Safety Instructions

                   Power    |    Installation    |    Clean    |    Other   

Do not remove cover(or back). No user serviceable parts inside.
  • This may cause an electric shock or a fire.
  • Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.

If your monitor does not operate normally - in particular, if there are any unusual sounds or smells coming from it - unplug it immediately and contact an authorized dealer or service.
  • This may cause an electric shock or a fire.

Do not place any heavy objects on the monitor.
  • This may cause an electric shock or a fire.

For each hour of looking at the monitor, you should let your eyes rest for 5 minutes.
  • This will reduce eye fatigue.

Do not use or store inflammable substances near the monitor.
  • This may cause an explosion or fire.

Do not try to move the monitor by pulling on the wire or the signal cable.
  • This may cause a breakdown, electric shock or a fire due to damage to the cable.

Do not move the monitor right or left by pulling only the wire or the signal cable.
  • This may cause a breakdown, electric shock or a fire due to damage to the cable.

Never insert anything metallic into the monitor openings.
  • This may cause an electric shock, fire or injury.

Keep the monitor away from any magnetic substances.
  • This may cause discoloring or distortion of the image.