Quick EDitor (QED) - Assembly Listing

[Copyright 1999,2002,2007 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
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Model  4/4P  Z80  Assembler     Version  3(5)    Page 1         02/14/99        
Assembly Listing of QED/SRC
QED     Quick EDitor - by Frank Durda IV

E Addr    Obj        Fl  Ln #           Source Line

  0000                  00002   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  0000                  00003   ;       Copyright 1985 and 1999, Frank Durda IV,  All Rights Reserved.
  0000                  00004   ;       Permission is granted for the use of this code in whole or in part
  0000                  00005   ;       provided the copyright and following text description of the
  0000                  00006   ;       programs origins remains intact.  This software, or software
  0000                  00007   ;       containing elements of this software may not be sold for profit,
  0000                  00008   ;       but may be included in a for-sale package provided that any portion
  0000                  00009   ;       containing parts of this software must be made available on demand
  0000                  00010   ;       for no charge or a nominal media charge.
  0000                  00011   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  0000                  00012   
  3000                  00013           psect   3000h
  3000                  00015   
  3000                  00016   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3000                  00017   ;       QED was originally written during the labor day weekend of 1985.
  3000                  00018   ;       During that weekend, both the QED editor and the QD 8080 assembler
  3000                  00019   ;       were written, pretty much from scratch.  I had just been asked to
  3000                  00020   ;       act as a part-time instructor at a local junor college and found that
  3000                  00021   ;       although the school lab had ten Model 4 systems, they only owned four
  3000                  00022   ;       copies of CP/M and so my students (plus those of two other classes)
  3000                  00023   ;       would be fighting over the four systems.   My class had 32 students,
  3000                  00024   ;       and the other sections were at least that large.
  3000                  00025   
  3000                  00026   ;       To resolve the issue, I selected TRSDOS 6, which all the machines had
  3000                  00027   ;       a legal license to run, and I wrote this editor and an assembler to
  3000                  00028   ;       run on TRSDOS 6.  This allowed my students to write, assemble and run
  3000                  00029   ;       their programs on any of the ten systems.  Meanwhile, the full-time
  3000                  00030   ;       instructors were unwilling to learn TRSDOS 6, so they continued to
  3000                  00031   ;       teach the course in the CP/M environment, forcing their sixty students
  3000                  00032   ;       to stand in line for the four copies of CP/M.
  3000                  00033   
  3000                  00034   ;       The user interface of QED is similar to the Logical Systems LED
  3000                  00035   ;       editor, although none of the LED code was used or even referenced in
  3000                  00036   ;       writing QED.   Certain things that made LED unsuitable for writing
  3000                  00037   ;       assembler code were changed, such as tab handling, which QED displays
  3000                  00038   ;       as one would expect them to appear.  A lot of the fancier functions
  3000                  00039   ;       an editor would usually have are absent, but a few things designed for
  3000                  00040   ;       beginners (like being able to undo changes on a line) exist in QED.
  3000                  00041   
  3000                  00042   ;       After 1985, the school stopped teaching the 8080 assembly course, so I
  3000                  00043   ;       never had the opportunity to use this program again.  Apart from
  3000                  00044   ;       fixing a bug or two and adding a few functions that were found to be
  3000                  00045   ;       needed in the lab environment, no further work was done on QED after
  3000                  00046   ;       the fall of 1985.   This history you are reading was added years later
  3000                  00047   ;       when the source code was made available to others.  The comments on
  3000                  00048   ;       the actual assembly code are pretty much what was written on that busy
  3000                  00049   ;       labor day weekend.
  3000                  00051   ;       Because of the time constraints under which QED was written, it should
  3000                  00052   ;       be understood that the QED code was not meant to be a reference or
  3000                  00053   ;       style guide for good coding practices, and there are certainly better
  3000                  00054   ;       algorithms out there for doing certain parts of the work.  However,
  3000                  00055   ;       it does demonstrate the basic requirements of a what-you-see-is-what-
  3000                  00056   ;       you-get editor, and QED could be fleshed-out into a fully functional
  3000                  00057   ;       editor.  The algorithms were written with the idea of handling files
  3000                  00058   ;       larger than available memory, although that capability was never
  3000                  00059   ;       completed.  As I recall, negative line lengths were to indicate that
  3000                  00060   ;       the address pointer was really the offset in a temporary file
  3000                  00061   ;       rather than a memory location.  Positive line lengths indicated the
  3000                  00062   ;       line was still in memory.   The garbage collection routine would
  3000                  00063   ;       not only recover un-used memory, but made judgement calls about moving
  3000                  00064   ;       active lines onto disk so some free memory would always be available.
  3000                  00065   
  3000                  00066   ;       QED starts in "beginners" mode by default, leaving the command menu
  3000                  00067   ;       and tab stops on the screen.   The command keys will also seem strange
  3000                  00068   ;       to experienced computer users, but to beginners, each command key
  3000                  00069   ;       does one and one thing only, and proved to be an easier-to-learn 
  3000                  00070   ;       system.  Also, multi-step operations, like marking a range of text
  3000                  00071   ;       or asking "are you sure" display prompts at the bottom of the screen.
  3000                  00072   ;       Despite all the verbose messages, the editor is less than 5K in size.
  3000                  00073   
  3000                  00074   ;       QED was assembled using a custom assembler largely compatible with the
  3000                  00075   ;       Tandy ALDS assembler, and QED can be assembled without change on ALDS.
  3000                  00076   ;       It can also be assembled using the Misosys EDAS package with just a
  3000                  00077   ;       few changes.
  3000                  00078   
  3000                  00079   ;       Frank Durda IV, January 1999.
  3000                  00080   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3000                  00082   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3000                  00083   ;       Edit History    EDIT HISTORY
  3000                  00084   ;
  3000                  00085   ;       <1>     Initial version, Labor day weekend panic coding project
  3000                  00086   ;               one assembler and one screen-based editor in three days.
  3000                  00087   ;               September 1985  Frank Durda IV
  3000                  00088   ;
  3000                  00089   ;       <2>     Added code to deal with the one-drive systems some people are
  3000                  00090   ;               having to use.  Allows user to swap diskettes if needed.
  3000                  00091   ;               Also added  and  to position over
  3000                  00092   ;               to tab stops.  Minor bug fix here and there.
  3000                  00093   ;               22-Oct-1985  Frank Durda IV
  3000                  00094   ;
  3000                  00095   ;       <3>     Break original source into three files, add commentary.
  3000                  00096   ;               Clean up some formatting for reasonable printing layout.
  3000                  00097   ;               23-Jan-1999  Frank Durda IV
  3000                  00098   ;
  3000                  00099   ;       <4>     Based on original notes, added basic changes for supporting
  3000                  00100   ;               file paging.  These changes only provide the structure not
  3000                  00101   ;               the full functionality.  They do require more memory, so
  3000                  00102   ;               they can be disabled by turning off the conditional BIGFILE.
  3000                  00103   ;               Also wrote the line move and copy routines.  Now the only
  3000                  00104   ;               functions missing from the original design are Search command
  3000                  00105   ;               [CLEAR][1], the Substitute command [CLEAR][2], and the garbage
  3000                  00106   ;               collector, which currently does not exist.  See QEDMEM/SRC.
  3000                  00107   ;               14-Feb-1999  Frank Durda IV
  3000                  00108   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3000                  00109   
  3000                  00110   
  3000                  00112   ldos:   macro   #1
                        00113           ld      a,#1
                        00114           rst     28h
                        00115           endm
  0001                  00116   BIGFILE:equ     1                       ;<4>Enable ability to handle big files
  3000  E5              00118   begin:  push    hl                      ;Save
  3001  CD6A31          00119           call    clear
  3004  210000          00120           ld      hl,0                    ;Get top of memory
  3007  0600            00121           ld      b,0                     ;HIGH$
                        00122           ldos    @high$
  300C  2B              00123           dec     hl
  300D  E5              00124           push    hl
  300E  11AF5A          00125           ld      de,buffer               ;Start of buffer
  3011  B7              00126           or      a
  3012  ED52            00127           sbc     hl,de                   ;Get size of buffer
  3014  E1              00128           pop     hl                      ;Get back @high-1
  3015  3009            00129           jr      nc,some                 ;There is some memory
  3017  210E41          00131           ld      hl,nomem                ;Complain now
                        00132           ldos    @dsply
                        00133           ldos    @abort                  ;Quit
                        00135   ;       File Loader
                        00136   ;       first item on stack points to a filename
  3020  221652          00138   some:   ld      (bufsiz),hl             ;Store memory size
  3023  E1              00139           pop     hl                      ;End of command line
  3024  7E              00140           ld      a,(hl)                  ;Get the character
  3025  FE0D            00141           cp      0dh
  3027  2811            00142           jr      z,fileok                ;Use NONAME/SRC
  3029  11F451          00144           ld      de,fcb                  ;Point at file control block
                        00145           ldos    @fspec                  ;Convert filename
  302F  2809            00146           jr      z,fileok                ;Skip this
  3031  212A41          00148           ld      hl,syerr                ;Complain about filename
                        00149           ldos    @dsply
                        00150           ldos    @abort                  ;Die?  For now, anyway
                        00153   ;       File is ok
  303A  11F451          00155   fileok: ld      de,fcb                  ;Point at FCB
  303D  216941          00156           ld      hl,defext               ;Point at default extension
                        00157           ldos    @fext                   ;Tack on extension
                        00159   ;       See if a drive number was specified
  3043  21F451          00161           ld      hl,fcb                  ;<2>
  3046  7E              00162   drvnxt: ld      a,(hl)                  ;<2>
  3047  FE3A            00163           cp      ':'                     ;<2>
  3049  280B            00164           jr      z,fdrv                  ;<2>Found a drive spec
  304B  FE0D            00165           cp      0dh                     ;<2>
  304D  282F            00166           jr      z,twod                  ;<2>No drivespec, must be a two drive
  304F  FE03            00167           cp      03h                     ;<2>
  3051  282B            00168           jr      z,twod                  ;<2>
  3053  23              00169           inc     hl                      ;<2>
  3054  18F0            00170           jr      drvnxt                  ;<2>Look at next byte
  3056  23              00172   fdrv:   inc     hl                      ;<2>Point at next byte
  3057  7E              00173           ld      a,(hl)                  ;<2>See if it is zero
  3058  FE30            00174           cp      '0'                     ;<2>Drive zero?
  305A  2022            00175           jr      nz,twod                 ;<2>Nope
  305C  3E01            00176           ld      a,1                     ;<2>
  305E  32F741          00177           ld      (drives),a              ;<2>Mark as a one drive system
  3061  21603E          00178           ld      hl,swapin               ;<2>
                        00179           ldos    @dsply                  ;<2>
  3067  21D53E          00180           ld      hl,swapcom              ;<2>
                        00181           ldos    @dsply                  ;<2>
  306D                  00182   fdrvl:  ldos    @key                    ;<2>
  3070  FE0D            00183           cp      0dh                     ;<2>Enter?
  3072  2807            00184           jr      z,twodc                 ;<2>
  3074  FE80            00185           cp      80h                     ;<2>Break?
  3076  20F5            00186           jr      nz,fdrvl                ;<2>
                        00187           ldos    @abort                  ;<2>
                        00189   ;       Init pointers to text
  307B  CD6A31          00191   twodc:  call    clear                   ;<2>
  307E  210000          00192   twod:   ld      hl,0
  3081  22ED51          00193           ld      (ptr),hl                ;Store pointer
  3084  221B52          00194           ld      (end),hl                ;Nothing in the file
  3087  22F251          00195           ld      (top),hl                ;Start drawing here
  308A  3E01            00196           ld      a,1
  308C  321852          00197           ld      (mod),a                 ;Set mod flag so things work
                        00199   ;       Open this sucker
  308F  21AF59          00201           ld      hl,ldbuf                ;Point at buffer
  3092  11F451          00202           ld      de,fcb                  ;Point at FCB
  3095  0600            00203           ld      b,0
                        00204           ldos    @open                   ;Open the file
  309A  2043            00205           jr      nz,notfnd               ;File not found
  309C  AF              00206           xor     a
  309D  321D52          00207           ld      (eof),a                 ;Not EOF
                        00209   ;       File is open, start loading
  30A0  119A51          00211           ld      de,temp                 ;Point at the temp buffer
  30A3  0E00            00212           ld      c,0                     ;Length is at zero
                        00214   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00215   ;       Load the file here
                        00216   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30A5  D5              00218   nxtchk: push    de
  30A6  CD4E31          00219           call    rdnxt                   ;Read a block
  30A9  D1              00220           pop     de
  30AA  7E              00221   nxtbyt: ld      a,(hl)                  ;Get a byte
  30AB  23              00222           inc     hl
  30AC  B7              00224           or      a                       ;Is it a null?
  30AD  CA1F31          00225           jp      z,nxtld                 ;Skip
  30B0  FE0D            00226           cp      0dh                     ;End of line?
  30B2  2843            00227           jr      z,eolld                 ;Yes
  30B4  FE09            00228           cp      9                       ;Is it a tab?
  30B6  280C            00229           jr      z,gottab                ;Convert it
  30B8  12              00231           ld      (de),a                  ;Save byte in temp
  30B9  79              00232           ld      a,c                     ;Test length
  30BA  FE4F            00233           cp      79                      ;Line too long?
  30BC  CA1F31          00234           jp      z,nxtld                 ;Skip this
  30BF  13              00236           inc     de                      ;Advance pointer
  30C0  0C              00237           inc     c                       ;Make line longer
  30C1  C31F31          00238           jp      nxtld                   ;Get next character
                        00240   ;       Found a tab
  30C4  79              00242   gottab: ld      a,c                     ;Get position
                        00243   ;       dec     a                       ;Trick
  30C5  E607            00244           and     7                       ;Find out how many tabs to insert
  30C7  D5              00245           push    de
  30C8  5F              00246           ld      e,a                     ;Save count
  30C9  3E08            00247           ld      a,8
  30CB  93              00248           sub     e
  30CC  5F              00249           ld      e,a                     ;Store corrected value
  30CD  81              00250           add     a,c                     ;Find max position
  30CE  FE4E            00251           cp      78                      ;Is this tab legal?
  30D0  7B              00252           ld      a,e
  30D1  D1              00253           pop     de
  30D2  304B            00254           jr      nc,nxtld                ;Ignore the tab
  30D4  EB              00256           ex      de,hl
  30D5  3620            00257   tabexp: ld      (hl),' '
  30D7  23              00258           inc     hl
  30D8  0C              00259           inc     c                       ;Show line length
  30D9  3D              00260           dec     a
  30DA  20F9            00261           jr      nz,tabexp               ;Expand
  30DC  EB              00262           ex      de,hl                   ;Put things back
  30DD  1840            00263           jr      nxtld                   ;All done, exit
                        00265   ;       File not found
  30DF  AF              00267   notfnd: xor     a                       ;Turn mod off
  30E0  321852          00268           ld      (mod),a                 ;Like this
  30E3  CDD438          00269           call    load                    ;Force top line into temp
  30E6  3A1E52          00270           ld      a,(help)
  30E9  FE11            00271           cp      17
  30EB  CC0B33          00272           call    z,helpon                ;Start with help turned on
  30EE  216C41          00273           ld      hl,fnf
  30F1  CDFE3A          00274           call    doerror                 ;Display it
  30F4  C37831          00275           jp      newchar                 ;Start the fun
                        00278   ;       End of line detected
  30F7  E5              00280   eolld:  push    hl
  30F8  C5              00281           push    bc
  30F9  21EC51          00283           ld      hl,tmpsiz
  30FC  71              00284           ld      (hl),c                  ;Store line length
  30FD  2AED51          00286           ld      hl,(ptr)
  3100  CD5439          00287           call    getpos
  3103  AF              00288           xor     a
  3104  77              00289           ld      (hl),a
  3105  2B              00290           dec     hl
  3106  77              00291           ld      (hl),a
  3107  2B              00292           dec     hl
  3108  77              00293           ld      (hl),a
  3109  2B              00295           dec     hl                      ;<4>
  310A  77              00296           ld      (hl),a                  ;<4>
  310B  CD0A39          00299           call    leave                   ;Force the line to be loaded into mem
  310E  2AED51          00300           ld      hl,(ptr)
  3111  23              00301           inc     hl
  3112  22ED51          00302           ld      (ptr),hl                ;Point at next line
  3115  221B52          00303           ld      (end),hl                ;Set EOF too
  3118  C1              00304           pop     bc
  3119  E1              00305           pop     hl
  311A  0E00            00306           ld      c,0                     ;Set count at zero for next line
  311C  119A51          00307           ld      de,temp                 ;Point at start of buffer again
  311F  05              00309   nxtld:  dec     b                       ;Decrement buffer pointer
  3120  C2AA30          00310           jp      nz,nxtbyt               ;Get another byte
  3123  3A1D52          00312           ld      a,(eof)                 ;Was  that the end
  3126  B7              00313           or      a
  3127  CAA530          00314           jp      z,nxtchk                ;Get another chunk
  312A  11F451          00316           ld      de,fcb
                        00317           ldos    @close                  ;Close file
  3130  210000          00319           ld      hl,0                    ;Point at the start
  3133  22ED51          00320           ld      (ptr),hl                ;Position here
  3136  AF              00322           xor     a                       ;Turn mod off
  3137  321852          00323           ld      (mod),a                 ;Like this
  313A  CDD438          00324           call    load                    ;Force top line into temp
  313D  3A1E52          00325           ld      a,(help)
  3140  FE11            00326           cp      17
  3142  CC0B33          00327           call    z,helpon                ;Start with help turned on
  3145  CD4D3B          00328           call    fixscr                  ;Set up screen
  3148  CD613A          00329           call    fixcur                  ;Fix cursor position
  314B  C37831          00330           jp      newchar                 ;Start the fun
                        00332   ;       Fetch another block from the file
  314E  11F451          00334   rdnxt:  ld      de,fcb                  ;Point at the block
                        00335           ldos    @read                   ;Get a block
  3154  2005            00336           jr      nz,iseof                ;What happened?
  3156  21AF59          00337           ld      hl,ldbuf                ;Point at the buffer
  3159  0600            00338           ld      b,0                     ;Read 256 bytes
  315B                  00340   iseof:  ldos    @ckeof                  ;See if we are the end
  315E  2809            00341           jr      z,noteof
  3160  3AFC51          00342           ld      a,(fcb+8)               ;Get eof byte
  3163  47              00343           ld      b,a                     ;Only read this much from this block
  3164  3E01            00344           ld      a,1
  3166  321D52          00345           ld      (eof),a                 ;Mark the end
  3169  C9              00346   noteof: ret                             ;Return
                        00348   ;       Clear the screen, but leave reverse video active
  316A                  00350   clear:  ldos    @cls
  316D  0E10            00351           ld      c,16                    ;Start reverse video mode
                        00352           ldos    @dsp
  3172  0E11            00353           ld      c,17
                        00354           ldos    @dsp
  3177  C9              00355           ret
                        00357   ;       Include editor command processing code
                        00360   ;       QED     Quick EDitor - by Frank Durda IV
                        00361   ;       Editor commands, insert, delete, modify, save and exit
                        00362   ;       This file is included by QED/SRC
                        00363   ;       Copyright 1985 and 1999, All Rights Reserved.
                        00365   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00366   ;       Come here to do something new - get a command or a character
                        00367   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3178                  00369   newchar:ldos    @key                    ;Get a character from the keyboard
  317B  F5              00370           push    af
  317C  3AF641          00371           ld      a,(error)               ;Before last key, was there a special
  317F  B7              00372           or      a                       ;Message put on the screen?
  3180  280A            00373           jr      z,nms1                  ;No, all is normal
  3182  CD4D3B          00374           call    fixscr                  ;Redraw entire screen
  3185  CD493A          00375           call    updlin                  ;Update working line & number
  3188  AF              00376           xor     a
  3189  32F641          00377           ld      (error),a               ;Reset error
  318C  F1              00378   nms1:   pop     af                      ;Put new character back
  318D  FE20            00379           cp      ' '                     ;Is the character printable
  318F  DA4932          00380           jp      c,ctl                   ;No, below
  3192  FE80            00382           cp      128                     ;Yes
  3194  3803            00383           jr      c,char                  ;It's a printable
  3196  C34932          00384           jp      ctl
                        00386   ;       Handle a printable character
  3199  4F              00388   char:   ld      c,a                     ;Save character
  319A  3E01            00389           ld      a,1
  319C  321952          00390           ld      (fmod),a                ;Mark the file as being modified
  319F  3AF441          00391           ld      a,(status)              ;Get the mode
  31A2  FE01            00393           cp      instxt                  ;Are we insert text
  31A4  2847            00394           jr      z,inschr                ;Need to insert
  31A6  FE04            00395           cp      position                ;Are we positioning?
  31A8  2804            00396           jr      z,char1
  31AA  FE02            00397           cp      marklin
  31AC  2005            00398           jr      nz,okchar
  31AE  C5              00399   char1:  push    bc
  31AF  CDB93A          00400           call    nrmstat                 ;Turn off move
  31B2  C1              00401           pop     bc
                        00403   ;       Replace this character with old character
  31B3  3A1552          00405   okchar: ld      a,(col)                 ;Get our column
  31B6  219A51          00406           ld      hl,temp                 ;Point at temp buffer
  31B9  5F              00407           ld      e,a                     ;Extent
  31BA  1600            00408           ld      d,0
  31BC  19              00409           add     hl,de                   ;Build a pointer
  31BD  71              00410           ld      (hl),c                  ;Store new character
  31BE  1C              00412           inc     e                       ;Make it one's based
  31BF  3AEC51          00413           ld      a,(tmpsiz)              ;Get temp size
  31C2  BB              00414           cp      e                       ;Are we beyond that point?
  31C3  4F              00415           ld      c,a                     ;Put old EOL in C
  31C4  7B              00416           ld      a,e                     ;Put cursor position in A
  31C5  3011            00417           jr      nc,charin               ;Change was within existing line
  31C7  32EC51          00419           ld      (tmpsiz),a              ;Store character
                        00421   ;       Change nulls to spaces
  31CA  91              00423           sub     c                       ;Distance between old end & new end
  31CB  3D              00424           dec     a                       ;Adjust for amount of spaces needed
  31CC  280A            00425           jr      z,charin                ;No blanks needed
  31CE  219A51          00426           ld      hl,temp                 ;Point at the start
  31D1  09              00427           add     hl,bc
  31D2  3620            00428   moresp: ld      (hl),' '                ;A space
  31D4  23              00429           inc     hl
  31D5  3D              00430           dec     a                       ;Decrement count
  31D6  20FA            00431           jr      nz,moresp               ;One more space
  31D8  3A1552          00433   charin: ld      a,(col)                 ;Get our NEW position (again)
  31DB  FE4F            00434           cp      79                      ;Test for end of line
  31DD  2801            00435           jr      z,charend               ;Too far
  31DF  3C              00436           inc     a                       ;Advance pointer
  31E0  321552          00438   charend:ld      (col),a                 ;Set new column
  31E3  3E01            00439           ld      a,1                     ;Mark line "modified"
  31E5  321852          00440           ld      (mod),a                 ;Set it
  31E8  CD493A          00442           call    updlin                  ;Update screen
  31EB  188B            00443           jr      newchar                 ;All done, get another character
                        00445   ;       We are insert character mode, so we need to stretch the line.
  31ED  3AEC51          00447   inschr: ld      a,(tmpsiz)              ;Get current size of line
  31F0  FE50            00448           cp      80                      ;Is it time to stop?
  31F2  2015            00449           jr      nz,insok                ;Ok to do it
  31F4  210E40          00451           ld      hl,stmax                ;Say why we stopped
  31F7  3E01            00452           ld      a,1
  31F9  32F641          00453           ld      (error),a               ;Set error flag
  31FC  CDFE3A          00454           call    doerror                 ;Display reason
  31FF  AF              00455           xor     a
  3200  32F441          00456           ld      (status),a              ;Turn off insert mode
  3203  CD493A          00457           call    updlin                  ;Update help
  3206  C37831          00458           jp      newchar                 ;All done
  3209  C5              00460   insok:  push    bc                      ;Save new character
  320A  5F              00461           ld      e,a                     ;size of line
  320B  1600            00462           ld      d,0
  320D  211552          00464           ld      hl,col                  ;Get current column
  3210  96              00465           sub     (hl)                    ;size-column=bytes to shift
  3211  4F              00466           ld      c,a
  3212  0600            00467           ld      b,0                     ;Build LDIR  count
  3214  1D              00468           dec     e                       ;Make pointer zero based
  3215  219A51          00469           ld      hl,temp                 ;Point at line
  3218  19              00470           add     hl,de                   ;Point at end of line
  3219  5D              00471           ld      e,l
  321A  54              00472           ld      d,h
  321B  13              00473           inc     de                      ;Shift destination
  321C  EDB8            00474           lddr                            ;Shift text
  321E  3A1552          00475           ld      a,(col)                 ;Get column
  3221  5F              00476           ld      e,a
  3222  1600            00477           ld      d,0
  3224  219A51          00478           ld      hl,temp
  3227  19              00479           add     hl,de
  3228  C1              00480           pop     bc
  3229  71              00481           ld      (hl),c                  ;Load new character
  322A  21EC51          00483           ld      hl,tmpsiz               ;Point a line size
  322D  34              00484           inc     (hl)                    ;Inc line length
  322E  3A1552          00486           ld      a,(col)
  3231  FE4F            00487           cp      79                      ;Are we at the limit
  3233  2005            00488           jr      nz,insw                 ;Leave cursor here
  3235  CDB93A          00489           call    nrmstat                 ;Turn off insert mode
  3238  1804            00490           jr      insc
  323A  3C              00492   insw:   inc     a
  323B  321552          00493           ld      (col),a
  323E  3E01            00495   insc:   ld      a,1
  3240  321852          00496           ld      (mod),a                 ;Show we tampered with the line
  3243  CD493A          00497           call    updlin
  3246  C37831          00498           jp      newchar                 ;Get next character
                        00500   ;       Handle special characters
  3249  FE0B            00502   ctl:    cp      11                      ;Is it up arrow
  324B  CAB433          00503           jp      z,uparrow               ;Uparrow pressed
  324E  FE0A            00504           cp      10                      ;Is it down arrow
  3250  CA1834          00505           jp      z,dnarrow               ;Downarrow pressed
  3253  FE0D            00506           cp      13                      ;Is it 
  3255  CA0334          00507           jp      z,enter                 ;Handle it
  3258  FE09            00508           cp      9                       ;Right arrow?
  325A  CA8F33          00509           jp      z,rtarrow               ;Rightarrow pressed
  325D  FE08            00510           cp      8                       ;Back space
  325F  CAA233          00511           jp      z,bkarrow               ;Leftarrow pressed
  3262  FE80            00512           cp      128                     ;Break?
  3264  CA8333          00513           jp      z,break                 ;Stop
  3267  FE18            00514           cp      24                      ;Leftarrow?
  3269  CA5F33          00515           jp      z,goeast
  326C  FE19            00516           cp      25
  326E  CA6A33          00517           jp      z,gowest
  3271  FE1B            00518           cp      27                      ;Upparow?
  3273  CA4E34          00519           jp      z,gonorth
  3276  FE1A            00520           cp      26
  3278  CA8D34          00521           jp      z,gosouth
  327B  FE81            00522           cp      129                     ;?
  327D  CAEB34          00523           jp      z,f1                    ;Insert Characters here
  3280  FE82            00524           cp      130
  3282  CA0B35          00525           jp      z,f2                    ;Delete Characters here
  3285  FE83            00526           cp      131
  3287  CA5D35          00527           jp      z,f3
  328A  FEAD            00528           cp      173                     ;Help toggle?
  328C  CAED32          00529           jp      z,helpx
                        00530   ;       Commands not yet implemented.
                        00531   ;       cp      177                     ;<1>
                        00532   ;       jp      z,search                ;Search for a string
                        00533   ;       cp      178                     ;<2>
                        00534   ;       jp      z,subst                 ;Do a string substution
  328F  FEB3            00535           cp      179                     ;<3>
  3291  CADE33          00536           jp      z,mlines                ;Stretch the listing
  3294  FEB4            00537           cp      180                     ;<4>
  3296  CABF32          00538           jp      z,markit                ;Start/Stop marking
  3299  FEB5            00539           cp      181                     ;<5>
  329B  CA9739          00540           jp      z,dlines                ;Delete lines
  329E  FEB6            00542           cp      182                     ;<6>
  32A0  CABA36          00543           jp      z,movcpy                ;Move something
  32A3  FEB7            00544           cp      183                     ;<7>
  32A5  CABA36          00545           jp      z,movcpy                ;Copy something
  32A8  FEB8            00546           cp      184                     ;<8>
  32AA  CAF835          00547           jp      z,keysave               ;Save right now
  32AD  FEB9            00548           cp      185                     ;<9>
  32AF  CA6E35          00549           jp      z,exit                  ;Exit the editor
  32B2  FE88            00551           cp      136                     ;<2>
  32B4  CAA836          00552           jp      z,ltab                  ;<2>Tab left
  32B7  FE89            00553           cp      137                     ;<2>
  32B9  CA9336          00554           jp      z,rtab                  ;<2>Tab Right
  32BC  C37831          00555           jp      newchar
                        00557   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00558   ;       Mark handler
                        00559   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32BF  3AF441          00561   markit: ld      a,(status)              ;Get status
  32C2  FE02            00562           cp      marklin                 ;Are we marking already?
  32C4  2821            00563           jr      z,mk1                   ;We were marking
  32C6  2AED51          00565           ld      hl,(ptr)
  32C9  ED5B1B52        00566           ld      de,(end)
  32CD  B7              00567           or      a
  32CE  ED52            00568           sbc     hl,de
  32D0  CA7831          00569           jp      z,newchar               ;Can't start marking on end
  32D3  3E02            00571           ld      a,marklin
  32D5  32F441          00572           ld      (status),a
  32D8  CDBF3A          00573           call    fixstat                 ;Fix status
  32DB  2AED51          00575           ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Get our position
  32DE  221F52          00576           ld      (mark),hl               ;Mark it
  32E1  CD4D3B          00577           call    fixscr                  ;Update screen
  32E4  C37831          00578           jp      newchar                 ;Abort line related stuff
  32E7  CDB93A          00580   mk1:    call    nrmstat                 ;Turn off marking and fix screen
  32EA  C37831          00581           jp      newchar                 ;Abort line related stuff
                        00583   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00584   ;       Handle help screen
                        00585   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32ED  3A1E52          00587   helpx:  ld      a,(help)                ;Get the current size
  32F0  FE18            00588           cp      24                      ;Is help off?
  32F2  280B            00589           jr      z,helpy                 ;Turn it on
  32F4  3E18            00590           ld      a,24                    ;Turn help off
  32F6  321E52          00591           ld      (help),a
  32F9  CD4D3B          00592           call    fixscr                  ;Redraw screen
  32FC  C37831          00593           jp      newchar                 ;All done
  32FF  CD0B33          00595   helpy:  call    helpon
  3302  CD4D3B          00596           call    fixscr                  ;Redraw screen
  3305  CD493A          00597           call    updlin                  ;Redraw active line in case it moved
  3308  C37831          00598           jp      newchar                 ;All done
  330B  3E11            00600   helpon: ld      a,17                    ;Amount of screen to use
  330D  321E52          00601           ld      (help),a
  3310  32F541          00602           ld      (ostatus),a             ;Load insave status into old copy
  3313  2AED51          00604           ld      hl,(ptr)
  3316  ED5BF251        00605           ld      de,(top)
  331A  B7              00606           or      a
  331B  ED52            00607           sbc     hl,de
  331D  7D              00608           ld      a,l                     ;Get amount
  331E  D611            00609           sub     16+1                    ;See if cursor is in help-zone
  3320  3808            00610           jr      c,helpok                ;Cursor is ok
  3322  EB              00611           ex      de,hl                   ;Put current top in HL
  3323  1600            00612           ld      d,0
  3325  5F              00613           ld      e,a
  3326  19              00614           add     hl,de                   ;Get new top (was sbc)
  3327  22F251          00615           ld      (top),hl                ;Store it
  332A  210011          00617   helpok: ld      hl,1100h                ;Put cursor here
  332D  0603            00618           ld      b,3                     ;Move cursor
                        00619           ldos    @vdctl
  3332  213A3C          00620           ld      hl,bos                  ;Draw help
                        00621           ldos    @dsply
  3338  210616          00622           ld      hl,1606h
  333B  0603            00623           ld      b,3
                        00624           ldos    @vdctl
  3340  21F451          00625           ld      hl,fcb
  3343  7E              00627   fln:    ld      a,(hl)
  3344  FE0D            00628           cp      0dh
  3346  280B            00629           jr      z,eofl
  3348  FE03            00630           cp      03
  334A  2807            00631           jr      z,eofl
  334C  4F              00632           ld      c,a
                        00633           ldos    @dsp
  3350  23              00634           inc     hl
  3351  18F0            00635           jr      fln
  3353  212F52          00637   eofl:   ld      hl,screen
  3356  0606            00638           ld      b,6
                        00639           ldos    @vdctl                  ;Snap help into our screen
  335B  CDBF3A          00640           call    fixstat                 ;Show the status
  335E  C9              00641           ret
                        00644   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00645   ;       Move cursor to the left
                        00646   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  335F  3AF441          00648   goeast: ld      a,(status)              ;Get the mode
  3362  FE03            00649           cp      inslines                ;Are we inserting lines?
  3364  C4B93A          00650           call    nz,nrmstat              ;Set normal mode and display it
  3367  AF              00651           xor     a
  3368  1810            00652           jr      gowt1                   ;<4>Share common code
                        00655   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00656   ;       Move cursor to the right
                        00657   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  336A  3AF441          00659   gowest: ld      a,(status)              ;Get the mode
  336D  FE03            00660           cp      inslines                ;Are we inserting lines?
  336F  C4B93A          00661           call    nz,nrmstat              ;Set normal status and display
  3372  3AEC51          00663           ld      a,(tmpsiz)              ;Get number of characters
  3375  FE50            00664           cp      80
  3377  2001            00665           jr      nz,gowt1                ;Number is ok
  3379  3D              00666           dec     a                       ;Back up one position
  337A  321552          00667   gowt1:  ld      (col),a
  337D  CD613A          00668           call    fixcur
  3380  C37831          00669           jp      newchar                 ;all done
                        00672   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00673   ;       Abort anything and everything that is going one
                        00674   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3383  CDB93A          00676   break:  call    nrmstat                 ;Go back to mode 0
  3386  CDD438          00678           call    load                    ;Erase changes on this line
  3389  CD4D3B          00679           call    fixscr                  ;Redraw screen just in case
  338C  C37831          00680           jp      newchar                 
                        00682   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00683   ;       Right Arrow Pressed
                        00684   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  338F  3AF441          00686   rtarrow:ld      a,(status)              ;Get the mode
  3392  FE03            00687           cp      inslines                ;Are we inserting lines?
  3394  C4B93A          00688           call    nz,nrmstat              ;Go back to mode 0
  3397  3A1552          00690           ld      a,(col)                 ;Get current column
  339A  FE4F            00691           cp      79                      ;Are we at the end already?
  339C  CA7831          00692           jp      z,newchar               ;Then ignore this
  339F  3C              00693           inc     a                       ;Advance column
  33A0  18D8            00694           jr      gowt1                   ;<4>
                        00697   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00698   ;       Left Arrow Pressed
                        00699   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33A2  3AF441          00701   bkarrow:ld      a,(status)              ;Get the mode
  33A5  FE03            00702           cp      inslines                ;Are we inserting lines?
  33A7  C4B93A          00703           call    nz,nrmstat              ;Go back to mode 0
  33AA  3A1552          00705           ld      a,(col)                 ;Get current column
  33AD  B7              00706           or      a                       ;Where are we?
  33AE  CA7831          00707           jp      z,newchar               ;Don't bother to move, at column 0
  33B1  3D              00709           dec     a                       ;Back up cursor
  33B2  18C6            00710           jr      gowt1                   ;<4>
                        00713   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00714   ;       Handle Uparrow
                        00715   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33B4  3AF441          00717   uparrow:ld      a,(status)              ;Get the mode
  33B7  FE04            00718           cp      position
  33B9  2805            00719           jr      z,up1
  33BB  FE02            00720           cp      marklin                 ;Are we marking lines?
  33BD  C4B93A          00721           call    nz,nrmstat              ;Go back to mode 0
  33C0  2AED51          00723   up1:    ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Get current position
  33C3  7C              00724           ld      a,h
  33C4  B5              00725           or      l
  33C5  CA7831          00726           jp      z,newchar               ;At the top, don't go higher
  33C8  2B              00728           dec     hl
  33C9  E5              00729           push    hl
  33CA  CD0A39          00730           call    leave                   ;Flush temp buffer
  33CD  E1              00731           pop     hl
  33CE  22ED51          00732           ld      (ptr),hl                ;Store updated position
  33D1  CDD438          00733           call    load                    ;Load new line into temp
  33D4  CD4D3B          00734           call    fixscr                  ;Make any needed screen changes
  33D7  AF              00735           xor     a                       ;Turn off mod
  33D8  321852          00736           ld      (mod),a
  33DB  C37831          00737           jp      newchar                 ;Exit any insert
                        00740   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00741   ;       Insert lines
                        00742   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33DE  2A1B52          00744   mlines: ld      hl,(end)
  33E1  ED5BED51        00745           ld      de,(ptr)
  33E5  B7              00746           or      a
  33E6  ED52            00747           sbc     hl,de
  33E8  CA7831          00748           jp      z,newchar               ;At bottom, insert not needed
  33EB  3E03            00750           ld      a,inslines
  33ED  32F441          00751           ld      (status),a              ;Set addline flag
  33F0  CD6839          00752           call    newlin
  33F3  CDD438          00753           call    load
  33F6  CDBF3A          00754           call    fixstat                 ;Fix the status
  33F9  CD4D3B          00755           call    fixscr                  ;Fix the screen
  33FC  AF              00756           xor     a
  33FD  321852          00757           ld      (mod),a
  3400  C37831          00758           jp      newchar                 ;All is well
                        00761   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00762   ;       Handle Enter  (Shares parts of Downarrow)
                        00763   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3403  AF              00765   enter:  xor     a
  3404  321552          00766           ld      (col),a                 ;Set Column 0
  3407  3AF441          00767           ld      a,(status)              ;Get our status
  340A  B7              00768           or      a
  340B  2804            00769           jr      z,ent1
  340D  FE01            00770           cp      instxt                  ;Are we in insert mode?
  340F  2013            00771           jr      nz,god1                 ;No, not special case
  3411  3E01            00772   ent1:   ld      a,1                     ;Force mod flag
  3413  321852          00773           ld      (mod),a                 ;This will make  create a line
  3416  180C            00774           jr      god1
                        00776   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00777   ;       Handle Downarrow
                        00778   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3418  3AF441          00780   dnarrow:ld      a,(status)              ;Get the mode
  341B  FE04            00781           cp      position
  341D  2805            00782           jr      z,god1
  341F  FE02            00783           cp      marklin                 ;Are we marking lines?
  3421  C4B93A          00784           call    nz,nrmstat              ;Go back to mode 0
  3424  CD0A39          00786   god1:   call    leave                   ;This may create a new line
  3427  ED5BED51        00787           ld      de,(ptr)                ;Get current position
  342B  2A1B52          00788           ld      hl,(end)                ;Get last line number
  342E  B7              00789           or      a
  342F  ED52            00790           sbc     hl,de                   ;Are we at the end?
  3431  CA4134          00791           jp      z,jstld                 ;Yes don't go further
  3434  EB              00793           ex      de,hl
  3435  23              00794           inc     hl                      ;Advance line
  3436  22ED51          00795           ld      (ptr),hl                ;Store pointer
  3439  3AF441          00796           ld      a,(status)              ;Are we in line-insert mode?
  343C  FE03            00797           cp      inslines
  343E  CC6839          00798           call    z,newlin                ;Do it if we are in that mode
  3441  CDD438          00800   jstld:  call    load                    ;Load new line
  3444  CD4D3B          00801           call    fixscr                  ;Make any needed screen changes
  3447  AF              00802           xor     a
  3448  321852          00803           ld      (mod),a                 ;Turn off mod
  344B  C37831          00804           jp      newchar                 ;All done, exit
                        00806   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00807   ;       Handle Shift Upparrow  (go to top of frame)
                        00808   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  344E  3AF441          00810   gonorth:ld      a,(status)              ;Get the mode
  3451  FE04            00811           cp      position
  3453  2805            00812           jr      z,gonor1
  3455  FE02            00813           cp      marklin                 ;Are we marking lines?
  3457  C4B93A          00814           call    nz,nrmstat              ;Go to mode 0
  345A  CD0A39          00816   gonor1: call    leave                   ;Leave the line we are on
  345D  2AED51          00817           ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Get our position
  3460  ED5BF251        00818           ld      de,(top)                ;Get top of frame
  3464  B7              00819           or      a
  3465  ED52            00820           sbc     hl,de                   ;Find out if we are there
  3467  280D            00821           jr      z,gonnth                ;Go up another frame
                        00823   ;       Simply position cursor on top line
  3469  ED53ED51        00825           ld      (ptr),de                ;Set new line
  346D  CDD438          00826   ncom:   call    load                    ;Load into temp
  3470  CD4D3B          00827           call    fixscr                  ;Fix the screen
  3473  C37831          00828           jp      newchar                 ;All done
                        00830   ;       Handle long throws
  3476  EB              00832   gonnth: ex      de,hl                   ;Put current top in HL
  3477  3A1E52          00833           ld      a,(help)                ;Get screen size
  347A  5F              00834           ld      e,a
  347B  1600            00835           ld      d,0
  347D  B7              00836           or      a
  347E  ED52            00837           sbc     hl,de                   ;See if this will fit
  3480  3003            00838           jr      nc,nthok                ;Move is ok
  3482  210000          00839           ld      hl,0                    ;Go to the top
  3485  22F251          00841   nthok:  ld      (top),hl                ;Set top
  3488  22ED51          00842           ld      (ptr),hl                ;Set cursor
  348B  18E0            00843           jr      ncom                    ;Go to common code
                        00845   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00846   ;       Handle Going to bottom of frame
                        00847   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  348D  3AF441          00849   gosouth:ld      a,(status)              ;Get the mode
  3490  FE04            00850           cp      position
  3492  2805            00851           jr      z,gosou1
  3494  FE02            00852           cp      marklin                 ;Are we marking lines?
  3496  C4B93A          00853           call    nz,nrmstat              ;Go to mode 0
  3499  CD0A39          00855   gosou1: call    leave                   ;Unload current line
  349C  2AF251          00856           ld      hl,(top)                ;Get top of frame
  349F  3A1E52          00857           ld      a,(help)
  34A2  3D              00858           dec     a                       ;Make zero based
  34A3  5F              00859           ld      e,a
  34A4  1600            00860           ld      d,0
  34A6  19              00861           add     hl,de                   ;Get last line on frame
  34A7  EB              00862           ex      de,hl                   ;Put bottom of frame in DE
  34A8  2AED51          00863           ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Find out if we are there
  34AB  B7              00864           or      a
  34AC  ED52            00865           sbc     hl,de                   ;Are we there?
  34AE  2815            00866           jr      z,gofars                ;Yes, so jump further
  34B0  2A1B52          00868           ld      hl,(end)                ;Make sure this is ok
  34B3  B7              00869           or      a
  34B4  ED52            00870           sbc     hl,de
  34B6  3822            00871           jr      c,stharg                ;No, too far
  34B8  ED53ED51        00872           ld      (ptr),de                ;Point at bottom
  34BC  CDD438          00873           call    load                    ;Load line
  34BF  CD4D3B          00874           call    fixscr                  ;Fix the screen
  34C2  C37831          00875           jp      newchar                 ;Abort any insert
                        00877   ;       We were at the bottom of a frame, so go to the next one
  34C5  13              00879   gofars: inc     de                      ;Proposed top
  34C6  ED53F251        00880           ld      (top),de                ;Make this the bottom
  34CA  3A1E52          00881           ld      a,(help)
  34CD  6F              00882           ld      l,a
  34CE  2600            00883           ld      h,0
  34D0  19              00884           add     hl,de
  34D1  EB              00885           ex      de,hl                   ;Save suggested ptr here
  34D2  2A1B52          00886           ld      hl,(end)                ;Find out where end is
  34D5  B7              00887           or      a
  34D6  ED52            00888           sbc     hl,de                   ;See if our bottom is in the file
  34D8  3004            00889           jr      nc,gfarsx               ;Ok
  34DA  ED5B1B52        00890   stharg: ld      de,(end)                ;Too far, use END of file
  34DE  ED53ED51        00891   gfarsx: ld      (ptr),de                ;All done
  34E2  CDD438          00892           call    load                    ;Bring whatever it is up
  34E5  CD4D3B          00893           call    fixscr                  ;Update drawing
  34E8  C37831          00894           jp      newchar
                        00896   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00897   ;       Handle    Start insert mode
                        00898   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34EB  3AEC51          00900   f1:     ld      a,(tmpsiz)              ;Get current line size
  34EE  B7              00901           or      a
  34EF  CA7831          00902           jp      z,newchar               ;Can't do insert unless line has text
  34F2  FE50            00903           cp      80                      ;Get line size
  34F4  CA7831          00904           jp      z,newchar               ;Line is at max size now
  34F7  47              00905           ld      b,a                     ;Save line length
  34F8  3A1552          00906           ld      a,(col)                 ;Get current column
  34FB  3C              00907           inc     a                       ;Make ones' based
  34FC  B8              00908           cp      b                       ;Only insert inside text
  34FD  D27831          00909           jp      nc,newchar              ;After end of line, end of text
                        00911   ;       Okay to be insert mode
  3500  3E01            00913           ld      a,instxt                ;Set message
  3502  32F441          00914           ld      (status),a              ;Like this
  3505  CDBF3A          00915           call    fixstat                 ;Show new status
  3508  C37831          00916           jp      newchar                 ;Do next character
                        00919   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00920   ;       Handle    Delete a character here
                        00921   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  350B  CDB93A          00923   f2:     call    nrmstat                 ;Go to mode 0
  350E  3E01            00924           ld      a,1
  3510  321952          00925           ld      (fmod),a                ;Mark the file as modified
  3513  3A1552          00926           ld      a,(col)                 ;Get our position
  3516  47              00927           ld      b,a                     ;Put our position
  3517  3AEC51          00928           ld      a,(tmpsiz)              ;Get current line size
  351A  B7              00929           or      a
  351B  CA7831          00930           jp      z,newchar               ;Screen does not change here
  351E  04              00931           inc     b                       ;Advance one
  351F  68              00932           ld      l,b                     ;Get a copy of the last character
  3520  90              00933           sub     b                       ;Can it be deleted
  3521  DA7831          00934           jp      c,newchar               ;No, out of range
  3524  2810            00935           jr      z,f2x
                        00937   ;       Character is ok
  3526  2600            00939           ld      h,0
  3528  119A51          00940           ld      de,temp
  352B  19              00941           add     hl,de                   ;HL points at character to move
  352C  5D              00942           ld      e,l
  352D  54              00943           ld      d,h
  352E  1B              00944           dec     de                      ;New position
  352F  4F              00945           ld      c,a
  3530  0600            00946           ld      b,0                     ;Amount to move
  3532  EDB0            00947           ldir                            ;Move data
  3534  1812            00948           jr      f2y
  3536  3A1552          00950   f2x:    ld      a,(col)
  3539  119A51          00951           ld      de,temp
  353C  6F              00952           ld      l,a
  353D  2600            00953           ld      h,0
  353F  2C              00954           inc     l
  3540  19              00955           add     hl,de
  3541  B7              00956           or      a
  3542  2804            00957           jr      z,f2y
  3544  3D              00958           dec     a
  3545  321552          00959           ld      (col),a
  3548  2B              00961   f2y:    dec     hl                      ;Back up slightly
  3549  3620            00962           ld      (hl),' '                ;Tack a space on the end
  354B  3AEC51          00963           ld      a,(tmpsiz)              ;Get current line size
  354E  3D              00964           dec     a
  354F  32EC51          00965           ld      (tmpsiz),a              ;Store updated line
  3552  CD493A          00966           call    updlin                  ;Do it
  3555  3E01            00967           ld      a,1
  3557  321852          00968           ld      (mod),a                 ;Set mod flag
  355A  C37831          00969           jp      newchar                 ;All done
                        00971   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00972   ;       Undo changes on this line
                        00973   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  355D  3AF441          00975   f3:     ld      a,(status)
  3560  FE02            00976           cp      marklin
  3562  C4B93A          00977           call    nz,nrmstat              ;Set mode zero
  3565  CDD438          00979           call    load
  3568  CD493A          00980           call    updlin                  ;Do it
  356B  C37831          00981           jp      newchar                 ;All done
                        00983   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        00984   ;       Exit the editor
                        00985   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  356E  0603            00987   exit:   ld      b,3
  3570  210017          00988           ld      hl,1700h                ;Point here
                        00989           ldos    @vdctl
  3576  3A1952          00990           ld      a,(fmod)                ;Has anything been done?
  3579  B7              00991           or      a
  357A  2819            00992           jr      z,enc                   ;Nothing has changed
                        00994   ;       Make sure they want to do this
  357C  216740          00996           ld      hl,exmsg
                        00997           ldos    @dsply
                        00998           ldos    @key
  3585  E65F            00999           and     5fh
  3587  FE4E            01000           cp      'N'
  3589  2812            01001           jr      z,equit
  358B  FE59            01002           cp      'Y'
  358D  280E            01003           jr      z,equit
  358F  CD4D3B          01005           call    fixscr
  3592  C37831          01006           jp      newchar
  3595  215240          01008   enc:    ld      hl,ncmsg
                        01009           ldos    @dsply
  359B  180D            01010           jr      quit                    ;Handle media swap
  359D  4F              01012   equit:  ld      c,a
                        01013           ldos    @dsp
  35A1  FE4E            01014           cp      'N'
  35A3  2805            01015           jr      z,quit
  35A5  CD2536          01017           call    save                    ;Save changes
  35A8  201D            01018           jr      nz,nosave
  35AA  3AF741          01019   quit:   ld      a,(drives)              ;<2>Get drive count
  35AD  FE01            01020           cp      1                       ;<2>One drive system?
  35AF  2010            01021           jr      nz,quit1                ;<2>No, just exit
                        01022           ldos    @cls                    ;<2>
  35B4  219B3E          01023           ld      hl,swapout              ;<2>Give them a chance to exit
                        01024           ldos    @dsply                  ;<2>
  35BA                  01025   quitl:  ldos    @key                    ;<2>
  35BD  FE0D            01026           cp      0dh                     ;<2>
  35BF  20F9            01027           jr      nz,quitl                ;<2>
  35C1  210000          01029   quit1:  ld      hl,0
                        01030           ldos    @exit
  35C7  FE25            01032   nosave: cp      37                      ;Is it illegal access?
  35C9  2002            01033           jr      nz,nosav1
  35CB  3E0F            01034           ld      a,15                    ;Then change it to write-protected err
  35CD  F6C0            01035   nosav1: or      0c0h
  35CF  4F              01036           ld      c,a
  35D0  C5              01037           push    bc
                        01038           ldos    @flags
  35D4  FDCB02FE        01039           set     7,(iy+2)                ;Put text in our buffer
  35D8  11A441          01040           ld      de,errtmp
  35DB  C1              01041           pop     bc
                        01042           ldos    @error
  35DF  21A441          01043           ld      hl,errtmp
  35E2  3E0D            01044           ld      a,0dh
  35E4  BE              01045   erfnlp: cp      (hl)
  35E5  2803            01046           jr      z,erdncr
  35E7  23              01047           inc     hl
  35E8  18FA            01048           jr      erfnlp
  35EA  3611            01050   erdncr: ld      (hl),17
  35EC  23              01051           inc     hl
  35ED  3603            01052           ld      (hl),3
  35EF  219241          01053           ld      hl,nos
  35F2  CDFE3A          01054           call    doerror
  35F5  C37831          01055           jp      newchar
                        01058   ;       Save the internal buffer off to a file
  35F8  210017          01060   keysave:ld      hl,1700h
  35FB  0603            01061           ld      b,3
                        01062           ldos    @vdctl
  3600  219040          01063           ld      hl,savf
                        01064           ldos    @dsply
  3606  CD2536          01065           call    save
  3609  C2C735          01066           jp      nz,nosave               ;Share no save edit code
  360C  210017          01067           ld      hl,1700h
  360F  0603            01068           ld      b,3
                        01069           ldos    @vdctl
  3614  21A140          01070           ld      hl,savok
                        01071           ldos    @dsply
  361A  CD613A          01072           call    fixcur                  ;<2>Update cursor position
  361D  3E01            01073           ld      a,1
  361F  32F641          01074           ld      (error),a               ;<2>Fake an error so screen will be
                        01075                                           ;<2>redrawn on next keystroke.
  3622  C37831          01076           jp      newchar
                        01078   ;       Do the actual save of a buffer to disk.
  3625  CDB93A          01080   save:   call    nrmstat                 ;Set mode 0
  3628  CD0A39          01081           call    leave
  362B  11F451          01082           ld      de,fcb
  362E  0600            01083           ld      b,0
  3630  21AF59          01084           ld      hl,ldbuf                ;Point at a buffer
                        01085           ldos    @init                   ;Try to open the file
  3636  C0              01086           ret     nz                      ;Can't, stop now
  3637  2AED51          01088           ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Get current pointer
  363A  22F051          01089           ld      (tmpcur),hl             ;Put it here
  363D  210000          01090           ld      hl,0
  3640  22ED51          01091           ld      (ptr),hl                ;Start with this line
  3643  ED5BED51        01093           ld      de,(ptr)                ;Find out where we are
  3647  2A1B52          01094   savlp2: ld      hl,(end)                ;Are we done?
  364A  B7              01095           or      a
  364B  ED52            01096           sbc     hl,de
  364D  2827            01097           jr      z,savend                ;All done
  364F  CD5439          01099           call    getpos                  ;Get position
  3652  EB              01100           ex      de,hl                   ;HL has pointer to the text
  3653  47              01101           ld      b,a                     ;Get length
  3654  B7              01103           or      a
  3655  11F451          01104           ld      de,fcb
  3658  2809            01105           jr      z,savnl                 ;Empty line
  365A  4E              01107   savlp1: ld      c,(hl)                  ;Get a character
                        01108           ldos    @put                    ;Write character
  365E  2029            01109           jr      nz,wpsav                ;Write failed
  3660  23              01110           inc     hl
  3661  10F7            01111           djnz    savlp1                  ;Loop
  3663  0E0D            01113   savnl:  ld      c,0dh                   ;End line
                        01114           ldos    @put                    ;Terminate line
  3668  C28936          01115           jp      nz,wpsav                ;Write failed
  366B  ED5BED51        01117           ld      de,(ptr)                ;Get line number
  366F  13              01118           inc     de
  3670  ED53ED51        01119           ld      (ptr),de                ;Save it
  3674  18D1            01120           jr      savlp2
  3676  11F451          01122   savend: ld      de,fcb
                        01123           ldos    @close                  ;Close the file
  367C  2004            01124           jr      nz,savq
  367E  AF              01125           xor     a
  367F  321952          01126           ld      (fmod),a                ;A copy now exists on disk.
  3682  2AF051          01127   savq:   ld      hl,(tmpcur)
  3685  22ED51          01128           ld      (ptr),hl                ;Put cursor back
  3688  C9              01129           ret                             ;All done, good or bad
  3689  F5              01131   wpsav:  push    af                      ;Save error
  368A  11F451          01132           ld      de,fcb
                        01133           ldos    @close                  ;Try to close this file
  3690  F1              01134           pop     af
  3691  18EF            01135           jr      savq                    ;Return NZ
                        01138   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01139   ;       Move cursor to adjacent tab stops
                        01140   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3693  3A1552          01142   rtab:   ld      a,(col)                 ;<2>Get column
  3696  FE48            01143           cp      72                      ;<2>Too far over?
  3698  D27831          01144           jp      nc,newchar              ;<2>Ignore command
  369B  E6F8            01145           and     0f8h
  369D  C608            01146           add     a,8                     ;<2>Advance to next tab stop
  369F  321552          01147   tabc:   ld      (col),a                 ;<2>Save new position
  36A2  CD493A          01148           call    updlin                  ;<2>Update line
  36A5  C37831          01149           jp      newchar                 ;<2>All done
  36A8  211552          01152   ltab:   ld      hl,col                  ;<2>
  36AB  7E              01153           ld      a,(hl)                  ;<2>
  36AC  FE08            01154           cp      8                       ;<2>Are we too close to the left?
  36AE  DA5F33          01155           jp      c,goeast                ;<2>Pretend it was a 
  36B1  E6F8            01156           and     0f8h
  36B3  BE              01157           cp      (hl)                    ;<2>Did that may any effect?
  36B4  20E9            01158           jr      nz,tabc                 ;<2>Then use it
  36B6  D608            01159           sub     8                       ;<2>Adjust position by 8
  36B8  18E5            01160           jr      tabc                    ;<2>Handle common
                        01162   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01163   ;       Move or Copy Lines from one place to another
                        01164   ;
                        01165   ;       Copies and moves are handled in a state machine fashion.
                        01166   ;       [CLEAR][4] is used to start marking.  The area is marked by moving
                        01167   ;       the arrow keys, then [CLEAR][6] or [CLEAR][7] is used to mark the
                        01168   ;       end of the marked region.  The cursor is now moved to the destination
                        01169   ;       of the copy/move.  Now [CLEAR][6] is pressed to Move or [CLEAR][7]
                        01170   ;       is pressed to Copy.  Pressing other command keys aborts the process,
                        01171   ;       except for delete, which will happily delete the marked region.
                        01172   ;
                        01173   ;<4>    This entire function was added in Edit 4.
                        01174   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36BA  321A52          01176   movcpy: ld      (cmdwas),a              ;Save command type for later
  36BD  3AF441          01177           ld      a,(status)
  36C0  FE02            01178           cp      marklin                 ;See if they have been marking
  36C2  280D            01179           jr      z,move1                 ;Yes
  36C4  FE04            01180           cp      position                ;Is this the confirmation?
  36C6  281D            01181           jr      z,move2
                        01183   ;       Not in right mode, display an error, and exit
  36C8  21CA3F          01185           ld      hl,nomrk                ;No block marked
  36CB  CDFE3A          01186           call    doerror                 ;Display it
  36CE  C37831          01187           jp      newchar
                        01189   ;       Ok, enter position mode
  36D1  3E04            01191   move1:  ld      a,position              ;Position mode
  36D3  32F441          01192           ld      (status),a
  36D6  CDBF3A          01193           call    fixstat                 ;
  36D9  CD4D3B          01194           call    fixscr
  36DC  2AED51          01195           ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Get where we are
  36DF  22F051          01196           ld      (tmpcur),hl             ;Save other end of marked region
  36E2  C37831          01197           jp      newchar                 ;Do next character
                        01199   ;       Ok, do the deed and figure out what the marked range is
  36E5  2A2152          01201   move2:  ld      hl,(emark)
  36E8  ED5B1F52        01202           ld      de,(mark)
  36EC  B7              01203           or      a
  36ED  ED52            01204           sbc     hl,de
  36EF  300C            01205           jr      nc,move3                ;HL = Length -1
  36F1  2A2152          01206           ld      hl,(emark)
  36F4  221F52          01207           ld      (mark),hl
  36F7  ED532152        01208           ld      (emark),de
  36FB  18E8            01209           jr      move2                   ;Do math again
                        01211   ;       Now, determine if the destination is sane.   Moves into the marked
                        01212   ;       region are not allowed.   emark should be the highest address
                        01213   ;       while mark is the lowest.
  36FD  2A1B52          01215   move3:  ld      hl,(end)
  3700  ED5B2152        01216           ld      de,(emark)
  3704  B7              01217           or      a
  3705  ED52            01218           sbc     hl,de                   ;See if range includes "END"
  3707  2005            01219           jr      nz,move31
  3709  1B              01220           dec     de
  370A  ED532152        01221           ld      (emark),de              ;Adjust size of range a bit
  370E  ED5B1F52        01223   move31: ld      de,(mark)
  3712  2AED51          01224           ld      hl,(ptr)
  3715  B7              01225           or      a
  3716  ED52            01226           sbc     hl,de
  3718  0601            01227           ld      b,1
  371A  381B            01228           jr      c,move5                 ;Before block - ok
  371C  2A2152          01229           ld      hl,(emark)
  371F  ED5BED51        01230           ld      de,(ptr)
  3723  B7              01231           or      a
  3724  ED52            01232           sbc     hl,de
  3726  0600            01233           ld      b,0
  3728  380D            01234           jr      c,move5                 ;After block
  372A  212F40          01235           ld      hl,badrge
  372D  CDFE3A          01236           call    doerror
  3730  AF              01237           xor     a
  3731  32F441          01238           ld      (status),a              ;Set status but leave msg on screen
  3734  C37831          01239           jp      newchar
                        01241   ;       Here we have found nothing wrong with the range or destination, so
                        01242   ;       actually do the move.  The move is actually done one line at a time
                        01243   ;       to allow the existing insert/delete routes to be used.
                        01244   ;       B = direction of the transfer =1 lower, use lddr, =0 above, use ldir
                        01245   ;       IX = length of the transfer
  3737  C5              01247   move5:  push    bc
  3738  CD0A39          01248           call    leave
  373B  C1              01249           pop     bc
  373C  3A1A52          01250           ld      a,(cmdwas)              ;What is it, copy or move?
  373F  FEB7            01251           cp      183                     ;Copy?
  3741  CA0138          01252           jp      z,docopy                ;Then copy!
  3744  78              01253           ld      a,b
  3745  FE01            01254           cp      1                       ;Which mode do we use?
  3747  2837            01255           jr      z,move6                 ;lddr
                        01257   ;       Here we are moving lines higher than they were
  3749  2AED51          01259           ld      hl,(ptr)
  374C  2B              01260           dec     hl
  374D  ED5B1F52        01261           ld      de,(mark)
  3751  CDF737          01262           call    movelen                 ;LDIR Length comes back in BC
  3754  2A2152          01263           ld      hl,(emark)
  3757  ED5B1F52        01264           ld      de,(mark)
  375B  B7              01265           or      a
  375C  ED52            01266           sbc     hl,de                   ;Number of loops through process
  375E  23              01267           inc     hl
  375F  E5              01268   movilp: push    hl
  3760  C5              01269           push    bc
  3761  2A1F52          01270           ld      hl,(mark)               ;Figure position in 
  3764  CD6139          01271           call    getptr                  ;Table pointer in HL
  3767  CDCB37          01272           call    savtbl                  ;Save current entry at HL
  376A  54              01273           ld      d,h
  376B  5D              01274           ld      e,l
  376C  23              01275           inc     hl                      ;Increment by table entry size
  376D  23              01276           inc     hl
  376E  23              01277           inc     hl
  376F  23              01279           inc     hl                      ;<4>
  3770  EDB0            01281           ldir
  3772  62              01282           ld      h,d
  3773  6B              01283           ld      l,e
  3774  CDE137          01284           call    restbl
  3777  C1              01285           pop     bc
  3778  E1              01286           pop     hl
  3779  2B              01287           dec     hl
  377A  7C              01288           ld      a,h
  377B  B5              01289           or      l
  377C  20E1            01290           jr      nz,movilp
  377E  1833            01291           jr      movdone
                        01293   ;       Here we move lines lower than they were
  3780  2A2152          01295   move6:  ld      hl,(emark)
  3783  ED5BED51        01296           ld      de,(ptr)
  3787  CDF737          01297           call    movelen                 ;LDDR Length comes back in BC
  378A  2A2152          01298           ld      hl,(emark)
  378D  ED5B1F52        01299           ld      de,(mark)
  3791  B7              01300           or      a
  3792  ED52            01301           sbc     hl,de                   ;Number of loops through process
  3794  23              01302           inc     hl
  3795  E5              01303   movdlp: push    hl
  3796  C5              01304           push    bc
  3797  2A2152          01305           ld      hl,(emark)              ;Figure position in 
  379A  CD6139          01306           call    getptr                  ;Table pointer in HL
  379D  CDCB37          01307           call    savtbl                  ;Save current entry at HL
  37A0  54              01308           ld      d,h
  37A1  5D              01309           ld      e,l
  37A2  13              01310           inc     de
  37A3  13              01311           inc     de
  37A4  13              01313           inc     de                      ;Point at last byte of entry
  37A5  2B              01315           dec     hl                      ;Point at last byte of prev entry
  37A6  EDB8            01316           lddr
  37A8  23              01317           inc     hl
  37A9  CDE137          01318           call    restbl
  37AC  C1              01319           pop     bc
  37AD  E1              01320           pop     hl
  37AE  2B              01321           dec     hl
  37AF  7C              01322           ld      a,h
  37B0  B5              01323           or      l
  37B1  20E2            01324           jr      nz,movdlp
                        01326   ;       Move complete, clean up.
  37B3  3E01            01328   movdone:ld      a,1
  37B5  321952          01329           ld      (fmod),a                ;Mark the file as modified
  37B8  AF              01330           xor     a
  37B9  32F441          01331           ld      (status),a              ;Put things back to normal
  37BC  CDBF3A          01332           call    fixstat
  37BF  CD4D3B          01333           call    fixscr
  37C2  CDD438          01334           call    load
  37C5  CD493A          01335           call    updlin
  37C8  C37831          01336           jp      newchar
  37CB  E5              01338   savtbl: push    hl
  37CC  7E              01339           ld      a,(hl)
  37CD  329A51          01340           ld      (temp),a
  37D0  23              01341           inc     hl
  37D1  7E              01342           ld      a,(hl)
  37D2  329B51          01343           ld      (temp+1),a
  37D5  23              01344           inc     hl
  37D6  7E              01345           ld      a,(hl)
  37D7  329C51          01346           ld      (temp+2),a
  37DA  23              01348           inc     hl
  37DB  7E              01349           ld      a,(hl)
  37DC  329D51          01350           ld      (temp+3),a
  37DF  E1              01352           pop     hl
  37E0  C9              01353           ret
  37E1  E5              01355   restbl: push    hl
  37E2  3A9A51          01356           ld      a,(temp)
  37E5  77              01357           ld      (hl),a
  37E6  23              01358           inc     hl
  37E7  3A9B51          01359           ld      a,(temp+1)
  37EA  77              01360           ld      (hl),a
  37EB  23              01361           inc     hl
  37EC  3A9C51          01362           ld      a,(temp+2)
  37EF  77              01363           ld      (hl),a
  37F0  23              01365           inc     hl
  37F1  3A9D51          01366           ld      a,(temp+3)
  37F4  77              01367           ld      (hl),a
  37F5  E1              01369           pop     hl
  37F6  C9              01370           ret
                        01372   ;       This routine figures out the size of the shift that must occur
                        01373   ;       in the pointer table for a move or copy.
  37F7  B7              01375   movelen:or      a
  37F8  ED52            01376           sbc     hl,de
  37FA  44              01377           ld      b,h                     ;This is length of transfer
  37FB  4D              01378           ld      c,l
  37FC  29              01379           add     hl,hl                   ;x2
  37FD  29              01381           add     hl,hl                   ;x4 if table size is 4 bytes
  37FE  44              01385           ld      b,h
  37FF  4D              01386           ld      c,l                     ;Actual number of bytes to xfer
  3800  C9              01387           ret
                        01389   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01390   ;       Before copying, make sure we have enough free memory to do this.
                        01391   ;       Under no circumstances do you want to run out of memory while
                        01392   ;       the copy is being performed.  Cleaning up would be hard.
                        01393   ;       To determine the amount of needed RAM, we add up the length of
                        01394   ;       the lines to be copied to check free memory region.  We also make
                        01395   ;       sure that the line pointer table has room for N additional lines.
                        01396   ;       B = direction of the copy, which we will need later.
                        01397   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3801  C5              01399   docopy: push    bc                      ;Save direction
  3802  2A2152          01400           ld      hl,(emark)
  3805  ED5B1F52        01401           ld      de,(mark)
  3809  B7              01402           or      a
  380A  ED52            01403           sbc     hl,de                   ;Number of loops through process
  380C  23              01404           inc     hl
  380D  E5              01405           push    hl
  380E  DDE1            01406           pop     ix                      ;Will refer to this later on
  3810  44              01407           ld      b,h
  3811  4D              01408           ld      c,l                     ;Put xfer length here for now
  3812  110000          01409           ld      de,0
  3815  2A1F52          01410           ld      hl,(mark)               ;Start of region to copy
  3818  C5              01411   cpycnt: push    bc
  3819  D5              01412           push    de                      ;Save count of bytes
  381A  E5              01413           push    hl
  381B  CD5439          01414           call    getpos
  381E  D1              01415           pop     de                      ;Get line pointer back
  381F  E1              01416           pop     hl                      ;Get count of bytes
  3820  0600            01417           ld      b,0
  3822  4F              01418           ld      c,a
  3823  09              01419           add     hl,bc                   ;Add length
  3824  EB              01420           ex      de,hl                   ;Move pointer to HL/count back to DE
  3825  23              01421           inc     hl                      ;Bump to next line
  3826  C1              01422           pop     bc
  3827  0B              01423           dec     bc
  3828  78              01424           ld      a,b
  3829  B1              01425           or      c
  382A  20EC            01426           jr      nz,cpycnt               ;Keep counting
                        01428   ;       Now figure out how much free memory there is
  382C  2A1652          01430           ld      hl,(bufsiz)             ;End of memory
  382F  ED4B9851        01431           ld      bc,(freptr)             ;Start of free memory
  3833  B7              01432           or      a
  3834  ED42            01433           sbc     hl,bc                   ;HL amount of free memory left
  3836  B7              01434           or      a
  3837  ED52            01435           sbc     hl,de                   ;Subtract amount needed
  3839  300E            01436           jr      nc,cpymem1              ;Memory OK
                        01438   ;       Oops, not enough free memory, stop now.
  383B  C1              01440   cpymem2:pop     bc                      ;Balance stack
  383C  21EC3F          01441           ld      hl,stout                ;Say we can't do this - no more memory
  383F  CDFE3A          01442           call    doerror
  3842  AF              01443           xor     a
  3843  32F441          01444           ld      (status),a              ;Set status but leave msg on screen
  3846  C37831          01445           jp      newchar
  3849  DDE5            01448   cpymem1:push    ix
  384B  C1              01449           pop     bc                      ;Get line count again
  384C  21E803          01450           ld      hl,maxlin               ;Max line count
  384F  ED5B1B52        01451           ld      de,(end)                ;Pointer to last line slot used
  3853  13              01452           inc     de
  3854  B7              01453           or      a
  3855  ED52            01454           sbc     hl,de                   ;Number of slots left
  3857  B7              01455           or      a
  3858  ED42            01456           sbc     hl,bc                   ;Enough slots available?
  385A  38DF            01457           jr      c,cpymem2               ;Nope, bail out
                        01459   ;       Okay, we have all the memory we need, so do the copy.
                        01460   ;       To keep the math from getting too complex, all new lines are
                        01461   ;       created first, then the code goes back and fills in the data.
                        01462   ;       Otherwise, source and destination would have to be re-computed
                        01463   ;       for each transfer if destination is lower in file than the
                        01464   ;       source.
  385C  C5              01466   cpy3:   push    bc
  385D  CD6839          01467           call    newlin                  ;Get a new line created
  3860  C1              01468           pop     bc
  3861  0B              01469           dec     bc                      ;Decrement count of lines to add
  3862  78              01470           ld      a,b
  3863  B1              01471           or      c
  3864  20F6            01472           jr      nz,cpy3                 ;More lines needed
                        01474   ;       All the lines now exist, starting at the old "ptr" location.
                        01475   ;       Now, go populate them.
  3866  3E01            01477           ld      a,1
  3868  321852          01478           ld      (mod),a                 ;Tricks leave into working for us
  386B  C1              01479           pop     bc                      ;Direction of transfer in B
  386C  78              01480           ld      a,b
  386D  DDE5            01481           push    ix
  386F  C1              01482           pop     bc                      ;Get back count of lines to copy
  3870  2A1F52          01483           ld      hl,(mark)
  3873  B7              01484           or      a
  3874  2801            01485           jr      z,cpy4                  ;Copy to dest higher than source
                        01487   ;       Here the destination is lower than the source, which means the
                        01488   ;       location of the source is now out of place by the number of lines
                        01489   ;       to be copied.  Adjust that value.
  3876  09              01491           add     hl,bc                   ;Fudge by amount inserted
  3877  E5              01493   cpy4:   push    hl                      ;Save pointer to block to copy (mark)
  3878  C5              01494           push    bc                      ;Save counter
  3879  CD5739          01495           call    getx                    ;Get pointer to line text and length
  387C  EB              01496           ex      de,hl                   ;Put buffer ptr in hl
  387D  119A51          01497           ld      de,temp
  3880  4F              01498           ld      c,a
  3881  32EC51          01499           ld      (tmpsiz),a              ;Length of the line (used by leave)
  3884  0600            01500           ld      b,0
  3886  EDB0            01501           ldir                            ;Copy data
  3888  CD0A39          01502           call    leave                   ;Allocate memory and store line
  388B  2AED51          01503           ld      hl,(ptr)
  388E  23              01504           inc     hl
  388F  22ED51          01505           ld      (ptr),hl
  3892  C1              01506           pop     bc
  3893  E1              01507           pop     hl
  3894  23              01508           inc     hl                      ;Bump to next source line (mark++)
  3895  0B              01509           dec     bc
  3896  78              01510           ld      a,b
  3897  B1              01511           or      c
  3898  20DD            01512           jr      nz,cpy4                 ;Do next line
  389A  C3B337          01513           jp      movdone                 ;All done, update display
                        01516   ;END OF QEDCMD/SRC
                        01519   ;       Include memory management and screen-drawing primitives.
                        01522   ;       QED     Quick EDitor - by Frank Durda IV
                        01523   ;       Memory management and screen-drawing routines
                        01524   ;       This file is included by QED/SRC
                        01525   ;       Copyright 1985 and 1999, All Rights Reserved.
                        01527   ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01528   ;       Notes on QED memory management
                        01530   ;       Memory is managed as a vector of pointers into memory
                        01531   ;       that are linked by position in the table.
                        01533   ;       address,length          starting address of line 1, & length
                        01534   ;       address,length          starting address of line 2, & length
                        01535   ;       ...
                        01537   ;       When a line is initially created, it is kept in a temporary line
                        01538   ;       buffer.  Once  is pressed, an official line is created
                        01539   ;       and storage is allocated.
                        01540   ;       When a line is modified, it is moved into the temporary buffer.
                        01541   ;       When you leave the line, the modified lines' length is checked.
                        01542   ;       If the line will still fit in the old buffer, the old buffer
                        01543   ;       is updated, and it's length is reset.
                        01544   ;       If the line is longer and won't fit, the old line is released and
                        01545   ;       a new line is allocated.
                        01547   ;       The allocator is called with a length and returns an address
                        01548   ;       to the memory that has been set aside for this line.
                        01549   ;       If there is insufficient space, the garbage collector is
                        01550   ;       called and it reshuffles all of memory, squeezing unused areas
                        01551   ;       to the end of the storage buffer, then tries to fit the new line.
                        01552   ;       If it still won't fit, it returns an error.
                        01553   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01555   ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01556   ;       Allocate a new line buffer
                        01557   ;       Accepts
                        01558   ;       C = Size of buffer
                        01560   ;       Returns
                        01561   ;       Success, Z Flag Set
                        01562   ;       DE = Pointer to allocated buffer
                        01564   ;       Failure, NZ Flag Set  -  No more memory available
                        01565   ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  389D  ED5B9851        01567   getbuf: ld      de,(freptr)             ;Get start of free memory
  38A1  2600            01568           ld      h,0
  38A3  69              01569           ld      l,c                     ;Extend size request
  38A4  19              01570           add     hl,de                   ;Get new free pointer
  38A5  D5              01571           push    de                      ;Save base pointer
  38A6  EB              01573           ex      de,hl                   ;Put new pointer in DE
  38A7  2A1652          01574           ld      hl,(bufsiz)             ;Get top of buffer
  38AA  B7              01575           or      a
  38AB  ED52            01576           sbc     hl,de                   ;See if this new line will fit
  38AD  EB              01577           ex      de,hl                   ;Put new pointer back in HL
  38AE  D1              01578           pop     de                      ;Get line pointer back
  38AF  3805            01579           jr      c,gctime                ;Not enough memory, do garbage
  38B1  229851          01581           ld      (freptr),hl             ;Store updated free pointer
  38B4  BF              01582           cp      a                       ;Set Z flag
  38B5  C9              01583           ret                             ;Exit
  38B6  C5              01585   gctime: push    bc                      ;Save original request
  38B7  CDD338          01586           call    gcmem                   ;Run Garbage Collector
  38BA  C1              01587           pop     bc
  38BB  ED5B9851        01588           ld      de,(freptr)             ;See if we have it now
  38BF  2600            01589           ld      h,0
  38C1  69              01590           ld      l,c                     ;Extend size request
  38C2  19              01591           add     hl,de                   ;Get new free pointer
  38C3  D5              01592           push    de                      ;Save original pointer
  38C4  EB              01593           ex      de,hl
  38C5  2A1652          01594           ld      hl,(bufsiz)             ;Test upper limit
  38C8  B7              01595           or      a
  38C9  ED52            01596           sbc     hl,de
  38CB  EB              01597           ex      de,hl
  38CC  D1              01598           pop     de
  38CD  D8              01599           ret     c                       ;No space still
  38CE  229851          01600           ld      (freptr),hl             ;Store updated free pointer
  38D1  BF              01601           cp      a                       ;Set Z flag
  38D2  C9              01602           ret                             ;Exit
                        01604   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01605   ;       Garbage Collector
                        01606   ;       As you may have noticed, the garbage collector for discarded memory
                        01607   ;       was never written.  Because all of the assignments in an introduction
                        01608   ;       to 8080/8085 assembly language course are small, it was unlikely that
                        01609   ;       any of the intended users would ever reach this point, and no cases
                        01610   ;       were reported.  However, if this editor is to find serious use with
                        01611   ;       larger files, this routine definitely needs to be written.  Right now
                        01612   ;       calling routines see no effect, as if there was no memory to reclaim.
                        01613   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38D3  C9              01615   gcmem:  ret
                        01617   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01618   ;       Load a line into the work buffer
                        01619   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38D4  119B51          01621   load:   ld      de,temp+1               ;Flush buffer
  38D7  219A51          01622           ld      hl,temp
  38DA  3620            01623           ld      (hl),' '                ;Clear byte
  38DC  015000          01624           ld      bc,80                   ;Do this much
  38DF  EDB0            01625           ldir                            ;Clear it out
  38E1  CD5439          01627           call    getpos                  ;Find the line
  38E4  E5              01628           push    hl
  38E5  D5              01629           push    de
  38E6  2A1B52          01630           ld      hl,(end)                ;See if this is the end
  38E9  ED5BED51        01631           ld      de,(ptr)                ;Where we are
  38ED  B7              01632           or      a
  38EE  ED52            01633           sbc     hl,de
  38F0  D1              01634           pop     de
  38F1  E1              01635           pop     hl                      ;Put things back
  38F2  2002            01636           jr      nz,loadok               ;Not end
  38F4  AF              01637           xor     a                       ;Clear length
  38F5  77              01638           ld      (hl),a                  ;Zero length of END line
  38F6  32EC51          01640   loadok: ld      (tmpsiz),a              ;Store length
  38F9  B7              01641           or      a                       ;Is the line empty?
  38FA  2809            01642           jr      z,ld1                   ;Nothing to move
  38FC  4F              01644           ld      c,a                     ;Extend
  38FD  0600            01645           ld      b,0
  38FF  EB              01646           ex      de,hl                   ;Put line in HL
  3900  119A51          01647           ld      de,temp                 ;Point at target
  3903  EDB0            01648           ldir                            ;Transfer line
  3905  AF              01650   ld1:    xor     a                       ;Set no modification
  3906  321852          01651           ld      (mod),a                 ;Do it
  3909  C9              01652           ret                             ;All done, exit
                        01654   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01655   ;       Unload a line in the work buffer and store it in the chain
                        01656   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  390A  3A1852          01658   leave:  ld      a,(mod)                 ;Get the mod flag
  390D  B7              01659           or      a                       ;Did we change anything?
  390E  C8              01660           ret     z                       ;Then the chain-copy is correct
  390F  CD5439          01662           call    getpos                  ;Locate chain pointers
  3912  E5              01663           push    hl                      ;Find out where we are first
  3913  D5              01664           push    de
  3914  2A1B52          01665           ld      hl,(end)
  3917  ED5BED51        01666           ld      de,(ptr)
  391B  B7              01667           or      a
  391C  ED52            01668           sbc     hl,de
  391E  D1              01669           pop     de
  391F  E1              01670           pop     hl
  3920  200B            01671           jr      nz,leaveok              ;Line is ok
  3922  F5              01673           push    af
                        01674   ;       ld      a,(tmpsiz)              ;See if we added anything
                        01675   ;       or      a
                        01676   ;       jr      z,noadd
  3923  E5              01677           push    hl
  3924  2A1B52          01678           ld      hl,(end)                ;Add a new line
  3927  23              01679           inc     hl
  3928  221B52          01680           ld      (end),hl                ;by advancing the END
  392B  E1              01681           pop     hl
  392C  F1           -  01682   noadd:  pop     af
  392D  E5              01684   leaveok:push    hl
  392E  21EC51          01685           ld      hl,tmpsiz               ;Point at new length
  3931  4E              01686           ld      c,(hl)                  ;Get it
  3932  E1              01687           pop     hl
  3933  B9              01688           cp      c                       ;Is new line shorter or the same?
  3934  380C            01689           jr      c,nofit                 ;Line got larger
                        01691   ;       Line is smaller or the same size
  3936  71              01693           ld      (hl),c                  ;Set new line length
  3937  79              01694           ld      a,c
  3938  B7              01695           or      a
  3939  C8              01696           ret     z                       ;Line length is now zero, all done
  393A  0600            01698   leacom: ld      b,0                     ;Extend
  393C  219A51          01699           ld      hl,temp                 ;Point at source
  393F  EDB0            01700           ldir                            ;Store updated line
  3941  C9              01701           ret                             ;All done, exit
  3942  E5              01703   nofit:  push    hl
  3943  CD9D38          01704           call    getbuf                  ;Allocate a buffer
  3946  E1              01705           pop     hl
  3947  71              01707           ld      (hl),c                  ;Store new line length
  3948  2B              01708           dec     hl
  3949  3600            01710           ld      (hl),0                  ;<4>In-core is always zero
  394B  2B              01711           dec     hl                      ;<4>
  394C  72              01713           ld      (hl),d                  ;Store address
  394D  2B              01714           dec     hl
  394E  73              01715           ld      (hl),e                  ;Rest of address
  394F  79              01717           ld      a,c                     ;Get length
  3950  B7              01718           or      a
  3951  20E7            01719           jr      nz,leacom               ;Line has length, copy it in
                        01721   ;       What?  allocate ran for a zero length line???????
  3953  C9              01723           ret
                        01725   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01726   ;       Locate a line in the chain - translates line # into table offset
                        01727   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3954  2AED51          01729   getpos: ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Get the pointer
  3957  CD6139          01730   getx:   call    getptr
  395A  5E              01731           ld      e,(hl)                  ;Get LSB
  395B  23              01732           inc     hl
  395C  56              01733           ld      d,(hl)                  ;Get MSB
  395D  23              01734           inc     hl
  395E  23              01736           inc     hl                      ;<4>Skip over file offset byte
  395F  7E              01738           ld      a,(hl)                  ;Get length
  3960  C9              01739           ret                             ;All done, exit
  3961                  01741   getptr:
  3961  29              01743           add     hl,hl                   ;<4>x2
  3962  29              01744           add     hl,hl                   ;<4>x4
  3963  11F841          01751           ld      de,linetbl              ;Point at start of the table
  3966  19              01752           add     hl,de                   ;Insert base
  3967  C9              01753           ret
                        01756   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01757   ;       Add a new line to the file at the point specified by ptr
                        01758   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3968  2A1B52          01760   newlin: ld      hl,(end)                ;Get current end of file
  396B  ED5BED51        01761           ld      de,(ptr)                ;Get current position
  396F  B7              01762           or      a
  3970  ED52            01763           sbc     hl,de
  3972  29              01765           add     hl,hl                   ;<4>x2
  3973  29              01766           add     hl,hl                   ;<4>x4
  3974  4D              01773           ld      c,l
  3975  44              01774           ld      b,h                     ;Save count
  3976  2A1B52          01776           ld      hl,(end)
  3979  CD5739          01777           call    getx                    ;Get position
  397C  5D              01778           ld      e,l
  397D  54              01779           ld      d,h
  397E  13              01780           inc     de
  397F  2B              01781           dec     hl
  3980  2B              01782           dec     hl
  3981  2B              01784           dec     hl                      ;<4>
  3982  03              01786           inc     bc
  3983  EDB8            01787           lddr
  3985  CD5439          01788           call    getpos                  ;Init new line
  3988  3600            01789           ld      (hl),0                  ;Set zero length
  398A  2A1B52          01791           ld      hl,(end)                ;Increment line count
  398D  23              01792           inc     hl
  398E  221B52          01793           ld      (end),hl                ;Ok
  3991  3E01            01794           ld      a,1
  3993  321952          01795           ld      (fmod),a                ;Mark file as modified
  3996  C9              01796           ret                             ;All done
                        01798   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01799   ;       Delete one or more lines from the file
                        01800   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3997  CD0A39          01802   dlines: call    leave                   ;Unload anything
  399A  3AF441          01803           ld      a,(status)              ;Get the mode
  399D  FE02            01804           cp      marklin                 ;Are we marking?
  399F  2815            01805           jr      z,dlmark                ;Handle block
                        01807   ;       Delete a single line
  39A1  2AED51          01809   dlx1:   ld      hl,(ptr)
  39A4  ED5B1B52        01810           ld      de,(end)
  39A8  B7              01811           or      a
  39A9  ED52            01812           sbc     hl,de
  39AB  CA7831          01813           jp      z,newchar               ;Can't delete the END line
  39AE  210100          01815           ld      hl,1                    ;Delete one
  39B1  222152          01816           ld      (emark),hl              ;Save count
  39B4  1835            01817           jr      dodelc                  ;Delete but check
                        01819   ;       Handle a block to be deleted
  39B6  2A1B52          01821   dlmark: ld      hl,(end)
  39B9  ED5BED51        01822           ld      de,(ptr)
  39BD  B7              01823           or      a
  39BE  ED52            01824           sbc     hl,de
  39C0  2005            01825           jr      nz,dlm4
  39C2  1B              01826           dec     de
  39C3  ED53ED51        01827           ld      (ptr),de                ;Back up one column
  39C7  2A1F52          01829   dlm4:   ld      hl,(mark)               ;Get one end of mark
  39CA  23              01830           inc     hl
  39CB  ED5BED51        01831           ld      de,(ptr)                ;Get the other
  39CF  B7              01832           or      a
  39D0  ED52            01833           sbc     hl,de                   ;See if the order is right
  39D2  28CD            01834           jr      z,dlx1                  ;Do single line
  39D4  3805            01835           jr      c,dlx2                  ;Reverse ends
  39D6  222152          01836           ld      (emark),hl              ;Save length
  39D9  1810            01837           jr      dodelc                  ;Ptr is starting point
  39DB  EB              01839   dlx2:   ex      de,hl                   ;Put ptr in HL
                        01840   ;       ld      (ptr),hl                ;save starting point
  39DC  23              01841           inc     hl                      ;Adjust
  39DD  ED5B1F52        01842           ld      de,(mark)               ;Get other end
  39E1  ED53ED51        01843           ld      (ptr),de                ;Store this value
  39E5  B7              01844           or      a
  39E6  ED52            01845           sbc     hl,de                   ;Get length
  39E8  222152          01846           ld      (emark),hl              ;Save length
                        01848   ;       Before doing this, check our position
  39EB  ED5BED51        01850   dodelc: ld      de,(ptr)                ;Get position
  39EF  19              01851           add     hl,de                   ;Add count (emark)
  39F0  ED5B1B52        01852           ld      de,(end)
  39F4  B7              01853           or      a
  39F5  ED52            01854           sbc     hl,de                   ;Is this delete at the end?
  39F7  302B            01855           jr      nc,dfixe                ;Just move END
  39F9  2A1B52          01856           ld      hl,(end)                ;Get end
  39FC  ED5BED51        01857           ld      de,(ptr)
  3A00  B7              01858           or      a
  3A01  ED52            01859           sbc     hl,de                   ;Get number lines below here
  3A03  ED5B2152        01861           ld      de,(emark)              ;Get length
  3A07  ED52            01862           sbc     hl,de                   ;Subtract amount we will delete
  3A09  29              01865           add     hl,hl                   ;<4>x2
  3A0A  29              01866           add     hl,hl                   ;<4>x4
  3A0B  4D              01873           ld      c,l
  3A0C  44              01874           ld      b,h                     ;Save count
  3A0D  C5              01875           push    bc
  3A0E  CD5439          01876           call    getpos                  ;Get ptr position
  3A11  C1              01877           pop     bc
  3A12  2B              01878           dec     hl
  3A13  2B              01879           dec     hl
  3A14  2B              01881           dec     hl                      ;<4>
  3A15  54              01883           ld      d,h
  3A16  5D              01884           ld      e,l
  3A17  D5              01886           push    de
  3A18  E5              01887           push    hl
  3A19  2A2152          01888           ld      hl,(emark)
  3A1C  29              01890           add     hl,hl                   ;<4>x2
  3A1D  29              01891           add     hl,hl                   ;<4>x4
  3A1E  EB              01898           ex      de,hl                   ;Put result in de
  3A1F  E1              01899           pop     hl
  3A20  19              01900           add     hl,de                   ;Make source pointer
  3A21  D1              01901           pop     de
  3A22  EDB0            01902           ldir
  3A24  2A1B52          01904   dfixe:  ld      hl,(end)
  3A27  ED5B2152        01905           ld      de,(emark)
  3A2B  B7              01906           or      a
  3A2C  ED52            01907           sbc     hl,de
  3A2E  221B52          01908           ld      (end),hl                ;Adjust file size
  3A31  CD4D3B          01909           call    fixscr
  3A34  3E01            01910           ld      a,1
  3A36  321952          01911           ld      (fmod),a                ;Mark file as modified
  3A39  AF              01912           xor     a
  3A3A  32F441          01913           ld      (status),a
  3A3D  CDBF3A          01914           call    fixstat                 ;Update status
  3A40  CDD438          01915           call    load                    ;Load new line
  3A43  CD493A          01916           call    updlin                  ;Update line/cursor
  3A46  C37831          01917           jp      newchar                 ;All done
                        01919   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01920   ;       Redraw active line
                        01921   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3A49  2AED51          01923   updlin: ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Get our position
  3A4C  ED5BF251        01924           ld      de,(top)
  3A50  B7              01925           or      a
  3A51  ED52            01926           sbc     hl,de
  3A53  65              01927           ld      h,l                     ;Get our row
  3A54  E5              01928           push    hl
  3A55  119A51          01929           ld      de,temp
  3A58  010009          01930           ld      bc,0900h                ;Write single line
                        01931           ldos    @vdctl                  ;Do it
  3A5E  E1              01932           pop     hl
  3A5F  180B            01933           jr      docur
                        01935   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01936   ;       Update Cursor position
                        01937   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3A61  2AED51          01939   fixcur: ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Get our position
  3A64  ED5BF251        01940           ld      de,(top)                ;Top of screen
  3A68  B7              01941           or      a
  3A69  ED52            01942           sbc     hl,de
  3A6B  65              01943           ld      h,l
                        01945   ;       First, update help line if that is on
  3A6C  3A1E52          01947   docur:  ld      a,(help)
  3A6F  FE18            01948           cp      24
  3A71  283C            01949           jr      z,docx                  ;No help
  3A73  3AF641          01950           ld      a,(error)
  3A76  B7              01951           or      a
  3A77  2036            01952           jr      nz,docx                 ;Skip this if we just had an error
                        01954   ;       Draw neat stuff here
  3A79  E5              01956           push    hl                      ;Save this stuff
  3A7A  2A1B52          01957           ld      hl,(end)                ;Get the end
  3A7D  ED5BED51        01958           ld      de,(ptr)                ;Subtract
  3A81  B7              01959           or      a
  3A82  ED52            01960           sbc     hl,de                   ;See if we are the end
  3A84  200D            01961           jr      nz,notend               ;Ok
  3A86  212952          01962           ld      hl,endmsg
  3A89  112352          01963           ld      de,numbuf
  3A8C  010600          01964           ld      bc,6
  3A8F  EDB0            01965           ldir
  3A91  180D            01966           jr      numcom
  3A93  2AED51          01968   notend: ld      hl,(ptr)
  3A96  23              01969           inc     hl                      ;Make ones based
  3A97  112352          01970           ld      de,numbuf               ;Point at buffer
                        01971           ldos    @hexdec                 ;Convert it
  3A9D  3E03            01972           ld      a,03
  3A9F  12              01973           ld      (de),a                  ;Terminate string
  3AA0  212517          01975   numcom: ld      hl,1725h                ;Position on screen
  3AA3  0603            01976           ld      b,3
                        01977           ldos    @vdctl
  3AA8  212352          01979           ld      hl,numbuf
                        01980           ldos    @dsply
  3AAE  E1              01981           pop     hl                      ;Put things back
  3AAF  3A1552          01983   docx:   ld      a,(col)                 ;Get the column
  3AB2  6F              01984           ld      l,a     
  3AB3  0603            01985           ld      b,3                     ;Set cursor
                        01986           ldos    @vdctl
  3AB8  C9              01987           ret                             ;Exit
                        01989   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        01990   ;       Redraw the status line if it got clobbered by a special message
                        01991   ;       This only updates the status field in the help message.  No
                        01992   ;       other part of the screen is changed.
                        01993   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3AB9  AF              01995   nrmstat:xor     a
  3ABA  32F441          01996           ld      (status),a
  3ABD  1803            01997           jr      fixn                    ;Force normal status
  3ABF  3AF441          01999   fixstat:ld      a,(status)              ;Get old status
  3AC2  E5              02001   fixn:   push    hl
  3AC3  21F541          02002           ld      hl,ostatus
  3AC6  BE              02003           cp      (hl)
  3AC7  E1              02004           pop     hl
  3AC8  C8              02005           ret     z                       ;No need to go any further
  3AC9  3A1E52          02007           ld      a,(help)
  3ACC  FE18            02008           cp      24
  3ACE  C8              02009           ret     z                       ;No help
                        02011   ;       Draw neat stuff here
  3ACF  3AF541          02013           ld      a,(ostatus)             ;Were we in marking mode?
  3AD2  FE02            02014           cp      marklin
  3AD4  CC4D3B          02015           call    z,fixscr                ;Update screen drawing
  3AD7  3AF441          02017           ld      a,(status)
  3ADA  32F541          02018           ld      (ostatus),a
  3ADD  CB27            02019           sla     a                       ;Multiply by 2
  3ADF  5F              02020           ld      e,a
  3AE0  1600            02021           ld      d,0
  3AE2  211A3F          02022           ld      hl,stptrs               ;Point at the status pointers
  3AE5  19              02023           add     hl,de
  3AE6  7E              02025           ld      a,(hl)                  ;Get LSB
  3AE7  23              02026           inc     hl
  3AE8  66              02027           ld      h,(hl)                  ;Get MSB
  3AE9  6F              02028           ld      l,a
  3AEA  115F59          02029           ld      de,scrst                ;Point at last line of our buffer
  3AED  011F00          02030           ld      bc,txtsiz               ;Update this much
  3AF0  EDB0            02031           ldir                            ;Do it
  3AF2  115F59          02032           ld      de,scrst                ;Point at it again
  3AF5  010009          02033           ld      bc,0900h                ;Update one line
  3AF8  2617            02034           ld      h,23                    ;Put it here
                        02035           ldos    @vdctl
  3AFD  C9              02036           ret                             ;All done
                        02038   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        02039   ;       Display an error
                        02040   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3AFE  E5              02042   doerror:push    hl
  3AFF  210017          02043           ld      hl,1700h
  3B02  0603            02044           ld      b,3
                        02045           ldos    @vdctl
  3B07  E1              02046           pop     hl
                        02047           ldos    @dsply
  3B0B  3E01            02048           ld      a,1
  3B0D  32F641          02049           ld      (error),a
  3B10  CD613A          02050           call    fixcur                  ;Reposition cursor
  3B13  C9              02051           ret
  3B14  436F70797269    02053           defm    'Copyright 1985, 1999 Frank Durda IV,  All Rights Reserved'
                        02055   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        02056   ;       Update Screen
                        02057   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3B4D  2AED51          02059   fixscr: ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Get cursor line
  3B50  ED5BF251        02060           ld      de,(top)                ;Get top of screen
  3B54  B7              02061           or      a
  3B55  ED52            02062           sbc     hl,de                   ;Are we on the screen
  3B57  3815            02063           jr      c,fixup                 ;No, cursor is now above screen
  3B59  3A1E52          02065           ld      a,(help)                ;Locate the number of lines on screen
  3B5C  3D              02066           dec     a                       ;Zero based adjust
  3B5D  BD              02067           cp      l                       ;Is line on screen
  3B5E  3014            02068           jr      nc,drawit               ;Yes, everything is ok
                        02070   ;       Cursor is below the screen
  3B60  2AED51          02072           ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Get cursor line
  3B63  5F              02073           ld      e,a
  3B64  1600            02074           ld      d,0
  3B66  B7              02075           or      a
  3B67  ED52            02076           sbc     hl,de                   ;Figure how much we have to move
  3B69  22F251          02078           ld      (top),hl                ;Store new top
  3B6C  1806            02079           jr      drawit                  ;Redraw the world
                        02081   ;       Cursor is above the screen
  3B6E  2AED51          02083   fixup:  ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Get our position
  3B71  22F251          02084           ld      (top),hl                ;Make that the top of the screen
                        02086   ;       Draw some or all of the text on the screen:
  3B74  3A1E52          02088   drawit: ld      a,(help)                ;Broken
  3B77  4F              02089           ld      c,a
  3B78  215000          02090           ld      hl,80                   ;Size of lines
                        02091           ldos    @mul16
  3B7E  4F              02092           ld      c,a
  3B7F  45              02093           ld      b,l                     ;Set amount to clear
  3B80  0B              02094           dec     bc                      ;Adjust length
  3B81  113052          02095           ld      de,screen+1
  3B84  212F52          02096           ld      hl,screen
  3B87  3620            02097           ld      (hl),' '                ;Build blank slate
  3B89  EDB0            02098           ldir                            ;Clear it
                        02100   ;       Now get ready to draw
  3B8B  2AED51          02102           ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Save the users pointer
  3B8E  22F051          02103           ld      (tmpcur),hl             ;Save this
  3B91  2AF251          02105           ld      hl,(top)                ;Get top of screen
  3B94  22ED51          02106           ld      (ptr),hl                ;Make that the cursor position for now
  3B97  3A1E52          02108           ld      a,(help)                ;Get lines to do
  3B9A  47              02109           ld      b,a                     ;Store that
  3B9B  EB              02111           ex      de,hl                   ;Put copy of TOP in DE
  3B9C  2A1B52          02112           ld      hl,(end)                ;Get END in HL
  3B9F  B7              02113           or      a
  3BA0  ED52            02114           sbc     hl,de                   ;HL = END-TOP
  3BA2  CA283C          02115           jp      z,blnk                  ;Screen all blank
  3BA5  7C              02116           ld      a,h
  3BA6  B7              02117           or      a
  3BA7  2005            02118           jr      nz,enough               ;More than 256 lines in file beyond
  3BA9  7D              02119           ld      a,l                     ;Get default count
  3BAA  B8              02120           cp      b                       ;Test against LSB of remaining lines
  3BAB  3001            02121           jr      nc,enough               ;More than default lines left
  3BAD  47              02122           ld      b,a                     ;Use remaining lines as screen count
  3BAE  112F52          02124   enough: ld      de,screen               ;Point at screen
  3BB1  D5              02126   tscr:   push    de                      ;Save screen address
  3BB2  CD5439          02127           call    getpos                  ;Find the line
  3BB5  EB              02128           ex      de,hl
  3BB6  B7              02129           or      a
  3BB7  2809            02130           jr      z,empscr                ;Line is empty
  3BB9  D1              02131           pop     de
  3BBA  D5              02132           push    de
  3BBB  C5              02133           push    bc
  3BBC  0600            02134           ld      b,0
  3BBE  4F              02136           ld      c,a
  3BBF  EDB0            02137           ldir                            ;Transfer text to screen buffer
  3BC1  C1              02138           pop     bc
  3BC2  3AF441          02140   empscr: ld      a,(status)
  3BC5  FE04            02141           cp      position                ;Marking, sort of
  3BC7  280A            02142           jr      z,mrkon
  3BC9  FE02            02143           cp      marklin
  3BCB  204B            02144           jr      nz,drnm                 ;Screen is normal
  3BCD  2AF051          02145           ld      hl,(tmpcur)
  3BD0  222152          02146           ld      (emark),hl
                        02148   ;       We are currently marking.  See if this line is between the real
                        02149   ;       cursor position and the mark position.
  3BD3  2A1F52          02151   mrkon:  ld      hl,(mark)               ;Get mark position
  3BD6  ED5B2152        02152           ld      de,(emark)              ;Get cursor position
  3BDA  B7              02153           or      a
  3BDB  ED52            02154           sbc     hl,de                   ;See where we are
  3BDD  381A            02155           jr      c,curlow                ;Cursor is on a higher line #
                        02157   ;       Come here when    1 tmpcur ----- mark      n
  3BDF  ED5B2152        02159           ld      de,(emark)              ;Get cursor position
  3BE3  2AED51          02160           ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Get line we are drawing now
  3BE6  B7              02161           or      a
  3BE7  ED52            02162           sbc     hl,de                   ;Find out if line is in range
  3BE9  382D            02163           jr      c,drnm                  ;Just exit, don't invert
  3BEB  2A1F52          02164           ld      hl,(mark)
  3BEE  ED5BED51        02165           ld      de,(ptr)
  3BF2  B7              02166           or      a
  3BF3  ED52            02167           sbc     hl,de
  3BF5  3821            02168           jr      c,drnm
  3BF7  1815            02169           jr      doinv                   ;Perform the invert
                        02171   ;       Come here when     1  mark  ----- tmpcur   n
  3BF9  2A2152          02173   curlow: ld      hl,(emark)              ;Get mark position
  3BFC  ED5BED51        02174           ld      de,(ptr)
  3C00  B7              02175           or      a
  3C01  ED52            02176           sbc     hl,de
  3C03  3813            02177           jr      c,drnm                  ;Don't invert
  3C05  2A1F52          02178           ld      hl,(mark)
  3C08  EB              02179           ex      de,hl
  3C09  B7              02180           or      a
  3C0A  ED52            02181           sbc     hl,de
  3C0C  380A            02182           jr      c,drnm
  3C0E  E1              02184   doinv:  pop     hl
  3C0F  E5              02185           push    hl                      ;Get/Save buffer address
  3C10  0E50            02186           ld      c,80                    ;Do this much
  3C12  CBFE            02187   invm:   set     7,(hl)                  ;Inverse video
  3C14  23              02188           inc     hl                      ;Advance pointer
  3C15  0D              02189           dec     c                       ;Do all 80 columns
  3C16  20FA            02190           jr      nz,invm
  3C18  D1              02192   drnm:   pop     de
  3C19  215000          02193           ld      hl,80                   ;Advance pointer
  3C1C  19              02194           add     hl,de
  3C1D  EB              02195           ex      de,hl                   ;DE points at next line
  3C1E  2AED51          02197           ld      hl,(ptr)                ;Get line #
  3C21  23              02198           inc     hl
  3C22  22ED51          02199           ld      (ptr),hl
  3C25  05              02201           dec     b                       ;Decrement line count
  3C26  2089            02202           jr      nz,tscr                 ;Do another
  3C28  212F52          02204   blnk:   ld      hl,screen               ;Point at screen
  3C2B  0605            02205           ld      b,5                     ;Update copy
                        02206           ldos    @vdctl                  ;Set screen
  3C30  2AF051          02208           ld      hl,(tmpcur)             ;Undo cursor
  3C33  22ED51          02209           ld      (ptr),hl                ;Put it where user had it
  3C36  CD613A          02211           call    fixcur                  ;Adjust cursor too
  3C39  C9              02212           ret                             ;All done, exit
                        02214   ;END OF QEDMEM/SRC
                        02217   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        02218   ;       Strings and data structures
                        02219   ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                        02221   ;       Bottom of the screen messages
                        02222   ;                         1         2         3         4         5         6
                        02223   ;                         7         8
                        02224   ;                123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
  3C3A  1F              02225   bos:    defb    31                              ;Erase to end of screen
                        02226   ;                123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
                        02227   ;                123456781234567812345678123456781234567812345678123456781234
  3C3B  7C5F5F5F5F5F    02228           defm    '|_______|1______|__2____|____3__|______4|_______|5______|__6'
                        02229   ;                12345678901234567890
                        02230   ;                56781234567812345678
  3C77  5F5F5F5F7C5F    02231           defm    '____|____7__|______8'
  3C8B  3C46313E2020    02233           defm    '  Insert Text Here      Delete Text Here      Un'
  3CC7  646F20436861    02234           defm    'do Changes Here'
  3CD6  0A              02235           defb    0ah
  3CD7  20205B315D20    02236           defm    '  [1]     [2]     [3]     [4]     [5]     [6]     [7]     [8'
  3D13  5D2020202020    02237           defm    ']     [9]     [-]'
  3D24  0A              02238           defb    0ah
                        02239   ;       defm    'Find  Substitute  Insert  Mark   Delete   Move    Copy  '
  3D25  202020202020    02240           defm    '                  Insert  Mark   Delete   Move    Copy  '
  3D5D  202053617665    02241           defm    '  Save    Exit  Toggle'
  3D73  0A              02242           defb    0ah
                        02243   ;       defm    'Text     Text     Lines   Lines   Lines   Lines   Lines '
  3D74  202020202020    02244           defm    '                  Lines   Lines   Lines   Lines   Lines '
  3DAC  4F6E20446973    02245           defm    'On Disk  Editor  Help'
  3DC1  0A              02246           defb    0ah
  3DC2  46696C653A20    02247           defm    'File:                             [] Hold  Down'
  3DF8  202020436F70    02248           defm    '   Copr. 1985,1999 fdiv'
  3E0F  0A              02249           defb    0ah
                        02250   ;                12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234
  3E10  202020202020    02251           defm    '                                Line        '
                        02252   ;                567890123456789012345678901234567890
  3E3C  5B5145442056    02253           defm    '[QED Version 1(4) 14-Feb-1999 fdiv]'  ;<2>Don't put anything
  3E5F  03              02254           defb    03h                             ;<2>in column 80
  3E60  52656D6F7665    02256   swapin: defm    'Remove the SYSTEM disk from Drive 0 and insert the PROGRAM'
  3E9A  03              02257           defb    03
  3E9B  52656D6F7665    02259   swapout:defm    'Remove the PROGRAM disk from Drive 0 and insert the SYSTEM'
  3ED5  0A              02260   swapcom:defb    0ah                     ;Start of shared message
  3ED6  6469736B2E20    02261           defm    'disk.  Then close the drive door.'
  3EF7  0A              02262           defb    0ah
  3EF8  507265737320    02263           defm    'Press  when you are ready '
  3F19  03              02264           defb    03
  3F1A  243F            02266   stptrs: defw    strdy,stint,stmrk,stinl,stpnt
  001F                  02268   txtsiz: equ     31                      ;Number of columns in text
                        02269   ;                1234567890123456789012345678901
  3F24  526561647920    02270   strdy:  defm    'Ready                          ';Not Doing anything else
  3F43  03              02271           defb    03
  3F44  496E73657274    02272   stint:  defm    'Insert Text                    ';Stretch Line
  3F63  03              02273           defb    03
  3F64  4D61726B204C    02274   stmrk:  defm    'Mark Lines To Move/Copy/Delete '
  3F83  03              02275           defb    03
  3F84  496E73657274    02276   stinl:  defm    'Insert Lines                   ';Insert Mode is on
  3FA3  03              02277           defb    03
  3FA4  506F696E7420    02278   stpnt:  defm    'Point Where Text Should Go     ';Dest of Copy or Move
  3FC3  03              02279           defb    03
  3FC4  CA3F         -  02281   errptrs:defw    nomrk,stmax,stout
  3FCA  10              02283   nomrk:  defb    16                              ;Start reverse video
  3FCB  54657874204D    02284           defm    'Text Must Be Marked First'     ;COPY/MOVE without mark
  3FE4  11              02285           defb    17                              ;Stop reverse video
  3FE5  202020202020    02286           defm                             '      ';Blanking
  3FEB  03              02287           defb    03
  3FEC  10              02289   stout:  defb    16
  3FED  4E6F204D6F72    02290           defm    'No More Memory.  File Too Large';Panic
  400C  11              02291           defb    17
  400D  03              02292           defb    03
  400E  10              02294   stmax:  defb    16
  400F  4C696E652043    02295           defm    'Line Can''t Be Any Longer'     ;Aborting insert
  4027  11              02296           defb    17
  4028  202020202020    02297           defm                             '      ';Blanking
  402E  03              02298           defb    03
  402F  10              02300   badrge: defb    16
  4030  4D6F76652F43    02301           defm    'Move/Copy can''t point to itself';
  404F  11              02302           defb    17
  4050  20              02303           defm                                    ' '
  4051  03              02304           defb    03
  4052  1E              02306   ncmsg:  defb    30
  4053  2D204E6F2043    02307           defm    '- No Changes Made -'
  4066  03              02308           defb    03
  4067  1E              02310   exmsg:  defb    30,16
  4069  4368616E6765    02311           defm    'Changes Made To The File.  Save Them?'
  408E  11              02312           defb    17,03
  4090  1E              02314   savf:   defb    30
  4091  536176696E67    02315           defm    'Saving File....'
  40A0  03              02316           defb    03
  40A1  1E              02318   savok:  defb    30
  40A2  46696C652053    02319           defm    'File Saved.'
  40AD  03              02320           defb    03
  40AE  536561726368 -  02322   stwh:   defm    'Search For What?               ';Find or Search for something
  40CD  03              02323           defb    03
  40CE  446F20596F75 -  02325   stsav:  defm    'Do You Want To Save?           ';Confirm a straight exit
  40ED  03              02326           defb    03
  40EE  536561726368 -  02328   stsf:   defm    'Search Failed                  ';No findie
  410D  03              02329           defb    03
  410E  4E6F7420656E    02331   nomem:  defm    'Not enough memory available'
  4129  0D              02332           defb    0dh
  412A  496E76616C69    02334   syerr:  defm    'Invalid Filename - Syntax is   filename/extension:drive '
  4162  6E756D626572    02335           defm    'number'
  4168  0D              02336           defb    0dh
  4169  535243          02338   defext: defm    'SRC'                   ;Default extension
  416C  1E              02340   fnf:    defb    30,16
  416E  46696C65204E    02341           defm    'File Not Found, Creating New File.'
  4190  11              02342           defb    17,03
  4192  1E              02344   nos:    defb    30,16
  4194  556E61626C65    02345           defm    'Unable to Save: '      ;(Reason gets stuffed in buffer)
  41A4  000000000000    02346   errtmp: defb    80%0                    ;Error message buffer
  41F4  00              02348   status: defb    0                       ;String that we are to display
  41F5  00              02349   ostatus:defb    0                       ;Last status
  41F6  00              02350   error:  defb    0                       ;Current error code
  41F7  02              02351   drives: defb    2                       ;At least two drives normally
                        02353   ;       Status equates
  0000               -  02354   normal:         equ     0               ;Normal screen mode
  0001                  02355   instxt:         equ     1               ;Insert text mode
  0002                  02356   marklin:        equ     2               ;Mark Lines
  0003                  02357   inslines:       equ     3               ;Insert lines
  0004                  02358   position:       equ     4               ;Position Cursor for Move or Copy
  03E8                  02360   maxlin: equ     1000
  41F8                  02362   linetbl:defs    maxlin*4                ;Allocate space for line pointers
  5198  AF5A            02366   freptr: defw    buffer
  519A  000000000000    02367   temp:   defb    82%0                    ;Work buffer
  51EC  00              02368   tmpsiz: defb    0                       ;Size of file in temp
  51ED  0000            02369   ptr:    defw    0                       ;Current line number
  51EF  00              02371           defb    0                       ;<4>Rest of space
  51F0  0000            02373   tmpcur: defw    0                       ;Temp copy while we are drawing
  51F2  0000            02374   top:    defw    0                       ;Line number at top of screen
  51F4  4E4F4E414D45    02375   fcb:    defm    'NONAME/SRC'
  51FE  03              02376           defb    3
  51FF  000000000000    02377           defb    22%0                    ;Rest of FCB
  5215  00              02378   col:    defb    0                       ;Column
  5216  0000            02379   bufsiz: defw    0                       ;Top of buffer
  5218  00              02380   mod:    defb    0                       ;Temp line is modified
  5219  00              02381   fmod:   defb    0                       ;File has been modified
  521A  00              02382   cmdwas: defb    0                       ;Last command (copy/move)
  521B  0000            02383   end:    defw    0                       ;Last line number
  521D  00              02384   eof:    defb    0                       ;Load control flag
                        02385   ;help:  defb    24                      ;Size of text portion of screen
  521E  11              02386   help:   defb    17                      ;Size of text portion of screen
  521F  0000            02387   mark:   defw    0                       ;Mark line
  5221  0000            02388   emark:  defw    0                       ;End of a marked block
  5223  000000000000    02389   numbuf: defb    6%0
  5229  2D456E642D      02390   endmsg: defm    '-End-'
  522E  03              02391           defb    03
  522F                  02392   screen: defs    23*80
  595F                  02393   scrst:  defs    80                      ;Last line of screen (used in help)
  59AF                  02394   
  59AF                  02395   ldbuf:  defs    256                     ;File buffer
  5AAF                  02396   
  5AAF                  02397   buffer:
  3000                  02398           end     begin

   No Assembly Errors

Time  = 0:08
Bytes = 4751 
Lines = 2390 

Model  4/4P  Z80  Assembler     Version  3(5)    Page 55        02/14/99        
Assembly Listing of QED/SRC
QED     Quick EDitor - by Frank Durda IV
Cross Reference Symbol Table
Label       Value         Ref Line #

Macros: ldos    

@abort      0015        133   150   187   
@ckeof      003E        340   
@close      003C        317   1123  1133  
@cls        0069        350   1022  
@dsp        0002        352   354   633   1013  
@dsply      000A        132   149   179   181   621   997   1009  1024  1064  
                        1071  1980  2047  
@error      001A        1042  
@exit       0016        1030  
@fext       004F        157   
@flags      0065        1038  
@fspec      004E        145   
@hexdec     0061        1971  
@high$      0064        122   
@init       003A        1085  
@key        0001        182   369   998   1025  
@mul16      005B        2091  
@open       003B        204   
@put        0004        1108  1114  
@read       0043        335   
@vdctl      000F        619   624   639   989   1062  1069  1931  1977  1986  
                        2035  2045  2206  
BIGFILE     0001        -116   294   1278  1312  1347  1364  1380  1709  1735  
                        1742  1764  1783  1864  1880  1889  2361  2370  
badrge      402F        1235  -2300  
begin       3000        -118   2398  
bkarrow     33A2        511   -701   
blnk        3C28        2115  -2204  
bos         3C3A        620   -2225  
break       3383        513   -676   
buffer      5AAF        125   2366  -2397  
bufsiz      5216        138   1430  1574  1594  -2379  
char        3199        383   -388   
char1       31AE        396   -399   
charend     31E0        435   -438   
charin      31D8        417   425   -433   
clear       316A        119   191   -350   
cmdwas      521A        1176  1250  -2382  
col         5215        405   433   438   464   475   486   493   667   690   
                        705   766   906   926   950   959   1142  1147  1152  
                        1983  -2378  
cpy3        385C        -1466  1472  
cpy4        3877        1485  -1493  1512  
cpycnt      3818        -1411  1426  
cpymem1     3849        1436  -1448  
cpymem2     383B        -1440  1457  
ctl         3249        380   384   -502   
curlow      3BF9        2155  -2173  
defext      4169        156   -2338  
dfixe       3A24        1855  -1904  
dlines      3997        540   -1802  
dlm4        39C7        1825  -1829  
dlmark      39B6        1805  -1821  
dlx1        39A1        -1809  1834  
dlx2        39DB        1835  -1839  
dnarrow     3418        505   -780   
docopy      3801        1252  -1399  
docur       3A6C        1933  -1947  
docx        3AAF        1949  1952  -1983  
dodelc      39EB        1817  1837  -1850  
doerror     3AFE        274   454   1054  1186  1236  1442  -2042  
doinv       3C0E        2169  -2184  
drawit      3B74        2068  2079  -2088  
drives      41F7        177   1019  -2351  
drnm        3C18        2144  2163  2168  2177  2182  -2192  
drvnxt      3046        -162   170   
emark       5221        1201  1206  1208  1216  1221  1229  1263  1295  1298  
                        1305  1400  1816  1836  1846  1861  1888  1905  2146  
                        2152  2159  2173  -2388  
empscr      3BC2        2130  -2140  
enc         3595        992   -1008  
end         521B        194   303   566   744   788   868   886   890   1094  
                        1215  1451  1630  1665  1678  1680  1760  1776  1791  
                        1793  1810  1821  1852  1856  1904  1908  1957  2112  
endmsg      5229        1962  -2390  
enough      3BAE        2118  2121  -2124  
ent1        3411        769   -772   
enter       3403        507   -765   
eof         521D        207   312   345   -2384  
eofl        3353        629   631   -637   
eolld       30F7        227   -280   
equit       359D        1001  1003  -1012  
erdncr      35EA        1046  -1050  
erfnlp      35E4        -1045  1048  
error       41F6        371   377   453   1074  1950  2049  -2350  
errptrs     3FC4        -2281  
errtmp      41A4        1040  1043  -2346  
exit        356E        549   -987   
exmsg       4067        996   -2310  
f1          34EB        523   -900   
f2          350B        525   -923   
f2x         3536        935   -950   
f2y         3548        948   957   -961   
f3          355D        527   -975   
fcb         51F4        144   155   161   202   316   334   342   625   1082  
                        1104  1122  1132  -2375  
fdrv        3056        164   -172   
fdrvl       306D        -182   186   
fileok      303A        142   146   -155   
fixcur      3A61        329   668   1072  -1939  2050  2211  
fixn        3AC2        1997  -2001  
fixscr      3B4D        328   374   577   592   596   679   734   755   801   
                        827   874   893   1005  1194  1333  1909  2015  -2059  
fixstat     3ABF        573   640   754   915   1193  1332  1914  -1999  
fixup       3B6E        2063  -2083  
fln         3343        -627   635   
fmod        5219        390   925   990   1126  1329  1795  1911  -2381  
fnf         416C        273   -2340  
freptr      5198        1431  1567  1581  1588  1600  -2366  
gcmem       38D3        1586  -1615  
gctime      38B6        1579  -1585  
getbuf      389D        -1567  1704  
getpos      3954        287   1099  1414  1627  1662  -1729  1788  1876  2127  
getptr      3961        1271  1306  1730  -1741  
getx        3957        1495  -1730  1777  
gfarsx      34DE        889   -891   
god1        3424        771   774   782   -786   
goeast      335F        515   -648   1155  
gofars      34C5        866   -879   
gonnth      3476        821   -832   
gonor1      345A        812   -816   
gonorth     344E        519   -810   
gosou1      3499        851   -855   
gosouth     348D        521   -849   
gottab      30C4        229   -242   
gowest      336A        517   -659   
gowt1       337A        652   665   -667   694   710   
help        521E        270   325   587   591   601   833   857   881   1947  
                        2007  2065  2088  2108  -2386  
helpok      332A        610   -617   
helpon      330B        272   327   595   -600   
helpx       32ED        529   -587   
helpy       32FF        589   -595   
insc        323E        490   -495   
inschr      31ED        394   -447   
inslines    0003        649   660   687   702   750   797   -2357  
insok       3209        449   -460   
instxt      0001        393   770   913   -2355  
insw        323A        488   -492   
invm        3C12        -2187  2190  
iseof       315B        336   -340   
jstld       3441        791   -800   
keysave     35F8        547   -1060  
ld1         3905        1642  -1650  
ldbuf       59AF        201   337   1084  -2395  
leacom      393A        -1698  1719  
leave       390A        299   730   786   816   855   1081  1248  1502  -1658  
leaveok     392D        1671  -1684  
linetbl     41F8        1751  -2362  
load        38D4        269   324   678   733   753   800   826   873   892   
                        979   1334  -1621  1915  
loadok      38F6        1636  -1640  
ltab        36A8        552   -1152  
mark        521F        576   1202  1207  1223  1261  1264  1270  1299  1401  
                        1410  1483  1829  1842  2151  2164  2178  -2387  
markit      32BF        538   -561   
marklin     0002        397   562   571   720   783   813   852   976   1178  
                        1804  2014  2143  -2356  
maxlin      03E8        1450  -2360  2362  
mk1         32E7        563   -580   
mlines      33DE        536   -744   
mod         5218        197   268   323   440   496   736   757   773   803   
                        968   1478  1651  1658  -2380  
moresp      31D2        -428   431   
movcpy      36BA        543   545   -1176  
movdlp      3795        -1303  1324  
movdone     37B3        1291  -1328  1513  
move1       36D1        1179  -1191  
move2       36E5        1181  -1201  1209  
move3       36FD        1205  -1215  
move31      370E        1219  -1223  
move5       3737        1228  1234  -1247  
move6       3780        1255  -1295  
movelen     37F7        1262  1297  -1375  
movilp      375F        -1268  1290  
mrkon       3BD3        2142  -2151  
ncmsg       4052        1008  -2306  
ncom        346D        -826   843   
newchar     3178        275   330   -369   443   458   498   555   569   578   
                        581   593   598   669   680   692   707   726   737   
                        748   758   804   828   875   894   902   904   909   
                        916   930   934   969   981   1006  1055  1076  1144  
                        1149  1187  1197  1239  1336  1445  1813  1917  
newlin      3968        752   798   1467  -1760  
nms1        318C        373   -378   
noadd       392C        -1682  
nofit       3942        1689  -1703  
nomem       410E        131   -2331  
nomrk       3FCA        1185  2281  -2283  
normal      0000        -2354  
nos         4192        1053  -2344  
nosav1      35CD        1033  -1035  
nosave      35C7        1018  -1032  1066  
notend      3A93        1961  -1968  
noteof      3169        341   -346   
notfnd      30DF        205   -267   
nrmstat     3AB9        400   489   580   650   661   676   688   703   721   
                        784   814   853   923   977   1080  -1995  
nthok       3485        838   -841   
numbuf      5223        1963  1970  1979  -2389  
numcom      3AA0        1966  -1975  
nxtbyt      30AA        -221   310   
nxtchk      30A5        -218   314   
nxtld       311F        225   234   238   254   263   -309   
okchar      31B3        398   -405   
ostatus     41F5        602   2002  2013  2018  -2349  
position    0004        395   718   781   811   850   1180  1191  2141  -2358  
ptr         51ED        193   286   300   302   320   565   575   604   723   
                        732   745   787   795   817   825   842   863   872   
                        891   1088  1091  1093  1117  1119  1128  1195  1224  
                        1230  1259  1296  1503  1505  1631  1666  1729  1761  
                        1809  1822  1827  1831  1843  1850  1857  1923  1939  
                        1958  1968  2059  2072  2083  2102  2106  2160  2165  
                        2174  2197  2199  2209  -2369  
quit        35AA        1010  1015  -1019  
quit1       35C1        1021  -1029  
quitl       35BA        -1025  1027  
rdnxt       314E        219   -334   
restbl      37E1        1284  1318  -1355  
rtab        3693        554   -1142  
rtarrow     338F        509   -686   
save        3625        1017  1065  -1080  
savend      3676        1097  -1122  
savf        4090        1063  -2314  
savlp1      365A        -1107  1111  
savlp2      3647        -1094  1120  
savnl       3663        1105  -1113  
savok       40A1        1070  -2318  
savq        3682        1124  -1127  1135  
savtbl      37CB        1272  1307  -1338  
screen      522F        637   2095  2096  2124  2204  -2392  
scrst       595F        2029  2032  -2393  
some        3020        129   -138   
status      41F4        391   456   561   572   648   659   686   701   717   
                        751   767   780   796   810   849   914   975   1177  
                        1192  1238  1331  1444  1803  1913  1996  1999  2017  
                        2140  -2348  
stharg      34DA        871   -890   
stinl       3F84        2266  -2276  
stint       3F44        2266  -2272  
stmax       400E        451   2281  -2294  
stmrk       3F64        2266  -2274  
stout       3FEC        1441  2281  -2289  
stpnt       3FA4        2266  -2278  
stptrs      3F1A        2022  -2266  
strdy       3F24        2266  -2270  
stsav       40CE        -2325  
stsf        40EE        -2328  
stwh        40AE        -2322  
swapcom     3ED5        180   -2260  
swapin      3E60        178   -2256  
swapout     3E9B        1023  -2259  
syerr       412A        148   -2334  
tabc        369F        -1147  1158  1160  
tabexp      30D5        -257   261   
temp        519A        211   307   406   426   469   478   940   951   1340  
                        1343  1346  1350  1356  1359  1362  1366  1497  1621  
                        1622  1647  1699  1929  -2367  
tmpcur      51F0        1089  1127  1196  2103  2145  2208  -2373  
tmpsiz      51EC        283   413   419   447   483   663   900   928   963   
                        965   1499  1640  1685  -2368  
top         51F2        195   605   615   818   841   856   880   1924  1940  
                        2060  2078  2084  2105  -2374  
tscr        3BB1        -2126  2202  
twod        307E        166   168   175   -192   
twodc       307B        184   -191   
txtsiz      001F        2030  -2268  
up1         33C0        719   -723   
uparrow     33B4        503   -717   
updlin      3A49        375   442   457   497   597   966   980   1148  1335  
                        1916  -1923  
wpsav       3689        1109  1115  -1131  

[Copyright 1999,2002,2007 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this site in any form is expressly prohibited.
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