Quick and Dirty 8080 Assembler - Online Help Simulation

[Copyright 1999,2002 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this site in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:  http://nemesis.lonestar.org
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance at nemesis.lonestar.org
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This is a HTML approximation of what the QD.HLP file looks like when displayed by the TRSDOS 6/LS-DOS 6 HELP utility.

Error 1 Error 2 Error 3
Error 4 Error 5 Error 6
Error 7 Error 8 Error 9
Error 10 Error 11 Error 12
Error 13 Error 14 Error 15
Error 16 Error 17 Error 18
Error 19 Error 20 Error 21
Error 22 Error 23 Error 24

Error 1 - Can't Open Source File, Error Was: TRSDOS Error

QD was unable to locate the file you specified at the "Source Filename" prompt. Check your spelling and make sure the correct disk is being used. For additional information, check the Model 4/4P/4D Disk System Owner's Manual for descriptions of the "TRSDOS Error" part of the message.

Error 2 - Can't Open Object File, Error Was: TRSDOS Error

QD was unable to open the file you specifed at the "Object Filename" prompt. Check to make sure that all disks are in the drive(s) and that the drive you specified does not have a write-protect tab on it. For additional information, check the Model 4/4P/4D Disk System Owner's Manual for descriptions of the "TRSDOS Error" part of the message.

Error 3 - End Statement Missing, No Start Address

The end of the source file was reached and no END directive was found. Check the source file and make sure that all lines have been entered. Also make sure that END is spelled correctly and is in the opcode field.

Error 4 - Missing Colon or Instruction in Wrong Field

A label was found in column 1 which did not have a colon terminating it.

Possible Causes:

Error 5 - Label Too Long

The label on this line is longer than eight characters.

Error 6 - Label Already Used

Another line was found with the same label or equate name. Change the label to another name and be sure to fix any references to the label.

Error 7 - Phase Error Detected

This label assembled at a different address during Pass 1. Check for an invalid equate or conditional operation.

Error 8 - Label in Wrong Field

A colon was found on a opcode or symbol in the operation field.


Error 9 - Unknown Opcode

An invalid opcode was detected by the assembler.


Error 10 - Assembly Aborting, TRSDOS Error

An error occurred in one of the following:

Refer to the Model 4/4P/4D Disk System Owner's Manual or Reference Card for information on the error and any action that can be taken.

Error 11 - Too Many Operands

Too many operands were supplied for this opcode or directive. The pointer marks the first excessive operand. A common mistake is to use the MOV opcode to load an immediate value into a register. MVI should be used in this case.

Error 12 - Expression Result Too Large

The result of an expression will not fit into the field of the opcode of directive. A common cause is using 'MVI address' instead of 'LDA address'.

Error 13 - No Label to Assign Equate To

When the equate directive is used, a label must be specified.

Error 14 - Invalid Restart Number

The RST value specified is not valid. On the 8080, the only valid values are 0 through 7.

Error 15 - No Closing Delimiter

An ASCII directive was specified, but no closing delimiter was found on the line. String directives can only be one line long. If you have more text, use additional ASCII directives.

Error 16 - Invalid Expression

In evaluating an expression, an invalid combination of operators and operands was detected. The pointer indicates the point where the assembler became confused, and MAY NOT indicate the actual problem.

Error 17 - Expression Too Complex

An expression can only have 20 nested arguments. If possible, make the expression simplier or break it up.

Error 18 - Missing Expression

An expression was required and none was supplied. Make sure you have used the correct opcode.

Error 19 - Value Too Large

A hexadecimal value was specified that exceeded 16 bits. FFFFH is the largest value allowed in QD.

Error 20 - Division By Zero

An expression was evaluated that would have performed division by zero. A zero will be the outcome of the evaluation.

Error 21 - Syntax Error

Indicates incorrect usage of parameters or arguments on the line. The pointer indicates the start of the incorrect item.

Error 22 - Invalid Operand

An invalid register or other symbol was found. The pointer indicates the improper item.

Error 23 - Missing Operand

An insufficient number of operands were found for the opcode or directive on this line. The pointer indicates where the missing item should be.

Error 24 - symbol is undefined

The symbol used in this expression does not exist in this program. Check the spelling of the label (if present). The pointer indicates which symbol is undefined.

[Copyright 1985,1999,2002 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this site in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:  http://nemesis.lonestar.org
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance at nemesis.lonestar.org
Comments and queries to this address: web_software_2011 at nemesis.lonestar.org]

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