QD 8080 Assembler Instructions (This web page updated 24-Jan-1999) 1. At TRSDOS Ready, type: QD 2. At the prompt: Source Filename> type the name of the file you want to assemble. Be sure to include the extension if the file has one. 3. At the prompt: Object Filename> type the name of the file you want the program stored in. BE SURE YOU ENTER A NAME DIFFERENT FROM THE ONE YOU SPECIFIED AS THE SOURCE FILENAME. 4. QD will then display: Do you want to output the listing to the printer? Respond 'Y' or 'N'. Note: If you are using LINK *DO *PR command to copy all screen output to the printer, reply 'N'. 5. If there are errors during Pass 1, the assembler will allow you to stop the program and fix them without running Pass 2. Program Format and Assembler Directives for QD 8080 Assembler label operation operand comment The label field takes the form: symbol: The label field contains a sequence of alphabetics, numerics, period, percent-sign and dollar-sign, the first character of which must be a letter. Labels may be used on any line, but cannot exceed 8 characters in length. The operation field contains an assembler directive or 8080 machine operation code. The valid assembler directives are: PSECT or ORG sets the program or data origin END terminates the physical program EQU performs a numeric equate DEFB or DB or BYTE defines data bytes DEFW or DW or WORD defines words of storage (double bytes) ASCII or TEXT defines strings of bytes The operand field of the statement contains an expression formed from constant and label operands, with arithmetic, logical, and relational operands on these operands. The valid operators are: arithmetic + - * / ^ The precedence of these operators is: ( ) ^ * / + - A leading semicolon character denotes the comment field, which contains arbitrary characters until the next carriage return or exclamation point character.