Systems - Disk 1 of 2
1_10DSK2.EXE -- Video Driver for PowerBoard Systems - Disk 2 of 2
WIN31CT.EXE -- Video Driver for Reply Model 16 & New Systems (CHIPS 452 VGA)
CLMDUTIL.EXE -- CLMODE Scanrate Utility

71G1442.IMG IBM PS/2 50/50Z/55 System-Board Upgrade Video Drivers Ver 1.30 ©1993
71G4598.IMG IBM PS/2 50/50Z/55 System-Board Upgrade Video Drivers Ver 1.30 ©1993

Beta BIOS File Library
    Please note: All files available in this library are beta BIOS files. They have not been fully tested, but we have not seen any problems.

124-70.EXE -- Beta Model 70 32-bit TurboProcessor v1.24
138-80.EXE -- Beta Model 60/65/80 TurboProcessor v1.38
114-30.EXE -- Beta Model 25/30 TurboProcessor v1.14

Multimedia File Library
MM105C-1.EXE -- Multimedia Kit Installation Diskette 1 of 2
MM105C-2.EXE -- Multimedia Kit Installation Diskette 2 of 2
                                   Has FDCD and DCAM18XX - supports FD MCS-700, FAICT
WIN95SND.EXE -- Windows 95 MicroChannel Sound Blaster 16 Drivers
                                 4.25 BETA RELEASE of SB16 drivers for Win95

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