Map or Unmap Multiple Pages                          




50h Type Flag Error Code   AX


 Hash Entries in array     BX


 EMM Handle     CX


 Pointer to array     DX
Type Flag: 00h = By physical Page Number
           01h = By Segment Number


     *  New    function    permits    multiple   logical-to-physical
        assignments to be made in a single call.(faster than mapping
        individual pages)

     *  The source map array is an array of word  pairs.  The  first
        word of a pair  contains  the logical page to map (0FFFFh if
        the physical page is to  be totally unmapped) and the second
        word  of  a  pair   contains   the   physical   page  number
        (subfunction 00h) or  the segment selector (subfunction 01h)
        of  the physical page in which the  logical  page  shall  be

     *  A map of  available  physical pages (by physical page number
        and  segment  selectors)  can  be  obtained  using  function
        58h/00h, Get Mappable Physical Address Array.

     *  Both mapping and unmapping pages can be done simultaneously.

     *  If a request to map or unmap zero pages is made,  nothing is
        done and no error is returned.

     *  Pages  can  be  mapped or unmapped using one of two methods.
        Both methods produce identical results.

     *  A logical page and a physical page at which the logical page
        is to be mapped.  This  method is an extension of Function 5
        (Map Handle Page).

     *  Specifies both a logical page  and  a  corresponding segment
        address at which the  logical  page  is  to be mapped. While
        functionally the same as the  first method, it may be easier
        to use the actual segment address of a physical page than to
        use a  number which only represents its location. The memory
        manager verifies whether the specified segment address falls
        on the boundary of a  mappable  physical  page.  The manager
        then translates the segment  address  passed  to it into the
        necessary internal representation to map the pages.

Copyright © 1985 to 2003 Beta Systems                            Last modified: Wednesday April 30, 2003 .