Which video standard should I select?

Different countries use different video standards. When installing Matrox X.tools, you are asked to select the video standard you want to use with your system. You must select the video standard that matches your equipment, which is normally the video standard used in the country where you live. Your Matrox RT.X system supports the NTSC, NTSC-EIAJ, PAL, and SECAM video standards. 

NTSC   National Television Systems Committee. The NTSC RS-170 standard defines a method of broadcasting a color signal that can be received by both monochrome and color TVs. Broadcast systems in North America use the NTSC standard.

NTSC-EIAJ   National Television Systems Committee-Electrical Industries Association of Japan. The NTSC-EIAJ standard defines a black level (setup) of 0 IRE, as opposed to the standard setup of 7.5 IRE for analog NTSC video in North America. Broadcast systems in Japan use the NTSC-EIAJ standard.

PAL   Phase Alternate Line. This is the broadcast video standard for most of Europe.

SECAM   Séquentiel Couleur Avec Mémoire (sequential color with memory). A color television system developed in France and the former USSR. On Matrox RT.X systems, SECAM can be used for video input only. If you select this video standard, the video output will be PAL.

If you'd like to be able to switch your video standard without re-installing Matrox X.tools, select Install all files to be able to switch the video standard without re-installing X.tools. Selecting this option requires considerably more disk space. When you want to switch your video standard, choose Start > Programs > Matrox X.tools > Switch Your Video Standard. You'll be prompted to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.


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