☞ Oldindan belgilangan Veb brauzerni Internet Explorer-ga o'rnating.
Dasturiy ta'minot
Monitor drayveri
Windows Dasturiy ta'minot
OnScreen Control (Windows)
Dual Controller (Windows)
Mac Dasturiy ta'minot

OnScreen Control (Mac)

Dual Controller (Mac)
Foydalanuvchi qo'llanmasi

Monitor drayverni o’rnatish bo’yicha ko’rsatma

Dastur uchun qo’llanma

Regulatory, safety precautions
CD qo'llanmani o'qishga urinishdan avval Adobe tomonidan berilgan Acrobat Reader-ni o'rnating.
Agar siz uni o'rnatmasangiz, CD qo'llanma to'g'ri namoyish qilinmasligi mumkin.
This CD includes Acrobat Reader installation file for the listed languages below
To install other languages, please download from Http://www.adobe.com
Download and install a program compatible with your OS.