LS-DOS 6.3.1 - LBLIB Assembly Listing (HTML format version)

[Copyright 1999,2002,2014 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
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MISOSYS EDAS-4.3 04/11/99 00:20:05 LIB - LS-DOS 6.2             Page 00001 

              00001 ;LBLIB/ASM - LIB/CLS/TOF Commands
0000          00003 *GET    BUILDVER:3
              00004 ;
              00005 ;       Buildver/asm is a bit of a kludge since not all utilities can load
              00006 ;       equates from LDOS60 and still compile.  LOWCORE and everybody else
              00007 ;       relies on this setting, and it eventually ends up in LDOS60/EQU
              00008 ;       for programs that can use that.
              00009 ;
FFFF          00010 @BLD631         EQU     -1      ;<631>Build 631 distribution (LEVEL 1B)
              00011 ;       These switches activate patches made since the 1B release.
              00012 ;       It is important that all earlier patches be enabled when a higher
              00013 ;       patch is enabled.
              00014 ;       Patches C thru F were published in TMQ IV.iv, page 32 (NOTE: the
              00015 ;       patch addresses listed for SPOOL in SPOOL1/FIX are 19H high.)
FFFF          00016 @BLD631C        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1C patches (SETKI)
FFFF          00017 @BLD631D        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1D patches (DIR)
FFFF          00018 @BLD631E        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1E patches (DIR & MEMDISK/DCT)
FFFF          00019 @BLD631F        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1F patches (SPOOL)
              00020 ;       Patches G and H were published in TMQ V.i, pages 10 and 18/19.
FFFF          00021 @BLD631G        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1G patches (//KEYIN,DIR,DO *)
FFFF          00022 @BLD631H        EQU     -1      ;<631>Apply 1H patches (MEMORY)
              00023 ;
              00024 ;End of BUILDVER/ASM
0000          00025 *GET    SVCMAC:3                ;SVC Macro equivalents
              00026 ;SVCMAC/ASM - LS-DOS Version VI
              00027 *LIST   OFF
              00419 *LIST   ON
              00421 ;
000D          00422 CR      EQU     13
000A          00423 LF      EQU     10
1E00          00424 OVLAY$  EQU     1E00H
101F          00425 IDBYT   EQU     101FH           ;Ptr to serial #
              00426 ;
2400          00427         ORG     2400H
              00428 ;
              00429 ;
              00430 ;       LIB command entry point
              00431 ;
2400 C32224   00432 LIB     JP      JPLIB           ;Skip around to 'LIB'
              00433 ;
              00434 ;       CLS command entry point
              00435 ;
2403 C31C24   00436         JP      CLS             ;Skip around to 'CLS'
2406 C30025   00437         JP      DOID            ;ID entry pt
              00438 ;
              00439 ;       TOF command entry point
              00440 ;
              00441 TOF
2409 0E0C     00442         LD      C,12            ;Load TOF character
240B          00443         @@PRT                   ;Do @PRT SVC
240B+3E06     00444         LD      A,6
240D+EF       00445         RST     40
              00446         IF      @BLD631
              00447 L240E:
              00448         ENDIF
240E 210000   00449         LD      HL,0            ;Init to no error
2411 C8       00450         RET     Z               ;  and back if ok
2412 6F       00451 TOFERR  LD      L,A             ;Error code to HL
2413 2600     00452         LD      H,0
2415 F6C0     00453         OR      0C0H            ;Abbrev, return
2417 4F       00454         LD      C,A
2418          00455         @@ERROR
2418+3E1A     00456         LD      A,26
241A+EF       00457         RST     40
241B C9       00458         RET
              00459 ;
241C 3E69     00460 CLS     LD      A,105           ;@CLS svc
241E EF       00461         RST     40              ;  and do it
241F AF       00462         XOR     A               ;Ret without error
              00463         IF      @BLD631
2420 18EC     00464         JR      L240E           ;<631>
              00465         ELSE
              00466         LD      L,A
              00467         LD      H,A
              00468         RET
              00469         ENDIF
              00470 ;
2422 0603     00471 JPLIB   LD      B,3             ;Init for 3 libraries
2424 C5       00472 LIB0    PUSH    BC
2425          00473         @@DSPLY LIBMSG
              00474         IFEQ    01H,1
2425+219224   00475         LD      HL,LIBMSG
              00476         ENDIF
2428+3E0A     00477         LD      A,10
242A+EF       00478         RST     40
242B 360A     00479         LD      (HL),LF         ;Put LF at start of
              00480                                 ;  string for next time
242D 2A021E   00481         LD      HL,(OVLAY$+2)   ;PU table pointer
2430 0602     00482 LIB1    LD      B,2             ;Dsply 1st command
2432 CD8A24   00483         CALL    TAB             ;  tabbed in 2 spaces
2435 0E07     00484         LD      C,7             ;Init for 7-across
2437 7E       00485 LIB2    LD      A,(HL)
2438 B7       00486         OR      A
2439 2837     00487         JR      Z,LIB4          ;Jump on end
243B E5       00488         PUSH    HL
243C 110700   00489         LD      DE,7            ;Index to lib #
243F 19       00490         ADD     HL,DE
2440 3E80     00491 LIBX    LD      A,80H           ;Init for LIB-A
2442 BE       00492         CP      (HL)            ;Is this command in
2443 2804     00493         JR      Z,LIB2A         ;  the current library?
2445 F1       00494         POP     AF              ;Is not, skip past it
2446 23       00495         INC     HL
2447 18EE     00496         JR      LIB2
              00497 ;
2449 E1       00498 LIB2A   POP     HL              ;Get 1st char of command
244A C5       00499         PUSH    BC              ;Save reg C
244B 4E       00500         LD      C,(HL)          ;  and display in upper
244C          00501         @@DSP
244C+3E02     00502         LD      A,2
244E+EF       00503         RST     40
244F 0605     00504         LD      B,5             ;Write 6-char LIB word
2451 23       00505 LIB3    INC     HL              ;Point to next char
2452 7E       00506         LD      A,(HL)
2453 FE20     00507         CP      ' '             ;If space, don't lower
2455 2802     00508         JR      Z,$+4           ;  case the char
2457 EE20     00509         XOR     20H
2459 4F       00510         LD      C,A             ;Xfer to C & display it
245A          00511         @@DSP
245A+3E02     00512         LD      A,2
245C+EF       00513         RST     40
245D 10F2     00514         DJNZ    LIB3
              00515 ;
245F 0605     00516         LD      B,5             ;Move over 5 spaces
2461 CD8A24   00517         CALL    TAB             ;  for start of next command
2464 23       00518         INC     HL              ;Bypass LIB parm vector
2465 23       00519         INC     HL
2466 23       00520         INC     HL
2467 C1       00521         POP     BC              ;Get across counter
2468 0D       00522         DEC     C               ;  & decrement
2469 20CC     00523         JR      NZ,LIB2         ;Loop on < 7
246B 0E0D     00524         LD      C,CR            ;Write a new line
246D          00525         @@DSP
246D+3E02     00526         LD      A,2
246F+EF       00527         RST     40
2470 18BE     00528         JR      LIB1            ;Loop
              00529 ;
2472 0E0D     00530 LIB4    LD      C,CR            ;End with new line
2474          00531         @@DSP
2474+3E02     00532         LD      A,2
2476+EF       00533         RST     40
2477 219C24   00534         LD      HL,LIBMSG+10
247A 34       00535         INC     (HL)            ;Bump to next lib
247B 3A4124   00536         LD      A,(LIBX+1)      ;Advance RST code also
247E C620     00537         ADD     A,20H
2480 324124   00538         LD      (LIBX+1),A
2483 C1       00539         POP     BC              ;Recover Lib count
2484 109E     00540         DJNZ    LIB0            ;Loop until all done
2486 210000   00541         LD      HL,0            ;Set no error
2489 C9       00542         RET
              00543 ;
248A 0E20     00544 TAB     LD      C,' '           ;Display spaces,
248C          00545         @@DSP
248C+3E02     00546         LD      A,2
248E+EF       00547         RST     40
248F 10F9     00548         DJNZ    TAB             ;  reg B has count
2491 C9       00549         RET
              00550 ;
2492 00       00551 LIBMSG  DB      0,'Library ',CR
     4C 69 62 72 61 72 79 20
     3C 41 3E 0D 
              00552 ;
              00553 ;       Generate ID code
              00554 ;
              00555         IFLT    $,2500H
2500          00556         ORG     2500H
              00557         ENDIF
              00558 ;
              00559         IF      @BLD631
2500 210A25   00560 DOID    LD      HL,NOID$                ;<631>
2503          00561         @@DSPLY                         ;<631>
              00562         IFEQ    00H,1
              00563         LD      HL,
              00564         ENDIF
2503+3E0A     00565         LD      A,10
2505+EF       00566         RST     40
2506 210000   00567         LD      HL,0                    ;<631>
2509 C9       00568         RET                             ;<631>
250A 4E       00569 NOID$   DB      'No service contract!',CR       ;<631>
     6F 20 73 65 72 76 69 63
     65 20 63 6F 6E 74 72 61
     63 74 21 0D 
              00570         ELSE
              00571 NOID    LD      HL,NOID$
              00572         DB      0DDH
              00573 BADID   LD      HL,BADID$
              00574         @@LOGOT
              00575         LD      HL,-1
              00576         JR      EXIT1
              00577 EXIT    LD      HL,0
              00578 EXIT1   LD      SP,$-$
              00579 SAVSTK  EQU     $-2
              00580         @@CKBRKC
              00581         RET
              00582 ;
              00583 NOID$   DB      'Error reading ID file',CR
              00584 BADID$  DB      'Invalid customer service ID found',CR
              00585 ;
              00586 DOID
              00587         LD      (SAVSTK),SP
              00588         LD      HL,FCB0         ;Make usable name
              00589         PUSH    HL
              00590         LD      B,15
              00591 IDLP1   LD      A,(HL)
              00592         XOR     1BH
              00593         LD      (HL),A
              00594         INC     HL
              00595         DJNZ    IDLP1
              00596         POP     DE
              00597         LD      HL,1400H
              00598         LD      B,0
              00599         @@FLAGS                 ;Get the flag table
              00600         SET     0,(IY+'S'-'A')  ;No open bit
              00601         LD      A,24H
              00602         ADD     A,B
              00603         LD      H,A
              00604         @@OPEN
              00605         JP      NZ,NOID
              00606         LD      C,IDBYT<-8
              00607         @@POSN                  ;Get the sector
              00608         @@READ
              00609         JP      NZ,NOID         ;Quit on error
              00610         LD      L,IDBYT&0FFH    ;This should be '#'
              00611         LD      A,(HL)
              00612         CP      '#'
              00613         JP      NZ,BADID        ;Bad if not
              00614         LD      A,L             ;Now add offset to
              00615         ADD     A,12
              00616         LD      E,A
              00617         LD      D,H
              00618         PUSH    DE
              00619         LD      HL,IDRET        ;Continue pt
              00620         EX      (SP),HL
              00621         PUSH    HL              ;Push junk
              00622         CALL    IDBYT&0FFH+12+2400H
              00623 IDRET   AND     98H             ;See if we came back
              00624         XOR     80H
              00625         CP      18H
              00626         JP      NZ,BADID
              00627         POP     HL              ;Get back buffer ptr
              00628         POP     DE              ;Pop address junk
              00629         LD      B,10            ;Count of digits
              00630         LD      E,D             ;25h
              00631         LD      D,22H           ;Pt to sysbuf
              00632         LD      A,E
              00633         DEC     L
              00634         XOR     11011010B
              00635         LD      E,A             ;Must be 22ffh
              00636 IDLP2   LD      A,(HL)
              00637         DEC     L
              00638         SUB     30H
              00639         LD      (DE),A
              00640         DEC     DE
              00641         DJNZ    IDLP2
              00642 ;
              00643         CALL    DOSYS3
              00644         JP      EXIT
              00645 ;
              00646 DOSYS3  LD      A,80H!30H!5     ;SYS3,entry 30h
              00647         RST     40              ;Execute overlay
              00648 ;
              00649 FCB0    DB      'HBH+4HBH5WHR_TH',3
              00650         DS      20              ;FCB FOR SYS0
              00651         ENDIF
2400          00652         END     LIB
2400 is the transfer address
00000 Total errors

[Copyright 1999,2002,2014 Frank Durda IV, All Rights Reserved.
Mirroring of any material on this page in any form is expressly prohibited.
The official web site for this material is:
Contact this address for use clearances: clearance_2014 at
Comments and queries to this address: web_software_2014 at]

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