LS-DOS 6.3.1 Source Code Restoration Project

[Copyright 1999,2002,2004 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
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LS-DOS is an operating system developed in the early 1980s for use on the Tandy/Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 4, a Z80-based computer introduced in early 1983. LS-DOS was originally derived from the LDOS 5.1 operating system that already existed for use on the TRS-80 Model I and Model III systems, and this new operating system was originally sold under license to Tandy Corporation (parent of Radio Shack), who called it TRSDOS 6. In 1987, Logical Systems decided to market a newer version of the operating system directly to computer owners, and called it LS-DOS 6.3.

The LS-DOS 6.3.1 operating system source code, assembly listings and executables (over 400 URLs) are presented here, and combined can be used to produce an exact replica of the executables of the LS-DOS 6.3.1 release, with the ability to create several official patch releases.

Notice: Because of its size and due to some of the reformatting that was done to make the material more suitable to web browser presentation, it may not be practical to download all of the components of LS-DOS as presented here, particularly if your goal is to assemble the entire operating system. However, all of this material as well as supplementary materials (including a step-by-step compilation and media build process) are available on media for a nominal charge. This can be obtained from M. A. D. Software

A detailed history of the recovery of the LS-DOS source code and the 6.3.1 restoration effort can be found at the link below. It is recommended reading and will help you understand how this operating system evolved.

History of the LS-DOS 6.3.1 Source Code Restoration Project (RECOMMENDED READING)
Plain ASCII version of the History of the LS-DOS 6.3.1 Source Code Restoration Project

In 1984, Logical Systems published most of the source code to TRSDOS 6.2.0 in a three-volume set entitled "The Source". For that publication, the operating system was divided into three parts, the System, Libraries and Utilities, each published in its own volume.

The LS-DOS 6.3.1 source tree presented here has been organized with a similar structure, with a few extra categories to handle the materials not published in 1984 as well as some auxillary materials.

Each volume is divided up by the name of individual sections, each containing one executable module. Each section includes all of the source code files that make up that executable, along with the assembly listings and the finished binary.

LS-DOS 6.3.1: The System (Core Operating System source code)

LS-DOS 6.3.1: The Libraries (Library Commands source code)

LS-DOS 6.3.1: The Utilities (Utility Programs source code)

LS-DOS 6.3.1: The Utilities (Odds and Ends - Misc source code)

[Copyright 1999,2002,2004 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
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