Function Call 4Eh Overview                          

     LIM Function Call 15 (AH = 4Eh)

     Gets  or  sets  the contents of the EMS page-mapping registers on
     the expanded memory boards.  This  group  of four subfunctions is
     provided for context switching required by operating environments
     and systems. These functions are upward  and  downward compatible
     with  both EMS and EEMS 3.2; in  addition,  these  functions  now
     include the functionality of EEMS  function  6Ah  ("function 43")
     involving  all  pages.  The size and contents of the map register
     array will vary from system to system based  on  hardware vendor,
     software vendor, number of boards  and the capacity of each board
     in the system. Note the array size can be determined  by function
     4Eh/03h.  Use  these  functions  (except  for  03h)   instead  of
     Functions 8 and  9  if  you  need  to save or restore the mapping
     context but don't want (or have) to use a handle.

Copyright © 1985 to 2003 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday April 30, 2003 .