NOTE:   This web site is not some kind of 'official' documentation hub for the XT-IDE card.
It is simply the result of someone who decided to add to the documentation that exists elewhere.



RAYXTIDE.EXE is a DOS program that can be used in support of the VCF's XT-IDE card.

Presently, RAYXTIDE does the following:
  Looks for the XTIDE Universal BIOS (XUB) in memory space.
  Identifies the motherboard class (PC/XT/AT).
  Attempts to identify the motherboard BIOS.
  Looks for and reports on certain problems.

An example screen output is shown at here.

Problems reported on

Warn-then-exit if the motherboard BIOS (if identified) is known not to support BIOS expansion ROM's.   (Usually, 1981 and 1982 dated motherboard BIOS'.)
Warn-then-exit if unable to find the XUB in memory space.
Warn-then-exit if XUB is found at multiple locations in memory space.
Warn-then-exit if XUB is found in segment 'A' or segment 'B'.
  (Segments A and B are reserved for video RAM.  Any BIOS expansion ROM code [e.g. XUB] placed there will not be found by the motherboard BIOS.)
Warn (but do not exit) if XUB is found in conventional memory.
  (No exit is done because perhaps the XUB was placed there via 'optromloader' software.)
Warn-then-exit if the XUB is at an address that is not a multiple of 2 KB, e.g. D0400.
  (The motherboard BIOS searches for BIOS expansion ROM code in increments of 2 KB.)
Warn (but do not exit) if the XUB is at an address that is not a multiple of 8 KB.
  (That is unusual because the ROM address switches/jumpers on XT-IDE cards set an address that is a multiple of 8 KB, however, maybe the XUB is somewhere other than on the XT-IDE card.)
Warn-then-exit if the declared size (third byte of BIOS expansion ROM) is zero.
Warn-then-exit if the declared size (third byte of BIOS expansion ROM) is not a multiple of 2 KB.
Warn-then-exit if the declared size (third byte of BIOS expansion ROM) is less than 4 KB.
Warn-then-exit if the declared size (third byte of BIOS expansion ROM) is greater than 32 KB.
Warn-then-exit if the 8-bit checksum of the declared size is not 00.
Warn-then-exit if AT version of the XUB running on a PC or XT class computer.
If IBM 5162 BIOS, and XUB found, warn of possible IBM 5162 BIOS incompatibility with XUB.
If IBM 5170 BIOS, and XUB found, warn of possible IBM 5170 BIOS incompatibility with XUB.   (See note 1 at the bottom of here).
If IBM 5170 BIOS, and XUB found at E0000 (i.e. U17/U37 of IBM 5170 motherboard), warn-then-exit if the 8-bit checksum of segment 'E' is not 00.


It cannot detect if the XUB is misconfigured for your particular situation.
It does not look for the 'IDE interface' (the I/O ports) part of the XT-IDE card.
It cannot identify a resource conflict.
For example, in the IBM 5170, segment 'E' (E0000 to EFFFF) is decoded by the motherboard for motherboard hosted ROM, and therfore, configuring the XT-IDE card to a start its ROM at address E0000 (or above) would be a conflict (in this case, resulting in bus contention on the data bus).

Optional redirection of RAYXTIDE screen output to a text file

Here, RAYXTIDE's output will go to a text file instead of the screen.  That can be useful for providing information to others.

• Use the NOPAUSE switch as follows, so that RAYXTIDE does not pause for user acknowledgement.
• The file created will be named FRED.TXT
• Allow up to 20 seconds for the file to be created.

A:>rayxtide /nopause > fred.txt


Click here.

Yet to do

• Identify more motherboard BIOS'