; ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ; º Image-Series º ; º Downloads º ; ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ ; Files are zipped using the latest version of WinZip. If you do not have this version, download a copy from http://www.winzip.com/. ; ; Image Shell 32-bits - Release 3.52A (January 1997) 1530a351.zip 1530a351.zip Image Series Install.....#1530 Rev3.51C (1/1) 1227a352.zip 1227a352.zip Image Shell User's Kit...#1227 Rev3.52A (1/3) 1227b352.zip 1227b352.zip Image Shell User's Kit...#1227 Rev3.52A (2/3) 1227c352.zip 1227c352.zip Image Shell User's Kit...#1227 Rev3.52A (3/3) 1228a34c.zip 1228a34c.zip IM-PGMR Kit/DOS..........#1228 Rev3.41c (1/2) 1228b34c.zip 1228b34c.zip IM-PGMR Kit/DOS..........#1228 Rev3.41c (2/2) 1257a34c.zip 1257a34c.zip IM-PGMR Kit/WIN..........#1257 Rev3.41c (1/3) 1257b34c.zip 1257b34c.zip IM-PGMR Kit/WIN..........#1257 Rev3.41c (2/3) 1257c34c.zip 1257c34c.zip IM-PGMR Kit/WIN..........#1257 Rev3.41c (3/3) 1528a352.zip 1528a352.zip IM-PGMR Kit/Wat+BrlndPP..#1528 Rev3.52 (1/1) 1623a351.zip 1623a351.zip IM-PGMR Kit/NT...........#1623 Rev3.51c (1/1) ; ; MIL Drivers 15252101.zip 15252101.zip MIL Driver for Image.....#1525 Rev2.10 (1/2) 15252102.zip 15252102.zip MIL Driver for Image.....#1525 Rev2.10 (2/2) 1525a220.zip 1525a220.zip MIL-16 Driver for Image..#1525 Rev2.20 (1/2) 1525b220.zip 1525b220.zip MIL-16 Driver for Image..#1525 Rev2.20 (2/2) 1613a300.zip 1613a300.zip MIL-32 Driver for Image..#1613 Rev3.00 (1/1) 1613a310.zip 1613a310.zip MIL-32 Driver for Image..#1613 Rev3.10 (1/1) 1612a310.zip 1612a310.zip MIL-32 Driver for VGA....#1612 Rev3.10 (1/1) ; ; Diagnostics imdiag34a.zip imdiag34a.zip Image Series Diagnostic Revision 3.4....(1/1) ; ; The following are self-contained diagnostics. Install in ; a separate directory and call the batch file. imdia351.zip imdia351.zip IM DIAG Rev 3.51 Self Contained Diag....(1/1) imdiag36.zip imdiag36.zip IM DIAG Rev 3.60 fix for IM-640 & LC....(1/1) ; ; Utilities/Miscellaneous mtxcfg.zip mtxcfg.zip Image-1280 EISA configuration file. iminit.zip iminit.zip Image-Series configuration utility V1.08es. pv_image.zip pv_image.zip Windows pixel viewer V1.20 winalign.zip winalign.zip Windows VGA alignement utility for IM-LC. walign.zip walign.zip WinAlign utility + DLLs for Image-LC......(1/1) shell381.zip shell381.zip IM-Series SHELL.OUT Rev 3.81 10-14-93...(1/1) imgtotif.zip imgtotif.zip Image to TIFF conversion utility........(1/1) imgtotga.zip imgtotga.zip Image to TARGA conversion utility.......(1/1) ; ; Cameras kaf4200.zip kaf4200.zip Camera Files for Kodak KAF4200...........(1/1) megapl16.zip megapl16.zip Camera Files for Kodak MegaPlus 1.6.....(1/1) asd_k16.zip asd_k16.zip ASD Camera Files for Kodak Megaplus 1.6..(1/1)