
LOADDSKF Recreate *.DSK floppy images 
   Loaddskf Readme 

SAVEDSKF Create *.DSK floppy images 
   Savedskf Readme 

REFSTAMP Adds byte-stamp to create refdisk From Bob Eager's site HERE

IDMCA Identifies cards in each slot of an MCA system From Bob Eager's site HERE

Customizer  customizes IBM PS/2 Refdisks using option files (does not include readme yet) 

Teleget  Expand *.TG0 files 


Exploring The IBM PS/2 Models 50-80

FORCEDOS internal to NT. Some MS-DOS programs are not recognized by Windows NT as MS-DOS  programs. The forcedos command allows you to start these programs. 

himemupd.exe W95 HIMEM.SYS Update to correct can't see >16MB uses /P switch 
Tcp32b.exe  WfW 3.11 TCP/IP update 
CTL3D.DLL ver 2.05 for SCSIBENCH and NT maybe W9x as well... 
XVIEW - View OS/2 *.INF files in Win 3.x/9.x/NT
RootKitRevealer v 1.7  Last version to support NT4 1.7.1 supports W2K and up 
                                                    (thanks to Dave Ress for finding it)

Adaptec WinASPI 4.71a2 NT4/98
Adaptec ASPI32 ASPI Layer for 95/NT
Adaptec ASPICHK Display version and status of ASPI Layer 

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