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September 23, 1998

You are reading the Apocalypse Online pages. These pages bring together all the documentation that you need for your Apocalypse card, in an online, dynamic format.

The Support section deals with any problems you may have when installing or using the card. The Documentation section deals with general information that you can find in the user guide, plus the latest information for getting the best possible performance out of the card.

  Last updated  
Technical support guides you through the steps you should follow if you have a problem.   Sep 23 98 
Troubleshooting lists the most probable reasons for the problem you're having.   Sep 23 98 
Upgrading the drivers takes you through the most effective way to fix most problems.   Sep 23 98 
FAQs are the most Frequently Asked Questions we are asked about Apocalypse 3D cards.   Sep 23 98 
Support notes are our resource for general information or advice on using Apocalypse 3D.   Sep 23 98 
Contacts lists our technical support e-mail addresses, and fax and telephone numbers.   Sep 23 98 
  Last updated 
Updates in this release describes how the latest drivers have been improved over previous generations.   Sep 23 98 
Display Properties page explains how to use the Apocalypse Display Properties page.   Sep 23 98 
Installing the hardware explains how to insert the card into your computer.   Sep 23 98 
Installing the drivers takes you through installing the drivers from the Apocalypse 3D CD-ROM using Windows Plug n'Play.   Sep 23 98 
Removing the card describes how to completely remove the card from your computer, both the hardware and the drivers.   Sep 23 98 
Hints and tips gives you the latest methods for optimising the card's performance.   Sep 23 98 

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