User's Guides from ServerGuide 2.00

*.INF file viewer (32-bit) for Win 95, 98 and NT (works on Windows 7!!!)
*.INF file viewer for DOS and OS/2
IPF for Windows (XVIEW) 16-bit Win 3.1 / 95 / NT

Folks, we all know that Bill Gates appropriated the *.INF extension. Therefor, your system will want to fire up an installation routine or suchnot when you click on the *.INF file.

So, download the appropriate viewer into the directory with IBM *.INF files and run the executable there. That way all the *.INF files will show up every time when you run the viewer. I could not get the XVIEW app to save the path to the *.INF files, so it is easier to obey the machine...

If you have other PS/2 related *.INF files, please contact ME...

Remember, we're all in this together...

500URUS.INF  09/08/94 224,699  PC Server 500 User's Handbook
500UHUS.INF  09/08/94 668,807  PC Server 500 User's Reference
77IOUS.INF   08/08/94 445,461  PS/2 77 Installing Options
77SPUS.INF   07/13/94 117,049  PS/2 56/57/76/77 Solving Problems
77SUUS.INF   07/13/94  71,699  PS/2 77i and 77s Setup
77UHUS.INF   08/08/94 475,280  PS/2 76i/76s/77i/77s User's Handbook
85IOUS.INF   08/05/94 440,155  PS/2 Server 85 Installing Options
85SUUS.INF   07/13/94  51,615  PS/2 Server 85 Setup
85UHUS.INF   08/08/94 412,224  PS/2 Server 85 Handbook
95ACDAUS.INF 07/12/94 127,717  Configuring Your Disk Array
95AIOUS.INF  08/08/94 615,096  PS/2 Server 95A Installing Options
95ASUUS.INF  07/13/94  37,697  PS/2 Server 95A Setup
95AUHUS.INF  09/08/94 346,623  PS/2 Server 95A (9595) Handbook
95IOUS.INF   08/05/94 552,771  PS/2 Server 95 Installing Options
95SUUS.INF   07/13/94  44,211  PS/2 Server 95 Setup
95UHUS.INF   08/08/94 395,356  PS/2 Server 95 Handbook
IPBUS.INF    07/13/94 277,501  PS/2 Installation, Planning, and Beyond
NETSVCUS.INF 09/13/94  47,700  IBM Netfinity Services for NetWare
NMGRWNUS.INF 09/13/94 505,946  IBM Netfinity Manager for Windows
NOVLIGUS.INF 09/08/94 386,121  NetWare Integration Guide
OS2LIGUS.INF 09/08/94 491,876  OS/2 LAN Server Integration Guide
OS2MGRUS.INF 09/13/94 547,649  IBM Netfinity Manager for OS/2
OS2SVCUS.INF 09/13/94 133,952  IBM Netfinity Services for OS/2
PINSTALL.EXE 09/25/94  84,992
RBK1US.INF   08/19/94 683,531  Adv. PS/2 Servers Planning and Selection
RBKLSTUS.INF 08/17/94 555,531  Bibliography of Redbooks
SERMCRUS.INF 07/13/94 332,845  PS/2 Micro Channel Computer Reference
SERSPUS.INF  07/13/94  94,841  PS/2 Server 85/95/95A Solving Problems
WINSVCUS.INF 09/13/94 134,191  IBM Netfinity Services for Windows

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